Loose Change 2 on Local Fox Affiliate

Congratulations to Dylan Avery and everyone else involved in the creation of Loose Change 2. This is an incredible accomplishment.

Apparently they will be taking a closer look at the video on tonights broadcast so there should be more to come. Stay tuned!

NOTE: Look out for a full review of Loose Change 2 tonight on 911blogger.com!

what is the headline of this

what is the headline of this post? i cant see it, the site is fucking up on me.

I posted an email to the TV

I posted an email to the TV station thanking them for their extended and so-far fair coverage.


Vernon Rowlands, Program Director
John Leet, General Manager

Please email them and thank them. Support their courage to put this out with extended coverage to their audiences - and to the internet/world community.

the hole in the dike is getting larger and more numerous.

Holy cow. This is awesome.

Holy cow. This is awesome. And they treat it as though it's nothing!! First they show a potential breakdown of the US Government and HUGE international havoc, and then they continue with sports :D :D :D

Notice one of the other news

Notice one of the other news stories mentions how government agents are planting stories in Iraqi newspapers?

I believe a Fox affiliate also did the Steven Jones story. I think Bush's free ride, at least with Fox, is over.

On another note, since it has become evident that the U.S. is propagandizing (is that even a word) the newspapers in Iraq, is it too far fetched a theory that they have been doing the same here for years?

Don't hold your breath on

Don't hold your breath on that one SBG... Fox local is a COMPLETELY different animal than Fox National...

In regards to your news

In regards to your news comment... there is evidence that we're "fed" manufactured news... The Bush Administration has already done it... there are a few articles on my site about it.

SBG, look up in google,


look up in google, OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD.

Also, try to find the Carl Bernstein, from Watergate fame, article in the October 1977 Rolling Stone about CIA infiltration to the media. It's just the tip of the iceberg unfortunately.

Also see - Guyatt, David. “Subverting the Media” DeepBlackLies.co.uk http://www.deepblacklies.co.uk/subverting_the_media.htm

Yes, they are routinely doing the same here...Armstrong Williams, Jeff Gannon-guckert, Judith Miller with security clearance - ahem, CIA...

Rockefeller at the Baden Baden Bilderberg Conference:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years ... It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

Don't think for a moment that it isn't happening here...not even the broadcast TV has been immune...look at the broadcasters, text repeaters, that are members of the CFR, Trilateralists, and other Think-Tanks.


On another note, since it

On another note, since it has become evident that the U.S. is propagandizing (is that even a word) the newspapers in Iraq, is it too far fetched a theory that they have been doing the same here for years?
somebigguy | Homepage | 12.02.05 - 9:17 am | #
that was the first thought that came to my mind when that story broke.forget Armstrong WIlliams,fake government ads that resemble news spots,and Jeff Gannon, i think it goes much deeper than that.(Rumsfeld and the state department signed off on the plan to plant fake news on the internet.somehow, this is actually legal.)

Good lord, this really IS

Good lord, this really IS "Fair and Balanced" compared to *ucker Carlson.

I wrote them a thank you email.

*ucker Carlson was probably

*ucker Carlson was probably told to do that story.. Which of course makes him guilty.

Dylan Avery and his crew earn lots of love for their work. absolutely brilliant!

This is a great piece.

This is a great piece. Great job loose change guys!

i actually think the fake news in iraq is a planted story by the us. they want the iraqis to despair about the situation and instill an insurgency IMO, and a population that doesn't believe good things are happening to prolong the war. after all, it was the military that reported the story to the LA Times!

what was the event here? is

what was the event here? is this some kind of press conference?

just fixed the formatting of

just fixed the formatting of the title, and changed the video links since the private link posted was no longer working..

?: watch the video!

The event we were at was

The event we were at was Cindy Sheehan's speech at our local college, SUCO. We were walking over to Doug to hand him a DVD and before we could even open our mouths, he asked us for an interview. As for the rest...you watched it. =D

my computer is fucked up.i

my computer is fucked up.i cant watch it.

Splendid work guys.

Splendid work guys.

Dylan, did Cindy Sheehan

Dylan, did Cindy Sheehan seem interested in the dvd? ive heard her speak about PNAC and the like, and have often wondered where she stands on 9/11.

C- Check out the blog at

C- Check out the blog at loosechange911.com for the answer to your question.

damn, you couldnt just give

damn, you couldnt just give me a yes or no? hahaha, just kidding,i'll go.

question=C, sorry bout that.

question=C, sorry bout that.

dylan and his team are

dylan and his team are officially 'daddy' for the day ;)

i will pray that tonights coverage is just as good.. next thing you know that whole city might be marching to a different drummer!

each of us came to the table because of someone else, and i bet dylan will bring a lot to the table tonight.

be sure to check out dylan's site linked in his comment, i have a feeling that he will be getting in a lot more reporters faces over the next few weeks ;)

Thanks Dylan, your first

Thanks Dylan, your first Loose Change vid is the best I have seen to date and I have seen them all. I would love to see the full movie shown on TV or at a movie theater like Michael Moore's movie. Boy would that wake people up in a hurry. Keep up the great work! Also, I would sure love to see Cindy Sheehan get on the 9/11 truth team. With the attention she gets it would really help our cause. Lets face it, without 9/11 there would have never been an Iraq war and her son would still be alive. Next to 9/11 truth, all other issues are irrelevant

Dylan... please email me at

Dylan... please email me at Gold9472@comcast.net... Gabriel Day from 911Truth.org said he wants to get in touch with you, but doesn't have your contact information. Thanks.

