Former NY Times reporter Judith Miller to assert she was warned of large scale attack before 9/11

Raw Story is reporting that Miller got a tip off from a White House source anonymous White House source told her in July 2001 that an NSA intelligence report predicted a large al Qaeda attack, possibly on the continental United States


'I think everybody knew that an attack was coming -- everyone who followed this.'"

nice comment posted here on

nice comment posted here on Alternet re: pentagon footage:

Did a little research...not hard mind this age of transparency one can get away with anything for too long

As it turns out .. Judicial Watch is essentially funded by Donations from 3 independent foundations. These foundations also give large amounts of money to conservative think tanks. Two of the the three foundations are essentially the same foundation set up by Billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife (yes of the famous Mellons... Carnegie Mellon, tycoon etc.. ) he owes his fortunes to Banking, Aluminum, NewsMax media outlet and bum bum bum ... you guessed it Oil.

Scaife used his media outlet as well as donations to help start Judicial Watch in 1994 .. this was all an attempt to remove President Clinton from office for illegal fundraising activity.

The other foundation giving money to Judicial Watch is the John M. Olin foundation. Established by the owner of Olin Industries ...a Chemical and Munitions manufacturing business.. which at another point in time donated money to fund "studies" that argued for relaxing laws about concealed weapons.

This is the statement released from Judicial Watch:

"We fought hard to obtain this video because we felt that it was very important to complete the public record with respect to the terrorist attacks of September 11," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

"Finally, we hope that this video will put to rest the conspiracy theories involving American Airlines Flight 77. As always, our prayers remain with all those who suffered as a result of those murderous attacks."

Then i woke up.

and yet she kept quiet. too

and yet she kept quiet. too afraid to cry wolf.

she is a CIA Mockingbird asset, hence the security clearances.

DHS, thanks for the

DHS, thanks for the background on Judicial Watch. Figures!

So they've trotted out

So they've trotted out Judith Miller again -- this time to help keep the 9/11 myths alive right on the heels of the Pentagon video GAFFE. Can you get any more obvious?

At least this might help

At least this might help bring Bush's poll numbers down lower.... BUT, if you believe BushCo is at the top of the conspiracy, I've got another red pill for you.

The Olin foundation created

The Olin foundation created another group... some kind of project about a new American century or something, whatever that is...

From what I can tell, Judith

From what I can tell, Judith Miller will simply support the "Oops Theory", so beloved of the US Government.

Big deal. Judith Miller lost all credibility with her trumpeting of pro-Iraq invasion propaganda. Why should anybody take her seriously, no matter what she says?

sl, you're exactly right

sl, you're exactly right

here's the whole

"But I got the sense that

"But I got the sense that part of the reason that I was being told of what was going on was that the people in counter terrorism were trying to get the word to the President or the senior officials through the press, because they were not able to get listened to themselves. "

I don't think this story is planted by the administration. they created the facade of "al qaida" so well that even people in the white house thought that they were going to attack. Now we know that the CIA, NSA, and FBI all thought something was going down. But what they were actually seeing were the PATSIES.

these guys provided some good cover for themselves.

sorry about the re-post :-(

sorry about the re-post :-(

Hey guys and gals, Question

Hey guys and gals,

Question for you. Turns out I know one of the principal actors in United 93. Friend of a relative, and this person is pretty cool.

I am planning on bringing up 9/11 in our conversation. Can any of you suggest some good questions for this person? I have a bunch of ideas, but I figured I'd bounce them around to get the best ones.

Thanks very much,

On BBC2 now - special report

On BBC2 now - special report on 9/11 conspiracy.
Tommy Payne | 05.17.06 - 5:47 pm | #

give us some report please..
Tono Stano | Homepage | 05.17.06 - 6:18 pm | #

Last night BBC's Newsnight, arguarbly the most reputable news programme in The UK, did a special report on 9/11 conspiracies, with the main focus on the recently released Pentagon tapes.

