9/11 Whistleblower Andrew Grove Comes Forward

UPDATE: Mirrored at 911podcasts here:

Download (21 MB) MP3 | WMV

The Meria Heller Show - http://www.Meria.net

This man, Richard Andrew Grove, a whistleblower who worked for the big boys and money people behind 9/11 has come out with information to set the 9/11 movement on fire.

Although many have rejected his work (too busy, big egos, whatever) including the IRS, Treasury Dept and SEC, what he exposes on Marsh & McLellan, AIG, Dyncorp, Spitzer, Stewart Air Force Base, Fitzgerald, Bremer, missing gold and bucks of 9/11, software that predicts the future and more will ASTOUND YOU as it did me. I will be having him live on the show in June, but wanted you to hear this urgent information immediately. That is why I worked on it all day.

If you are a journalist, blogger, etc., DO NOT think this is a ruse. I expect you to LISTEN intently to what this man is presenting and act on it.

If you are a friend, subscriber, past guest, listen and then relisten. Pass it on to every outlet and every email list, group you have. This information is EXPLOSIVE. The more of us that know this information, the greater the chances I won't be killed for presenting it, and the greater the chances for a real revolution in America's thinking processes. Go beyond the explosions, destruction of evidence, etc., and learn who BENEFITTED and HOW on 9/11 to find out who the Corporate Fundamentalists are that were behind it all.

Thank you for trusting me with this one, it's well worth it.

"We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore".

Thanks to Wayne for this submission.

I'm not sure, but this might

I'm not sure, but this might be the ex-cio of Intel and Times "Man of the Year" for 1997:


sounds great, but i'll

sounds great, but i'll believe it when i see it.you cant blame me for being cynical.

The Evil Is In Our

The Evil Is In Our Government

Paul Craig Roberts | May 29 2006

Is the Bush Regime a state sponsor of terrorism?

A powerful case can be made that it is.

In the past three years the Bush Regime has murdered tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians and an unknown number of Afghan ones.

US Marines, our finest and proudest military force, are under criminal investigation for breaking into Iraqi homes and murdering entire families. In an unprecedented event, General Michael Hagee, the Marine Corps commandant, has found it necessary to fly to Iraq to tell our best-trained troops to stop murdering civilians.
WasnÂ’t it evil for the US to bomb Iraq for a decade and to embargo medicines for children? When US Secretary of State M. Albright was asked if she thought an embargo that resulted in the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children was justified, she replied, "yes."

The former terrible tyrant ruler of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, is on trial for killing 150 people. The US government murdered 500,000 Iraqi children prior to BushÂ’s invasion. When the US government murders people, whether Serbs, Branch Davidians at Waco, or Iraqi women and children, it is "collateral damage." But we put Saddam Hussein on trial for putting down rebellions.

Gentle reader, do you believe that the Bush Regime will not shoot you down in the streets if you have a rebellion?


You guys beat me to the

You guys beat me to the punch. I was just about to post this audio download. I am listening to it right now. I will comment on it later. So far it sounds quite interesting. I have great respect for Meria. She will be at the Chicago 9/11 confrence next week.

A Construction Drill

A Construction Drill Provides A Martial Law Drill
Capitol shutdown highlights manic panic of post-9/11 mentality

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.tv | May 29 2006

The over hyped false alarm of a construction drill that caused a mass panic over rumors of gunshots in the Rayburn Building on Friday and the way in which it was reported by the servile media was a means of indoctrinating Americans to the procedure of martial law lock down of a major city.

Fox News were salivating over the non-incident to the same degree that they rubbed their hands over the Pentagon tape flop. After two and a half hours of continual coverage and with it becoming blindingly obvious that there was no shooting incident, Fox told its viewers that they were seeing "our government work and work the way it is supposed to do," despite the fact that the lurking enemy to which our omnipotent government was responding was nothing more than a work tool.

As News Hounds pointed out, Fox was not going let an opportunity to showcase the police state go to waste.

"Why did Fox News stick with blanket coverage so long, preempting its regular coverage? Fox News loves pictures of people in uniforms with guns. Such images reinforce the perception that Americans live in constant danger and must keep the growing police state atmosphere in place regardless of the cost in terms of civil liberties. In other words, "See what could happen, America? This is why the government needs to spy on you, track your phone calls, and who knows what else. We're here to protect you."

Fox's Catherine Herridge even went so far as to say that the whole incident was a learning curve for terrorists to judge police reaction. The pounding fear-driven specter of terrorists, alarm and panic was carefully interwoven into what otherwise was a complete non-event.


I'm still listening, lots of

I'm still listening, lots of money trails to follow, probably mean a lot more to others than it does to me.

go check out the Arkin

go check out the Arkin WashPo blog to see a disinfo agent get his ass kicked. thanks for the tip off on who he was benthere.

Michael Wolsey introduced me

Michael Wolsey introduced me to this. I haven't listened to the whole thing yet, but what I have listened to is verifiable... and no, John Judge is not the John Judge of Silverstream.

Does anyone know if this

Does anyone know if this conversation is printed?

Sarah McClendon: "George Bush, what will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran contra?"

George H. W. Bush: "Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they will chase us down the streets and lynch us."

i always wondered if that

i always wondered if that qoute was true. i wouldnt expect that kind of honesty from a man like him. same with W's alleged comments about the constitution, saying its- "just a goddamn piece of paper". sounds like something he would say, i wish it could be verified.

I can't view or download

I can't view or download either mp3 or wmv

Is anyone else getting the

Is anyone else getting the end bit game?

I think, now this is speculation I happen to be a computer systems engineer that the while intercepting packets the NSA just passes the first and last bit. The downloader always gets a 1 byte file. I have tried to download this file about a dozen times...

Just an FYI

Some real gems embedded in

Some real gems embedded in that Grove recording re: the financial motives & rewards of those involved. Complicated, but so was 9/11. Must be listened to several times. A written transcript would be most helpful.

"i always wondered if that

"i always wondered if that qoute was true. i wouldnt expect that kind of honesty from a man like him. same with W's alleged comments about the constitution, saying its- "just a goddamn piece of paper". sounds like something he would say, i wish it could be verified."

The difference between the quotes is one was reported by a fake journalist, Doug Thompson, and the other was reported by someone from the White House Press Corp. Not saying that the White House Press Corp is legitimate, especially not nowadays, but Sarah McClendon was reputable.

If what Grove says is true,

If what Grove says is true, and I am sure it is, 9/11 was the biggest heist in all of human history. Trillions of $$$$. What amazes me is the criminality of the people involved. It is unparalleled. I have trouble getting my mind around it. And "truther??" wonders why I want these thugs hung. I not only want them hung, I want there gene pools destroyed.

he may be a "fake

he may be a "fake journalist" as you put it(but who isnt in the mainstream now? honestly.) but that doesnt mean Bush didnt say it.im just saying it sounds like something he would say.The White House Press corps is less reputable than most press in my opinion.

how do you stay a member of

how do you stay a member of the White House Press Corp? you know how...........

I got the recording by going

I got the recording by going here-- http://www.Meria.net then click "Download Marie's PodCast tab just below her picture.

From the new editor at

From the new editor at Capitol Hill Blue.

"Gone from the site, for example, are speculative articles on President Clinton's sex life, Mrs. Clinton's sexual preferences, President Bush calling the Constitution a "goddamned piece of paper" or various and sundry conspiracy theories."

Incidentally, I STILL won't follow Capitol Hill Blue.

Here's the link that quote

Here's the link that quote used to exist on. It's no longer there...


"Some real gems embedded in

"Some real gems embedded in that Grove recording...A written transcript would be most helpful." by Anonymous
Indeed, I'm half way through it right now and it's got my head spinning.
This is chalk full of data, some serious stuff here.
We really need a PDF transcript.

Senator Russ Feingold

Senator Russ Feingold debuted an innovative ad from the Progressive Patriots Fund last evening in Texas called "W." This video takes a unique yet serious look at the President's illegal domestic spying program and Feingold's resolution to censure the President for these illegal actions.


Thompson fabricated news.

Thompson fabricated news. Journalists of today just ignore news, and report half-truths, but very few, to my knowledge invent news. I think there was someone from the New York Times who was inventing news aside from Judith Miller, and he was fired.

"A reporter with the highly respected New York Times committed repeated "acts of journalistic fraud", including stealing material from other papers and inventing quotes, the newspaper has admitted."

love the graphic at the top

love the graphic at the top of your page Cloak.

I downloaded the mp3

I downloaded the mp3 fine.

Well spoken and articulate guy, seemingly very interesting stuff but don´t really have time to concentrate on it right now.

"Trillions of $$$$. What

"Trillions of $$$$. What amazes me is the criminality of the people involved. It is unparalleled."^

I know what you mean, but don't forget Hitler & Nazi Germany for atrocities, looting/pillaging, etc. If that horror could happen merely 60 years ago, 9/11 is not a stretch.

