Propping Up the War on Terror: Lies about the WTC by NIST and UL

Quite a lengthy article that discusses the coverup of the controlled demolition. A few of the finer points are listed here, please follow the link for the whole article. Thank you to Sitting-Bull for this submission:

"Already there is near-consensus as to the sequence of events that led to the collapse of the World Trade Center."--Shankar Nair, as quoted in the Chicago Tribune, September 19, 2001
Selling the Official Story: Some Key Players

Shankar Nair, whose statement quoted above is quite telling, was one of those "experts" on whom the government depended to support what turned out to be an ever-changing, but always flimsy, story. Many of the scientists involved in the investigation were asked to examine ancillary issues, like escape routes and other emergency response factors. But those few who attempted to explain what really needed explaining, the unique events of fire-induced collapse, appear to have engaged in what can only be called anti-science. That is, they started with their conclusions and worked backward to some "leading hypotheses."

Edit: IE, forgone conclusions, I've been arguing this for quite a while, see my Simple Logic (1 | 2) articles for more on this.

Not surprisingly, many of the contractors who contributed to the NIST investigation, like the company for which Nair works, just happen to depend on good relationships with the government in order to earn their living. What may be a surprise is just how lucrative these relationships can be. For example, Nair's company, Teng & Associates, boasts of Indefinite Quantity Contracts, long-term relationships with federal government agencies, and federal projects worth in excess of $40 million.
NIST and Underwriters Laboratories

In August 2004, Underwriters Laboratories evaluated the Pancake Theory by testing models of the floor assemblies used in the WTC buildings. Despite all the previous expert testimony, the floor models did not collapse. NIST reported this in its October 2004 update, in a table of results that clearly showed that the floors did not fail and that, therefore, pancaking was not possible. NIST more succinctly stated this again in its June 2005 draft report, saying: "The results established that this type of assembly was capable of sustaining a large gravity load, without collapsing, for a substantial period of time relative to the duration of the fires in any given location on September 11th."
Knoblauch's written response contained several points. He wrote: "We test to the code requirements, and the steel clearly met those requirements and exceeded them." He pointed to the NYC code used at the time of the WTC construction, which required fire resistance times of 3 hours for building columns, and 2 hours for floors. From the start, his answers were not helping to explain fire-induced collapse in 56 minutes (the time it took WTC2, the South Tower, to come down). But he did give a better explanation of UL's involvement in testing the WTC steel, even talking about the quality of the sample and how well it did. "We tested the steel with all the required fireproofing on," he wrote, "and it did beautifully."
Tom Chapin of UL was one of those doomed to make public comments in support of NIST's final report. His comments were innocuous enough but he did hint at something of value. "The effect of scale of test assemblies...," Chapin said, "requires more investigation."25 This may be the closest thing to a straightforward statement that we will ever see from UL on the matter. But it seems clear enough that results showing zero floor collapse, when scaled-up from the floor panels to a few floors, would still result in zero floor collapse. Perhaps a more direct version of Chapin's comment might be that test results negating predetermined conclusions should not be used to prove them.

Thx a lot! This article was

Thx a lot!

This article was written by Kevin Ryan, the former employee of Underwriter Lab. Unfortunately that's not that clear and only comprehensible out of context.

We should back him and thank him for his courage to speak out!

Kevin Ryan worked for a

Kevin Ryan worked for a subsiary of UL that tested water, NOT steel.

He has no expertise in the subject of materials testing.

It's a continued measure of the desperation of 9/11 conspiracists that they can only dredge up actors and totally unqualified people to speak about matters for which they possess no knowledge whatsoever.

When are you guys going to get real?

Doug, relax. Just sit back &

Doug, relax. Just sit back & "pull-it."

doug, why do you care??? if

doug, why do you care??? if we are all wack then who cares???

i dont believe in god but you wont find me at god sites telling them that theyre wrong... HAHAHHA!!!!

Doug, relax. Just sit back &

Doug, relax. Just sit back & "pull-it."
Anonymous | 03.30.06 - 11:52 am | #


@ smearing Doug: Even if

@ smearing Doug:

Even if Rian was only the janitor at U.L., it would be no difference for his compelling whistle blowing of inside U.L. and NIST acting.

off topic - I just obtained

off topic - I just obtained a copy of "9-11 on Trial--the World Center Collapse" By Victor Thorn of

This is an extremely well-written, concise book! It's a very easy read & perfect for novice & intermediate truthers. It's styled like a prosecutor presenting 9/11 evidence in a jury trial. As such, it could also be presented as a play, a video, or a class syllabus or treatise.

The book is modestly priced and bulk discounts are offered.

Sorry "--the World Trade

Sorry "--the World Trade Center Collapse"

"i dont believe in god but

"i dont believe in god but you wont find me at god sites telling them that theyre wrong... HAHAHHA!!!!"

Very good inside. You used an analogy.

I believe Doug. You guys are

I believe Doug. You guys are crazy.

How can something like this

How can something like this gone on for 5 years without someone screaming for what really happened.

Do any of you guys have

Do any of you guys have jobs????

"How can something like this

"How can something like this gone on for 5 years without someone screaming for what really happened."

When John Ashcroft fights tooth and nail to make you the most gagged person in history, there's little doubt as to why.

How many people close to

How many people close to each one of you, actually believe the stuff you guys are saying???

Who did John Ashcroft gag??

Who did John Ashcroft gag??

And how do you know he

And how do you know he gagged them??

Please someone help me out

Please someone help me out because you all don't make any sense.

To other Anonymous: Sibel

To other Anonymous:
Sibel Edmunds was not gagged???

SBG... an update to a

SBG... an update to a favorite of yours.

If you want Oprahs attention

If you want Oprahs attention just write a book, like James Fry.

I beg you guys to please

I beg you guys to please show me one thing that can prove your case.

Kevin Ryan was punished by

Kevin Ryan was punished by firing.

That's probably all you need to know. Nobody get's fired for asking serious questions, concerning the diligence of what you are doing.

your "slam dunk" if you

your "slam dunk" if you will.

squibs - dont u believe ur

squibs - dont u believe ur eyes?

John Ashcroft said: "Based

John Ashcroft said:

"Based on my personal consideration of the matter, I have concluded that further disclosure of the information underlying in this case, including the nature of the duties of the plaintiff or the other contract translators at issue in this case reasonably could be expected to cause serious damage to the national security interests of the United States."

Edmonds' lawyer, Mark Zaid, said in a statement that the government has gone too far.

"The decision today represents another example of the Executive Branch's abusive nature of using secrecy as a weapon against whistleblowers," Zaid's statement said.

And back to an earlier

And back to an earlier question, do you guys have jobs????

Mr.Gold, what does that

Mr.Gold, what does that prove???

That's your "slam dunk",

That's your "slam dunk", "case closed"

"I beg you guys to please

"I beg you guys to please show me one thing that can prove your case."

Prove the case of what? That we were lied to or that the Government was complicit?



"Mr.Gold, what does that

"Mr.Gold, what does that prove???"

Did you not ask:

"How can something like this gone on for 5 years without someone screaming for what really happened."


"Who did John Ashcroft gag??"


"And how do you know he gagged them??"

Show me one thing that I can

Show me one thing that I can take to my friends and co-workers, and say " look at this, we have been lied to for 5 years now".

because that one paragraph

because that one paragraph you got there Mr.Gold ain't "Gold" if you know what I mean.

How many people close to

How many people close to each one of you, actually believe the stuff you guys are saying???

everyone!!! i cant help it if your friends are a bit slow... i live in the hub of truth, the bay area ca....

sorry 3 paragraphs

sorry 3 paragraphs

A job ... why yes. 9-11

A job ... why yes. 9-11 Truth happens to be time spent out of personal conviction.

However I don't spend my time trolling. Maybe that would be something I'd do if I were unemployed.

"Both!!" Well... to prove we


Well... to prove we were lied to is easy.

The 9/11 Report completely omitted any information about Pakistan's involvement in 9/11 even though it was widely known they were involved.

The 9/11 Report completely omitted SEVERAL other things as well. Thereby not giving a "Full and complete accounting of the events of 9/11" as their mandate specified.

As far as proving complicity, answer me this one question if you would...

Why did Bush fight against the family members for the creation of an "independent" commission?

everyone!!! i cant help it

everyone!!! i cant help it if your friends are a bit slow... i live in the hub of truth, the bay area ca....

And how many friends do you have??

Or on the payola drinking

Or on the payola drinking the kool aid.

"Show me one thing that I

"Show me one thing that I can take to my friends and co-workers, and say " look at this, we have been lied to for 5 years now"."

Here you go.

Why did Bush fight against

Why did Bush fight against the family members for the creation of an "independent" commission?

Because we all knew what happened at the time.

"Because we all knew what

"Because we all knew what happened at the time."

That's your answer?


about the jobs thing, i work

about the jobs thing, i work for myself and can post whenever i want...

do you have a job??? if you do im going to report you for "time theft".....

Why did Bush fight against

Why did Bush fight against the family members for the creation of an "independent" commission?

Because we all knew what happened at the time.
Anonymous | 03.30.06 - 1:13 pm | #


And how many friends do you

And how many friends do you have??
Anonymous | 03.30.06 - 1:11 pm | #

lots!!!! anymore lame questions???