Their attention was drawn to the subject after a experiencing a record number of downloads of the Pentagon video, uploaded onto their website yesterday.
It was a suprisingly fair piece, which included interviews with both the fella from Judicial Watch and Dave Vonkeist (apologies about the spelling).
What was noticable, was both a lack of name calling and the impartialiality of the reporter, something that seems to be lacking whenever I have seen US reports.
They said that highlights of the show will be available for download on their site later today: default.stm

It's nice to finally have some media attention, though it is upto us to ensure that it continues in the same vein.
I encourage you to post comments/feedback on the Newsnight website (and the main BBC forum also), but suggest that you focus attention on other aspects of 9/11, as well as the Pentagon.
Tommy Payne | 05.18.06 - 3:00 am | #

I can almost guarantee you

I can almost guarantee you the Pentagon Theory is a TRAP. Alex Jones is rarely wrong, and I suspected awhile ago from what my friend said that this is a solid way to set everyone up. So yeah, go ahead and believe in the Flight 77 didnt hit thing. Just don't be angered when they release NON FAKED footage from every angle of Flight 77 plowing into the Pentagon. I predicted last year that in 2006 they'd finally release all the footage. It's a game, a trap...and youc an throw Flight 77 in with pods, flashes, the Jews, plane swaps and CGI fakery.

Seriously, has the no plane people actualy looked through all the Pentagon footage from INSIDE? Yeah, some of it is gruesome, but there's way too many big, medium and small 757 charred parts to ignore.

This may be off topic, but

This may be off topic, but I'm new to this site, and don't quite now how to submit something otherwise..but here's my take on the Pentagon footage:

I am a long time IT worker, who, in 2003 installed hardware and software that tracked and managed the loading dock at the new Time Warner building at Columbus Square in NY. The company that I worked for was contracted by The Related Companies (tm), who managed the building, and is loosely related to Time Warner. The datacenter that we were originally housed in was on the 4th floor Security Operations Center.

The Security Operations Center consisted of large plasma screens which displayed, REAL TIME at approx 24 frames per second, nearly 400 different locations in or around the building. These were then recorded directly to a bank of approximately 100 Panasonic hard drive based video recording units. Security policy dictated that these units keep 14 days of footage readily available on disk, and then archived thereafter on double sided DVD media. Six months of archives were kept on site, with copies shipped offsite to a secure storage facility.

You may ask how this is related to the Pentagon footage. My point is that a commercial entity with a smaller budget than the US Military was able to provide real time data on demand, while the released Pentagon footage resembles something similar to what a convenience store might have. In fact, Sears stores have far more coverage and better quality surveillance systems than what the Pentagon purports to have.

Are we to believe that a highly secure building, a building that is so highly important to the US security and military infrastructure, is less secure than Time Warner, or for god's sake, a retail establishment at your local mall?

I've seen many posts on this board claiming that modern security systems only record approximately 2-5 frames per second. To say that this is the case at the Pentagon is completely disingenious.

My father spent 12 years in active service (US Army Signal Corps), and an additional 20 years working as a civilian in the field of Data Cryptography. The hardware that was used to encrypt data was INTENSE and quite expensive, and in the late 80's/early 90's was ahead of what the private sector has only gotten around to recently. Doesn't seem to make sense that they would leave hideously behind the times video equipment installed, as your security scheme is only as strong as your weakest link (obviously).

My belief is that the current Pentagon footage was downsampled from the more believable 24-30 frames per second, to the released 2-5 frames per second. Are there any video experts available on this board that could dissect the video to look for anomalies in the frame refresh, like possibly inaccurate or slightly off-time frame refreshes? Are there tell-tale signs of downsampling that could be found?

Ok, I'm off to bed, keep up the great work guys. On the IT front, I'm glad to help out the search for truth whereever I may be able to. Thanks so much for not giving up the fight!

Anyone know ANY INFO about

Anyone know ANY INFO about Sander Hick's
9/11: HIJACKED HISTORY new documentary?
Any trailer? Site? It sounds like a REAL documentary with all original shot footage, interviews with FBI agents, etc. Im tired of the "docs" that simply use nothing but recycled clips. Check out the news story about the movie:

I just saw Horns and Halos the documentary, been reading about Hicks senate bid, read about his book, and
read about him asking Cheney in person if 9/11 was an inside job. Why doesnt the 9/11 truth movement talk or feature more about this guy? I'd love to see this guy interviewed in the mainstream, Alex Jones, etc.