"GOP leaders told Bush that

"GOP leaders told Bush that his hardcore push to renew the more onerous provisions of the act could further alienate conservatives still mad at the President from his botched attempt to nominate White House Counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.

“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”

“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

true or not, that sounds like W to me, hahahaha.

@ Jon: As this sentence is

@ Jon: As this sentence is my profile sentence on LC and other boards, I researched it a while ago. I found nothing that contradict it.



Chris... Doug Thompson also

Chris... Doug Thompson also reported of a memo citing the GOP asking the Bush Administration for another 9/11, and then wrote about how 9/11 Conspiracy Theories are nonsense. He was a joke.

"love the graphic at the top

"love the graphic at the top of your page Cloak."
Thanks, it's what I do. :)
simple cut, paste, and paint via photoshop, it's the tool of the devil I tell you.

Jon. i get it. jesus fucking

Jon. i get it. jesus fucking christ dude, i never said i respected the guy, i know all about his writings on 9/11, i dont need a leson from you. dont take things so seriously. i said it sounds like something Bush would say, i didnt say i trusted Doug Thompson. he is nothing to me.yes, he was a joke much like the White House Press Corps is.and all MSM for that matter.sometimes i think you just like to argue with people. no argument here, i know Thompson is a clown.you'll notice i started off by saying "alleged" comments.calm down.

I know what you mean about

I know what you mean about Hitler and his Nazi thugs but they were small potatoes compared to the thugs who brought us 9/11. Just amateurs compared to the Bush Crime Family. Always remember Prescott Bush helped finance Hitler's war machine.

Well spoken and articulate

Well spoken and articulate guy, seemingly very interesting stuff but don´t really have time to concentrate on it right now.
I agree, it's hard to digest, now I know why they tell us to take notes.
You could easily turn this into a docu-dramatization trilogy, Michael Mann should direct it.

Sorry to the people having

Sorry to the people having trouble with the downloads, I'd put it on 911podcasts to make it easier, however we are out of bandwidth for the month.

We've push 2 Terabytes of data out from 911podcasts this month!!

both links are down now.

both links are down now. Internet censorship? I first downloaded the mp3 around 10:30AM and that was incomplete at only 15min. then I was streaming and it cut out after I was listening to the 30 min mark of the 2 hour deal. If anyone knows how to save a wma or wmv stream this would help too so we can get some links. get this on bit torrent or file sharing networks fast. He sounds like the most dangerous man to come forward since 9/11 happened. Very impressive what I heard so far. I need the rest of this. Get this thing spread.

Just listen to it. MMC AIG

Just listen to it.

MMC AIG Kroll Convar Hauer... Hmm, seems to sum up with parts I know before.

I'm unable to download the

I'm unable to download the mp3, any other link?

This link worked fine for

This link worked fine for me:


Former Iraqi Minister Says

Former Iraqi Minister Says U.S. Forced People To Testify Against Saddam

Why is it so hard to find witnesses to testify against the monster Saddam Hussein? Shouldn't they be lining up for the opportunity?

The links here didn't work

The links here didn't work for me either, but as I said above, go here: http://www.Meria.net then click "Download Meria's PodCast tab" just below her picture, and it will play for you or download too.

I was able to stream it no

I was able to stream it no problem. This is KILLER!! All American's MUST hear this audio. There has been nothing like it since 9/11 happened. We are the new media. It is our responsibility to get the truth out. DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN TO GET THIS AUDIO OUT THERE! I also noticed he gave "Loose Change" a huge plug. He called it the best 9/11 video out there. Hats off to Dylan and friends!

Sorry to the people having

Sorry to the people having trouble with the downloads, I'd put it on 911podcasts to make it easier, however we are out of bandwidth for the month.

We've push 2 Terabytes of data out from 911podcasts this month!!
somebigguy | Homepage | 05.29.06 - 12:22 pm | #
No shit! Good Job!

I was able to stream it no

I was able to stream it no problem. This is KILLER!! All American's MUST hear this audio. There has been nothing like it since 9/11 happened. We are the new media. It is our responsibility to get the truth out. DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN TO GET THIS AUDIO OUT THERE! I also noticed he gave "Loose Change" a huge plug. He called it the best 9/11 video out there. Hats off to Dylan and friends!
maddog | Homepage | 05.29.06 - 12:44 pm | #


I'm about half way done. I agree it's KILLER. If you really want to know who was behind 9-11, this guys got the info. We need a transcript.

sbg, can you email me a link

sbg, can you email me a link (or the file itself) so I can host it on 911source.org? I have plenty of bandwidth to spare right now.

oh yeah, email:

oh yeah, email: ben[at]911source[dot]org

Perhaps this should go under

Perhaps this should go under the "recent top headlines" on the main www.911blogger.com page.

Regarding the monster Saddam

Regarding the monster Saddam Hussein, Paul Craig Roberts just wrote:

"Iraq attacked Kuwait a decade and a half ago, apparently after securing permission from the U.S. ambassador."

Think on that. Also think of the Kuwait Ambassador's daughter who was trained professionally to cry on National Television to tell the world that Iraqis were taking babies out of 500 incubators, and throwing them onto hospital floors.

The Bush Family, and their associates must be tried for their crimes... crimes going back 80 or so years.

Convar Kroll MMC research

Those incubators didn't

Those incubators didn't exist...

In regards to what this Whistleblower is reporting... I think we should set up a team of individuals willing to try and verify everything being said.

Does anyone know if this is

Does anyone know if this is just an excerpt from that full ~120 MB podcast?

I'm not having any luck with the 21 MB mp3 linked here, but I can cut an excerpt from the full podcast.


Is somebody willing to

Is somebody willing to comprise a list of names?

I know Spitzer was

I know Spitzer was mentioned...

I uploaded the file for you

I uploaded the file for you to download here:
http://www.easy-sharing.com/468360/Meria Heller Show - 911 Whistleblower Richard Andrew Grove - May28-06.mp3.html
And I'm uploading the file to another location as we speak.

Hey... for ALL you Philly

Hey... for ALL you Philly folk wanting to get something together in this area, there is a woman who contacted me who has A LOT of energy, and who wants to get something started... Yizzo, Chris, Mike Jr. etc...


I told her I would help out, but I'm so busy, etc... say hi, and offer your help.

It only took me 45 seconds

It only took me 45 seconds to download the first one, when it starts getting swarmed, it'll probably average about 5 to 10 minutes per DL.
I plan on having 3 locations to download the file by later this afternoon.

Yeah, we definitely need a

Yeah, we definitely need a transcript.

"There are 911 Truth

"There are 911 Truth Conferences and Symposiums going on in Chicago and LA this summer...

Jean Galliano is interested in creating a 'Philadelphia 911 Truth Conference'. A committee is currently being established to organize the event. Please contact Jean if interested in being part of the committee... And also if you are a Speaker, Writer,  Poet, Artist, Organizer, Activist ...Or whatever special talent you have to offer that will bring this event into being, Jean wants to hear from you. thanks"

I'm gonna contact Meria to

I'm gonna contact Meria to see if they have one.

I mean, it's not like

I mean, it's not like Philadelphia was the city the Constitution was signed or anything. No historical precedent here...

I uploaded the file for you

I uploaded the file for you to download here:
http://www.easy-sharing.com/468360/Meria Heller Show - 911 Whistleblower Richard Andrew Grove - May28-06.mp3.html
And I'm uploading the file to another location as we speak.
Cloak & Swagger | Homepage | 05.29.06 - 1:24 pm | #

Thanks C&S.

Hey, mirrored here as

I'm only a little more than

I'm only a little more than half done, but what strikes me about this is the same thing that struck me about Ruppert's book: there are a LOT of people making money by contributing NOTHING to the world, just moving money from one account to another and working for fronts for the CIA and other government agencies, thousands of little Eichmanns with no conscience who go home to their suburban homes in Alexandria or Silver Springs without a hint of conscience for the empty criminality of their lives.

It doesn't help his case in my eyes that he repeats the abiotic oil theory, which is right up there with the Rapture and magnet therapy in terms of scientific credibility.

and before the money becomes

and before the money becomes worthless, they will own all of the gold, oil etc . .

google while you listen to this. everything he talks about checks out to some degree.

For you foreigners out

For you foreigners out there, both the Declaration of Independence and Constitution were written and signed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.



Sounds intriguing so

so according to this guy,

so according to this guy, todd beamer was a real person. This guy is a little too good. I personally am skeptical. All of this stuff about gov't fraud we knew already. This is really nothing new. I'm suspicious.....

something smells fishy with this guy.
just my humble opinion

The words this guys uses are too big. he's in love with his impressive intellect.

Well if you want you can

Well if you want you can e-mail him.

I'd like to know if he is

I'd like to know if he is going to speak at the 9-11 thing comming up in L.A.

Plus, anybody know about the

Plus, anybody know about the film he refered to call "Who killed John O'Neal"?

Meria Heller is extremely

Meria Heller is extremely credible. I doubt if she would push this guy so hard without checking him out first. Still it would be in our best interests to check him out ourselves to play it safe. I am 99% sure he is legit.