We all knew how a plane

We all knew how a plane managed to hit the Pentagon 34 minutes after the SECOND tower was struck? In a country with the most ADVANCED military apparatus in the world? In a country with NORAD constantly monitoring the skies? In a country where in the year prior there were 67 successful intercepts, and on 9/11, there wasn't one?

Tell me... how did you know why and how that happened on 9/11?

"Show me one thing that I

"Show me one thing that I can take to my friends and co-workers, and say " look at this, we have been lied to for 5 years now"."

Here you go.

So I show them stuff we all ready know. I don't get it. I'm trying to understand, but I don't. I just so happened to come across this stuff today while visiting I got all kinds of question for you guys but no ones giving me answers.

"How can something like this

"How can something like this gone on for 5 years without someone screaming for what really happened."

It can't.

9/11 conspiracists have a huge problem in making any kind of case that a "government conspiracy" of this scale could be pulled off without an enormous number of people that would have had to stay quiet before, during, and after the events.

Much less be able to hide the preparations.

Furthermore, 9/11 conspiracists never deal with the necessary fact of contingency planning that would be required. The governementt was supposed to be so utterly competent that they were able to pull off 9/11 with the aid of the media.

What's really hysterical is that 9/11 conspiracists are willfully blind to the fact that they can't come up with credible and knowledgable experts to support their case. Just witnessing the euphoria on this board when a two-bit actor says he doesn't believe the facts and evidence, but prefers to believe years-old debunked nonsense, is a sight to behold.

They are easily taken in by so-called "scholars" like Steven Jones and his group of blinkered experts on nothing to do with structural engineering, forensics, physics, or all the necessary requirements to even begin to address the NIST investigations. It's quite amazing how 9/11 conspiracists are the very "sheeple" they imagine everyone except them are.

Educating these people on the reality and necessity of supporting their case with scientific evidence that escapes them entirely is necessary to restore sanity, but their resistance to having to give up all the utter falsehoods they believe in so needily is a hard job.

They don't get it that THEY have to make a case and, after 3 1/2 years, they haven't even gotten to first base.

Oh yeah, IN THE MOST


Good site guys! Anonymous,

Good site guys!

Anonymous, how about the following facts?

1) Months and months of warnings by the FBI, CIA, and other countries as well as by the former Administration

2) The fact that several top pentagon officials cancelled their travel plans on 9/10 for 9/11. Or that the San Fran Govenor was told not to fly that day

3) How about the fact that the same day exercises were being performed for the very thing that happened? How else can you confuse the mass FAA and military with fake plan blips on the radar if you don't hold these on the same day?

4) The fact that our military was forced to stand down? They were instructed in a memo in about June that ALL orders were to come from the Secretary of Defense. Despite the fact that there were 35 air bases throughout the flight path of the planes. And there was an Air craft carrier just off the long island cost.

5) That not one aircraft signaled either by voice or with the hijack signal that something was wrong.

6) How about the fact that the Secret Service forced the VP into a bunker, but did nothing with the president when he was being broadcast live and his location was known many days befor the event.

7) How about the fact that WTC 7 was demolished? Larry Silverstien stated that they "pulled" WTC 7, so if there were explosives in WTC 7 there were certainly explosives in the other towers.

8) How about the fact that they destroyed all the evidence and refused to do an investigation for over a year.

9) How about the fact that they have not released any of the videos of the pentagon? There is no National Security for something that the WHOLE WORLD knows about.

I could go on, but I think this should be enough to boggle your mind with.

WTC buildings 1,2 and 7

WTC buildings 1,2 and 7 collapsed as near freefall speed

The concrete, office furniture, computers, carpeting, etc were mostly pulvarized in fine powder and horizonally ejected at an upward angle from the towers WHILE they were collapsing.

The South Tower block that broke off started to topple over. But instead of continuing to topple, it disintegrated into powder in mid air. And then, the lower portion of the tower collapsed.

There were pools of molten metal, pieces of orange/salmon/yellow hot metal, and partly evaporated steel under the towers and WTC 7. Those colors indicate temperatures higher than that could be generated from buring jet fuel, even under optimum (100% oxygen) conditions.

There were dozens and dozens and dozens of statements from fire dept personel and other people giving specific accounts of explosions, bombs, flashes, etc that they thought were controlled demolitions.

The government's version of the collapses (fire, airplane strikes,WTC 7 being hit by debris) defies physics.

ALL the abnormalities can be easily explained by controlled demolitions.

Anyone who can't see that either does not know that facts (Charlie Sheen knows the facts), or is it deep denial.


"How can something like this

"How can something like this gone on for 5 years without someone screaming for what really happened."

It can't."

Doug... you're an idiot. I just showed you that one person has come forward, and you completely disregard it. What about Mary Schneider? What about Karen Kwiatkowski? What about Coleen Rawley?

"So I show them stuff we all

"So I show them stuff we all ready know. I don't get it. I'm trying to understand, but I don't. I just so happened to come across this stuff today while visiting I got all kinds of question for you guys but no ones giving me answers."

The 9/11 Report, itself, has become a piece of evidence in the case of the people of the United States vs. those in Government who lied to us, and killed 3000 of our people.

Anonymous, I'll be holding

Anonymous, I'll be holding 9/11 classes online. If you're interested, go here, and sign up.



doug, there's been such

doug, there's been such terrible waste of time here today, why don't you just "pull it"?

Well Doug I'll join you back

Well Doug I'll join you back in the real world. Bye guys

"Well Doug I'll join you

"Well Doug I'll join you back in the real world. Bye guys"


If you two had ANY

If you two had ANY comprehension of what the "real world" actually was, I have NO DOUBT that you would be shitting in your pants, and crying for mommy.

did anyone notice this from

did anyone notice this from here:

On the 2nd video, a Google Video, it says it's been banned from google. They just have the audio, no video. But at the end of the clip are segments of WTC 7 collapsing

Have a look! e...7_collapse2.mpg

can a for do this???
inside | 03.30.06 - 1:22 pm | #

inside | 03.30.06 - 1:24 pm | #

if it can, i don't know why people spend millions of dollars to rig buildings with explosives to knock them down....fires cost nothing, and seem to do the exact same thing.

if i believed fire was capable of doing what it did on 9-11, i'd never be able to step into a high rise again for fear a waste basket fire would bring down the whole thing.

for all the official conspiracy tin foil hatters- how can you walk into a building knowing it might fall with a tiny fire set in it?

you guys are brave!

or you are using common sense to determine that fires do not equal collapse.

so why do you persist with this line of thought when it becomes a political discussion?

I do Gold, I do.

I do Gold, I do.

I have a problem with people

I have a problem with people nit-picking certain questions and then dismissing everything else because of those few topics they choose not to agree with or have been proven false.

It also bothers me that 4.5 years later there has never been an independent investigation (besides the one going on throughout the internet), nor has there ever been the possibility of such a debate.

The reason for all this disagreement is because the matters are never addressed. Why can't we just get them addressed? That's the problem I have. This is America. Anna Nicole Smith can go to the Supreme court to get millions of dollars from her dead husband and that makes the news for days straight. Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants can march in the streets to be pardoned for their CRIME, and they are getting what they want.

Doesn't this just seem wrong to everyone? Is anyone paying attention anymore?

Well Doug I'll join you back

Well Doug I'll join you back in the real world. Bye guys
Anonymous | 03.30.06 - 1:28 pm | #

proof that these two are coordinated responses?

Here's a thought: How about

Here's a thought:

How about from now on, instead of fueling this childish nonsense, we simply ignore them?

Then, if they want to ask an honest, seriously open-minded question, we can provide our opinions and direct them to resources that support those assertions?

"I do Gold, I do." That's an

"I do Gold, I do."

That's an impossibility. Your comments, and questions prove that.

Jon Gold wrote... "Doug...

Jon Gold wrote...

"Doug... you're an idiot. I just showed you that one person has come forward, and you completely disregard it."

I'm talking about the thousands of pieces of evidence that you all have failed to address since 9/11 and your abject failure to take your blinders off.

That makes you the blatant idiot you ALL choose to be.

The trolls have successfully

The trolls have successfully wasted so much time that its hard to find the good info on these threads.

Any ideas?

dz should automatically ban

dz should automatically ban any troll that's a troll. Simple. No time to fuck around.

The following are ten quotes

The following are ten quotes from the WTC Task Force Interviews "Oral Histories" as published in the New York Times.

See here for many more quotes, and links to the Times website

"Somewhere around the middle of the world trade center, there was this
orange and red flash coming out. Initially it was just one flash. Then
this flash just kept popping all the way around the building and that
building had started to explode. The popping sound, and with each popping
sound it was initially an orange and then a red flash came out of the
building and then it would just go all around the building on both sides
as far as I could see. These popping sounds and the explosions were
getting bigger, going both up and down and then all around the building."