Jon Gold
911Truth.org Steering Committee

Wonderful. That's the first

Wonderful. That's the first time I've seen the mainstream media (MSM) cover 9/11 truth without deriding those asking the questions. Now if we can get this steamrolled further onto larger stations and eventually onto one or more networks. Frankly, I don't expect it since the MSM are owned and controlled by vested interests in keeping the big lie going. So how did this squeak thru on that Fox affiliate? Maybe the powers that be don't care about small stations? Curious.

To kw, I did it get out on

To kw,
I did it get out on the air? I suspect that naive and innocent folks put it out there, unaware of the heavy load of "baggage" that goes along with this story. (Does anyone know if anything happened to the CBS station in Salt Lake City for airing a positive story about Steven Jones?)

But, I'd like to think that these are just good people doing a good job. Perhaps they could rise to the top and outclass all others by breaking such a big, REAL NEWS, story.

Let's hope it's the latter. Perhaps all of our fan mail will help this outcome.

C, In answer to your

In answer to your question:
I saw Cindy S. in August and it was clear that she knows what's going on -- and that she understands the media game. The fact that you asked that question shows just how good she is.

There are a host of others, just like her. Recall the hearing John Conyers had on the Downing Street Minutes (DSM) June 16. All of the panelists were careful not to mention the 911 issue. The next day, on (national) FOX news, I heard the O'Reilly guy accuse them of "distorting the meaning of 'fixed' " in the DSM, and then added something like, "and they also said the Bush administration orchestrated 911." I thought that was quite telling.

That's really awesome.

That's really awesome. Great job Dylan!

Ey, that media coverage link

Ey, that media coverage link is a review of the first LC, not the 2nd...

Dylan, It was excellent!

It was excellent! The organization of those video clips presented an amazingly concise argument. This argument should convince any thinking person of the need to look further. Impressive job!
Thank you!

so janedoe, you think its a

so janedoe, you think its a good thing that they ignore 9/11?is that what you are saying?if enough people started saying it was an inside job, people would be forced to confront it.i dont understand how you can defend the fact that they believe 9/11 was an inside job, but dont speak out about it because of fear of the media.im sorry, i just dont see the logic.

can someone PLEASE give me a

can someone PLEASE give me a transcript of this? my computer is so fucked up that i cant listen to anything,and my video has problems as well. if someone could hook me up with a trascript i would be so grateful.thanks guys.

is it true they are doing a

is it true they are doing a report on the pentagon tonight?

C, My computer can't run the

My computer can't run the *.wmv posted here. I found this one at LC, that works fine for me. Perhaps it will for you.

About the DSM folks -
They were trying to get just ONE issue addressed, and were still being dismissed as kooks. If they had piled more events on the table, they'd certainly be written off as kooks by the general public. Note, when the DSM first came out (May 1, in London), no paper would even touch it. There were protests in front of the Washington Post, blocking the street ...and they didn't even make the news. A year ago, we had the fraudulent "selection" of Bush, and most people were aware of the swinging votes, suddenly swinging the other way after midnight, and that was never addressed in the media.

Hell of a job guys!!! Thanks

Hell of a job guys!!! Thanks for all your hard work!!

I am hoping more youth

I am hoping more youth oriented sites, be it webcomics, gamer sites, humor related sites, political comic sties, geek related news sites, etc start referencing(or better yet linking or reporting) on 9/11 truth. Imagine if 9/11 truth came out into the youth demographic like the anti war thing has?
Can't wait to see footage from the 2nd night of loose change coverage.
Btw, to Dylan: Anyway ya guys can get Loose Change 2nd edition onto Netflix? That would be another good thing. So far the only thing close to 9/11 truth on netflix is Aftermath: Unanswered Questions about 9/11.

They did it!!!

They did it!!!


I can't see it on my mac. Can someone post a *.mov or *.mpg of it?


It's not currently working

It's not currently working for me janedoe

It seems to be ok

It seems to be ok now,

http://media.wicz.com/12-02 Terror Conspiracy.wmv

sorry http://media.wicz.com/1

Bummer. I can only hear it;

Bummer. I can only hear it; I can't see it. (I think microsoft still has a "war on Macs.")
I'll go troll the LC site and hope they post an *.mpg version like they did for the one yesterday.

This is amazing!! Awesome

This is amazing!!

Awesome work guys!! The creators of this video have done as much or more than anyone else to expose the truth behind 9/11!

They should be damned proud and saluted as true American heroes and patriots!

This is a major accomplishment for the 9/11 truth movement!

Keep it up everyone... We can still bring these bastards down and expose the globalists' contempt for our common man!

Time to rally together to return our countries to our roots as free nations!

Well, off to email Fox to thank them for having the balls to cover the story...

i cant even see OR hear it,

i cant even see OR hear it, i sure wish i could get a transcript(hint,hint).

I've got an mpg copy of the

I've got an mpg copy of the two installments merged. Its 65mg and if I put it on my server I would be whipped until near death by my sys admin. I would gladly pass it on if someone else could host it. I've it split in two parts also.