I listened to the whole

I listened to the whole thing, but I have no idea what his point was, except that the theft of the gold was a bigger part of the plan than we sometimes discuss here.

If he had/has evidence that is so damning that he was persecuted from yuppie prosperity into homelessness, he should have explained it in detail instead of rambling on about how he has personally suffered.

Maybe this will fit into the overall picture in some way that isn't clear to me right now, but I think David Shayler's commentary is more significant.

I don't know if this has

I don't know if this has been mentioned before.. came across this on Google Video. It's a Q&A session..

Loose Change 2nd Ed West Coast Premiere @ Oakland, CA Grand Lake Theater May 2nd



Maybe this will fit into the

Maybe this will fit into the overall picture in some way that isn't clear to me right now, but I think David Shayler's commentary is more significant.
Grove is a bit long-winded and twisty turny, even reversy.
Where can I find some data on Shayler's commentary?

cloak & swagger: You can

cloak & swagger:

You can download the mp3 from radio4all.net. Just do a search; it was posted a couple of weeks ago. I haven't seen a transcript or any other follow-up.

btw, I found it pretty

btw, I found it pretty interesting of him to dispell other people's investigative evidence, though he didn't cite examples, it was interesting to see him actually say that they were essentially government plants spewing disinformation.
I want names damn it!

After listening to the whole

After listening to the whole thing, I'm definitely interested to hear more of what he has to say. But I'm unsure about how credible he is. His background seems accurate, and much of the tech-related stuff he mentions sounds accurate. That Google is storing info on you until 2038 is a bit naive, and the IBM RFID stuff seems ridiculous to mention, both of which made me think he was just saying techie stuff assuming his audience was naive enough to just accept it unquestioningly.

But overall he seemed to have "done his homework." I question why if he was researching all this time, we haven't heard of him before. If he was scared for his safety, what is he doing now to protect it? What changed? Obviously if they were on to him and forced him to lose his job and his financial security, as well as burglarizing his home, they'd be well aware of who he is now by his connections and even his voice, regardless of whether he's using a pseudonym now.

So I have a mix of opinions about everything that he said. But I'm interested in hearing more of it. He should really publish it online. He underestimates some people's willingness to read and research on their own.

> >haven't heard of him

>haven't heard of him before

He signed the petition:


Is Patrick Fitzgerald in

Is Patrick Fitzgerald in that deep too? I need to do more research.

I stand correct Chris. Bush



Is Patrick Fitzgerald in

Is Patrick Fitzgerald in that deep too? I need to do more research.
Cloak & Swagger | Homepage | 05.29.06 - 4:38 pm | #
based on what hes ignored, ive always wondered about him.

"go check out the Arkin

"go check out the Arkin WashPo blog to see a disinfo agent get his ass kicked"

So you guys *can* still post at the forum?

I submitted my writing (a copy of it is in the thread below) for the third time, and was again told that it was "held up for review by blog owner".

through Iraq as well. thats

through Iraq as well. thats actually legal somehow, to plant fake stories in Iraq so they get covered here. disgusting. RUmmy is going hard after the internet too, they have admitted to planting fake stories on the net.

I stand correct Chris. Bush

I stand correct Chris.

Bush "Planted Fake News Stories On American TV"
Jon Gold | Homepage | 05.29.06 - 4:46 pm | #
yeah, i remember seeing one pushing "No Child Left Behind". it was pretty professional too, i doubt the average amercian would have known it was propoganda.

a lot of the Zarqawi

a lot of the Zarqawi boogeyman Goldstein stories come from fake stories being planted in Iraq, and then picked up by phony journalists here.

9/11 In Historical

9/11 In Historical Perspective: Flawed Assumptions - By Peter Dale Scott

"In particular Congress should determine why Patrick Fitzgerald chose to mislead the American people about MohamedÂ’s FBI status."

I know what you mean about

I know what you mean about Hitler and his Nazi thugs but they were small potatoes compared to the thugs who brought us 9/11. Just amateurs compared to the Bush Crime Family. Always remember Prescott Bush helped finance Hitler's war machine.
maddog | Homepage | 05.29.06 - 12:12 pm | #
its funny and tragic at the same time. you couldnt write a more disturbing movie than the reality of the Bush family throughout the years. since Hitler really. i would like to know what Prescotts father was like. i wonder if the evil legacy started with him and the Nazis, or if they really are Satans ancestors. hahahahaha.again, funny but so sad.

If this guys mentioned

If this guys mentioned abiotic oil he is a nutjob.. So, it's probably not worth my time, sorry..

We need some real whistleblower..

yes Jon, remember, a lot of

yes Jon, remember, a lot of people dont realize this, but he was the one who did the 93 WTC bombing case. of course we all know about the FBI involvement in that one.

i dont know, oils a funny

i dont know, oils a funny thing, i dont discount people based on their views on the worlds current oil situation. belive in peak oil? dont believe in peak oil? either way it doesnt bother me.the waters are so goddamn muddy anyway......

"go check out the Arkin

"go check out the Arkin WashPo blog to see a disinfo agent get his ass kicked"

So you guys *can* still post at the forum?

I submitted my writing (a copy of it is in the thread below) for the third time, and was again told that it was "held up for review by blog owner".
Vesa | 05.29.06 - 4:48 pm | #
yeah, its working now. i exposed Scott Laughley(stolen name with slightly different spelling from established 9/11 researcher.thanks benthere!) and he ran away with his disinfo bullshit. Namrod was still there though.

benthere helped me find

benthere helped me find this:
This Scott Laughrey character is amazing!

I started doing some good ol' google digging and I've uncovered some Truth about this situation.

There are two entities: Scott Loughrey, who is a real critic of the Bush administration / neocons, and who is hot on the trail of a lot of explosive stuff!

see The Disinformation of Richard Clarke by Scott Loughrey

Amy Goodman, Left Gatekeeper; by Scott Loughrey

The Mysteries of 9/11 (I believe the spelling in the webpage title is a typo. Should be with an o)


Then there is Scott Laughrey (with an a - get it) who is not necessarily one person, but perhaps a group of people/agency/bot who I am starting to believe actually is part of the 9-11 conspiracy / neocon conspiracy / disinformation campaign that is desperately trying to discredit the real Scott Loughrey and throw the public off of the trail that reveals their guilt.

My advice to all Good and True citzens who are trying to investigate the Truth: do some more digging related to Scott Loughrey / Laughrey. There is some treasure under those rocks...

Here's an key webpage to this mystery: News Junkie Scott's Blog on Baltimore Indymedia aka 911 Hoax. Follow the links.

It's hard to tell what's going on here. Perhaps someone else can help figure it out. But this is for sure, here is one gem from the guilty party:

"This has been a test of the Emergency Loopy-Leftist Broadcast System. Had this been an actual loopy-leftist alert, you would have been invited to Scott's mother's basement to sing along with Scott and Alice on the first few bars from "Cumberland Blues" off of the Workingman's Dead LP. This concludes this test of the Emergency Loopy-Leftist Broadcast System. "

source - the bottom of this page from 8/10/05 of the mystery blog

- ideas-r-free

Posted by: still caught | May 29, 2006 10:36 AM

Scott Laughrey is a professional. hahahaha.

A CBS reporter about WTC

A CBS reporter about WTC 7:

"When you're down there, Dan, you hear smaller, secondary explosions going off every fifteen to twenty minutes"


"Secondary" explosions?

He seems to imply that whatever he means by "secondary" explosions are a normal phenomenon in a burning building. Could someone shed light on this?

i dont want to sound

i dont want to sound paranoid, but my URL is currently Losse Change 2 on Google. i keep getting "bad request" and it says something about my Loose Change/Google url when the message comes up. does anyone know what this means?

Bah, I didn't post it there

Bah, I didn't post it there because it would have just disrupted the conversation further.

What once was somewhat of a debate is impossible to wade through, basically ever since Namron showed up and several other shills.

Still don't know what to do about that. If you out them then they become the focus. If you don't, then you allow them to turn the conversation into drivel, which is their intent.

any computer savvy people

any computer savvy people here know what the hell this means? it comes up every now and then on this site:

Bad Request
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Request header field is missing colon separator.

name_cookie=Chris; url_cookie=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo.google.com%2Fvideoplay%3Fdocid%3D-5137581991288263801%26q%3Dloose%2Bc; __utma=248788510.456476337.1146233491.1146233491.1147377915.2; __utmz=248788510.1146233491.1.1.utmccn=(direct)|utmcsr=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); com_ser=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
and it goes on with all the crazy numbers and letters much longer. any help?

uhm, delete cookies?

uhm, delete cookies?

Chris - works for me. still

Chris - works for me.

still listening to Grove. lots of info to process. his support of the abiotic oil theory shouldn't discount this though.

I was just on the Loose

I was just on the Loose Change 2 site and they are being sued by the French brothers, Naudet.

