Social Proof

An interpretation of the national 9/11 poll

The reason that the national Zogby Poll on 9/11 is so important can be boiled down to 2 words: Social Proof.

Social proof is the principle from sociology that many people will believe something if most other people believe it. In other words, its the herd instinct.

The reason that the mainstream media has totally boycotted the real evidence contradicting the official 9/11 story, even though it is all over the Internet, is that the media owners know that if it doesn't appear on Fox, or CNN, or the other mainstream tv networks, many Americans will assume the social proof is that "everyone" accepts the official story. So they won't question it themselves.

But some 70 million Americans are now calling for a new, real 9/11 investigation. To put that in perspective, approximately 122 million Americans voted in the 2004 election. So 70 million is a fairly impressive number.

Now, for the first time, the poll provides social proof that the 9/11 Commission covered up the true facts of 9/11, and that we need a new, impartial investigation. In other words, millions of Americans who would otherwise not even consider the evidence which contradicts the official version of 9/11 may now accept calls for a new investigation. If we use this correctly, we can go from facing an impossible task of overcoming resistance to 9/11 truth to having a majority of Americans demand a real investigation.

Therefore, virtually every press release or statement about 9/11 should include a reference to the poll to show people that many Americans are 9/11 truthers who scoff at the 9/11 Commission as a fraud and that demand a real 9/11 investigation.

This is leverage ... use it."

Jon gold: Read this letter

Jon gold:

Read this letter sent by SKing in the bottom of the comment section...

What a clown...

official vesion

official vesion

70 percent of americans

70 percent of americans thought the warren commission was a whitewash but the reopening of a new investigation never happened.

70 million american adults thinks the kean commission is a whitewash. Will the new investigation ever reopen? Only if we keep pushing and demand the media to put halt to the black out!

Jon, the official version is

Jon, the official version is such a whitewash that it doesn't even contain all the letters. Seriously, thanks for the catch:)

"70 percent of americans

"70 percent of americans thought the warren commission was a whitewash but the reopening of a new investigation never happened.

70 million american adults thinks the kean commission is a whitewash. Will the new investigation ever reopen? Only if we keep pushing and demand the media to put halt to the black out!"

Kennedy assasination did not drammatically effect americans lives as 911. There was no "war on president assasinators" witch costed thousands of lives, loss in civil liberties and trillions of dollars.

Just added this to the

Just added this to the post:

But some 70 million Americans are now calling for a new, real 9/11 investigation. To put that in perspective, approximately 122 million Americans voted in the 2004 election. So 70 million is a fairly impressive number.

Only if they repeal the

Only if they repeal the patriot act, polticians stop exploting 9/11 for their agenda and pull out of iraq will americans maybe not demand new investigation if they doubt it.

What about 9/11 truth

What about 9/11 truth political party?

Mr. Dobbs, Please consider

Mr. Dobbs,

Please consider reporting the results of the national Zogby Poll released today. From the results, you will learn that 70,000,000 Americans would like a new 9/11 investigation. Why report on this? Well, as you probably sense, the official investigations appear to have been covering-up some pretty ruthless acts of criminality. Don't let this opportunity slip by. The American public deserves to know what it believes about its governement. Today, Americans have a real voice through the Zogby Poll. Please report on this. It is news worthy.

A moment for silly poetry

A moment for silly poetry from the UK Ministry of Silly Walks:

by TS

Busheviks, Busheviks they eliminated JFK,
They thought they can scam very quick.
But they will ever remain just Busheviks

Scam here, and suicide there
Busheviks are like salty thee

Forty years was a lenghty span
now we can say: Busheviks, you dirty!
No more scam!

Busheviks, Busheviks they eliminated JFK,
They thought they can scam very quick.
But they will ever remain just Busheviks

Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch Caught
Pulling A 180 On
Pentagon Footage
By Ted Twietmeyer
(c) 2006 Ted Twietmeyer

The president of the organization that sued for the video footage, also made an appearance on Fox on the same day of the government-released video clips. He appeared for a few minutes on Mr. O'Reilly's show, on which the new footage was also aired. On that show, the JW president made the absurd statement "this definitely proves a plane was present." Even O'Reilly, well known as a staunch supporter of the administration was forced to state "I can't see a plane there."