Aha! CLIPS FROM 9/11

NY Senate candidate and big 9/11 truth advocate Sander Hick's new documentary that goes beyond the usual "9/11 docs" with brand new interviews with FBI agents and showing a recent tour of 9/11 truth events:

Cheers for the links,

Cheers for the links, pockybot.

user name: dkmc password: video
pockybot | 05.18.06 - 4:55 am | #

user name: dkmc password: video

And one more note about

And one more note about Sander Hicks, I am very very intrigued by hi sbook The Big Wedding:

People always talk about David Ray Griffin or Rupert's books...but Sander's book seems like it may very well be one of the most possible scenarios. If you read the comments to this page, someone postulates that perhaps the US wanted to frame Iraq or another country for exploding explosives in the World Trade Center on 9/11. It's a kooky theory, but nomore kooky than 'tv fakery'. This notion than the planted explosives were going to be blamed on Iraq, and CIA agents were forging documents of underground black arm sales from Russia to Iraqi terrorists. People who dismiss his book as merely supporting "LIHOP" don't realize that LIHOP is what most likely happened, just with added flair. There is no doubting Pakistan's financial role in 9/11, as Sander's points out.

Something from

Something from history:

Judicial Watch group asks for censoring actor Danny Glover movies for his anti Iraq war and pro Cuban opinion:

So, those same rightwing nuts sued
for the release of Pentagon tape?
That's ridiculous..

Crap, here's the 9/11

Crap, here's the 9/11 Hijacked History clips
user name is: dkmc
password: video

I cannot wait for this and 9/11 Press For Truth. Add to that Everybody's Gotta Learn and you have NON CONSPIRACY provable facts that the mainstream can no longer laugh at, unlike Loose Change and other docs.

Judicial watch v. Von

Judicial watch v. Von Kleist

They said that highlights of the show will be available for download on their site later today: default.stm


Do you have the right link?!?

me also thinks that carl

me also thinks that carl rove was cultivating the "nice bungling guy" image for GW. when the nice guy bungles something and the press attacks him, all the good christian people rally to support him.

you know, "he's the kind guy you'd like to drink a beer with".

GW is an empty vessel that people see themselves in.

our media has created a mass personality disorder and people are confused about where the border between themselves and all the images thrown at them is.

'Judicial watch v. Von

'Judicial watch v. Von Kleist

They said that highlights of the show will be available for download on their site later today: default.stm


Do you have the right link?!?
Tono Stano | Homepage | 05.18.06 - 5:09 am '


Oops. Apologies. is early.

the problem i have with

the problem i have with LIHOP is:

If Atta was gambling on the boats that Abramoff was trying to buy, a deal which involved mafia hit men from the gambino crime family, doesn't that suggest this was MIHOP?

See I think somewhere in

See I think somewhere in 2003, 2004 the 9/11 Truth movement went wildly in a 100 different directions from "there are many unanswered questions" to "OMG BUSH HAD THE TOWERS KNOCKED DOWN WITH FAKE PLANES!!!" I mean...what?

Has it ever occured to anyone that maybe the government has created some of these theories after 9/11 to throw people off?

Do we really know 100% that the CIA met with bin Laden? That the hijackers were trained by the US or funded by the CIA?

I mean Im almost 100% the footage of the pentagon released was intentionally bad, and that Flight 77 really hit.

Think about many people are screaming their head off about no flight 77 at the pentagon, no plane at shanksville, no planes at WTC, Israeli complicity, and all this stuff. Sure, there may be some kernel of truth to
explosives at the towers, but what can we prove? If our main message is OMG PENTAGON MISSLE AND TOWER BOMBS! and we FORGET about the PROVABLE "LIHOP" by way of FBI whistleblowers, Able Danger, Pakistani secret dealings, NORAD war games, standdown orders...
then we dont have a leg to stand on.

The problem that I have with

The problem that I have with LIHOP is that as soon as the slightest action is taken to ensure that the attack takes place (making sure that they get on the planes, taking John O'Neil of the case, failing to ivestigate Moussoui early enough etc), does it not automatically become MIHOP? They could have stopped it if they had wanted to, but they were required to be complicit in order for the plan to work.

after further review, it

after further review, it looks like hopsicker has issues with the "911 truth movement" as if its one controlled thing.

maybe its turf issue?

i think its important to keep stressing that we don't know what happened, but we know that the official story is bogus and we need a new investigation.

hard to get screwed to the wall with that statement.

