May 30: David Ray Griffin on the Meria Heller Show

10 AM Pacific (1 PM Eastern) time.
For more information, The Meria Heller Show

"Jon..where is the link to

"Jon..where is the link to suggest that they had plans to go to iraq and afghanistan b4 9/11"


Where ISN'T there a link...

Look at the PNAC, and their obsession with invading Iraq. Look at Paul O'Neill who said the first principals meeting after his inauguration was about "Finding a way" to invade Iraq. July 2001, the foreign secretary of Pakistan was told that Afghanistan would be invaded in October 2001.

Someone please get a

Someone please get a recording of this...

benthere.. thank you for the link!

FYI. Opie & Anthony blasted

FYI. Opie & Anthony blasted Dylan again this morning.

Thats all right, nobody is

Thats all right, nobody is listening.

Anyone know Dylan's phone #?

Anyone know Dylan's phone #? Send me an email with it if you do, I wanna make sure this lawyer gets in touch with him.

I sent him a couple of emails, but I know how much email these guys get, so he might have missed it.

Actually, O&A is a pretty

Actually, O&A is a pretty popular show. Regardless, they were being assholes. Also, they act as if Dylan was the only "9/11 Conspiracy" person they ever talked to, and as we both know, that is not the case. Why don't they bash what I had to say? I'd like to see them try. Everything I said on their show has been verified in the 2 years since that appearance.

She's got quite a lineup.

She's got quite a lineup. Greg Palast is on tomorrow and Richard Andrew Grove again for an interview on the 4th.

The first Grove interview was said to be in the "Free Show" link for a week, so I assume that means Griffin's won't replace it.

I may subscribe to hear it, but then I don't know if it's right to redistribute it. Important stuff like this shouldn't be subscription only, imo.

being poor, i don't like

being poor, i don't like subscriptions but if people can make a living distributing independent information, that will encourage more of it.

Ahmadinejad interviewed by

Ahmadinejad interviewed by Spiegel regarding his letter to Bush:,1518,418660-2,00.html

SPIEGEL: This letter to the American president includes a passage about Sept. 11, 2001. The quote: "How could such an operation be planned and implemented without the coordination with secret and security services or without the far-reaching infiltration of these services?" Your statements always include so many innuendos. What is that supposed to mean? Did the CIA help Mohammed Atta and the other 18 terrorists conduct their attacks?

Ahmadinejad: No, that's not what I meant. We think that they should just say who is to blame. They should not use Sept. 11 as an excuse to launch a military attack against the Middle East. They should take those who are responsible for the attacks to court. We're not opposed to that; we condemned the attacks. We condemn any attack against innocent people.;;;;;;

Opie, Anthony, Norton, and others,

You may or may not remember me, but I was the first 9/11 Truther you had on your show. In November 2004, you had me on.

You can listen to it here:

And listen to the follow up the next day here:

I heard your show this morning where you attacked Dylan Avery. If you guys think you obviously know everything there is to know about 9/11, and people like me are crazy nutjobs, than I'm sure you won't have a problem having me on again.

Unless of course you prefer picking on college students.

Let me know. I'd be MORE than happy to tear you a few new assholes.

Jon Gold

good stuff Jon, i hate those

good stuff Jon, i hate those assholes. O&A cry so much about Howard Stern its pathetic. thats all they do is take jabs at Stern.and FYI, Norton is a "true believer" in the "war on terror". the guy is hopeless, i heard him bashing the hell out of muslims talking about the usual "they chop off heads", "im for the war" bullshit. he sounds like a Fox News talking head spewing all the usual talking points when he attempts to speak on politics.fuck O&A.and fuck Norton most of all.

I just wanted to put it out

I just wanted to put it out there. Feel free to write them yourselves. I would actually like to have me and someone else on their show at the same time. It's extremely easy for them to "have fun" with one person, but two might be a little more difficult.

The first time I was on, I

The first time I was on, I was a fan. If I'm ever on again, it's going to be a different story.

Alternet is giving its

Alternet is giving its readers yet another chance to comment on 9/11: The Burial of the 9/11 Story that Got Away. Yes, as one might expect, they are approaching it from "the official" angle; nonetheless, readers are still allowed to make any comments they so desire. I've made quite a few comments there myself over the past few months. Not many of the "mainstream alternative" web sites are so "generous" to the truth movement, even if (on the surface, at least) they profess to disagree with us.

The Supreme Court Has Made

The Supreme Court Has Made It Harder For Whistleblowers To Sue For Retaliation

Let's not forget that they're also trying to take away the pensions of those who choose to blow the whistle.

Let's also not forget how DANGEROUS it is to be a whistleblower.

Where are all of those bastards who repeatedly ask, "Why hasn't anyone spoken up?"

"Bush to Host United 93

"Bush to Host United 93 Screening";_yl...

It just makes me want to f-ing puke.

Sorry... Let's also not


Let's also not forget how DANGEROUS it is to be a whistleblower...

Explore truth about

Hey Jon, they don't fight

Hey Jon, they don't fight fair, they cut your mic and talk over you etc. Its not necessarily worth the trouble, getting on other radio shows where you'll have a fighting chance would be a better idea.

I'm not suggesting not doing it, just don't waste too much time on them and their 15 listeners. Time better spent elsewhere.

Mind you, I wouldn't hearing

Mind you, I wouldn't hearing you bring up JFK again, that always goes over well...

It goes over well for people

It goes over well for people who have brains, and understand that arguing about "Magic Bullets" is a waste of time. :)

It was a magic bullet. It

It was a magic bullet. It wasn't a magic bullet. Ok, fight over, nobody wins.