Yet the very next day, I heard the same Judicial Watch president live on a radio show sing a completely different tune about what could be seen, and that "more footage is to be released soon." The reason for his flip-flop opinion will probably never be known, unless his bank account (or JW) had a mysterious large deposit of untraceable origin that day. Supposedly more footage is to be released, but has not as of this writing. One can imagine the bickering going on inside the pentagon over this matter. After all, this isn't like doing post-production work on a motion picture that can take months. All an un-named employee must do is to take 5 minutes and make a copy of good RAW video footage and release it. No credits, no music, no editing. Period.

Unfortunately, with professional video editing workstations used in motion pictures today, the next footage that shows a plane will be perfect and undetectable as a fake. And it will appear near election time or about the time Iran is to be invaded, when voters at the polls will remember it and think the "war on terror" is justified. Even though no jumbo-jet was ever there. The biggest problem the government has? There never was a plane.


The current video footage recently released has a very slow frame rate of about frame per second, which could never be used to conclusively prove a plane was actually present that never touched the lawn or the giant wooden cable spools in the way. But what of the other 80+ video cameras from various businesses all around that side of the pentagon? Why are these videos still missing?

i am making pie charts of

i am making pie charts of the final results for spreading.. will take about an hour or so..

Hey, anyone seen

Hey, anyone seen this:

Fireman: "bomb in the building start clearing out"

yep SBG, i think thats the

yep SBG, i think thats the same one on right now.



I want to see the official page.

everyone can make a press release on PRWEB!!!

I want to see an official web-page.

Perhaps Mr. Zogby got a

Perhaps Mr. Zogby got a call, "Bushevik speaking, I said: No Poll!"


How many here have seen the

How many here have seen the movie 'Take back 9/11' ?

(I haven't seen it yet, downloading now)

At there is no

At there is no mention of this poll? Can someone reference a link at that shows this poll?

Hehe.. But seriously. Poll


But seriously.

Poll or not... Do I detect the US population GETTING AWARE???

It took a long long time for only the

Usually, I ask people:

"Am I the first one to tell you this? Has ANYONE EVER mentioned the concept that 911 was an inside job to you"?

And years ago I got over 50% YES.

Now no longer. everybody has heard about it.

ill post a sumarry with that

ill post a sumarry with that and the press release when i have these pie charts done..

no internet when JFK was

no internet when JFK was assisinated - that's the difference

eh.. 43% not aware of the

eh.. 43% not aware of the collapse of building 7

building 7 committed

building 7 committed suicide!

SHIT. now I believe


now I believe it.


let see whether you Americans have a free press!!!


if not, the MUST BE A SHAKE-UP of the media... LEGISLATED!

This is massive results for

This is massive results for the 911 truth movement especially since the mass media has ignored the issue.

Looks like the blogs are burying the MSM.

I'll gladly give that

I'll gladly give that friggin' plane a rest now. :)

no internet when JFK was

no internet when JFK was assisinated - that's the difference
bozo | Homepage | 05.22.06 - 6:32 pm | #
thats funny you say that. i say the same thing all the time.just wait until they all get a load of WTC7.i wonder if "World Trade Center" by Oliver Stone will mention building 7?

damn,it keeps scrubbing my

damn,it keeps scrubbing my name and URL.

Well, given its not an

Well, given its not an actual yahoo new story(prweb), the piece was written by, etc it will be hard for people to accept it.

Sorry, this is a another good justification for the 9/11 truth mvoement, but thi sis far from the big news I was expecting:)

Btw, that new 9/11 eyewitness Totlaly blows away the controlled demolition and official pancake theory. A thermo nuke? Damn.
Im willing to buy that. As controlled demo doesnt count for a lot of things.

Anyways, to Job Gold, DZ, there ACTUAL big 9/11 breakthrough news coming? Not saying the Zogby thing is a red herring, but weve seen these Zogby polls before.

