"9/11 Revisited" Boston area screening on May 24 at 7 PM

The Boston 9/11 Truth Group Presents:

Cost: Free admission--donations gratefully accepted
When: Wednesday, May 24, 2006, 7PM
Where: West Newton Cinema
1296 Washington Street, Rte 16
West Newton, MA
Contact: Chris Gruener at 617-965-6552

LIHOP=MIHOP. There's no

LIHOP=MIHOP. There's no difference. If they did things to prevent others from intercepting the terrorists then they were accomplices in the crime. We prosecute accomplices in crimes.

Most New Yorkers skip 9/11

Most New Yorkers skip 9/11 donations


NEW YORK --Fewer than 15,000 of the millions of New Yorkers who filed tax returns this year checked off a box to make a donation to the World Trade Center Memorial fund, state officials said.

The state allows taxpayers to make contributions to as many as seven charitable organizations on their tax forms. More than $420,000 was raised for breast cancer research and treatment while a wildlife fund raised nearly $353,000.

"We are slightly disappointed by the results," WTC Memorial Foundation President Gretchen Dykstra told the New York Daily News for a story in Saturday editions.

Great News

Great News

911 Conspiracy theories are

911 Conspiracy theories are being discussed tonight on the Glenn Beck show on CNN at 7 and 9 PM Eastern today (saturday). Should be interesting.

is this a new episode Eyes?

is this a new episode Eyes? or is this just a replay of Von Kliest?

either way, Glenn Beck will

either way, Glenn Beck will no doubt be a disrespectful, blissfully ignorant asshole.

either way, Glenn Beck will

either way, Glenn Beck will no doubt be a disrespectful, blissfully ignorant asshole.
Chris | Homepage | 05.20.06 - 4:08 pm | #


I second the motion.

Anyone else here from MA

Anyone else here from MA beside me going?

I will pass the word around about this event. Will def be there for the screening on wedensday and keep you guys updated about how it went.

Why don't people discuss

Why don't people discuss building 6 and 7?

I'm not sure if it's new. I

I'm not sure if it's new. I didn't know there was an old one so that's probably it.

'9/11 Pentagon 'Plane'

'9/11 Pentagon 'Plane' Footage 'Missiles' the Point '


'Pentagon hit by flying

'Pentagon hit by flying grilled cheese sandwich, video frames show'

"Let's face it: The video frames released by the Pentagon make ghost and UFO photos look downright crisp. And yet, somehow, out of this unrecognizable blur, mainstream media stories are claiming they clearly show a Boeing 757 jet and that all 9-11 conspiracy theories are now dispelled."



i love that counterthink

i love that counterthink link about the grilled cheese. classic shit.

Hey guys, quick techie

Hey guys, quick techie question:

After doing some system tinkering, for some reason the links to post comments off of 911blogger.com now aren't displaying for me, in either FF or IE browsers, even though they are in page's the source code. I have all scripts enabled, adblock turned off, etc., hosts file is empty, any idea what the problem might be?

im having the same problem,

im having the same problem, cj....