"Happy Memorial Day From the

"Happy Memorial Day From the Naudet Brothers"

Is what Loose Change currently has on their site.

Tono Stano, oil for the most

Tono Stano, oil for the most part is abiotic. The creation of higher alkanes from biogenic molecules in the temperature and pressure regime of the earth's near-surface crust is glaringly in violation of the second law of thermodynamics. Whereas laboratory experiments have shown that a cocktail of alkanes (methane, hexane, octane and so on) such as are found in natural oil is produced when a mixture of calcium carbonate, water and iron oxide is heated to 1,500° C and crushed with the weight of 50,000 atmospheres, which reproduces the conditions in the earth's upper mantle, 100 km below the surface. Besides actual experiment, the creation of natural oil via mantle chemico-physical processes is backed up by analytical arguments of quantum statistical mechanics and thermodynamic stability theory. And also there is the empirical observation of depleated oil wells filling back up.

For a good exposition on the considerable and hardcore science backing up the reality of abiotic oil, as well as a refutation of the globalist elite's "Peak Oil" scam, see the below article by David McGowan:

"Cop v CIA (Center for an Informed America)--The Most Important Center for an Informed America Story in Two Years...," David McGowan, Center for an Informed America, Newsletter #52, March 13, 2004:


See also:

"Deep Earth May Use Pressure, not Fossils to Create Hydrocarbons--Finding has implications for ecology, economy of Earth and other planets," September 14, 2004; includes the text of the Carnegie Institution press release of September 13, 2004 entitled "Hydrocarbons in the deep Earth?":


"Titan's Mysterious Methane Comes From Inside, Not The Surface," Goddard Space Flight Center, November 30, 2005:


"'Fossil fuel' theory takes hit with NASA finding--New study shows methane on Saturn's moon Titan not biological," WorldNetDaily.com, December 1, 2005:


"Beyond the 'peak-oil production' hoax," Jerome Corsi, WorldNetDaily.com, December 5, 2005:


For more on the globalist elite's "Peak Oil" scam, see the below page by me:

"The 'Peak Oil' Scam," December 5, 2005:


benthere, great post on that

benthere, great post on that Washington post article lol! I just posted this under the name "dis-info jokers exposed";

"He makes it seem like he is a 9/11 researcher ("Truther", etc.), but his "many really cool progressive Web sites that show it was squib charges and holograms used on 9/11" statements make it clear to anyone who really pays attention that his post is satire. Then just go look at some of his other posts that don't give it away, to see that he's succeeding at his job of PAID Distraction, Deception, and Disinformation.

These people will show up any time there is a comments section on a major article, because they know that's where more real truth comes out than the actual articles. They like to try to take away our power of influence on the internet by muddying the waters. I don't know how to deal with them when you can't moderate the comments.
benthere | Homepage | 05.28.06 - 4:24 am"

^ Great post, got those dis-info clowns banged to rights lol!

Ps For any one who still believes the official 9/11 account, do your own research! Don't expect the Mc Media to inform you. Here's a good place to start;


Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?
by Brigham Young University Physics Professor Dr Steven E. Jones

Posted by: Dis-info jokers exposed | May 29, 2006 06:01 PM


James Redford...


Someone showed me a comment you made regarding "population control", and I wanted you to clarify for me your position on it, if you have one. Is it something you condone, something you are against,



His response...

I have clarified this position a hundred times, both in public speech and in writing. I refuse to do it again. Just look at the web site. I have it written out in several places.

I do not respond well to interrogations. What I say is that the elites are certainly planning on it. I have never, EVER advocated it.

I do advocate slowing the rate of population growth.

My response...

Mike, I knew what your opinions are. Honestly, I couldn't find it.



And that's the last time I "defend" Ruppert.

May 29, 2006 The Silence of

May 29, 2006

The Silence of the Western Lambs


The Guardian is running an article today that is highly critical of the boycott against Palestinians for having elected Hamas:

"Punishment of Palestinians will create a crucible of trouble for the world - - George Bush's policies helped build Hamas; now a dangerous linkage with Iran and Iraq threatens a mega-crisis."

While I greatly appreciate the sentiment on behalf of the Palestinians, I take issue with the quote from Mearsheimer and Walt that but for the Israel Lobby there might not have been a war in Iraq.

For one thing, this writer forgets completely about Afghanistan and 9-11 which gave the US its pretext to begin its long planned program to ultimately control the Middle East oil supply.

It's not just about Israel; not by a long shot. Israel is just another layer to the overall plan, and the Palestinians are merely cogs in a very big wheel. The whole idea comes straight from big oil, and the multi-national money grubbers, who aren't all Jewish by a long shot.

The fundies are as big a push as anybody. They want to build lucrative religious theme parks in Israel. Some of them are even hustling investments to drill for holy oil in Israel.

I'm not the first to say this, but it seems to have to be repeated: the woes of the world come down to one thing; money, the lack of it for the majority of the world's population, and the insatiable lust for it by some who don't mind getting it at the point of a gun.

Plunder. Booty. Spoils. Barbarianism all round. That's what it's about. For Israel, the wealth is in the land and in the water owned by other countries. Give me land lots of land under starry skies above (we'll even tolerate the star of Bethlehem if we have to.)

It doesn't matter whether it's the Jewish or Christian or Islamic. They all have their criminal element who don't mind wading in blood to dominate the earth's resources.

There's money in cheap goods produced in sweat shops in tiny little countries that can't defend themselves. There's money in aggressively marketing those goods to other people who don't need them and can't really afford them. There's money in the natural resources of countries that can't defend themselves. There's money in the weaponry needed to wage the bloody wars.

And for all the talk of "Peak Oil" there's going to be money in Texas tea for quite a while to come, only it will be Afghani tea, Iraqi tea, Colombian tea, Iranian tea, and even Venezuelan tea if Chavez can't get a Latin American union together that's strong enough to hold its own.

It seems that Shakespeare was right; that we are all merely players on a stage, and that periodically the roles are switched. If it isn't Hitler it's some other evil force. The former underdogs take on the role of oppressor, and vice versa.

All during the period of apparent lull after WWII there has not been peace on earth. There would have been war with Russia had their German scientists not have been smarter than America's German scientists; instead the conversation at cocktail parties was about how big our personal fallout shelters should be, and whether we should buy guns to keep out the people who hadn't built one of their own.

Fear of Communism, the Red Menace, was what the people were sold. Now its fear of Islam and terrorism [which not incidentally has killed far fewer innocent people than the fake war against it]. But money and power, not democratization, are at the root of it, as always. The West doesn't care what government is installed "over there", so long as it does business the western way.

There was Korea, there was Cuba [America had lost its steamy brothel to a socialist], there was Viet Nam, the Americas, the Balkans, the Falkans, India and Pakistan having at one another - the list is endless - but most of thought of it as "peace time".

The only time we in the west think there is war is when we're involved in it - noticeably, that is, since a lot has gone down covertly while we've been shopping, watching TV and drinking beer.

Well, we're noticing it now, much too late. And we're going to notice it more. We can hope that the PNAC's plan is so hopelessly flawed it disintegrates. They can't possibly have thought of every contingency, although I think they did know that Iraq and Afghanistan would be quagmires. In fact I think they are happy to create nothing but quagmires in the oil countries. It will prevent them from selling oil.

Only the people, en masse and in a sustained effort can keep down the madness, by refusing to be the cannon fodder, refusing to buy the goods, refusing to do the dirty work. But they need to be willing to be jailed, beaten, and possibly killed, because that's what our "democratic" governments do to their people who seriously exercise their right to dissent.

The saber rattlers constantly speak of God and freedom, but they are the very antithesis. They are the ones who hate freedom, not the "terrorists", because it crimps their style. They know that what they are doing is wrong, immoral, undemocratic, evil - and they expect the people to rebel. They are preparing right now for mass rebellion.

So, what's on TV tonight? Anything good? Hey, I'm out of chips and cola. Better get over to Wal Mart and stock up.

Hitler=W. Bush (or Cheney

Hitler=W. Bush (or Cheney depending how you look at it)
Reichstag fire=diebold and 9/11
Enabling act=patriot act
Phony war=war on terrorism
Motherland security=homeland security
Nazi propaganda=CNN/FOX/UNCLE SAM
Hitler youth organization=no child left behind
Dissidents dubbed as terrorists="if you're not with us, you are against us"
Tortured Jews=torturing muslim/islam

Just so freaking uncanny...

"Hitler youth

"Hitler youth organization=no child left behind"

I don't know if that's a good comparison. Wasn't Hitler Youth an organization you joined, etc... vs. "no Child Left Behind" is more of a legislative thing?

Also, I thought the Nazis had "Homeland Security"? I could be wrong...

Here's a movie about

Here's a movie about Operation Paperclip.

Jon Oops you're right, I


Oops you're right, I screwed up. Homeland security were split in two ways between germany and soviet. Nazi germany was the fatherland. Soviet under stalin was the motherland.

Yeah both hitlers youth organization and no child left behind has to do with children in order to better their lives.