OK, my wife just ran from

OK, my wife just ran from the room (using some rather loud and interesting language)after pointing out that for the past four years I have been telling her not to trust the MSM, so now she wants to know why I give this story any credence as it comes from the same mainstream press I rail against daily.

Point taken, sweet, intelligent wife.

So let's ask, why do we trust what "they" are now covering.

I smell misdirection. I think that they will use this to get rid of useful idiot one and useful idiot two in order to replace them with useful idiots three and four.

They don't cover what fails to advance their positions, so by covering this story, they by neccessity advance their position.

Sorry, but my defenses are up regardless of how badly we wish this were good news.

"Hey, anyone seen

"Hey, anyone seen this: 20bomb

Fireman: "bomb in the building start clearing out" "

Yeah, Eric and a couple people mentioned it on 911Blogger's boards, so I posted it here:

Then PrisonPlanet and others picked it up.

OK, my wife just ran from

OK, my wife just ran from the room (using some rather loud and interesting language)after pointing out that for the past four years I have been telling her not to trust the MSM, so now she wants to know why I give this story any credence as it comes from the same mainstream press I rail against daily.

Point taken, sweet, intelligent wife.

So let's ask, why do we trust what "they" are now covering.

I smell misdirection. I think that they will use this to get rid of useful idiot one and useful idiot two in order to replace them with useful idiots three and four.

They don't cover what fails to advance their positions, so by covering this story, they by neccessity advance their position.

Sorry, but my defenses are up regardless of how badly we wish this were good news.
Anonymous | 05.22.06 - 6:51 pm | #

While some elements of the mainstream media bend the truth, and occasionally tell outright lies (in opinion pieces, usually), their main misbehavior lies in the non-covarage.

You can trust the accuracy of the poll, and thats all that matters. I respect your caution, but you and your wife should not assume that stuff the makes the news is always a lie, but only that stuff that makes the news is sometimes distorted (not really apllicable to the poll results), and that the real problem is only when stuff doesnt make the news at all.

yeah Matthew, its all about

yeah Matthew, its all about what they DONT report on. that is by far the biggest problem with the media. you could write a book on all the things the corporate media doesnt report. oh wait, shitloads of people have but the press ignored those books too. remember when Griffin was on a bunch of best seller lists with Ommissions and Distortions? its amazing how far that book climbed without a shred of mainstream press.the mainstream media is dying, and we are killing it. we should all be very proud.

Once more, WHY COVER

Once more, WHY COVER THIS?

They have an agenda. If they are covering it, it's for a reason, not because they have no choice (poor babies) but because they CHOSE to cover it.

They have an agenda. If they

They have an agenda. If they are covering it, it's for a reason, not because they have no choice (poor babies) but because they CHOSE to cover it.

who is this 'they' you are referring to in this instance? commissioned Zogby to do a national poll, that is why there is a poll, and that is why we are covering it.

Has anyone found this posted

Has anyone found this posted at the Zogby site yet?

I'm waiting to email my local media with that link. I know that is the first thing they will look for if I send them the PR from 911 Truth.

If its not there they will stop looking any further.

Most of the Journalists are simply lazy and willfully ignorant not necassarily compromised.

You have a wise wife. Keep those defences up but we need to take advantage of every opportunity and not get to excited that 'this is it".

We will be offered many tempting options for 'closure' when 911 becomes a mainstream topic.

We need to commit ourselves to exposing," the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" no matter how long it takes and where it leads. This is just one more hopeful step in that direction.

.......and a validation of the efforts of many unsung heros of 911 research who have been banging on this door for years, now.

Congratulations to everyone that has made the results of this poll a reality!!!!!

First off, sociology is the

First off, sociology is the science of social behavior and doesn't prove anything other than how people really act as in various sized groups. There is no way that sociology is going to help in that it observes social behavior, not energize groups into looking into problems. That is what the free press is for. The resistance is a problem many years in the making by providing propaganda of American idealogues over factual action in our history. What the problem comes down to is that people will not accept anything outside the notion that was built by propagandists of what America should be versus what it's actually done.