"If Atta was gambling on the

"If Atta was gambling on the boats that Abramoff was trying to buy, a deal which involved mafia hit men from the gambino crime family, doesn't that suggest this was MIHOP?"


Point taken, but I believe the disctinction becomes blurred when having to classify what happened into a concrete, even if only semantic, category.
I propose that we drop the acronyms and start focusing on what really happened, rather than try to make any particular scenario fit a certain predetermined level of perceived involvement. Why pigeonhole ourselves into such a potential over/understatement when we know so very little? I'd bet that like so many things, the truth lies in between.

As always, just my opinion.

I wonder if the flight

I wonder if the flight schools was mostly "cover". Either the US wanted to cover up the embarassing fact that the hijacked plane pilots actually got their training from US or ally bases overseas, or that was th eplan all along.

Anyone here think whoever flew flight 77 into the pentagon was MILLITARY trained, and not FLIGHT SHCOOL trained?

And yes, doign all you can to make sure 9/11 goes through goes from LIHOP to MIHOP...but I stop way short of the explosives, remote controll, etc theory. It's all possible tho. I strongly believe the planes crashed where they said they did tho, to me it makes sense.

looks like 911blogger is

looks like 911blogger is about to flip the odometer

congrats on a million hits

Can someone pls. save the

Can someone pls. save the video stream from BBC Newsnight. I saw it it's a 5minute segement, not bad, but disproportionally in favor of that waco/disinfo boy of Judicial Watch..

Send your opinion to the host and the Newsnight programme!

Draft of my open letter sent to him:


Dear Mr. Urban,
Firstly, thank you for the 17/5/05 Newsnight on Pentagon footage segment.
However, I'd like to encourage you to do a bit more serious research for any
similar segment on the topic in the future, you have made a number of factual errors.

For instance, in the first reaction to the events of 9/11/01 Usama bin Ladin DIDN'T claim responsibility for the attacks, the first confirmation comes months later and is subject to speculation as to wheather the person on video footage is authentic or impersonated, many forensic authorities say it's not authentic.

Also, you have given undue credibility to a lobby group called Judicial Watch, which is according to own BBC reporting from 2003 involved in vicious witchhunt aimed at the most visible anti Iraq invasion activists such as actor Danny Glover.

How, credibile is the effort of those extremists of Judicial Watch in pressuring for release of parking lot low quality Pentagon footage when documented 84 professional cameras in this security enhanced area are still unavailable to the public?

As a professional you should have known these fact beforehand!
I hope thay you and the BBC can do better than last night.

Thank you and best regards

The Judicial Watch cretin

The Judicial Watch cretin meets Von Kleist segment on Newsnight BBC is here: newsnigh

I've been emailing well

I've been emailing well known activist documentarians letting them know that exposing the truth behind Iraq and globalization has been done, and that it's the story of our lifetime to uncover the truth behind 9/11. The way I frame the emails are very professional, I frame it to "dismiss conspiracy theories and get to the truth", and tell how many FBI agents and 9/11 families would be willing to be interviewd, as well as former government officials(Mcgovern, Robers, Reynolds, Bowman, etc)
You have to frame it as approaching it as a "uncovering the coverup of criminal negligence or LIHOP" otherwise they may just think you're nuts.

Nice one Tono Stano. I

Nice one Tono Stano. I e-mailed them earlier, but idiot me didn't save a draft.

When e-mailing The Beeb, can we be sure to point them towards the whole catalogue of evidence that has so far been ignored/covered up - they'll have to look at events of the day in more detail then.

schmucks and liars has been

schmucks and liars has been hacked. lol

pockybot, LIHOP is absurd

pockybot, LIHOP is absurd and unsupported by the mass of available evidence, none of which indicates the existence of real hijackers. people may prefer to believe LIHOP because it retains the "muslims did it" essence of the official version, but that doesn't make it true. your claims that a boeing did hit the pentagon are also discredietd from the pictures, not at all gruesome, from the inside of the pentagon (the obviously missile-related punch out hole in the third ring. why would we believe your absurd claims that attempt to pin the blame on muslims when every indication is that they were framed? You act as if the pentagon and the wtc demolitions were two different things, they were not. LIHOP=disinfo, period.