Jon, any idea of if, or when

Jon, any idea of if, or when scans of the Sunday Times Herald are going to be available online? in particularly, this site.

Good Guardian article. Could

Good Guardian article. Could you provide a link to it?

"Jon, any idea of if, or

"Jon, any idea of if, or when scans of the Sunday Times Herald are going to be available online? in particularly, this site."

Having problems with that at the moment.

Well, Jon Gold, if your

Well, Jon Gold, if your above post was meant to serve as a defense of Michael Ruppert then it is a quite ironic post by you, since it only serves to condemn Michael Ruppert's character even further, as now Michael Ruppert demonstrates himself to be a barefaced liar.

Below are Michael Ruppert's own written words, from March 2004:

"I advocate an immediate convening of political, economic, spiritual and scientific leaders from all nations to address the issue of Peak Oil (and Gas) and its immediate implications for economic collapse, massive famine and climate destruction (partially as a result of reversion to coal plants which accelerate global warming). This would, scientifically speaking, include immediate steps to arrive at a crash program – agreed to by all nations and in accordance with the highest spiritual and ethical principles – to stop global population growth and to arrive at the best possible and most ethical program of population reduction as a painful choice made by all of humanity."--Michael C. Ruppert, in a March 2004 email to David McGowan, "Ruppert Responds!," David McGowan, Center for an Informed America, Newsletter #54, March 18, 2004 http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr54.html

Notice Michael Ruppert's self-contradictory answer to your question "Someone showed me a comment you made regarding 'population control', and I wanted you to clarify for me your position on it, if you have one. Is it something you condone, something you are against, etc...":

I have clarified this position a hundred times, both in public speech and in writing. I refuse to do it again. Just look at the web site. I have it written out in several places.

I do not respond well to interrogations. What I say is that the elites are certainly planning on it. I have never, EVER advocated it.

I do advocate slowing the rate of population growth.

Michael Ruppert has "never, EVER advocated" population control--rather, he "advocate[s] slowing the rate of population growth."

Notice also that Michael Ruppert doesn't deny that the March 2004 quote of him is accurate, but instead just gives a self-contradictory reply to your question on "population control." So not only is Michael Ruppert outright lying about having "never, EVER advocated" population control, he contradicts himself on that very subject in his own reply to you.

farts also contain methane -

farts also contain methane - it is a simple hydrocarbon - crude oil is a witch's brew of many complex organic molecules.

it doesn't bubble up from the center of the earth.

if it did, then instead of running out of oil, we'd start running out dry land.

whatever it is and wherever it comes from, we need to stop burning it.

I have scans of the paper,

I have scans of the paper, but I can't crop them or size them, and dz isn't around.

This is the guy who should

This is the guy who should be in charge of investigating the events of 911.
To bad we don't have anyone in our government with the honesty or courage to do this type of investigating.
Also it shows the importance of having multiple copies your research for security purposes.

Hitler=W. Bush (or Cheney

Hitler=W. Bush (or Cheney depending how you look at it)
Reichstag fire=diebold and 9/11
Enabling act=patriot act
Phony war=war on terrorism
Motherland security=homeland security
Nazi propaganda=CNN/FOX/UNCLE SAM
Hitler youth organization=no child left behind
Dissidents dubbed as terrorists="if you're not with us, you are against us"
Tortured Jews=torturing muslim/islam

Just so freaking uncanny...
geggy | 05.29.06 - 6:42 pm | #
post of the month.

James... What I say is that


What I say is that the elites are certainly planning on it. I have never, EVER advocated it.

I do advocate slowing the rate of population growth.

He's telling us that the elites are planning on population control, and by elites I'm assuming he means people like the Bush's, etc... They have people like Dr. Eric R. Planka give speeches on it that receive standing ovations.

Michael is calling for "slowing the rate of population growth". Which means he's for laws like the ones that exist in China.

There's a difference between setting laws that only allow 1 child per family, and murdering off millions of people.

PNAC Co-Founder Endorses

PNAC Co-Founder Endorses Dems in '08
by BooMan
Sun May 28th, 2006 at 08:31:22 PM EST

Robert Kagan is the co-founder with William Kristol of the Project for the New American Century and he thinks it will be better for America if the Democrats win the 2008 contest for the Presidency. If that surprises you, you haven't been paying attention. As far as the PNAC crew goes, power isn't about being a Republican or a Democrat, it's about owning both parties. And, fortunately for us, Kagan is spectacularly upfront about this. To understand his mindset it's important to understand that he doesn't divide the world up into left and right, but into interventionist and isolationist. Kagan has representatives in the Democratic Party. They can loosely be described as the members of the Democratic Leadership Council and the writers at The New Republic. These opinion leaders consider America to be the 'indispensable nation' and they consider it vital to world peace and security that America maintain its role in the world. For example, it's critical that we maintain military bases from Okinawa, to Tashkent, to Kandahar, to Baku, to Turkey, Baghdad, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Dubai, to Eritrea. From the outside, it looks like they benefit from their association or investments in the companies that do business in those countries, or the companies that arm our military to defend themselves in foreign lands and equip our home defenses to protect against the resentment our occupations cause. But, from the inside, it's more complicated. It's about the evils of communism, or fascism, or Islamo-fascism, or whatever is required as a rhetorical tool next week.


Somewhere in the depths of

Somewhere in the depths of his mind, Kagan probably is asking the same questions we are asking. Isn't is possible that we could erode the theat of terrorism more effectively, and at an acceptable cost in treasure, by finding a new consensus within the community of representative democracies and advanced economies of the world? One that isn't opposed by everyone but the bribed and the coerced? One that shares the burdens of collective security, as well as the limitations of international organizations and efforts? One that might limit the scope of American power but also its attendant blowback?

It must have occurred to Kagan, and he knows it is occurring to a growing majority of the left. Kagan throws this heretical thinking aside and states:

...the imperatives of U.S. foreign policy are what they are. The diffuse threats of the post-Cold War world simply don't unite and energize our European allies as the Soviet Union did...
In other words, this Zarqawi/Zawahiri/bin-Laden bullshit just isn't working with the left, and if we don't give them a Hillary or Biden or Lieberman to rally around, they'll leave the reservation for good.
Better to avoid permanently losing one of two American power parties than for the GOP to win in '08.

What better example could we have of what's at stake, who's on our side, and how big our potential for positive change really is.

And incidentally, I think

And incidentally, I think people should be allowed to have as many kids as they want. I think wealth needs to be distributed more evenly. There shouldn't be a 1% who controls everything.

CIA Veteran Ray McGovern

CIA Veteran Ray McGovern

Alex is joined by former CIA Analyst and Presidential Daily Intel Briefer Ray McGovern to discuss the Neo-Con Agenda, his recent confrontation with Rumsfeld, and his upcoming appearance at the American Scholars Symposium.

this is from the Alex Jones show, but its for members only. if anyone heard it, please let me know if anything noteworthy was said. thanks.


oooh, Ray was on Alex's

oooh, Ray was on Alex's show? Anyone have that?

Note about 'population

Note about 'population control',
allow all women/girls to be educated and give every woman access to free birth control.
Of course, that would inflame the Male religeous types, and as the thought of educated women seems to frighten/intimidate so many men, that sadly it won't happen yet.
But, it is a really simple solution to the whole population growth thing...
be well

HA! There were two 9/11

HA! There were two 9/11 Truth articles in the Times Herald this Sunday...

Sept. 11 Skeptics Growing In

That's 3 9/11 Truth related

That's 3 9/11 Truth related articles in one week, in one paper... that's pretty good coverage.

Where's GW been? dz? Is it

Where's GW been? dz? Is it a holiday weekend or something?

Jon Gold, you

Jon Gold, you wrote:


What I say is that the elites are certainly planning on it. I have never, EVER advocated it.

I do advocate slowing the rate of population growth.

He's telling us that the elites are planning on population control, and by elites I'm assuming he means people like the Bush's, etc... They have people like Dr. Eric R. Planka give speeches on it that receive standing ovations.

Michael is calling for "slowing the rate of population growth". Which means he's for laws like the ones that exist in China.

There's a difference between setting laws that only allow 1 child per family, and murdering off millions of people.

So you agree that Michael Ruppert does indeed advocate population control (as you say, in the manner of China), despite his self-contradictory denial of that in his reply to you.

But despite Michael Ruppert's barefaced lying in denying that he has ever advocated population control, it is good to see that he acknowledges that the globalist ruling elite are planning on it.

You mention Dr. Eric R. Pianka. I have written the below article on him:

"Forrest Mims did not Misrepresent Prof. Eric Pianka's Statements," James Redford, expanded edition, April 13, 2006:


See also:

"Top Scientist Advocates Mass Culling 90% Of Human Population--Fellow professors and scientists applause and roar approval at elite's twisted and genocidal population control agenda," Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones, PrisonPlanet.com, April 3, 2006:


"Burnet's solution: The plan to poison S-E Asia," Brendan Nicholson, The Age, March 10, 2002:


"Kissinger's 1974 Plan for Food Control Genocide," Joseph Brewda, December 8, 1995:


"National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests," National Security Council, Washington, D.C., April 24, 1974:



He doesn't advocate

He doesn't advocate murdering off millions in order to solve the population problems.