There are less than 1% of the population that know of American foreign policy and it's insidious and perevrted actions that take place when it decides to change a country's political and economic structure for political and economic gain.

Looking at history, I have found a standard operating procedure that the US follows to grab a country's economic wealth and resources. They have been honed since Iran in 1953. It hit full stride in Vietnam. The breaking up of thef former Yugoslavia went practically unnoticed. Liberia did go unnoticed. Vietnam, El Salvador and many parts of Central America provided expertise on torturing the citizenry to death. Military support has practically been an on going exercies since the Carter administration.

1: get desired country hooked on money
Using economic hit men from large corporation, promise funds to build up country for capitalism from IMF, World Bank, other banks and corporate financing. Once established, tell country that credit is bad and jack up interest rates and force monetary and idealogical concessions.

2: create Chaos from small armed sqirmishes to death squads that are financed, armed and trained by NSA (CIA and Defense special/black ops). NSA will start the slaughter to bring about ethnic tension through confusing killings, torture... Later, the US psychopaths will have trained local military/police units made up of the countries worst killer and ratchet up the killing.

3: add military operations to armed, divide and conquer chaos. If necessary, the military will make their presence on the ground and possibly permanent. Expect all illegal weapons use from cluster bombs, defoliation agents and napalm as well as new weapons of mass suffering such as depleted uranium, smaller cluster grenades...

Some people are shocked at what has happened and some don't think it is possible for the US to do so. However, any conflict that has involved the US has followed the same pattern for over a half a century. I would recommend to people to read what the structure of the National Security Act has done to the checks and balances of America and research what this group does.

For a clear picture of what is going on in Iraq, please watch the video Confessions Of An Iraqi War Veteran
"What we are doing over there is wrong"
Jessie Macbeth -Former Army Ranger and Iraq War Veteran, Tell it like it is ... "She was begging me, begging me to save her and to save her kids, but, I didn't you know. I wanted to be , ah, I killed them. You know?

Regarding the NSA:
Moyers "The Secret Government" PBS video, done in 1987 is very good and can be found at docid=2397496401234089687&q=secret
Created in 1987, it shows that the NSA has been used for the expansion of the American Empire, operating outside of the legitimate part of the US government.

Another major problem is that the media and political groups are bedfellows. Colbert told it like it is and the press couldn't handle it. That is the big news of the year so far. Our free press is bought and paid for to pimp for our government rather than investigate it and keep it honest and keep Americans informed.

There has also been little if any coverage of US weapons of mass suffering. American slaughter takes place outside the country and insulates the people from the truth. Until the people get educated, it is going to be impossible to move the mountain that sits right in their face. Unfortunately, most Americans are far to lazy to research topics or even recognize when something like finding the cockpit windshild shattered at the pentagon doesn't add up.

Unfortunately, most

Unfortunately, most Americans are far to lazy to research topics or even recognize when something like finding the cockpit windshild shattered at the pentagon doesn't add up.
Just plain mad | 05.22.06 - 7:26 pm | #
exactly. well put.

the zogby post was what we

the zogby post was what we were waiting on, it should be on the way at some point.

I believe the MSM is

I believe the MSM is thouroghly infiltrated by clandestine goverment agencies. There are honest people in the media but they would soon lose their nice jobs if they did any real reporting. It's a dilema we face and somehow have to overcome. That is what our movement is all about. Thinking of ways to bring the truth mainstream despite the cards being stacked against us. Continue the fight people you are doing the right thing and can be proud of it. Thanks to all of you.

GeorgeWashington, we

GeorgeWashington, we definitely do not need a new so-called "investigation." The facts already publicly available are quite enough to prove that the 9/11 attacks were staged from beginning to end by the U.S. government.

As I wrote previously:

This idea being pushed by some in the 9/11 Truth movement to have more official hearings or "investigations" into the the 9/11 attacks is a bad idea. It promulgates the notion that peope need authority figures to tell them what to do and what to believe. In other words, that people can't come to the conclusion that the 9/11 attacks were an inside job unless they're told that it's "official."

