911Truth.org Urges Nationwide Response to United 93

The dramatization of United 93 is presented like a documentary, striving for the "you are there" effect. And therein lies the real problem: most of the plot is borrowed uncritically from the claims of the US administration and of The 9/11 Commission Report. The film never hints that these official narratives are under serious dispute.

United 93 is writing its own chapter in the Hollywood textbook on how to convert controversy into box office. The predictable revulsion at a movie that commercializes September 11th has served the filmmakers as an opportunity to gain sympathy by displaying a calculated compassion and thoughtfulness.
Yet even with the buzz at a peak, many of those lining up to fill the 2000-seat Ziegfeld Theater at the world premiere Tuesday night arrived in groups by tourist bus, their complimentary tickets in hand. They were greeted by activists hoisting a banner that read, "Stop the 9/11 Media Blackout."

"Everybody wanted our flyers," one member of this group told us of a nearby scene. "People were crowded around us, jotting down the sites to go online."
How we understand September 11th is not an academic matter; it is deadly serious. The events of 9/11 were used to propel a perpetual, global "War on Terror" and to justify the USA PATRIOT Act. The executive branch has claimed an unprecedented power to detain citizens for years without charges, and undertook other assaults on our natural rights and liberties.
Who knows how many wars are yet to follow. All because of 9/11?

Even our grandchildren are affected, as they are saddled with multi-trillion-dollar debts that will prove to be multigenerational. The 9/11 story matters -- to everyone.

Virtually every poll commissioned on the subject reveals that the majority of Americans continue to harbor deep misgivings about the events of 9/11; also about the official lack of candor, accountability and transparency, and the near-impossibility of getting these issues addressed in the mass media.

We want to know why the Commission wants to hide what really happened in the final three minutes of Flight 93--whatever it was. We want the facts about 9/11 that a democratic people need, if we are to make informed decisions about the future. Our country can bear no more omissions and distortions, gag orders on whistleblowers, or media censorship. We need the truth about 9/11.

Note: Be sure to check out the new flyers there as well.

am i the only one having a

am i the only one having a problem seeing the title of this thread?

You may need Mozilla Firefox

You may need Mozilla Firefox

damn, that sucks, ive never

damn, that sucks, ive never really had problems before, except for some of the stories being broken up and taking up too much of the page.sometimes there will be this long blank spot halfway through a story, but other than that its fine.

Setup of the century by Abid

Setup of the century
by Abid Ullah Jan
(Tuesday April 25 2006)

"Instead of wasting further time on what is so glaringly obvious, we need to move from the How 9/11 aspect to Why 9/11. Without this shift, we will be running in circles and never reach the conclusions."


9/11: Premiere today: Top 15

9/11: Premiere today: Top 15 to boycott/leaflet "United 93" http://bellaciao.org/en/article.php3?id_article=11689

chris, is it fixed now?


is it fixed now?

"Goofball Shockumentary" Not

"Goofball Shockumentary"
Not even Hollywood would bite on this one: Loose Change tells what, heh, really happened on 9/11
By Robrt L. Pela (Pela is quite an a-hole) http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/Issues/2006-04-27/news/Bird.html

"Setup of the century by

"Setup of the century
by Abid Ullah Jan
(Tuesday April 25 2006)

"Instead of wasting further time on what is so glaringly obvious, we need to move from the How 9/11 aspect to Why 9/11. Without this shift, we will be running in circles and never reach the conclusions."

http://usa.mediamonitors.net/con...view/full/ 29722"

I wrote something about that a long time ago...

In Regards To 9/11, Focus On The Why, And Not The How...

1. Who Benefitted From

1. Who Benefitted From 9/11?
2. Who Had The Power To Make 9/11 Happen?
3. Are Either Connected?

So Im listening to the

So Im listening to the Majority report and what do they start talking about... Flight 93 the movie, one of the actors is being interviewed right now. So I tried to send an E-mail voicing my opinion and the G*d D$%ned page wouldnt open. This blows, and I thought Garafalow?sp was sort of on board with 911 truth.

who benefitted from

who benefitted from 9-11?

military contractors
universal pictures

people who shorted airline stocks and options


oil companies

airlines got big bailouts

sellers of american flag t shirts

country music stars


feel free to add more

Fox News

Fox News

Who had the power to make it

Who had the power to make it happen?

those with the gold rule -

those with the gold rule - could it be the sparkling cities in the desert?