"It looked like it was a timed explosion"

"I saw a flash flash flash and then it looked like the building came

Q. "Was that on the lower level of the building or up where the fire

A. "No, the lower level of the building. You know like when they demolish
a building, how when they blow up a building, when it falls down? That's
what I thought I saw"

"We looked up at the building straight up, we were that close. All we saw
was a puff of smoke coming from about 2 thirds of the way up. Some people
thought it was an explosion. I don't think I remember that. I remember
seeing, it looked like sparkling around one specific layer of the
building. I assume now that that was either windows starting to collapse
like tinsel or something. Then the building started to come down. My
initial reaction was that this was exactly the way it looks when they
show you those implosions on TV."

"I thought it was exploding, actually. ThatÂ’s what I thought for hours
afterwards, that it had exploded or the plane or there had been some
device on the plane that had exploded, because the debris from the tower
had shot out far over our heads"

"I should say that people in the street and myself included thought that
the roar was so loud that the explosive - bombs were going off inside the

"As I said I thought the terrorists planted explosives somewhere in the
building. That's how loud it was, crackling explosive"

"You could see the windows pop out just like in the picture, looked like
a movie. I saw one floor of windows pop out, like poof, poof. I saw one
and a half floors pop out. It looked almost like an explosion. The whole
top was teetering, and I really thought just the top of the building was
falling off."

"I was distracted by a large explosion from the south tower and it seemed
like fire was shooting out a couple of hundred feet in each direction,
then all of a sudden the top of the tower started coming down in a

Q. "where was the fire? Like up at the upper levels where it started

A. "It appeared somewhere below that. Maybe twenty floors below the
impact area of the plane. I saw it as fire and when I looked at it on
television afterwards, it doesn't appear to show the fire. It shows a
rush of smoke coming out below the area of the plane impact. The reason
why I think the cameras didn't get that image is because they were a far
distance away and maybe I saw the bottom side where the plane was and the
smoke was up above it."

"I just remember there was just an explosion. It seemed like on
television they blow up these buildings. It seemed like it was going all
the way around like a belt, all these explosions"

"There was an explosion at the top of the Trade Center and a piece of
Trade Center flew across the West Side Highway and hit the Financial
Center." ... "the south tower from our perspective exploded from about
midway up the building." ... "At that point a debate began to rage
because the perception was that the building looked like it had been
taken out with charges"

"I'm talking about the

"I'm talking about the thousands of pieces of evidence that you all have failed to address since 9/11 and your abject failure to take your blinders off."

Such as?

Put up or shut up Doug.

Put up or shut up Doug.

CB proved my point by

CB proved my point by repeating debunked nonsense:

"WTC buildings 1,2 and 7 collapsed as near freefall speed"

Irrelevant. They fell slower than free-fall and would be expected to so naturally. Explosive demoilitions unproven.

"The concrete, office furniture, computers, carpeting, etc were mostly pulvarized in fine powder and horizonally ejected at an upward angle from the towers WHILE they were collapsing."

False. It was not all pulvesized, there was plenty of large chuncks of concrete, office equipment, paper, metal, etc.

The pictures of the collapsing towers 1 and 2 demonstrate that the ejected material fell FASTER than the buildings.

"The South Tower block that broke off started to topple over. But instead of continuing to topple, it disintegrated into powder in mid air. And then, the lower portion of the tower collapsed."

That's the funniest one that was debunked years ago. The top did NOT disintegrate into powder in mid-air. It continued to fall as a block, crushing the floors below it until it reached the top of the debris pile. Only then did the top collapse. As any structural engineer.

God, you're gullible.

"There were pools of molten metal, pieces of orange/salmon/yellow hot metal, and partly evaporated steel under the towers and WTC 7. Those colors indicate temperatures higher than that could be generated from buring jet fuel, even under optimum (100% oxygen) conditions."

Whatever "molten metal" there was does NOT demonstrate "explosive demolitions" were used. Duh.

And the most famous picture of so-called re-solidified metal that Prof. Jones and his crew of merry men to prove it does not show it was metal at all!

"There were dozens and dozens and dozens of statements from fire dept personel and other people giving specific accounts of explosions, bombs, flashes, etc that they thought were controlled demolitions."

No, they said that there were plenty of things that sounded like explosions, like pancaking floors.

"The government's version of the collapses (fire, airplane strikes,WTC 7 being hit by debris) defies physics."

The government doesn't have its own version of physics. There is in fact evidence and conclusions done by a combination of governmnet and independent scientists whose reports are availble for all to study.

So far, hundreds of thousands of structural engineers and forensic scientists have never raised a question about the results. And they could.

Why are you so determined to turn physics on its head, CB?

"ALL the abnormalities can be easily explained by controlled demolitions."

There were no "abnormalities" and none of you have ever demonstrated any evidence for explosive demolitions or refuted the evidence of the NIST and other investigations.

Much less the independent investigations.

"Anyone who can't see that either does not know that facts (Charlie Sheen knows the facts), or is it deep denial."

Indeed, once again, a fool named CB demonstrates the deep denial 9/11 conspiracists are in by repeating falsehoods debunked years ago.

You ought to bang your head against the wall and loosen those wrongs, CB. It's amazing that you would see fit to make a fool of yourself in public.

"dz should automatically ban

"dz should automatically ban any troll that's a troll. Simple. No time to fuck around."

Frankly, people that are not intentional trolls but are uninformed should read the actual 911Blogger articles, and not waste time debating.

So this is getting to be such a distraction, I vote for banning trolls also.

Jon Gold, evading his

Jon Gold, evading his responsibility, wrote,

"Put up or shut up Doug."

It's up to you to bring evidence for your claims to the table, Jon.

And don't make CB's mistake by repeating years-old debunked nonsense, ok?

"I'm talking about the

"I'm talking about the thousands of pieces of evidence that you all have failed to address since 9/11 and your abject failure to take your blinders off."

Doug... put up or shut up.

Fifteen Techniques for Truth

Fifteen Techniques for Truth Suppression
By David Martin, author of America's Dreyfus Affair

Strong, credible allegations of high-level criminal activity can bring down a government. When the government lacks an effective, fact-based defense, other techniques must be employed. The success of these techniques depends heavily upon a cooperative, compliant press and a mere token opposition party.

1. Dummy up. If it's not reported, if it's not news, it didn't happen.

2. Wax indignant. This is also known as the "how dare you?" gambit.

3. Characterize the charges as "rumors" or, better yet, "wild rumors." If, in spite of the news blackout, the public is still able to learn about the suspicious facts, it can only be through "rumors." (If they tend to believe the "rumors" it must be because they are simply "paranoid" or "hysterical.")

4. Knock down straw men. Deal only with the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Even better, create your own straw men. Make up wild rumors and give them lead play when you appear to debunk all the charges, real and fanciful alike.

5. Call the skeptics names like "conspiracy theorist," "nut," "ranter," "kook," "crackpot," and of course, "rumor monger." Be sure, too, to use heavily loaded verbs and adjectives when characterizing their charges and defending the "more reasonable" government and its defenders. You must then carefully avoid fair and open debate with any of the people you have thus maligned. For insurance, set up your own "skeptics" to shoot down.

6. Impugn motives. Attempt to marginalize the critics by suggesting strongly that they are not really interested in the truth but are simply pursuing a partisan political agenda or are out to make money (compared to over-compensated adherents to the government line who, presumably, are not).

7. Invoke authority. Here the controlled press and the sham opposition can be very useful.

8. Dismiss the charges as "old news."

9. Come half-clean. This is also known as "confession and avoidance" or "taking the limited hangout route." This way, you create the impression of candor and honesty while you admit only to relatively harmless, less-than-criminal "mistakes." This stratagem often requires the embrace of a fall-back position quite different from the one originally taken. With effective damage control, the fall-back position need only be peddled by stooge skeptics to carefully limited markets.

10. Characterize the crimes as impossibly complex and the truth as ultimately unknowable.

11. Reason backward, using the deductive method with a vengeance. With thoroughly rigorous deduction, troublesome evidence is irrelevant. For example: We have a completely free press. If they know of evidence that the Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) had prior knowledge of the Oklahoma City bombing they would have reported it. They haven't reported it, so there was no prior knowledge by the BATF. Another variation on this theme involves the likelihood of a conspiracy leaker and a press that would report the leak.

12. Require the skeptics to solve the crime completely. For example: If Vince Foster was murdered, who did it and why?

13. Change the subject. This technique includes creating and/or publicizing distractions.

14. Scantly report incriminating facts, and then make nothing of them. This is sometimes referred to as "bump and run" reporting.

15. Baldly and brazenly lie. A favorite way of doing this is to attribute the "facts" furnished the public to a plausible-sounding, but anonymous, source.

Bonus number 16: Waste everyone's time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"It's up to you to bring

"It's up to you to bring evidence for your claims to the table, Jon."

Listen dipshit, YOU'RE the one who made the accusation that the "thousands of pieces of evidence" that we have all failed to address.

Name one.

Name one piece of evidence

Name one piece of evidence we have failed to address Dougy.

CB goofed by writing... "The

CB goofed by writing...

"The following are ten quotes from the WTC Task Force Interviews "Oral Histories" as published in the New York Times."

And none of them actually saw controlled demolitions or said so. Bingo.

Once again, 9/11 conspiracists demonstrate their inability to bring scientific evidence of controlled demolition to the table.

Despite being asked to for YEARS ever since they made the claim.

I'm interested to hear this.

I'm interested to hear this.