Excellent JON.. a newspaper

Excellent JON.. a newspaper in the USA! The doctrinal system are fraying at the seams.

And thank for not redirecting us to your BBS (where you can log our IP numbers!) in order to see some info.


I checked some of the names he mentioned at 28min38secs ..

Richard George Bruehert
Kathryn Blair Lee, 55
Gary Edward Lasko, 49
Kenneth Frederick Rice III, 34
John G. Ueltzhoeffer, 36

CFR executive he did not want to mention 29min28sec could be Jeffrey W. Greenberg ... or maybe he is the CFR contact from 32min33sec
his father is a fraudster...


does renaissance-interventures.com work for anyone? is this guy phony? did anyone try that number?

WHOIS returned

WHOIS returned this:

Renaissance Interventures
Richard Grove
34 Jefferson St Box K
Manchester, CT 06040
Email: richard@renaissance-interventures.com

Registrar Name....: REGISTER.COM, INC.
Registrar Whois...: whois.register.com
Registrar Homepage: www.register.com

Domain Name: renaissance-interventures.com

Created on..............: Sun, Feb 23, 2003
Expires on..............: Fri, Feb 23, 2007
Record last updated on..: Fri, Feb 24, 2006

Administrative Contact:
Renaissance Interventures
Richard Grove
34 Jefferson St Box K
Manchester, CT 06040
Phone: 917-779-9215
Email: richard@renaissance-interventures.com

Technical Contact:
Renaissance Interventures
Richard Grove
34 Jefferson St Box K
Manchester, CT 06040
Phone: 917-779-9215
Email: richard@renaissance-interventures.com

jesus fucking christ. it all

jesus fucking christ.

it all checks out!

Iran Contra fraud:
(MadCow: 911 = IranContra people!)







37m15s & 41m46s http://www.google.com/search?q=kroll+ceo+michael

Michael G. Cherkasky





His angle is that CORPORATIONS did 911.

this book then needs reading:


website doesn't

Redford, give it up already.

Redford, give it up already. Ruppert knows it is going to be difficult to feed 6.5 billion plus people with no natural gas fertilizers, oil based pesticides, and fossil fuels to run irrigation and trucks. He is coming to grips with this and, yes, did advocate something should be done about the oncoming problem, but since people like you are so quick to label those who talk about resource depletion as Nazis or whatever, he has made the decision to drive home the point that elites are probably planning for population control. So, it is something that should at least be openly discussed. Here is a great recent article from Richard Heinberg on this issue. Heinberg is the biggest envionmental hippy out there, and certainly no tool of the New World Order types.
"Population, Resources and Human idealism."

Redford, look at this. Can this go on forever?

Anyway, if you want to argue about Peak Oil, go to The Oil Drum. You will get some education about the scientific basics from some brilliant academics who have no ties to the global corporate elites.
Why Peak Oil Is About Now
What is Peak Oil
Production Plateau Continues

Now, let's get back to 9/11 Truth and figuring out if this Grove guy has any credibility.

Sorry, but you Americans are

Sorry, but you Americans are complete nutters.

Why not just check the message, instead of trying to split hairs about the messenger?

There is enough there.. But to call the people involved and fax some info to a DC.. cant be done in USA

@jon gold: way to go dude!

@jon gold: way to go dude! Ya said that paper can reach 750,000? If just 10 people start questioning 9/11 because of that it's a good job. Now imagine if newspapers in every state started doing that kind of coverage...if only the days of Woodward and Bernstein were still here. Sadly from Gary Webb to other "controversial" investigations, its all a big MSM no no.

....man made

....man made earthquakes/tsunamis?? This Andrew Grove guy is getting a little too far out...

"man made

"man made earthquakes/tsunamis?? This Andrew Grove guy is getting a little too far out"

Not to mention that he hailed Loose Change (paraphrasing) as "the best, most factually accurate 9/11 video available online."

At first I was very intrigued by what he was sayng, a lot of which could be true. But certain things that he said made my Bullshit Detector™ spring into action.

holy cow. to the degree

holy cow. to the degree that this is legit, it seems to undermine the "few rogue elements" theory. it's just sad. the official story is so much more "comforting".

man made

man made earthquakes/tsunamis

Look up HAARP and see why weather modification is possible -- and, I believe earthquakes/tsunamis are a logical extension of that. I never would have believed it either.... but, there's a lot of suspicious stuff about HAARP.

In other words ... there is

In other words ...

there is a VAAAST conspiracy ..

you can see the whole extent of it
in this manner:


H.A.A.R.P. http://www.fromthe



In the US, the technology is being perfected under the High-frequency Active Aural Research Program (HAARP) as part of the ("Star Wars") Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI). Recent scientific evidence suggests that HAARP is fully operational and has the ability of potentially triggering floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes.


Old Soldier has

OK you canards. lets give

OK you canards.

lets give you keywords:

Oracle, silverstream

What have you learned?

oooh, Ray was on Alex's

oooh, Ray was on Alex's show? Anyone have that?
Jon Gold | Homepage | 05.29.06 - 7:40 pm | #

I have it. McGovern talks about how he was not a "heckler", but was in line for questions with Rumsfeld and was elbowed away from the mic by a plain-clothed security guard off-camera until Rumsfeld allowed him to continue his question.

He talks about Iran and the region quite a bit. Nothing too new. I don't have too much that I'm interested in excerpting and I don't want to post the whole (subscribers only) thing on my site.

Re: triggering

Re: triggering tsunamis:

There was an article in a New Zealand paper some months ago about US military technology started in WWII and updated with nukes... and check out the fictional book "State of Fear" by Crichton... in which he described something similar...

I'll throw my two cents

I'll throw my two cents in... he mentioned a John Judge--isn't there a John Judge in the truth movement who talks about "strategy of tension"?

Also, just generally, I think there may be lots of inetresting leads in this audio, but I agree with those who smell something and aren't sure what. One thing is the format--why audio? He's obviously reading this, so why not release a transcript, making it easier to parse and verify? Does he want us to waste lots of time?

It's also VERY complicated, which is not to say it's necessarily false but as far as raising awareness, simpler is MUCH better. For example, simply asking over and over "what happened to building 7" could help us reach the critical mass necessary for public pressure on the media and politicians (one and the same?)

This material belongs in a dossier for further study by those with the means to do a real investigation, otherwise it has the potential to divide the truth movement. Successful movements are simple enough to be understood widely, as opposed to successful investigations that should be extensive and detailed.

OK that may be three cents. Best wishes to the real truthers out there--I can tell you from my work in the streets that the public is ready to go with this, so our job is simple: take our clearest messages and go "nuclear" with them, meaning pound the pavement with signs and flyers and free DVDs.

Obviously the people will be ready before the media, so forget about trying to force Oprah to cover anything--she'll do it once we've reached so many people that her credibility is on the line.


Looks like the right wing

Looks like the right wing media could be getting slightly less hostile to the truth.


I am not listening to the

I am not listening to the Grove mp3; I am transcribing it as I go. It's arduous work, the guy speaks so fast...

but, one thing, isn't MBNA not Mercedes-Benz North America but Merchant's Bank North America? I wouldn't know; I haven't driven an M-B since I ownded a rusted-out '62 220SL in college, and I never have to go to a bank ... because I don't have any money.

Grove is helping me understand why.

Mssr. J., that must be quite

Mssr. J., that must be quite a job. I admire your diligence.

yeah that MBNA thing was

yeah that MBNA thing was weird... the timing of this thing also has me scratching my chin... we HAVE to expect the disinfo to escalate dramatically as we get closer to critical mass, so no offense to anyone who thinks this is iron clad but let's set our BS detectors to 11... :)

hey andrew, some of the most

hey andrew, some of the most ardent truthers are right-winger michigan militia types who fear globalization... We have to remember that politics makes strange bedfellows, and that many of the differences we think we have with people are the result of the manipulative treatment in the corporate media designed to create tensions and divides between citizens. i think we are long overdue for a redrawing of the political maps of america. Clearly the Dems and Reps are the party of al CIAda. If we don't start building bridges to anyone and everyone with a strong interest in the truth and in reining in an out of control executive then we will fail.

that Rodriguez comment gives

that Rodriguez comment gives me an idea. What if the explosions in the basement had nothing to do with weakening the structure? What if the explosions were just part of the vault break in? I never thought of it that way. And if this is true then howcome they never "offed" Rodriguez? And isn't it possible that the people who "robbed the bank" had nothing to do with 9/11, except that they had reliable foreknowledge that the attacks were going to happen? (basically it's more compartmentalization.)

CK, I've read a lot about

CK, I've read a lot about HAARP. Started investigating what informaation I could find, back in 2003 to 2004. I've also visited their website and looked at all of their interactive images of the facility etc.