Who had the actual ability

Who had the actual ability to pull of 9/11?

wow, steven colbert on the

wow, steven colbert on the colbert report on comedy central just called kristol out on PNAC..

gotta get that video! :)

2 new essays: Truth

Who benefitted? JESUS F***

Who benefitted?

JESUS F*** Christ almighty on a stick!

just about every capitalist in the world, every tyrant, every spook, everyone in power who needs secrets.

Remember: Secrets are necessary for making profits

Who had the power to carry it out?

Only those with root-level access to the computers. Joint Chiefs of Staff Henry Shelton.

Who has the power to cover it up?

Those in power, duh!

4) Who is in power?



I just realised that its NOT THE CIA, they do the crimes on foreign soil:


The Domestic Department is the FBI.

please read THIS


to get an idea how these arseholes work.

Back then, HOOVER was willing to do the heinous cRIMES whereas Sullivan was only willing to do simple illegal stuff. As an illustration just HOW RIGHT WING they were, imagine this:

They wanted to fire-bomb the BROOKINGS (a totally right wing think tank)...

But those nice things are history. In the 21st century we committ atrocities without scrouples.




he knew what was going on..


"wow, steven colbert on the

"wow, steven colbert on the colbert report on comedy central just called kristol out on PNAC.. "

Amen. Colbert abused kristol. Apparently somebody doesn't like deadeye dick.


Atlanta Journal Constitution

Yeah, but where will the

Yeah, but where will the protests be tomorrow and over the weekend? In L.A.? The ArcLight on Sunset? (didn't that used to be the Cinerama Dome?) Outside Universal Studios?

Just a thought, but was the

Just a thought, but was the reason this movie was made was to further remind the public of why the War of/on Terror is necessary? Is it really a propaganda effort of sorts?

They rewrote the events of

They rewrote the events of Pearl Harbour, why not 911 as well?


Stephen Colbert is my new

Stephen Colbert is my new hero. started right off with calling Bill Kristol out as a member of the PNAC and asking how the "New American Century" is working out for him. that looked like it rocked Kristol. you can see his hands start shaking and then Colbert starts saying "looking good, huh, for you, Rummy, Wolfowitz, Cheney, and Pearle...you five." also, the way Colbert said "we can't allow dictators who kill their own people. thats a very simple statement that I support wholeheartedly" while vehemently pointing his finger at him was classic . he seems to be in the know. this episode should be available on iTunes sometime friday.

"So Im listening to the

"So Im listening to the Majority report and what do they start talking about... Flight 93 the movie, one of the actors is being interviewed right now. So I tried to send an E-mail voicing my opinion and the G*d D$%ned page wouldnt open. This blows, and I thought Garafalow?sp was sort of on board with 911 truth.
Doug | 04.27.06 - 9:55 pm | # "

I thought so too. What happened to that?

The problem with focusing on

The problem with focusing on why over how is that we have not yet proven the case for convictions. It is important to appreciate that this work is in process. We will get these guys. Period, end of story.

Tim Osman and KLA have a

Tim Osman and KLA have a 'joint' cash box in US

” When people across the US and around the World find out that Al Qaeda is not an outside enemy but a creation of US foreign policy and the CIA, the legitimacy of the bipartisan war agenda will tumble like a deck of cards. ” – Michael Chossudovsky

I like your homepage valis.

I like your homepage valis. I just bookmarked it. The article about Sander Hicks meeting Cheney is great. Cheneys response is very professional.

Anybody in San Diego? I

Anybody in San Diego? I just made 50 copies of 9/11 Revisited I've been handing out. Im going to go to the police station, fire department, and city hall tommorrow to hand these out. Im using my own money and I work at a restaurant so I don't make a whole lot but I'm trying to find people to start a San Diego truth group. I put copies on the windshield of three police cars at my school today.




‘United 93’ movie

‘United 93’ movie includes invented details


Also, this political cartoon

Also, this political cartoon about the 9/11 truth movement was funny:

regarding leading 9/11

regarding leading 9/11 researcher Sander Hicks spending a brief moment with Dick Cheney in November:

something unheard of: a 9/11 researcher spending five seconds with the top government official in charge on 9/11.

yep,its fixed.

yep,its fixed.

was this last nights episode

was this last nights episode boast? Colbert is better than i thought.

Jon Gold wrote, "1. Who

Jon Gold wrote,

"1. Who Benefitted From 9/11?

2. Who Had The Power To Make 9/11 Happen?

3. Are Either Connected?

What you have to deal with is that Bush could have achieved all his foreign policy goals - legitimate or not - without the necessity of "staging" 9/11.