Doug, i am not sure why you


i am not sure why you are here if you do not believe what we are saying. But i applaud and congratulate you on the courage to look into the issue.

I can see that you love this country as much as we do and will fight and defend it in any way possible...just like us.

so don't you see we are the same. we are on the same team. all americans fighting to save this country from the corrupt people in charge.

Your bravery to look into the issues presented here are testimony to the love you feel for this country and your fellow country men(and women).

If you will join us, then america will become one person stronger, one less person sleeping at the wheel. Your dedication to the cause will be reflected in the freedom your children and their children will be able to share many years down the road.

we will once again make this country a beacon of light to be admired around the world. we will help usher in peace and understanding everywhere, because we will look for truth instead of dark skinned people to blame.

Your dedication to justice will spring forth the love and admiration of all nations who seek to emulate the greatness of this country.

Doug, your fellow americans salute you when you take up the fight against evil. NOW is that time.

"And none of them actually

"And none of them actually saw controlled demolitions or said so. Bingo."

What a fucking liar.

Doug is in denial. Poor kid

Doug is in denial. Poor kid

I'm still waiting for one

I'm still waiting for one piece of evidence that we failed to address.

"I'm talking about the

"I'm talking about the thousands of pieces of evidence that you all have failed to address since 9/11 and your abject failure to take your blinders off."

Doug, what evidence?

The fact that 3 buildings fall at FREE FALL SPEED? The fact that our military was no where to be found, by design. The fact that the Secret Service ignored protocol and let the president remain seated in a place being broadcast live when planes were still un accounted for?

What pieces of evidence are you refering too? The evidence that Bush tells you? Let's just look at some of that evidence and then decide if we want to belive anything that comes from him?

1) We will hunt down anyone responsible for or participated in the attacks of 9/11. Meanwhile, where is Osama?

2) Iraq has WMD's. Where are they? Why did the inspectors not find any?

3) To suggest that I wanted to go to war is just wrong. But so far there are 2 memo's that state just the opposite. And there is a book from a person who was doing a biogrophy of Bush and in the book it states that if he was given the opportunity to attack Iraq he would. Look at PNAC, and then tell me if what they outlined has not happened.

4) "now when you hear about wiretaps... by the way a wiretap requires a court order. Nothinig has changed. when we are talking about going after terrorists we are talking about getting court orders". This sure sounds like someone I can trust now that we know he is doing this without a court order.

I could go on, but these are just a few and since this is not a site about politics I am stopping.

Again, what evidence are you providing?

If you refer to the NIST report, perhaps you have not looked at the latest report? It states specifically that the modeling of the building does not show any total collapse.

Show me the evidence that you are talking about!

He said there were 1000's.

He said there were 1000's. I just want one.

C'mon, Jon, quit dodging.

C'mon, Jon, quit dodging. Show us the scientific evidence you've addressed and why you can't bring evidence of explosive demolitions to the table.

Let's see your refutation of NIST. Let's see you bring qualified scientists to the table instead of flabby actors and "experts" whoi are cluless about the relevant subjects.

How many more years to we have to wait for you bozos to back up your claims?


using love to break through

using love to break through the hate -

feel the love doug. it emanates from my soul to yours.

only together can we save our freedom.

divided is how we are conquered.

doug, you're making a

doug, you're making a jackass out of yourself

"C'mon, Jon, quit dodging.

"C'mon, Jon, quit dodging. Show us the scientific evidence you've addressed and why you can't bring evidence of explosive demolitions to the table."

Hmmm... looking through the comments. Don't see any mention of anything I said related to "scientific evidence"

I'm asking you for one of the "thousands of pieces of evidence" that we missed.

Put up or shut up Doogie.

Put up or shut up Doogie.

"C'mon, Jon, quit dodging.

"C'mon, Jon, quit dodging. Show us the scientific evidence you've addressed and why you can't bring evidence of explosive demolitions to the table."

Incidentally, the evidence was shipped to China before we had a chance to look at it.

Doug - You need to go to

Doug - You need to go to google video and watch a few of those online. There is one from a guy who filmed it across the river, and 20 seconds, I'll repeat that 20 SECONDS before the collapse of the first tower there are a SERIES of explossions from the ground floor that can be heard and seen.

Watch them and then come back and dispute the claim.

Until you have seen the evidence how can you CLAIM to have known what happened?

Physics is undenieable and yet you want everyone to believe that on this day that it was on vacation, much like our military.

The equation is H=(1/2)at2, where H is the height, a is the acceleration of
gravity (10 meters per second squared) and t is time in seconds. Plug in the
height of the building at 1350 feet (411 meters) and we get 9 seconds. That is just about the length of time it took for the very top of the World Trade Center to fall to the street below. According to all reports, the whole thing was over in just about ten to sixteen seconds. IMPOSSIBLE without
assistance by explosives.

So even if, and thats a BIG IF, the pancake theory is true it would have taken alot longer than just 10-16 seconds. The resistance of the floors would have added a great deal of more time. Especially considering that the lower floors would of had to been stronger to support the upper weight. It's like a tree. The tree is bigger, or stronger, at the bottom and weaker at the top.

Provide your evidence!

Maybe he was thinking of the

Maybe he was thinking of the "thousands of pieces of evidence" the Commission missed?

Cause THAT'S easy to find.

Cause THAT'S easy to find.

ha ha ha !!!! Good one Jon

ha ha ha !!!! Good one Jon

Here are some structural

Here are some structural engineers:

I'm going to email these people and polite request their views on the subject of WTC 1,2,7. I will ask them to review Professor Jones' page and Jane Doe's Billiard Balls page.

I'd encourage everyone else here to do the same.

DHS, did you see that

DHS, did you see that project of mine? Check out the top two lines of my page

Doug, or whichever one of

Doug, or whichever one of the apologizers sees this first....please see Jimmy Walters to claim your million dollar prize.

Good move DHS. I've been

Good move DHS. I've been meaning to do that same thing, but just haven't had the time. I'm going to do it this weekend.

I agree this is a complete

I agree this is a complete waste of time. Honest questions and debate is needed, but Doug offers no evidence to back up anything he is saying and simply ignores everything we supply. We've got larger issues to tackle.

CB have you had any

CB have you had any responses either way ?

Don't know if this is new to

C'mon, Jon, quit dodging.

C'mon, Jon, quit dodging. Show us the scientific evidence you've addressed and why you can't bring evidence of explosive demolitions to the table.

Let's see your refutation of NIST. Let's see you bring qualified scientists to the table instead of flabby actors and "experts" whoi are cluless about the relevant subjects.

How many more years to we have to wait for you bozos to back up your claims?

- Doug

Doug, I suggest you go to to hear us "bozos" back up our claims. Plenty of evidence there.

Got an important question

Got an important question peeps!! Where's the proof of molten metal in the foundations of WTC7? I canÂ’t find a single quote. Thanks!

DBLS: I thought it was

I thought it was molten metal under the towers, not 7?

DBLS: I thought it was

I thought it was molten metal under the towers, not 7?
DHS | Homepage | 03.30.06 - 2:52 pm | #

there were quotes that molten metal was found under all 3 buildings

The molten steel was found “three, four, and five weeks later, when the rubble was being removed,” Loizeaux said. He said molten steel was also found at 7 WTC, which collapsed mysteriously in the late afternoon.
4 or 5 paragraphs down.

Take a look at

@ George W. Excellent list!

@ George W.

Excellent list! I just safe it to my hard drive.

May I add one: Cherry-picking: Pick just one weak issue and lay all your efforts to dismiss it, by lying or the appeal to scientific serfdom.
Then claim you haven't the time to spent your life long with going trough all issues.

and Besides molten steel,


Besides molten steel, the rubble reportedly contained some partially evaporated steel. The New York Times quoted Dr. Jonathan Barnett, professor of fire protection engineering at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, as saying that fire in WTC-7:

would not explain steel members in the debris pile that appear to have been partly evaporated in extraordinarily high temperatures.

Obviously, there are many

Obviously, there are many structural engineers that are aware of the questions about the trade center collapses. But as Paul Craig Roberts said in his interview (can't find the link) any one that comes out against the official theory will risk losing any federal funding for them or their institution which many receive. In the current climate, they will also be put on a very public and contraversal position. ' Just doing their job" won't cut it. You will be labeled as 'radical structural engineer', 'contraversal structural engineer', structural engineer that 'supports conspiracy theorists of 911", ect.

Just look at what happened to Steven Jones. If you followed his trajectory into the 911 movement by his first scientific paper, you can see that he was not really planning to join the whole movement or be any kind of leader. Once his paper came out he was forced to make a choice. Either openly defend his research and its implications or crawl back into academia oblivion. His paper made that second option almost impossible. I praise him for educating himself on other aspects of 911 and confronting the critics and evidence head on.

To Doug or swamprat or

To Doug or swamprat or whatever you are calling youeself...I thought I told you to get the hell off this page. We don't want you here. Take a hint asshole.

DHS, I only got two

DHS, I only got two responses, and one was a request to remove his email from my list. The other was from someone who recommened I get a forensic engineer, towards the end of his/her career.

I'm out the door now, but will check any responses later

Ed Asner was on A. JOnes

Ed Asner was on A. JOnes radio today

^Wicked guys thanks!!!!