Andrew Grove is supposedly trying to provide 9/11 inside job evidence. But then he throws in things like that about the Tsunami -- and that he sent a stainless steel briefcase to Harrison Ford, which was about the Tsunami, only a few days prior to that disaster occuring -- which have absolutely no business being included amongst his fast paced, difficult to verify/dissect presentation of "evidence".

Don't you think, honestly, that it would have made more sense -- should it actually be true that he sent a stainless steel briefcase to Harrison Ford -- to send him a briefcase with his 9/11 inside job evidence?!

After all, that IS what he is supposedly trying to bring to the light.

I won't say for certain, because I don't know for certain, but I strongly suspect that Mr. Grove is a distractionary agent of misinfo/disinfo.

He says a LOT of things in the audio to be highly suspicious of. Not the least of which, if I remember correctly, is that according to him, he's ex-NSA.

CaSHILL says: These letters

CaSHILL says: These letters came from the right – not the left – the proof of which was the almost total absence of profanity, a notable silver lining.

yeah, because republicans dont cuss right? Cheney only said "go fuck yourself" on the floor of the Senate.

CaSHILL says:I know that

CaSHILL says:I know that Kilsheimer is ultimately in the employ of the Pentagon, but I don't know any American who would lie about a detail like that. The missile-in-the-Pentagon theory works only if Kilsheimer is a shameless liar.

yeah, because Pentagon employees could NEVER be shameless liars right?

and finally, check who

and finally, check who Cashill blames 9/11 on:

Editor's note: In his extraordinary new DVD documentary, "Mega Fix," Emmy-award-winning filmmaker Jack Cashill traces the roots of Sept. 11 to the political exploitation of terror investigations by the Clinton White House in the desperate 1995-1996 election cycle. This eight part series, which began in Oklahoma City, culminates at the 9-11 commission hearings. To arrange a showing in your city, contact Jack Cashill.

yep,. it was all Bill Clintons fault.HA.

our whole reality is a lie.

our whole reality is a lie. the lie runs as deep as the way we speak to each other. we wrongly believe that for our lives to be remotly bearable we need to suppress any negative emotions and feelings, so our world has become completely plastic. the american government has been taking advantage of our refuzal to accept reality for centuries. but in truth they are in a bigger hole of lies than we are, because they fail to realize that the dark things that they think will bring them power is only going to bring them pain. if we really want happyness, we need to drop the blame. yes people died and that is allways painfull, but we can rise above the hate that the government is stuck in. love is what makes people happy. take resposiblilty for your pain, and love yourself like you would a child, unconditionaly. all you can do to truly help is to be an example in a world of lies, of true unconditional love.

Has anyone communicated with

Has anyone communicated with this fellow Grove? Do I understand that he has a transcript? Perhaps he is willing to make it available...

I am transcribing, and half way through it, but it laborious work. Willing to continue tomorrow but...

Thanks for working on that

Thanks for working on that Mssr. I know how hard transcribing is. I transcribed most of Griffin's "Myth" speech at Grand Lake Theater. Then he posted the whole thing, and I ditched mine. lol

Well, I just e-mailed Grove

Well, I just e-mailed Grove to ask if he has a transcript...

-- --
As for his credibility, or that of any other person in this arena, I wonder if we don't ask too much of one person. As a human, they come with their experience, their perspective, their foibles, sometimes their biases. Not one of the 9/11 films is perfect. Most web sites can be found to have an error or two.

-- --
One of the tools or rules we might use in judging credibility is whether we've heard of "that" before... case in point, the tsunami thing... I am aware of three such sources or theories, but you won't hear about any of this in the mainstream media, just as you won't hear much about 9/11 there either... or HAARP...or weather modification... or deep inspection re: the Katrina experience... or much of anything that challenges power, the agreed-upon myths, or which proposes new concepts, theories or "outlandish" stuff.. but, in time, we find it had more than a scintilla of truth. I think Grove has the right idea, and it's the same idea found in the Chicago conference... Put everyone together into the same arena and share, and vet the baloney out, and work the promising avenues.

All in all, let's not get caught up too deeply in who's credible... Stick to the basics and the irrefutable facts that the Bush administration simply doesn't want you to know.... which, alone, ought to make you curious.

So I got a response from Mr.

So I got a response from Mr. Grove, and he forwarded the transcript (and a few other goodies, too) (;

Did ANYONE research this at

Did ANYONE research this at all? The guy on the mp3 is Richard Andrew Grove...some dude from conneticut who signed a "justice for 9/11 solidarity" petition. Andrew STEPHEN Grove is a co-founder of Intel, completely unrelated. Jeeeeeeeeez......

I listened to the Richard

I listened to the Richard Grove audio and felt enthused. So much promise. Then when I checked the transcript in detail the whole thing showed up poorly. Look, I am not having a go at this guy's sincerity. But there is little value in providing half-baked claims that are hard to investigate.

If Richard Grove was serious he should have a prepared a detailed briefing of the type he would prepare in any legal proceedings: who, what, when, where etc.

It's of no use to 911 critics to hear about possible breakins at his home. But details about corporate connections that he can establish, conversations with officials re software, finances, 9/11 etc are required.

Also, Grove is supposedly a management professional. He would know that anectdotal ramblings wouldn't cut it in the business world. I would have expected a far more coherent and detailed expose from someone with his background.

Frankly, it's disappointing. He should either put together a clearer presentation if he wishes to do the 9/11 cause any good.

I can't see anything in what he says that can be put before a sceptical public in its present form.

Search William Rodriguez and

Search William Rodriguez and WTC on google, he was an employee in basement of WTC and heard EXPLOSION just seconds Before the plane hit the building in the BASEMENT. This location is where the vaults holding the gold was located. He said a 50 ton press was vaporized. Lobby of WTC had incredible damage. Squibs are exploding as the 3 buildings come down. WAKE UP. Amerika is almost upon us all.

I listened to Richard

I listened to Richard Grove's story and am skeptical. Why talk about man-made tsunamis that he predicted? Lots of other rambling things that seem to undermine his credulity among a mainstream audience. This is not the type of material that is going to convince those outside the 9/11 truth community that 9/11 was an inside job. On the contrary, it is likely to waste someone's time on grandiose conspiracy theories that are not persuasive to the average person. This is not as powerful as expose of Building 7, David Ray Griffin's CSPAN lecture, or 911 Revisited.

2+ hours. That's a lot of

2+ hours. That's a lot of time...

I still haven't gotten 10+ minutes into it and my BS detector's gone off more than once already:

8:51 - "We've allowed a gangrenous administration to infect all corners of the Congress" - (Hasn't it become clear by now that the "opposition" between the Executive and Legislative branches is as staged/fake/phony as is the "opposition" between Reps and Dems? The recurring blame of "NeoCons", and "the administration", must be a limited hang-out for the monstrous (size of the cited) conspiracy to which J. Edgar Hoover referred.)

9:18 - "I'm here because I don't have an established forum to introduce this information to the public mind." - (Gee, this guy is so intelligent and has such technical knowledge - "been on the other side of information technology systems" [4:31] - but can't put up a web site??? Or even just post his text/audio to an indymedia site?????? I dunno...)

At that point (7%), I decided I might reach a conclusion faster by reading (some of) the comments here...

here - "Michael Wolsey introduced me to this." - (MW is also pretty good at similarly largely wasting many minutes of his podcast listeners' precious time)

It looks like this Grove guy used up a lot of time straying far afield from 9/11, and maybe getting people arguing over Peak Oil and other stuff (ie, WKJO). 2+ hours of audio, and lots of folks here feeling like they need to spend a lot more time (making transcript[s] and) checking out what he said...?

So, pardon my cynicism but I think I see a pattern to this. It seems like this new so-called "Unity" 3rd political party, and some of the "We The People" talk (as per this audio), could be nothing more than "the bad guys" pre-emptively getting out in front (SOP for effective gatekeeping) of the 'game', ahead of any legitimate 3rd party "unity"(/disgust) movements (most good 911 truthers know that the 9/11 evidence could bring down the powers that be, and thus why they won't talk about it; so when a "3rd party" bursts on the scene but won't talk about that evidence [either], that makes them look, to me, like yet another head of the same old duopolistic Rep-Dem monster).

(I'm guessing that Grove's reference to MBNA is the credit card and financial powerhouse associated with Lerner, the guy who bought the NFL's New Cleveland Browns franchise when it was created.)

Google 8thestate and look

Google 8thestate and look for a certain book review - could be clue as to where this guy is coming from.

I kept waiting for this

I kept waiting for this "explosive" new news. I was on the edge of my seat. I listened to the whole thing. But, what is the new news that will blow this 9/11 cover-up wide open? Most of this I have heard before, in one form or another. The software companies and its role in 9/11. But, there did not seem to be anything in his speech to blow anything wide open. Also, I was a little annoyed when he would lead us to the edge of something, and then say, "Well, I can't talk about that right now. Suffice it to say..." or something like that, and then present some other convoluted mechanism of the software industry.

