9/11 Revisited: Scientific and Ethical Questions

Prof. Steven E. Jones will provide an invited seminar open to the public at Utah Valley State College in Orem, Utah, on February 1, 2006:

Steven E. Jones, Professor of Physics, Brigham Young University, 7:00-8:30 p.m., CS 404 (Center for the Study of Ethics, Cosponsored with the School of Science and Health)

(Thanks to Monte for submitting this)

If anyone in Utah will be in

If anyone in Utah will be in the area and can film this event, please contact me directly via the contact links on the left panel.

sorry for not staying on

sorry for not staying on topic,
but i just posted this message at
most are good people over there but
I need a little help ocassionally, drop some 9-11 411 over there

Dear yankeedoodle, matt and Friendly Fire
1st off "he who dares not to offend cannot not be honest" Thomas paine.

I'm sure you all's plight is very similar to mine "bring our troops home now"
But i assume the above mentioned award writers and sites are very similar to you all's...and them sites are very similar to those in the MSM sites (in bit in pieces).
So whats the real difference between you alls site and the MSM...not much right?
Whats a shame and Sham is there is no mention of the most important websites on the internet and them Dear Sirs is the 9-11 websites and thier researchers...and you all do not even link up to them and thats a shame and sham also
ps Bob from previous Haloscan
thanks again for watching my back!

Was going to ask if someone

Was going to ask if someone could video tape the event and torrent the file... DZ beat me to it... Would be greatful if anybody could do this.

invited seminar open to the

invited seminar open to the public ?
how to get invited or just show up?