^Wicked guys thanks!!!!

"Ed Asner was on A. JOnes

"Ed Asner was on A. JOnes radio today"

Can someone find the archive of that and post it whenever you get the chance? Spank you.

DRG Lecture

Douggy, Can you tell us why


Can you tell us why John Ashcroft ignored the phone calls of attorney David Schippers (a guy who prosecuted Bill Clinton, not a left lacky), whose FBI clients retained him to warn the government about impending attacks when their own warnings were being ignored?

Class Is Now In

Class Is Now In Session

First class, tomorrow night (3/31/2006) at 8pm.

The teacher for this class:

Jon Gold

The topic for this class:

American History And How It Relates To 9/11.

Be there, or be square.

"C'mon, Jon, quit dodging.

"C'mon, Jon, quit dodging. Show us the scientific evidence you've addressed and why you can't bring evidence of explosive demolitions to the table.

Let's see your refutation of NIST. Let's see you bring qualified scientists to the table instead of flabby actors and "experts" whoi are cluless about the relevant subjects.

How many more years to we have to wait for you bozos to back up your claims?

Doug Jansen | 03.30.06 - 2:15 pm | #"

The very idea that this guy is even here at this blog right now tells me he's either a)a paid government disinfo agent or b) an honest misinformed person who subconsciouly is seeking the truth but his conscious self can't handle it so he trolls and denies and attacks.

He obviously doesn't realize how BADLY we ALL want this shit to not be true, but we all have to face facts and reality eventually. And yes, its difficult and yes, it sucks, to put it mildly. But its where we're at now. Deal with it.

Think about it. Does anyone here spend time at websites of people they disagree with? NO. Like that other poster pointed out, I don't believe in the whole Jesus thing word for word either, but do I spend my time at websites of those who do? I don't believe Michael Jackson killed Lacy Pederson, so why would I spend time posting constantly on a website that did?

The very fact that this guy is here is very telling. If he's not a government shill, he's one of US. He just doesn't know it yet and his conscious mind can't handle it because its too horrifying.

Welcome to hell, Doug.

alex jones radio show

Sibel Edmonds Wins Free

Sibel Edmonds Wins Free Speech Award:

Whats really revealing is

Whats really revealing is how few structural engineers, as far as I am aware, have come out to strongly support the government version of the collapse. If eventually proven wrong, and blatantly so, that would also be quite a stigma on their career.

Better to remain silent until the climate changes and it becomes acceptable to question the government verision of 911.

My point being... changing the climate of acceptable debate should be our central focus at this time. And only fair coverage in the major media and more celebrities and profesionals coming forward publicly with their doubts, not necessarily even answers, will make this happen.

Let's see your refutation

Let's see your refutation of NIST. Let's see you bring qualified scientists to the table instead of flabby actors and "experts" whoi are cluless about the relevant subjects

scroll down to view steven jones's

"Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?"

READ ALL OF IT. and if any confuses you ask me to explain

Saudi secretly working with

Saudi secretly working with Pak experts

doesn't surprise me.

Somewhere in the world there

Somewhere in the world there must be a ruggedly constructed steel-frame building that is due to come down.

Instead of carefuuly rigging it with explosives, it ought to be flooded with thousands of gallons of jet fuel and set ablaze.

Bets, of course, would be placed. Would it fall, or not? How would you bet?

Incompetence: http://georgewa

Nice one GW.

Nice one GW.

Bets, of course, would be

Bets, of course, would be placed. Would it fall, or not? How would you bet?
Carl Nelson | 03.30.06 - 4:21 pm | #

hey Carl, good idea.

you know, you can even suggest an idea to buy and sell options at here...

so you can make your own market, see if other people are willing to trade against you, then make money off it.

maybe we can get tweedle dee and tweedle dumb to pony up their know put your money where your mouth is.

dz should start releasing

dz should start releasing some IP's :+:

On a personal note: No

On a personal note:

No comments on my court analogy in the 'Bravo Charlie' thread?

I'm working on an article for a local paper which will express the current atmosphere in which those questioning 911 find themselves, in a creative, non-confrontational way ( i.e publishable)

I would greatly appreciate any feedback.

Doug, I admire you for

Doug, I admire you for keeping to post and argue with us, at least you're not COMPLETELY close-minded. Just the act of you sticking around shows you have at least some concern or doubts. However, I do take issue with a few things. Specificaly, your post @ 2:05 PM is absolutely ludicrous.

You attempt to debunk our statements, but don't provide any substance to your arguement. Such as the following: (your quotes are in ****'s)

***"WTC buildings 1,2 and 7 collapsed as near freefall speed"

Irrelevant. They fell slower than free-fall and would be expected to so naturally. Explosive demoilitions unproven.***

They fell FRACTIONALLY shorter than free-fall speed. It was a few tenths of a second off....sheesh!! This statement is just full of ignorance - your reply is just "who cares!" What kind of rational arguement is that?

Furthermore, how do you expect buildings to "naturally fall at free-fall speeds" as you stated? Thats just impossible. NOTHING with resistance under it falls at free-fall speed. I can do the physics calculations for you if you like, but it would probably just make your head spin.


***"There were pools of molten metal, pieces of orange/salmon/yellow hot metal, and partly evaporated steel under the towers and WTC 7. Those colors indicate temperatures higher than that could be generated from buring jet fuel, even under optimum (100% oxygen) conditions."

Whatever "molten metal" there was does NOT demonstrate "explosive demolitions" were used. Duh.***

Now look at your response to this one; this is just PURELY your ignorant, uneducated opinion. Please do tell me, without the use of high-temperature explosives, do pools of molten metal form? I don't know where you guys live, but I live in Jersey. After 9/11, the rest of the country just received major news updates. However, here in Jersey we had nightly updates on the cleaning up of ground zero. They were constantly finding massive smoldering pits of metal DEEP under the rubble FOR ONE WEEK AFTER THE ATTACKS. This is where no oxygen can easily get down there. This can only be explained by high-grade explosives.

I wish I could state a few more points, but work ends in 15 minutes. Catch you later

P.S. I promise not to post

P.S. I promise not to post any revisions to the comment threads, unless it is published.

My guess is that Doug is

My guess is that Doug is experienceing great distress.

Whenever the NIST is questioned these people (disturbed doug) pop up. It's like they've prayed to authority for their complete lives and even questioning the NIST is not possible.

I often wonder how anyone could take any level of internet-assisted interest in 911 and still preserve their own mass media induced worldview. Which means he could be faking it. But the rate at which he posts (+ the message) looks genuinely frantic. His approach seems too clumsy and foolish to be calculated. I am for banning reapeat offenders though.

Q: "How can something like this gone on for 5 years without someone screaming for what really happened."

A: We were, we are and we're not going to stop.

Venezuelan Government To

Venezuelan Government To Launch International 9/11 Investigation???

Truth crusaders Walter and Rodriguez to appear on Hugo Chavez's weekly TV broadcast

So this is the Doug thread

So this is the Doug thread now?

Cmon guys, this guy's eyes will still be covered in mayonaise even after Cheney and the lot have eventually been convicted. He's been ignoring everyone's comments that he cannot handle, and just moves on to another senseless 'prove it to me' schtick. I'm not suggesting a ban though, banning is sooo neoconservative :)

Ohw and by the way, those Anonymists ARE getting a bit pesky. If I were to address 'Anonymous' in this thread I got the feeling I'm addressing 10 different people.

switch to a REQUIRED LOGIN

switch to a REQUIRED LOGIN style?????

as for the NIST report, i

as for the NIST report, i personally could rant about it for an hour. but to keep it short, here is the main reason why i take issue with it:

they did not analyze any part of the collapse past the point of 'global collapse'. in other words they tried to explain how the collapse may have started, but didnt analyze at all any detail of the 'global collapse' itself.

quite simply, they didnt create any type of testable model for the collapses.. most likely because there is no way that a super structured steel frame building that is 80%+ structurally intact could collapse in near freefall speeds without removing the remaining core superstructure as to remove all resistance that would have slowed the speed of the collapse.

(oh, and dont forget that in their own documented fire research they couldnt cause a tiny steel building they built to fail even when they exagerated the temperatures and increased the time of the fire)

to the new ppl here that are interested in the subject of 9/11, welcome, have some patience, start reading some books, but please dont flood the threads with 10 posts in 5 minutes with 1 line questions and then be pissed noone answered your question within the said 5 minutes.

nobody spoon fed me my 2 years of research, and i dont expect anyone new to 9/11 research to know much at all in the begining. thats why you need to read a book, watch a movie, and research anything and everything related to 9/11. there is a listing of terms in the banner here that could provide enough search terms to keep anyone busy for months, so get started.

