dc911truth - 9/11 Film Series: TerrorStorm and Able Danger

This year for the anniversary of 9/11, dc911truth will present a series of films related to the events of September eleventh at Busboys and Poets (14th and V st. NW) in Washington, DC from 6 to 11PM. We will be featuring two films, TERRORSTORM at 6pm to be followed by a question and answer session.
At 9:11pm we will be presenting the Washington premiere screening of ABLE DANGER. We are also pleased that Sander Hicks, who is the real-life model for the main character of the film, will be on-hand to speak about the film and answer questions.

Take a chance on peace...


Great work...

...and I suggest that you throw in a few PEACE films here and there...perhaps starting with "Sir! No Sir". With what we know about "psy-ops", we will break the barriers affecting their growth and that "old dog gang" will become awsome...and digitized!

Someday there will be an amzing breakthrough within the peace activists as they come to see the amazing 'looking glass" that 9/11 Truth brings to understanding issues of War and Peace and our corrupted government...aka...extentions of corporations...

For now they are rather stubbornly stuck in last century's "think"...but someday they will not be so arrested in their development and will explode back on the scene...

BTW...I sense that they are actually listening to us a bit...but they are not likely to admit it.

That's OK by me...as long as SOMEHOW...they get into THIS century...

Don't really care how it happens...but I do care that they join our parade...

Love, Peace and Progress

Robin Hordon

Robin, just saw you in the film Zero

You were great! Thanks for being so clear and making such a compelling case.

It IS more complicated...


Thank you for your kind words.

I exist in a space between understanding a very, very complex system of "scrambles or NO scrambes"...and its something that took me quite a few years as an air traffic controller to fully understand myself.

However, bringing citizens of the world "on board" about hijacking scrambles versus in flight emergency scrambles sometimes requires far simpler explanations and some examples that people can get their heads around...examples that exist in their own daily lives.

Doing this sometimes gets me into trouble with some researchers and authors who look at crossed "T"s or dotted "I"s in instruction manuals and then consider them paramount, which they are not.

But in the end, NORAD was stood down on 9/11 and it was done so with great sophistication by the HI PERPS who, above anything else, never wanted to leave some "written crumbs" establishing a trail leading to the special house in the woods...aka...the Pentagon.

Its my strongest belief that we need to break down what we KNOW in being on the inside, which is a great amount of detailed information leading to US government complicity in the 9/11 attacks, into something that is more understandible and acceptable to the avergage citizen.

Without the deliberate establishment of this process in dealing with the public, the 9/11 Truth Movement will self-dissolve.

So, thanks again, I do hope that folks feel free to use the "fire station--mayor's approval analogy" when they try to explain WHY there were no interceptors launched in a timely fashion on 9/11.

Sometimes...LESS...is MORE!

Robin Hordon

FYI- Truth Films Back to the Top of Google Video


911 False Flag - 73 min - Feb 25, 2008
NuoViso - www.nuoviso.com

(195 Ratings) Rate:

purchse DVD at: http://www.NuoViso.com “The world has changed after September 11th. It’s changed because we’re no longer safe.” ...all » purchse DVD at: http://www.NuoViso.com “The world has changed after September 11th. It’s changed because we’re no longer safe.” These words were used by the George W. Bush, elected President of the United States in 2000, to dictate the political direction for the 21st Century. Whereas Americans launch attacks relatively quickly, first on Afghanistan and later on Iraq, using falsified evidence, doubts about the official version of the events of September 11th grows. The speculations that surfaced on the internet directly after the attacks were considered to be just wild conspiracy theories until this now. Yet the circumstantial evidence and even the substantial evidence itself paints a clear picture. The responsibility for the terrible attacks seems to lie not with Islamic Terrorists but with several high-ranking members of the military and administration of the U.S. Government. This documentary focuses on the inconsistencies in the official version of the events as well as on the evidence which has been suppressed regarding September 11th. In addition, it answers the questions of why we still know nothing about it to this day and why we are being deceived – also in Europe.

Breaking The Silence - Truth and Lies in the War on Terror (HQ) by Jo...
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Breaking The Silence - Truth and Lies in the War on Terror (HQ Copy) by John Pilger John Pilger dissects the truth and lies in the 'war on terror'. ...
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So....who is going to come to the movies??

Will not we just be "preaching to the choir"??

When are we getting in the street?

When are we getting really pissed??

Lets make a fuckin scene already, something theatrical, something that cannot, ney, that shall not be ignored!!

Cant we please just raise a mother fucking ruckus once in a goddamn while?

I'm sorry....I drive into DC every day to work and would love to take part in some MASSIVE street projects, but freakin "movie night" is like soooo 2004, come on. Matt, i think i met you when we wrapped the white house in crime scene tape.........Now that was a BLAST! Lets build on THAT!!!

Bigger, Better, More! Peaceful Revolution! Now! Today!!

Feel free to raise a ruckus

Please camusrebel, go ahead and raise a ruckus. We're not stoppping you.

But I resent you criticizing the efforts of Matt and DC 911 Truth. We work hard. We produce and distribute the Rock Creek Free Press every month, which has a steadily growing circulation. We were in a 4th of July parade and passed out about 2,000 brochures, which we also produced. I have a blog, http://www.sheilacasey.com. I was just interviewed for 2 hours on Kevin Barrett's radio program. And on 9/11 we will have a film festival, with Sander Hicks present to answer questions.

We all contribute in our own way, as our bank accounts and energy levels allow. Each must decide for themselves how best to serve the cause of truth.

I share your desire to wake this country up NOW. If you have a good plan for making a "motherfucking ruckus," let's hear it. Keep in mind that getting arrested can be expensive and time consuming, and there have been many ruckuses raised that have had little effect because the media won't report them.

I'm thinking of the enormous anti-war marches in early 2003, before we invaded Iraq. On one day, an estimated 8 to 30 million people protested in 800 cities worldwide against a US invasion of Iraq. What effect did that have?

>>I was just interviewed for

>>I was just interviewed for 2 hours on Kevin Barrett's radio program

Have you seen this?
"Kevin Barrett is a prominent 9/11 activist. While he has significantly contributed awareness for the 9/11 truth movement, he has also damaged its credibility with damaging associations, discrediting theories, and controversial statements."

And there's more here. This isn't just a handful of people noticing. There is a reason he is no longer allowed on most forums. It's sad but true. It's extremely difficult to criticize a person who just gave you a mic to the world, but come back to these discussions when you can, later.

We can do that too. Please

We can do that too. Please don't sit from afar (rather near actually) and judge. Get involved.

911 Truth Ends 911 Wars

Come challenge the Cognitive Dissonance of the DC status quo

This is an opportunity to show that government co-worker who thinks you are full of bat guano, that we don't wear tin-foil hats. Aluminum is bad for you, anyway. Helps cause Alzheimer's and holes in the brain, especially if you accelerate it with Rumsfeld's biological neurotoxin hazard, Aspartame. Mmmm! Toxins are yummy, especially when provided by Uncle Rummy!!