This is nothing new.. The

This is nothing new..

The Judy Code

LIHOP is a myth. its only

LIHOP is a myth. its only MIHOP.

im convinced Raw Story wants

im convinced Raw Story wants 9/11 truth to break wide open.i noticed they showed up for the screening of EGLS, and they have been upping the number of 9/11 stories in the past few months.seems like Raw is ahead of most of its "liberal" counterparts.Judy Miller knows she was used(make no mistake, shes still a fucking traitor), hopefully this is her way of making it up to America.she pushed the WMD lies, now she needs to push some 9/11 truth.

DHS, Off topic for 911 but

Off topic for 911 but in reference to your first post on the thread, heres an article about the super rich deviously manipulating the public discourse, in this case on the estate tax, or as they got the media to call it, the "death tax." Eighteen super rich families were behind the push to eliminate estate taxes and it would have saved them over $70 billion.

Also off topic slightly. I

Also off topic slightly. I (half) watched the film 'The Man Who Knew Too Little' last night (immediatly after Newsnight). A wacky comedy based on a false flag op in The UK - Roosky and Brit secret services conspire to blow up the Russian Embassador and thus bring about a return to the good old days of the Cold War.
While the relevance to 9/11 is not immediatly apparent, the bumbling incompetence of the authorities displayed in the film brought images to my mind of the failings of the authorities, as reported in the 9/11 Commission.

pockybot, you post some fine

pockybot, you post some fine stuff, but I'm not totally with you on the Pentagaon.

Yes, we should stay away from the Pentagon for now. They've had 5 years to concoct realistic videos of AA77 striking the building, and we have no real videos to counter with.

This doesn't mean we must be convinced that AA77 struck there. Still many unknowns like how Hanjour flew acrobatics & hit the 1st floor of the section being renovated; why it wasn't shot down or at least intercepted, etc.

Guys this is TOTAL story

Guys this is TOTAL story Hopsicker style!!!

The Judical Watch disinfo media boy
Tom Fitton is being just now sued by the original founder of the Judicial Watch and its donors for stealing money to put them in Tom Delay's funds, also they sue him for highjacking the NGO for his own extremist political agenda etc..

Also, he worked on the
Accuracy in media - that's a total psychopatic right wing anti liberal media project:

Now, we have the previously, documented anti Iraq war protestors bashing campaign from BBC 2003 he organized:

==>> Judicial Watch & Tom Fitton is now know as 100% debunked disinfo agent

I don't know what does it mean for Flight 77 but be carefull..

=> Please share this new info..

Judith Miller trumpeting

Judith Miller trumpeting "foreknowledge" is a shining example of a limited hangout.

Regardless of one's opinion of what hit the Pentagon, it's THIS well in which the poison is being poured, drop by drop.

Judith Miller trumpeting

Judith Miller trumpeting "foreknowledge" is a shining example of a limited hangout.

Regardless of one's opinion of what hit the Pentagon, it's THIS well in which the poison is being poured, drop by drop.
Alan Strangis | 05.18.06 - 11:53 am | #

i agree... its like, look everyone we knew they were here... well, no shit...

now prove that they were on the planes, let alone flying them...

Inside, Are you going to the


Are you going to the LA 9/11 conference next month?

"Isn't that interesting? A

"Isn't that interesting? A "Charter Member" of the White House Iraq Group was told 2 months before 9/11 that Osama Bin Laden was planning a "big" attack against the United States. As if to "lay the groundwork" for the "Official Story" before it even happened... just like she "laid the groundwork" for the Iraq War."
Jon Gold

Of course you aslo have to ask what she is "laying the groundwork" for now.

I don't buy the "suddenly became honest' crap.

My feeling now ,( with 28% Bush approval,) is an incompetance plea and a changing of the guards or 'puppets' with a limited exposure of preknowledge.

Democrats get the power back, and promise not to look too deep.

The 'War on Terror ' continues...