Great. Chavez. THAT'S what

Great. Chavez. THAT'S what the movement needed, a socialist thug.

and now they are saying that

and now they are saying that the people on the airplanes wrent talking to family members but they were staged calls with CIA agents.

see the problem with you guys eventing a conspiracy of this vast size is it is forced to expand and expand due to allthe loose ends and as it spreads out you have to come up with more and more ridiculous claims.

air controllers are in on it,demolition experts,patsy pilots, patsys who are meant to be taken down by the government to provide a cover story,Bush, clinton is a part of it as he was instructed not to accept bin laden when he was president....

its understandable why you guys when you get any coverage only stick to the wackier version of the story and focus on the WTC collapse cause if you guys start in with any of this other nonsense like the people on the planes were talking to CIA agents or the brainwashing angle......

oh gusy obviously sugar coat what you say as even you know how bad it sounds.

the Sheen comments really

the Sheen comments really opened the floodgates. i see people discussing the unanswered questions in places like the San Francisco 49ers forums. great!!!

and now they are saying that

and now they are saying that the people on the airplanes wrent talking to family members but they were staged calls with CIA agents.
Glenn | 03.30.06 - 6:18 pm | #

Who is "now saying" this?

I don't like to get into Flight 93 but since it came up here are a few issues that some people in the movement have a hard time with:

1) 2001 Cell Phone technology and the possibility that the phones (most of which in 2001 were either analog or Dual mode digital phones far less dependable than today, and even today we can all agree that cell phones are not as good as they can be).

2) Mark Bingham is an example of doubt because his official line was calling his mom and saying "Hi Mom, this is Mark Bingham........etc....arabs took over the believe me don't you?"

3) The Social Security Death Index (google it there is one at Many of the passengers are not in there, such as Todd Beamer, Mark Bingham, Betty Ong (flight attendant).

4) No record of Todd Beamer ever marrying someone named Brosious (it's in a "hero" book and talks about Beamer marrying this person. Only Todd Beamer in the death index died in the late 90's)

5) The whole in the lawn in Pennsylvania

6) The debris field is miles wide.

These are some odd things that people are curious about.

oops: 5) the HOLE* in the


5) the HOLE* in the lawn in pennsylvania

Also another one is that was created 9/12/2001 which some people find odd that throughout all the hardship of losing someone, someone would take the time that day to purchase a website domain.

glenn, you may be interested


you may be interested in reading Ruppert's book on 9/11.. in his book he points the finger at just a few public officials.. a basic synopsis for his simple explanation is that in May of 2001, by presidential order, Cheney was handed direct control of all wargame and drill operations.. there were 6 wargames on the morning of 9/11, some of them live fly excercises which mobilized jets to canada, and inserted false blips into norad radar as part of the coinciding wargames.. these wargames included hijackings, and planes crashing into buildings, a huge coincidence, and a big confusion for those at NORAD, etc.

another simple example is the military administrative order of June 1, 2001, which formally included the Secretary of Defense in any decision to authorize the interception of errant civilian planes by military jets.. this removed the abilities for local norad officials to scramble jets (which were done successfully 67 times in the year before 9/11) and put the sole control into Rumsfeld's hands, who stayed in a meeting throughout the attacks.. the process of scramble orders was then changed back to previous standards after 9/11.

not everyone believes in a massive conspiracy involving 100s or 1000s of people, some do, but others dont. it is quite easy to point out scenarios in which fewer than 5-10 key political or military figures facilitated the events of 9/11 happening.. i just want to make sure that you arent assuming that everyone believes in a massive conspiracy..

Regarding a conspiracy ...

Regarding a conspiracy ...

Please read the section entitled "media complicity" in this essay:

And, just for fun:

Jon, your favorite egomaniac

Jon, your favorite egomaniac is blasting recent developments. I wish Mike could just chill out sometimes.

Alex Jones was on Alan

Alex Jones was on Alan Colmes is a clip.

does anyone have the full archived show?

under the title "Governments Do This"

"3) The Social Security

"3) The Social Security Death Index (google it there is one at Many of the passengers are not in there, such as Todd Beamer, Mark Bingham, Betty Ong (flight attendant).

4) No record of Todd Beamer ever marrying someone named Brosious (it's in a "hero" book and talks about Beamer marrying this person. Only Todd Beamer in the death index died in the late 90's)"

wtf?? So do you think Beamer et al. were fictitious characters??

"Also another one is that

"Also another one is that was created 9/12/2001 which some people find odd that throughout all the hardship of losing someone, someone would take the time that day to purchase a website domain."


reading the Ruppert piece --

reading the Ruppert piece -- damn the guy has some nerve

I think Glenn does have a

I think Glenn does have a point, as quite some people keep coming up with the most outrageous theories about some of the 'lesser' incidents of 911. Loose Ends 2 for instance spends quite some time on those phonecalls, and however much I think something's wrong there, it's very hard to prove any of it, and it's not gonna be something that converts people. An issue so close to the actual victims should be handled very carefully, as it will easily scare away a lot of people, not the least the families of those victims.

Being curious about oddities is one thing, ignoring more convincing issues in favour of oddities is another. Another example is the way some people in 'the movement' try to press NWO and Zionist involvement. I know there are interesting points in that field, but using it as your main focal point steers away from the main issue, and basically scares the crap out of people who hate to be seen as a tinfoil hatter or an anti-semite. I'm not suggesting all the above subjects should be closed and left uninvestigated, but some advocates of said issues could be a little more carefull on theorizing about it, and learn about the power of diplomacy in order to get their message across.

Ohw, and talking about diplomacy, suggests mailing Oprah Winfrey using a metaphore of a child molester (see previous entry). Is it me, or could that be the most awkward way of getting her attention?

anonym., he was trying to


he was trying to point out things that some people question about flight 93, not draw any conclusions.. if you want the answers you should ask the government to release the recordings to the public, or do a freedom of information act request for Beamer's death certificate, etc..

welcome to the site, chill a bit and dont jump to conclusions.

"Webster Tarpley, a former

"Webster Tarpley, a former senior researcher for Lyndon LaRouche"

OMFG!!! Is this true??? Argh I hope Tarpley doesn't get anywhere near a TV camera!

Actually I've posted under

Actually I've posted under throwaway nicks, never thought I'd start posting regularly. Hmmm need to settle on a handle..

anonym. : I am not claiming

anonym. :

I am not claiming to know the answers. What I have are questions. That's what many of us who frequent this board have. The problem is that people refuse to address these questions, or dismiss them as nonsense.

Scott Peterson's investigation got more news coverage and indepedent reporting than 9/11 ever did. It appears to me that the major networks merely spewed the same information over and over again, without taking a hard look at the evidence and asking "is there more to this story?".

zuco: see my previous posts.


see my previous posts. that's what i mean about the speculation...

there are far more pressing issues than the cell phone calls.

Question for the people on

Question for the people on this thread:

If you were to address this administration, the 9/11 commission, and the general public, and were able to ask up to 3 questions, what would they be?

I'm wording mine and will post them shortly.

1) Why haven't the unclaimed

1) Why haven't the unclaimed profits from UA and AA stock (among others) days before and the day of 9/11 been investigated thoroughly?

2) Why hasn't the testimony of Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta been followed-up on?

I'm thinking of a 3rd...

Doug, Glen, have you spoken

Doug, Glen, have you spoken with Jimmy Walters to claim your million dollar prize yet?

Doug, Glen, have you spoken

Doug, Glen, have you spoken with Jimmy Walters to claim your million dollar prize yet?
Loud Studios | Homepage | 03.30.06 - 8:00 pm | #


LOL great idea! :) Doug, could be millionaires! What they hell are you still doing here??

Oh...right, I don't have any arguement, let alone proof.

Mike Ruppert is an asshole,

Mike Ruppert is an asshole, IMHO, I don't read him at all anymore. I hate these elitists who think they are the only people who have a grip on 9/11 skeptic issues, and they try to dictate to you who is "legit" and who isn't. Alex Jones doesn't do that, he asks you to make up your own mind, he doesn't tell you who'se trustworthy. I also ignore people who are supposed to be on the side of 9/11 truth but who bad-mouth Alex Jones.

andi: While I find Alex


While I find Alex Jones to be extremely passionate to the point of surreality, I respect his passion.

I just don't feel I should believe everything Alex Jones states as gospel. If I am correct in my assumption about Alex Jones, he doesn't expeect me to believe everything either.

If Chavez really comes

If Chavez really comes forward publicly to call for an international investigation of 911 and openly embraces the questions of the 911 truth movement, in particular the conclusion that members of the US government might be involved, We will have crossed the Rubicon. The ramifications of that would be huge, and unpredictable.

Talk about blowing the lock on the 'left gate keepers', Chavez is consistantly praised by almost all of the left, Chompsky , Amy Goodman, even Jesse Jackson and the labour movement.

They and the Democrats will have to address his position, and the Administration will make them chose their side.
Chavez's name is already mentioned by the administation in the same breath as Fidel Castro the leaders of Iran, Syria and North Korea. The stakes will be high. They will be forced to either embrace his position and support their decision with the evidence presented by the 911 truth movement or back down.

A showdown would be inevitable and we would desperately need all of the Republicans and Libertarians in the Truth Movemnet to make their voices heard to keep this a non-partisan movement for the Truth, and even to simply maintain a united country.

If anyone is interested, I

If anyone is interested, I have made a demo of my 911 anthem in the hope that someone has a good idea of who might stick their neck on the line and record it. Don't comment on my singing please, only the material. Click on my homepage to go straight there.

I might add...That if Chavez

I might add...That if Chavez does this, our exchange with glenn, Flanstien, and Doug will seem like a pleasant and interesting conversation over coffee at the local cafe.