At best, the most good that could likely come out of such hearings or "investigations" is that the U.S. government perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks get caught in more lies and contradictions. But it's bad because it fosters the notion that people have to be told by people from on high what to think, which isn't conducive to the cause of truth.

Those who genuinely investigate the 9/11 attacks in-depth already know the U.S. government staged the attacks from beginning to end. The amount of publicly available hardcore evidence demonstrating this is truly staggering. People don't need to be told by some panel or commission what the claimed "truth" is. This worship of "authority figures" to tell us what is and isn't okay to believe is one of the main things that the 9/11 Truth movement is fighting against.

Our task is to educate our countrymen, neighbors, friends, and family as to what the truth is. Genuine change isn't going to come about by voting, or "working within the system," as it is a rigged system designed from the start to keep the ruling elite in power.

Genuine change will come about when enough people know the truth and simply fail to support the system anymore. Then voting will be irrelevant because there will be nothing to vote for, or to vote against.

What if the government held a war and no one showed up? That's the stage we need to reach, where the ruling elite simply lose their chain of command and are abandoned because the masses fail to follow them. The stage where their own soldiers and police no longer follow their orders.

The way to reach that stage is to simply speak the truth to people. When others learn the truth, they will be in a position to speak the truth to others. With more people speaking the truth, even more will join in because they see that they're not alone and isolated in holding this position. And so on, until just about everyone and their grandmother is talking about the fact that the U.S. government staged the 9/11 attacks.

As it is now, we're not all that very far from that stage.

For more on this process, see Étienne de La Boétie, Discours sur la servitude volontaire; ou Contr'un, likely written in 1552 or 1553, first published in full in 1576. An English translation by Harry Kurz with an introduction by Murray N. Rothbard, The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude (New York: Free Life Editions, 1975), is available at .

Just plain mad, A couple

Just plain mad,

A couple google videos you might appreciate, or may have seen;

"What I've Learned About US Foreign Policy" 2 hrs 3 mins. (this is a montage of 4 half-hour documentaries)

Beyond Treason (depleted uranium)

Congratulations on the poll numbers, everyone!!! 70 million should make a great bumper sticker, t-shirt or freewayblog as well! Get on it!!

MOYERS yes.. who has not

MOYERS yes.. who has not seen it, should!!

Last night, me and Brad ran into a person who actually has seen the REAL PENTAGON VIDEO FOOTAGE

I am trying to get a copy of the video now. But after mine and Brads pretty extensive interview/debriefing, it would appear that what we have seen is pretty close to what he has seen. But he could only view it once. It was sent to him from a friend at the Pentagon, and would play only a single time before becoming unviewable.

He said it was from a slightly different angle, perhaps closer to the highway, away and in front of the vehicle gates we all are familiar with.
He said his video lasted 6-8 seconds and was about 3-400 frames.

But he described very much what we all see. When Brad ( showed him the Pentagon strike on his Ipod, he said it was very similar.

1. Showing no plane.
2. He thought it looked like a missile, a very large missile, 20-30 feet in his words.
3. He said the vapor trail was present and about the same.

So very similar animals indeed. He was a photography expert and pointed out something interesting, and that was how the explosion came through the roof at the beginning of the strike, and pointing out that the wings (alleged) and fuel would have still been travelling 500 mph after the initial strike and wouldn't have made the type of explosion seen.

Also Brad pointed out (and I haven't confirmed this yet, perhaps you guys can) that there was NO char marks on the top of the roof after collapse where this alleged fireball went through to the top of the Pentagon and broke free from the building, something I had never noticed or considered.

Also for anyone wishing to see the best damned Pentagon website BAR NONE, then please visit here;

Sorry it wasn't more Alph, but I am notholding anything back. He said it was very similar to what we showed him. And what he saw could also have been a fruad as it came from the Pentgram, oops, I mean Pentagon.