I want to hear something that will really blow this thing wide open!

does this idiot ever get to

does this idiot ever get to the point?... talk about no content, he just goes on and on and on and on and on about how he's gonna tell you something and never actualy says it.

file under loony

I'm entirely open to the

I'm entirely open to the idea that "there's more than meets the eye" when it comes to the events of 9/11/2001. However, LTC Grove starts out with a couple of very dubious and annoying comments.

First, is his repeated warning that: "he can't go in to all of the juicy details at this time" (paraphrase). OK, then why is this even worth listening to? Given that the "full story" is being saved for another audience? You don't hear real investigative reporters employing this ruse. It insults the current audience.

Secondly, Grove keeps saying TRILLIONS of dollars for this and that, when the real numbers can only be in the MILLIONS, or possibly BILLIONS. For example, it wasn't that many years ago (1960's, 1970's) that the ENTIRE U.S. economy was estimated at ONE TRILLION dollars (just ONE)! More recently, the highest-end estimates I've even heard about for the ENTIRE cost of the whole IRAQ mess (tracking health care costs for Vets many decades into the future, etc.) come to between 700 BILLION and 1 TRILLION (aka 1000 BILLION) US dollars. That includes EVERYTHING! So, how can Grove run around saying that so-and-so wasted TRILLIONS (plural) on this-and-that?? It puts the rest of his (possibly important) talk under a cloud of doubt from the very beginning.
And, this is coming from someone (me) who is 100% opposed to the Iraq War!!


WARNING: (I,m swedish and


(I,m swedish and cant handle the language)

When i started to read this transcript I was struck by a bad fealing.

The transcript is well written and is much like a novel.

The one who talks is reading directly from the transcript, you can hear that he pauses in the wrong places.

The transcript is written like it is comming from a live speach wich is than contradicting.

The speach contains so much fact that is not so often heard wich is a bitt fishy to.

I can see some resamblence to www.wkjo.com, the movie wich alltso gives me some creapy feeling.

I would guess that if this is correct fact, that this is a professional leek, or that this is dissinformation from the highest of places.

But, that is only what my guts tells me!

What does this solve? How

What does this solve? How does this provide tools FOR a climate to build of a revolution WITH purpose instead of an all out riot?


I listened to 33 minutes

I listened to 33 minutes (the file did not download completely for some reason). I concur with the above posters in that the recording sheds no new light on anything related to 9/11 in general. I like his attitude, but he never says anything pointedly factual, and third party verifiable. I am on board with the assertions, but it takes more than an assertion to win the argument.

There was *one* item he mentioned that I was not aware of, and that is the gold stored in the basement ot the WTC. Is that true? One wonders how so much of it could have been removed w/o detection?

Actually, his basic premise

Actually, his basic premise is correct - corporations did 911. And so much else. Just Google "military-industrial complex". Then think of Pro Bono? You can even Google it together: "military-industrial complex" "Pro Bono".

As for micro:s comments, I recognized him before I saw the signature. I read the same in Swedish by him, after I made him aware of this. Perhaps he is right, that this is a case of disinformation from the highest places. This possibility is why I didn't contact the guy, and because any such contact will be monitored. But consider that good disinformation must either stay close to the truth - as I think this does, irrespective of if it's honest or not - or be so far from the truth that we are incapable of believing that anyone could lie so much.

Remember that the truth often hides itself, being stranger than fiction and thus "impossible" to believe.

Sorry, the last Google

Sorry, the last Google should of course have been "military-industrial complex" "cui bono". My Latin.... ;)

Richard Grove in 24 Carat

Richard Grove in 24 Carat Disinformation Fiasco

Following the expose of Deborah S Simon as the link between the billionaire Zionist perpetrators of 9/11 and disinformation agents such as Tom Flocco, Karl Schwarz and Phil Jayhan, the crooked cabal have been attempting to regroup with an alternative team of shills. These rather more articulate propagandists operate under names such as Richard Andrew Grove, Eric Andrew Blair and 8thEstate; their task is to carry on the work of Flocco and Co in distracting truth seekers with false 9/11 news and conspiracy theories. In comparison with these absurd theories, the "suicide hijacking pilots" tale appears eminently reasonable. There is not a scrap of evidence to support the former. The latter at least had the advantage of planted passports, FBI statements, fabricated videos and a compliant media - albeit requiring some ad hoc temporary revisions of the laws of physics such as Fourier's Law of heat conduction.

The Grove team's specious nonsense is infesting internet chat rooms, and in order to save any further time-wasting it is better to nip this in the bud without further ado.

One of the central planks of Grove's thesis is that gold bricks to the value of hundreds of billions of dollars were stolen from beneath the World Trade Center, before the Towers collapsed. The audio clearly states "billions" as opposed to "millions", so this is not an error in the transcripts. Grove - a self-styled "whistleblower" - claims that the events at the top of the Towers were a diversion to deflect attention from events at or below ground level. Let's be generous to his theory and take the 2006 price of gold at some $600 per troy ounce - it was more like $300 in 2001. A troy ounce is nearly 10% greater than an avoirdupois ounce. There are about 14.583 troy ounces per avoirdupois pound, so $600 x 14.583 x 2,000 ~ $17,500,000 per short ton. Hence, 10,000 tons of gold would be worth $175,000,000,000 which might just qualify as "hundreds of billions of dollars". Incidentally, this is more than the entire US gold reserves at around 8,133 tonnes or 8,965 tons. The WTC vaults were hardly likely to have contained more gold than Fort Knox.

Even if we allow the longer time of 102 minutes for the WTC 1 collapse, and suppose that only 100 trucks were employed to "liberate" the gold with each carrying as much as 100 tons, then each of these very large trucks would have a mere sixty-one seconds in order to maneuver into place and to be loaded with its 100 tons of gold as the next truck accelerates away. Assuming 16 seconds to position each large truck, there is 45 seconds available for each loading. We'll suppose that ten forklift trucks can each carry as much as ten tons of gold, and their movements are synchronised such that each crashes into a large truck (hopefully instantly dislodging the gold and container) at 0, 5, 10, ... 40 and 45 seconds past each minute. The time available to load each forklift is much less than sixty seconds.

Let's suppose each human loader can lift 80 pounds of gold at a time and place it onto the forklift in only three seconds, and return for the next load in another second. Hence, 20,000 / 80 = 250 such cycles are required per forklift per 61 second larger cycle. If we allow 40 to 44 seconds for loading each forklift, then each human loader can place ten 80 pound loads over 40 seconds, so 25 human loaders might suffice per forklift. So there are 100 truck drivers, 10 forklift operators, and 250 Arnold Schwarzenegger types required as part of the conspiracy, all to be paid and/or silenced! Admittedly, some of the manual loaders and forklift operators would be "eliminated" in the collapse. Even this bizarre scenario assumes they all manage to dodge the explosions in the basement, whether bombs or kerosene deflagrations. And amazingly, Richard Grove was the only person to observe this record heist.

Actually, in links provided by Richard Grove (go to url at the end of this piece for details), the figures quoted for the gold and silver stored in the WTC vaults do not exceed $650 million, apart from a rumoured figure of $160 billion originating from the New York Daily News and quoted in the Sierra Times (also at Rumour Mill News and in the Loose Change video). Any competent analyst would see that the "hundreds of billions of dollars of gold" (particularly with regard to a robbery) is untenable. The "robbers" might have stood a slim chance of getting away with tens of millions of dollars worth of gold and silver, but it would not justify going to all the trouble of crashing planes into two skyscrapers. And Dov Zakheim had already got his hands on the Pentagon's $2.3 trillion ($2.6 trillion in later reports) as early as September 10, 2001. A trillion-dollar crime syndicate that has just pulled off the greatest robbery in history has no need to blow up buildings after they have the loot. The Bush administration's complicity in crashing a UAV into the Pentagon's west wing, together with Israel's submarines equipped with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles with a 900-mile range and its spy-ring's gathering of secrets with which to blackmail politicians, provided Israel with all the leverage it needed to force the US authorities to cover for Netanyahu / Zakheim's Pentagon embezzlement and Netanyahu / Zakheim / Silverstein's WTC controlled demolition $3+ billion insurance scam and pretext for wars for Israel's benefit. Grove and his handlers hoped that no one would spot their deliberate "error" of confusing millions with billions (rather reminiscent of the way Osama was morphed into Saddam).

Time and again, the disinformation spin doctors rely on the fact that most folk will not even bother to do the calculations or check out the feasibility of the claims. The Grove team are either knaves, fools, or both. Their unsubstantiated assertions are nearly all false, with a few morsels of half-truths and scraps of cheap confessions tossed into the heap. The person reading the script need not be the sharpest blade in the drawer, but the scriptwriters are clearly inveterate deceivers.

Please see http://www.takeourworldback.com/short/grove.htm for a longer version of this with numerous links detailing the evidence of who was really behind 9/11.