Or worse " they did it for patriotic reasons" plea

MSM reasonable spokesman:
" Well the crazy conspiracy theories have been debunked, but they did have some preknowledge of the attacks. They thought it was in our best interest to allow one attack, so we would be prepared for the war on Terror. We will continue to fight this war, but they must be held pardonned for the sheer patriotism of allowing our own citizens to die, for the greater cause of protecting our country from something even more horrific."

commentator: " Well Bob they were actually acting like a strong General who was forced to sacrifice some his own men, so we could all win the War. Its really courageous and visionary. They ignored their personal feelings for the greater good of the country. History will say..because of their vision and patriotism, we were prepared to win the "War on Terror'.

Thus "The War on Terror" continues

You heard it here first!!!

Don't let them get away with it!

Are you going to the LA 9/11

Are you going to the LA 9/11 conference next month?
T-Bone | 05.18.06 - 1:26 pm | #

no, i dont really like these groups at all... we have plenty going on here every week just about...

2 weeks ago they played LC2 for a packed house of 650 people... i went and saw DRG last month in oakland and it was packed also...

at this point, DRG is the only person that i have 100% faith in... these other groups are full of cia or fbi shills... i dont need anyone or any group to think for me and thats what it seems like they try to do...

commentator: " Well Bob they

commentator: " Well Bob they were actually acting like a strong General who was forced to sacrifice some his own men, so we could all win the War. Its really courageous and visionary. They ignored their personal feelings for the greater good of the country. History will say..because of their vision and patriotism, we were prepared to win the "War on Terror'.

Thus "The War on Terror" continues

You heard it here first!!!

Don't let them get away with it!
Radical Pragmatist | 05.18.06 - 3:28 pm | #

david ray griffin has the same worry... his biggest worry is that they(bush and co) are going to let everyone know that they did 911 and say "what are you going to do about it".. something like that... ihe might be right...

this thing that alex and mike are saying about the pentagon, rings of total bullshit if you ask me...

how long can they scare everyone with "theyre going to release the real footage of flight 77" bull shit???? ive heard ithis crap for 3 and a half years now!!!!!!

Inside, Maybe bullshit,


Maybe bullshit, maybe not.

My concern is that the Government is controlling the debate. Obviousely they will direct it in what ever direction is in their own interest.

We shouldn't let them do that even if we don't know where this is all ultimately going.

Buts going somewhere, and they will control it if we just react to the latest news from suspect sources.

I've only heard Griffen say that he thinks that 911 was so obvious that he thinks they may want it exposed for their own benefit and in their own timeframe. He didn't elaborate because he said he didn't have any solid evidence to support his suspicions of how they would use it.

But right after he said that, he started focusing almost exclusively on the evidence for the Trade Center demolition. I assume he was focusing his efforts towards what he thought was the best way from keeping them from using 911 exposure.
Just my thoughts, as always.

Radical> That's my worry too


That's my worry too but it might turn out more like powers to be blaming the neocons mechanics and replacing them just by some new guys doing basically the same work by other means.

Imagine the psycho democrats like M. Albright etc.. They bombed Kosovo, hospitals and schools in Yugo just for the fun of it..

"Seriously, has the no plane

"Seriously, has the no plane people actualy looked through all the Pentagon footage from INSIDE? Yeah, some of it is gruesome, but there's way too many big, medium and small 757 charred parts to ignore."

1. AA 77 hit the Pentagon. There is no question abvout it.

2. No one needs video of the crash to know it.

3. The video released two days ago brought you to the attention of the mass media.

4. To the mass media you are lumped all together as "kooks." You have no control of that.

5. GIVE UP questionning whether AA 77 hit the Pentagon or not. It is not a question. It happened.

truthout, you are a

truthout, you are a disgusting shill!

"Seriously, has the no plane

"Seriously, has the no plane people actualy looked through all the Pentagon footage from INSIDE? Yeah, some of it is gruesome, but there's way too many big, medium and small 757 charred parts to ignore."

gruesome, at the pentagon???? i think youre a liar...

got a link???? didnt think so...

"Seriously, has the no plane

"Seriously, has the no plane people actualy looked through all the Pentagon footage from INSIDE? Yeah, some of it is gruesome, but there's way too many big, medium and small 757 charred parts to ignore."

there were i think 4 warnings of another plane coming towards the Pentagon after "Flight 77" hit.this means that the rescue operations were stopped 4 times, and the building emptied.this gives plenty of oppurtunity to plant plane parts. just a thought.

truthout is gonna have to

truthout is gonna have to change his name soon. shills can only use the same name for so long.