This was the breakthrough

This was the breakthrough news pockypot. Having a poll that says 50% of New Yorkers think the Government "Consciously Failed" to act to prevent the attacks of 9/11 compared to a National Poll that says 45% of Americans believe "US government officials consciously allowed or helped facilitate their (the attacks) success."

Today is a good day.

Huh, the idea to start with

Huh, the idea to start with PRWEB was not the brightest thought, first editors kicked it out, only because of this..

I believe this is a slightly

I believe this is a slightly naive approach to the problem with the complicit media.

I feel the media is directly under the influence of an unholy alliance between it's corporate leaders and the international bankers.

It's the ultimate power pyramid scheme, and it filters down to anyone of influence at each media outlet. No one jeopardizes their career to take a chance and buck authority by taking on the "suggested" outlook on any story.

Don't hold your breath for

Don't hold your breath for Zogby posting it, they charge for everything- you can view the final report on their letterhead plus their stat breakdowns at 9...FinalReport.htm, plus you can call or email them to confirm if you think this is a hoax. Why would release a hoax Zogby poll, risk being sued and become the laughingstock of the MSM and 911 Truth Movement.

Sorry, that link

Erik, no you don't

Erik, no you don't understand me.

The PRWEB/Yahoo version is a bit over the board - that's why it has been already rejected by some editors.

The original Zogby report, which has bee n linked later is much better for our purpose and credibility..

To use PRWEB instead of "A

To use PRWEB instead of "A ZOGBY WEBSITE" is catastrophic.

Bloody pot smokers!


Conspiracy Theorists reponsible for the coming global financial melt-down.

? No I mean it

? No I mean it seriously..

The PRWEB Story should be perhaps even deleted from here or warning should be made that this is a no go strategy for media outreach..

I agree- looks better for

I agree- looks better for Zogby to publish it- I suggest everyone here cut back on the pot for a week and donate that cash to, one of the hardest-working shoestring budget orgs out there, so they can afford Zogby's fee for posting on Zogby's site. The MSM is already expected to try and pan this, just as they did the GAO report on electronic voting- that's the GAO, not some rinky-dink upstart independent pollster, though Zogby's earned their good rep by getting election calls and other things right; this is a completely valid poll. Now we all have to be the media, put this in the face of the alt/MSM media ceaselessly, email it to Congress, and email/tell everyone we know. When they feel pressure coming from the People to deal w/ this, they'll fall into line. The poll is done; Zogby is wasting their own time by not posting the results as a public service, as they'll now have to deal w/ an onslaught of calls/emails for verification- I'm calling them myself tommorrow, for one, to pressure them.

I strongly disagree with

I strongly disagree with James Redford's post above in which he opposes the call for a re-opening of the 9/11 investigation.

It is precisely this demand around which can coalesce the largest possible coalition of people, I believe. Redford's utopian wish for a time when the population spontaneously stops obeying the government is a pipe dream.

Redford says we don't need a new governmental commission to tell us what we already know about 9/11. But that misses the point. A new and truly independent Commission would have subpoena power and could force the release of evidence and the testimony of insiders.

Just Plain Madd, You speak

Just Plain Madd,

You speak the Truth, my friend.

What I find truly disturbing is that the process you describe seems to be happening to our own country!

The private financial interests that have fueled previous foreign policy seem like they are preparing us for the "third world" treatment that the worldbank and others have perfected.

"who is this 'they' you are

"who is this 'they' you are referring to in this instance?"

I believe I was refering to the link on Yahoo News.

Yahoo, that is a mainstream source, is it not?

Anonymous, yeah, but they


yeah, but they are covering a Press Release as issued by they pick up press releases and run them everyday, they have no input on them, they just serve as a conduit for press releases.


"yeah, but they are covering

"yeah, but they are covering a Press Release as issued by they pick up press releases and run them everyday, they have no input on them, they just serve as a conduit for press releases."

Are they or are they not part of the MSM?

And no, they do not simply repost any press release sent to them.

I'm a PR person FWIW.