> Chavez is consistantly

> Chavez is consistantly praised by almost all of the left, Chompsky , Amy Goodman, even Jesse Jackson and the labour movement.

Seriously, do a little research on Chavez (the staged coups and the media spin in particular) and you'll see he's not as bad as Bush (yeah, him) wants you to believe. But then again, I'm just a European commie-lovin liberal, right ;)

I just don't feel I should

I just don't feel I should believe everything Alex Jones states as gospel. If I am correct in my assumption about Alex Jones, he doesn't expeect me to believe everything either.
DHS | Homepage | 03.30.06 - 8:17 pm | #

Yep, exactly DHS. Same here. But Mike Ruppert seems to expect us to believe who he says is legit and who isn't. He has a list of his own sanctioned 9/11 researchers and videos. No thanks, I don't like Ruppert's attitude. He is what he is though.

No, they said that there

No, they said that there were plenty of things that sounded like explosions, like pancaking floors.
- Doug

This has to be in my top five funniest things said by believers of the official fairytale.

The collapse of the building would have sounded like one continuous explosion, not a series of discernable ones. Try counting to 100 in ten seconds, and it becomes obvious how silly Doug's explanation is.

I love how these people call us lunatics and crackpots, but their explanations are ten times wackier than ours. If firemen, police, emergency personnel and others who were on the scene say they heard explosions, it is the reasonable people who say "well, maybe they did". It's the unreasonable people who try to explain it away as the sound of the floors collapsing on eachother or some other nonsense, but refuse to consider that it might actually have been explosives.

......Seriously, do a little

......Seriously, do a little research on Chavez (the staged coups and the media spin in particular) and you'll see he's not as bad as Bush (yeah, him) wants you to believe.....

Zuco, I agree completely! My point, obviously not expressed very well, is that Chavez's support of a 911 investigation will force the issue on the mainstream left of this country which has mostly ignored or outright ridiculed the 911 conspiracy theorists.

How this might play out in the context of US domestic politics and the acceptance or vilification of the 91i Truth movement, is unknown but potentially explosive.

....Ruppert's book on 9/11..

....Ruppert's book on 9/11.. in his book he points the finger at just a few public officials.. a basic synopsis for his simple explanation is that in May of 2001, by presidential order, Cheney was handed direct control of all wargame and drill operations.. there were 6 wargames on the morning of 9/11, some of them live fly excercises which mobilized jets to canada, and inserted false blips into norad radar as part of the coinciding wargames.. these wargames included hijackings, and planes crashing into buildings, a huge coincidence, and a big confusion for those at NORAD, etc...

Cheney in direct control of all NORAD exercise & drill operations???That maniac doesn't even practice basic shotgun safety!

RP, it might well have been

RP, it might well have been my bad, for English not being my native tongue and all :)

I also think that the Bush

I also think that the Bush adminstration would probably try to connect, in the minds of americans, Chavez's questioning of 911 with the The Iranian Presidents questioning of the Holocaust.

The response of the Ukrainian US embassy to a local newspaper which featured an article about The 911 Scholars for Truth, stated "questioning 911 is equivelent to Holocaust denial". ( The letter and The Scholars response can be found at in the foreign news section.) Coming from a US Government agency we should expect to be seeing more of this type of compltely false, but possible effective, accusation to discredit any uncomfortable questions about 911.
Just trying to see the big picture through Bush's Brain (Karl Rove), so we can be prepared to respond.

Wrapping labour, lefties, and all uncooperative libertatrians and traditional conservatives that question 911 as treasonous neo-nazi's would be Karl Rove's wet dream.

I think its safe to say that

I think its safe to say that doug has acheived what he intended to. He wants us to waste our time reading through these posts and responding to his bullshit lies instead of using our time to spread the word and organize. I would not be surprised if he was some kind of CIA or NSA agent. Theres no point in debating with this guy. He's a liar that is purposely trying to get you guys to waste your time. A troll. Instead of talking to this idiot send a letter to your representative.

"They [the towers] fell

"They [the towers] fell FRACTIONALLY shorter than free-fall speed. It was a few tenths of a second off....sheesh!! "

This is not quite true of the Twin Towers, but is true of WTC 7:

Of course, even in controlled demolitions buildings fall slightly more slowly than in free fall...

"There is one from a guy who

"There is one from a guy who filmed it across the river, and 20 seconds, I'll repeat that 20 SECONDS before the collapse of the first tower there are a SERIES of explossions from the ground floor that can be heard and seen."

Do you know the nature of those sounds?

Did you forget that the internal structural collapses that preceeded the collapse made sounds also?

The sounds heard are not evidence of explosive demolitions.

Sorry, you lose.

Remove Bush wrote, "Plug in

Remove Bush wrote,

"Plug in the
height of the building at 1350 feet (411 meters) and we get 9 seconds. That is just about the length of time it took for the very top of the World Trade Center to fall to the street below."

No, unfortunately your facxts are wrong. It took well OVER 13 seconds for WTC 2 to collapse as documented in this video. Download it to play it correctly:

You need to stop relying on 9/11 conspiracy sites where you only will find totally inaccurate information.

DHS wrote, "I'm going to

DHS wrote,

"I'm going to email these people and polite request their views on the subject of WTC 1,2,7. I will ask them to review Professor Jones' page and Jane Doe's Billiard Balls page."

That will be fun since Jones's paper didn't provide any evidence to back up his claims.

Jane's paper has already been debunked.

Others have already pointed you to:

None of you have dared touch them. Neither has Prof. Jones.

Better get to work, guys.

a gradual internal failure

a gradual internal failure 10-20 seconds before the collapse would in no way cause the type of concussion sound waves heard on the sinatra peir that morning, nor explain the white smoke rising from the bottom of the building..

it was in '9/11 eyewitness', great raw video footage.

also, you will find 911myth's website in the references in jones' most recent release of his paper.. he has addressed some of their claims, this happened about 3 weeks ago.

Loud Studios, who I debunked

Loud Studios, who I debunked so easily yesterday, wrote.

"Doug, or whichever one of the apologizers sees this first....please see Jimmy Walters to claim your million dollar prize."

That's the funniest line you've written yet, Loud Studios.

Did you know that Walters doesn't have the money? Ask him, you gullible soul.

Ask him to tell you the the details of the escrow account in which this supposed prize money is to be held.

anonymous, have you watched


have you watched the 9/11 Revisited film at the top of this site and have you listened to Griffin's presentation from last night?

Radical Pragmitist

Radical Pragmitist wrote,

"Just look at what happened to Steven Jones. If you followed his trajectory into the 911 movement by his first scientific paper,..."

Jones's paer was not a "scientific" paper by any standards scientists use. You should know that.

It is a speculative paper with no actual evidence. This why BYU, Jones's university, PUBLICLY chastised him for claiming it's peer-reviewed scientific paper.

"The very fact that this guy

"The very fact that this guy is here is very telling. If he's not a government shill, he's one of US. He just doesn't know it yet and his conscious mind can't handle it because its too horrifying."

Somewhere in one of his posts Doug said he was here to educate you.

From the responses he's gotten so far, it looks like he's absolutely correct to do so.

Radical Pragmatist

Radical Pragmatist wrote...

"Whats really revealing is how few structural engineers, as far as I am aware, have come out to strongly support the government version of the collapse. If eventually proven wrong, and blatantly so, that would also be quite a stigma on their career."

I think its just the opposite. There are so many structural engineers in the rest of the world who have nothing to lose by questionning the conclusions that there should have been an uproar if there were anything wrong.

Yizzo wrote, "scroll down to

Yizzo wrote,

"scroll down to view steven jones's

"Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?"

"READ ALL OF IT. and if any confuses you ask me to explain"

I read this non-scientific paper when it first came out and just addressed the fact that it is not a scientific paper.

However, here's one for you to address, the one Jones hasn't been able to refute:

anonymous, i mentioned above


i mentioned above that Jones has in fact commented on the report on in his most recent version, have you looked at his counter arguements?

Tony wrote, "They fell

Tony wrote,

"They fell FRACTIONALLY shorter than free-fall speed. It was a few tenths of a second off....sheesh!! This statement is just full of ignorance - your reply is just "who cares!" What kind of rational arguement is that?"

How is 13+ seconds "fractionally" greater than 9 seconds?

A "free-fall" collapse of 13 seconds means the building would have to be 2,704 feet tall.

"NOTHING with resistance under it falls at free-fall speed."

13+ seconds was not free-fall speed for WTC 1 or 2.

"Now look at your response to this one; this is just PURELY your ignorant, uneducated opinion. Please do tell me, without the use of high-temperature explosives, do pools of molten metal form? I don't know where you guys live, but I live in Jersey. After 9/11, the rest of the country just received major news updates. However, here in Jersey we had nightly updates on the cleaning up of ground zero. They were constantly finding massive smoldering pits of metal DEEP under the rubble FOR ONE WEEK AFTER THE ATTACKS. This is where no oxygen can easily get down there. This can only be explained by high-grade explosives."

Doug is absolutely correct. You can not use the evidence of molten steel to declare that ONLY explosive demolitions occurred.

In fact, fires continued to burn into December as docunmeted by thermal imaging. You are welcome to tell us how that was possible without oxygen for 3 months.