This fact, which alludes 911 conspiracists, is precisely why groups like "Scholars for 9/11 Truth" are working backwards, trying to "prove" that there must have been "controlled demolition" of the WTC towers.

That 9/11 could have been just as the various investigations have shown and not affect what Bush eventually did invading Afghanistan and Irag is the Achilles Heel of 9/11 conspiracy movements.

S.King works hard for his

S.King works hard for his money.

What you have to deal with

What you have to deal with is that Bush could have achieved all his foreign policy goals - legitimate or not - without the necessity of "staging" 9/11.

You appear to have forgotten a lot in the past 5 years S.King. I remember the country was fairly evenly divided about going to war with Iraq until the additional (lie) threat of WMDs. If 9/11 hadn't happened, that percentage would have been much lower. And obviously, there would have been essentially 0 support for invading Afghanistan.

Preemptive attacks are a very recent development in our foreign policy. Our doctrine was completely changed by 9/11, or more specifically, what the people allowed our leaders to do as a result of 9/11 has changed.

Domestic spying and other violations of our rights would have gotten the President thrown out of office prior to 9/11. Increasing military spending after Clinton closed many of our military bases and we were no longer threatened by any major powers wouldn't have happened.

And that's only a few examples of how foreign and domestic policy has changed since 9/11. The effect has been so profound it is hard to imagine what it was like before.

This fact, which alludes 911 conspiracists, is precisely why groups like "Scholars for 9/11 Truth" are working backwards, trying to "prove" that there must have been "controlled demolition" of the WTC towers.

They're not. You don't have a very good grasp of what "911 conspiracists" are doing. Even news that some may remember from that very day (as I do) mentioned secondary explosions several times. To most people that have seen the collapse and have seen a controlled demolition, the similarities are obvious. They're not "working backwards" at all. Quite the contrary, that is the method employed by those writing the official reports.

Those scientifically investigating 9/11 are using the scientific method, where you gather data, lay out all the possible hypotheses, then make a judgement about which hypothesis best describes your observations.

All that is necessary within the truth movement is to prove that those in our government could have had motives for doing it. Establishing specifically which motive they had is secondary to the scientific and investigative task of proving that it was an inside job.

Quite true, benthere. Thank

Quite true, benthere. Thank you for your detailed response.

To add: They can't have it both ways - the right-wingers are trumpeting that the movie should remind us how 9/11 changed the world forever, and the attacks on Flt. 93 were the first blows in the "War on Terror."

It can't also be that "Bush could have achieved all his foreign policy goals - legitimate or not - without the necessity of "staging" 9/11."

Their own words - of the Administration and its apologists - taken in the context of the situation, hang them.

They might as well command people, "Do not connect the dots."

Some asshole in the US Today article stated that it was more comfortable to believe the government was in "control" than to believe the world was out of control with "terrorists" on the loose.

Guess what, one doesn't exclude the other. The terrorists *are* on the loose.

Also, strange note, two advisors to the USA Today story had a byline from McLean, Virginia. Wonder if those people got to edit the copy?

Does anyone know, please, where I might obtain a transcript of the lecture, "9/11 and Demonic Consciousness," presented April 25, 2006 at the conference on Consciousness and Science by D.R. Griffen? Or audio file?

Conspiracy film rewrites

Conspiracy film rewrites 9/11 with revisionist theories. They're talking about United 93, right?

"was this last nights

"was this last nights episode boast? Colbert is better than i thought"

yeah Chris, it was the thurs night episode. its up on iTunes Music Store now. it is ep. 27. I was hoping Crooks & Liars wouldve posted it today.

it IS on Crooks and Liars

C&L got it up, but they

C&L got it up, but they already banned me this morning for talking about 9/11. they are VERY strict there about that.you cant even mention 9/11 on C&L anymore.cowards.

C&L is just another example

C&L is just another example of how the democrats are no different than republicans when it comes to 9/11.

yep. ive already been banned

yep. ive already been banned 3 times over.the guy who runs the site is a complete media whore. he lives to get mentioned on CNN, and talking about 9/11 objectively is no way to do that.which is why he is so heavy with the censoring of 9/11 talk.

"I've been frustrated for a

"I've been frustrated for a long time with the way the media portrays 9/11."

Oh yeah? So, why does Crooks and Liars completely stonewall any coverage of the huge amount of grassroots skepticism about the official story of 9-11? Fuck you Crooks and Liars. You're full of shit.
jam | 04.28.06 - 6:19 pm | #

at least somebody there has

at least somebody there has my back now that im banned.....