The corporate media will no

The corporate media will no doubt avoid talking about this poll, just like they avoided the last zogby poll. It's obvious there is another conspiracy that deserves attention...

Thank you, I have seen the

Thank you, I have seen the videos regarding the MSM participation in brainwashing the masses and they are disturbing. It would be great to see this series on PBS to expose both our history for what it really is, and our media that plays a significant part in our clandestine operations. The free press has been dead for over one hundred years, a period so long that even the people that fought in WW II didn't really know what they were fighting for.

The banks scare me alot. Woodrow Wilson, who made the world safe for democracy, also allowed his banker buddies create of the Fed and was inspiration of Adolph Hitler. However, the bank of international settlements allows the financial powers play both sides during of wars ( It appears to me that banks had alot riding on the "success" of 911.

Thank you, I have seen the

Thank you, I have seen the videos regarding the MSM participation in brainwashing the masses and they are disturbing. It would be great to see this series on PBS to expose both our history for what it really is, and our media that plays a significant part in our clandestine operations. The free press has been dead for over one hundred years, a period so long that even the people that fought in WW II didn't really know what they were fighting for.

The banks scare me alot. Woodrow Wilson, who made the world safe for democracy, also allowed his banker buddies create of the Fed and was inspiration of Adolph Hitler. However, the bank of international settlements allows the financial powers play both sides during of wars ( It appears to me that banks had alot riding on the "success" of 911.
Just plain mad | 05.23.06 - 8:32 am | #

do you have a link to the brainwashing movie???

Chander, we don't need

Chander, we don't need subpoena power. The facts already publicly available are quite more than enough to prove that the U.S. government staged the 9/11 attacks from beginning to end.

What we need is to educate our fellow men as to the facts.

Nor is there anything about my statements that is a "pipe dream." Short of war, the populace no longer going along with the ruling elite is how all governments fail throughout history. The ruling elite knows this and this above all scares them to death, and so they try to impress upon the populace that their rule is inevitable.

For more on this, please read the below article:

"The Anatomy of the State," Prof. Murray N. Rothbard, Rampart Journal of Individualist Thought, Vol. 1, No. 2 (Summer 1965), pp. 1-24. Reprinted in a collection of some of Rothbard's articles, Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature and Other Essays (Washington, D.C.: Libertarian Review Press, 1974), pp. 55-88:

Right-on Bozo. When JFK was

Right-on Bozo. When JFK was murdered we had no internet. That is why they got away with it. I predicted when I first became a 9/11 activist that the net would be their downfall. I was right. (check my first post on

One of the organizers of

One of the organizers of last summer's Emergency Truth event in DC, told how Larissa at RAW STORY was behind the organizers UNTIL she learned that the USS Liberty representatives would be speaking and dropped it like a hot potato.

(The USS Liberty was criminally attacked by Israel)

Check over at Information

Check over at Information Clearing House for those videos... if they are the ones I think are mentioned. There was a great series out of the BBC some time ago, and there is a recent documentary on the media and its ownership.

Or you can google for the term memetic engineering... how to create "memes" in the culture that clone themselves and stick to the framework of society despite the existence of facts, truth and counter-argument. You can see this in the "staging" of press conferences and other events with the "message" appearing in large print over the shoulder of the speaker, or in the "staging" of news broadcasts, their use of "graphics" as backdrops, etc.

Or you can do a little homework on Edward Bernays (Freud's nephew) and the birth of modern-day psychologically-driven marketing, advertising and Madison Avenue, and how it drives us to the marketplace through fear and other psychological techniques.

Or you can google up the story about how US Army Psy Ops personnel were detailed to work at CNN.

Or you can google up the pdf's written by a PsyOps operative named Michael Aquino on "MindWar".

Or you can understand the Rumsfeld-ian DOD method to penetrate the media and the Internet through psy ops, total information awareness, and the presence of people to "salt" the dialogue. (You can see this at work on almost any "board" or forum.)

Or you can read about Boyd's OODA loop and understand how it can be used in any type of warfare, including the war for minds.