"I wish I could state a few more points, but work ends in 15 minutes."

I wish you would research your "facts" on your own and quit taking 9/11 conspiracy sites at their word.

Manhantanite wrote a dumb

Manhantanite wrote a dumb thing,

"Whenever the NIST is questioned these people (disturbed doug) pop up. It's like they've prayed to authority for their complete lives and even questioning the NIST is not possible."

Where does Doug say you shouldn't question NIST????

What he is saying is that you haven't refuted NIST with scientific evidence. And so far, you're proving him correct.

Sure anonymous, The towers

Sure anonymous,

The towers were designed to allow the domino effect to collapse them like a succession of falling pancakes!!! You bet.

DZ wrote, "they did not

DZ wrote,

"they did not analyze any part of the collapse past the point of 'global collapse'. in other words they tried to explain how the collapse may have started, but didnt analyze at all any detail of the 'global collapse' itself."

It's a purely rational position for NIST to take. Once you understand the cause of the collapse there is no compelling reason to go beyond.

This isn't a mystery to physicists or structural engineers. Once global collapse starts, there is no force in the world to prevent it.

Your argument has always been a red herring for 9/11 conspiracists to avoid having to deal with the fact that the collapses of at least WTC 1 and 2 are perfectly explainable without explosives. Since no evidence has ever been found for explosives in all the independent dust and NIST studies, 9/11 conspiracists are looking for something to justify pushing a conspiracy.

DHS wrote, "These are some

DHS wrote,

"These are some odd things that people are curious about."

Even after they've been shown not to be "odd."

DHS wrote, " 1) Why haven't

DHS wrote,

" 1) Why haven't the unclaimed profits from UA and AA stock (among others) days before and the day of 9/11 been investigated thoroughly?"

Because there's nothing to investigate.

You would have known this had you bothered to do any research:

"a gradual internal failure

"a gradual internal failure 10-20 seconds before the collapse would in no way cause the type of concussion sound waves heard on the sinatra peir that morning, nor explain the white smoke rising from the bottom of the building.."

According to whom? You? Let's see the evidence.

"it was in '9/11 eyewitness', great raw video footage."

"also, you will find 911myth's website in the references in jones' most recent release of his paper.. he has addressed some of their claims, this happened about 3 weeks ago."

Jones has not addressed the Greening paper I linked to.

DZ wrote, "i mentioned above

DZ wrote,

"i mentioned above that Jones has in fact commented on the report on in his most recent version, have you looked at his counter arguements?"

Jones addressed a hypothesis about Thermite. Jones has been asked to address Greening's first paper:

but hasn't. The collapse doesn't depend on Thermite.

Anonymous wrote, "The towers

Anonymous wrote,

"The towers were designed to allow the domino effect to collapse them like a succession of falling pancakes!!! You bet."

Buildings are not designed to collapse.

Anonymous, I believe you are


I believe you are being incredibly dishonest in your statements that there is no evidence of explosions.. obviously that is your personal opinion, but I find it a rather brash statement in light of some of the following material:

a few of my picks from the last link:
As my officer and I were looking at the south tower, it just gave. It actually gave at a lower floor, not the floor where the plane hit, because we originally had thought there was like an internal detonation explosives because it went in succession, boom, boom, boom, boom, and then the tower came down.

Commissioner Stephen Gregory, NYPD – October 3, 2001: “You know like when they demolish a building, how when they blow up a building, when it falls down? That's what I thought I saw. And I didn't broach the topic to him, but he asked me. He said I don't know if I'm crazy, but I just wanted to ask you because you were standing right next to me. He said did you see anything by the building? And I said what do you mean by see anything? He said did you see any flashes? I said, yes, well, I thought it was just me. He said no, I saw them, too.”

to suggest there is no evidence of explosions is in my opinion is a completely dishonest statement. we can disagree, but i would appreciate it if you could try to curb the need for derogatory comments in the future.

btw, have you watched the 9/11 Revisited movie linked at the top of this site? (3rd time asking)

and i noticed that you didnt bother quoting my statements on the resistance which would have been provided by the 80+ floors which were structurally intact. this lack of resistance from the lower level of the building is precisely the thorn in the official story, and to suggest that there is no reason why anyone would analyze anything but how a collapse might start is completely ludacris. when a steel super structure collapses through itself via the path of most resistance in just a fraction more than freefall in open air there is more than enough reason to analyze how that happened, and how localized damage at the top of the building could demolish it all the way to the bottom floor..

dz wrote, " believe you are

dz wrote,

" believe you are being incredibly dishonest in your statements that there is no evidence of explosions.."

No, I am stating a known fact. NO evidence of explosive demolitions has ever been found, either in the NIST investigations or the many independent NYC investigations of the dust.

"obviously that is your personal opinion,"

Sorry, it's a statement of fact.

"but I find it a rather brash statement in light of some of the following material:

" wtcshake.mpg"

This video of WTC 1 collapsing contains just what evidence of explosive demolitions?

" ...itness_wtc1.wmv"

This is an old one. Already addressed. This is a perfect example of claiming something is "evidence" to the exclusion of all else when there are alternatives. The sounds provide NO evidence of explosive demolition - and that's assuming the soundtrack is accurate to begin with. What sounds like "explosions" from two miles away does not mean the sounds are explosive demolitions since there is another rational source - the internal collapses going on before the collapse.

Therefore, you must provide OTHER evidence that explosive demolitions were used. And so far, none has ever been found.

" t=4820"

Jones letter was a faux pas since he had already claimed the physics proved that "only" controlled demolition could explain the collapses.

So, after making the claim, he then seeks the expertise to instruct him on structural engineering.

"a few of my picks from the last link:
As my officer and I were looking at the south tower, it just gave. It actually gave at a lower floor, not the floor where the plane hit, because we originally had thought there was like an internal detonation explosives because it went in succession, boom, boom, boom, boom, and then the tower came down."

It's easy to see that WTC 2 was giving way BEFORE it collapsed:

9/11 conspiracists hate that video since they can't explain rationally how "explosive demolitions" caused the progessive bowing inward of the outside wall before the collapse. And there's no sounds of explosions.

"Commissioner Stephen Gregory, NYPD – October 3, 2001: “You know like when they demolish a building, how when they blow up a building, when it falls down? That's what I thought I saw. And I didn't broach the topic to him, but he asked me. He said I don't know if I'm crazy, but I just wanted to ask you because you were standing right next to me. He said did you see anything by the building? And I said what do you mean by see anything? He said did you see any flashes? I said, yes, well, I thought it was just me. He said no, I saw them, too.”

"You know like when.....?" C'mon, DZ, you don't expect anyone to accept that statement as EVIDENCE of explosive demolitions, do you?

"to suggest there is no evidence of explosions is in my opinion is a completely dishonest statement."

What you have given me in this post caliming it's evidence of explosive demolitions only serves to illustrate my point exactly. You have given us nothing that anyone would accept as credible scientific evidence of "explosive demolitions."

"we can disagree, but i would appreciate it if you could try to curb the need for derogatory comments in the future."

I would appreciate it if your members would stop doing exactly that when they deal with someone that disagrees with them factually.

"btw, have you watched the 9/11 Revisited movie linked at the top of this site? (3rd time asking)"

No, I haven't. But given that Griffin's history of talking on subjects of which he has no expertise, making unsupported claims, I am not rushing to yawn all over again.

But I'll look at it when there's time.

"and i noticed that you didnt bother quoting my statements on the resistance which would have been provided by the 80+ floors which were structurally intact. this lack of resistance from the lower level of the building is precisely the thorn in the official story,..."

Yes, I have addressed it already in one of these threads and I pointed you to the paper in which it is addressed:

I note that you have yet to address that paper.

"and to suggest that there is no reason why anyone would analyze anything but how a collapse might start is completely ludacris."

Sorry, not to physicists and structural engineers. And no more so then when a plane explodes in mid air and crashes do they analyze the performance of the plane debris from the moment of explosion till it hits the ground.

There is nothing mysterious in physics in the fact that ONCE a huge block of building started to fall that all that potential energy is converted to kinetic energy and crashes down on a structure never designed to withstand the ENORMOUS forces fall on it.

" when a steel super structure collapses through itself via the path of most resistance in just a fraction more than freefall..."

I've already debunked the "fraction of free-fall" nonsense. 13+ secoinds for the collapse of WTC is NOT the value of 9+ seconds of free fall for that structure.

It is profoundly irritating when these statements like yours that have been PROVEN false long ago are repeated ad infinitum as if they never have surfaced before. Please do your research first.

Now, download this video of WTC 2 collapsing:

Play it over and over and watch the timing of the collapse. (I couldn't get it to play right streaming - only after downloading it.)

The last frame that shows the tower collapsing is at 12+ seconds yet it hasn't completely collapsed.

Ask yourself how that could possibly be anything near freefall speed.

" open air there is more than enough reason to analyze how that happened, and how localized damage at the top of the building could demolish it all the way to the bottom floor.."

As you've now seen, your presumptions were erroneous. The question then is twofold:

1) Why did you accept innacurate information so readily?

2) Why do you presume to know more than the world's qualified scientists and structural engineers?

Think of that as you respond to Dr. Frank Greening's paper I've gibven you the link to several times.