BushCo had plans to invade

BushCo had plans to invade both Iraq and Afghanistan prior to 9/11.

There isn't a rebuttle to that. It's just a fact.
" Experts say there's no reason to think the latest one is a fake. ... "

Who controls the media?

New M$M article: 'Bin Laden'

New M$M article:

'Bin Laden' tapes & 9/11 conspiracies

Jon I sent them an

Jon I sent them an e-mail

"Jon Gold has challenged you to a debate about 9/11 on your show. You guys run around like your telling the truth, Building 7? But your a bunch of ignoramuses spewing bullshit lies. If you are indeed so right there should be no probably having Jon on your show. As I'm sure you know, refusing to accept a debate is the same as loosing that debate. And loosing a debate means you are wrong. So will you accept Jon's challenge? Or will you whimper like the cowards you are and instead stick to the personal attacks on Dylan Avery because you are not capable of debating the facts like an intelligent human being? Keep in mind that 42% of Americans believe 9/11 was an inside job, so you are insulting nearly half the country when you insult Dylan Avery's views. Not the most intelligent business plan, but apparently intelligence effectively evades yourselves."

How long will the M$M be

How long will the M$M be able to post Letters To The Editor about 9/11 but censor its "official" content? Here's another one:

One other purpose of Israeli

One other purpose of Israeli nuclear weapons, not often stated, but obvious, is their “use” on the United States.

Is the Bush Administration Planning a Nuclear Holocaust?

I just fired off an e-mail

I just fired off an e-mail to the opie & anthony jackoffs. I told them how much they suck. They are either complicit, or just freaking ignorant.

Their not complicit, just

Their not complicit, just members of the brainpower challenged masses who easily fall victim to government manipulation and brainwashing, and use their big mouths to promote it.

Jon..where is the link to

Jon..where is the link to suggest that they had plans to go to iraq and afghanistan b4 9/11

Not a bad fella this John

Not a bad fella this John Pilger bloke. (though I'm not sure why he writes for The Mirror).

'Jon..where is the link to

'Jon..where is the link to suggest that they had plans to go to iraq and afghanistan b4 9/11
Yizzo | 05.30.06 - 1:19 pm | # '

Jim Norton's

Jim Norton's response...

Nothing to do with him being a college student. HE put himself out there. I find him to be so agenda-obsessed he refuses to acknowldge ANY data that can affect his theory. Anthony made a BRILLIANT point on why the towers being 'wired' was crazy (what if one plane didnt make it? then there is a standing tower full of fucking wired bombs). So much crap that was not thought out. This kid is really just trying to marry himself to the tragedy for attention. He may not even know it, but I find him to be incredibly full of shit. jim

My response...

But Jim, put the "Controlled Demolition", and the idea that a "Missile Hit The Pentagon" aside, and then what do you have? A whole SHITLOAD more. Stuff that is VERIFIABLE. Stuff that is INCRIMINATING. Christ, Sibel Edmonds, the MOST GAGGED PERSON IN AMERICAN HISTORY has said that once this issue (9/11) gets to be investigated, you're going to be seeing certain American people standing trial, and being prosecuted criminally. That's just ONE piece that shows our Government was complicit. This isn't a fucking game Jim. Put the theory aside, and look at the facts. I know you're a diehard "Republican", but this IS NOT a "Bi-Partisan" issue. It's an AMERICAN issue. The fucking family members who fought for the creation of the commission said it was a "Hollow Failure". Bob McIlvaine, who lost his son Bobby on 9/11, and attended EVERY commission hearing is CONVINCED 9/11 was orchestrated by our Government. Start l ooking at the facts, and stop focusing on the theories.

Again, this isn't a fucking game. I am NOT a "Conspiracy Nutjob", and this country is in SERIOUS trouble.


get um jon!!! HAHAH!!!

get um jon!!! HAHAH!!!

Wired bombs? There aren't

Wired bombs? There aren't radio-controlled or other wireless bombs that can be hidden in walls, ceilings, etc.? Moreover, if 1 plane "didn't make it", they would have just removed said bombs (or blamed them on Osama) and disposed of them as they did all the other evidence.

Bush had those plans on his

Bush had those plans on his desk 9/9/2001. Look at Dick Cheney's secretive Energy Task Force, the documentation we've been able to get. On the DAY of 9/11, Rumsfeld was looking for ways to tie 9/11 to Iraq even though his subordinates indicated the case was weak.

Opie and Anthony had people

Opie and Anthony had people fornicate in a Catholic church...and they have the gall to blindly accept the neocon lies of 9/11? Noone should take these goons seriously.

No one should take them

No one should take them seriously, but they have a pretty big audience considering they took over Howard's slot. If they're going to bash 9/11 Truth, regardless of the aspect, then they're going to hear about it.

"(what if one plane didnt

"(what if one plane didnt make it? then there is a standing tower full of fucking wired bombs)"

What, like building 7??? He hit the nail right on the head. He described building 7 exactly.

He just made your point for

He just made your point for you Jon, stick it to him.

Agreed somebigguy. Could be

Agreed somebigguy. Could be the "Shanksville Shootdown" was headed for WTC7? Just a wild guess....

His response... hardcore

His response...

hardcore republican? you need to listen a little better, i'm afraid. and EVERY single theory they have i have heard explained. every one. you forgot to mention the planes landing in ohio and somewhere else. what about that one?

My response...

Whatever the hell you are, you're been "supportive" of the war in the past, and I listen to you guys every morning now that you're back on "Free FM".

And what did I say? I said to STOP looking at the theories, and to start looking at the facts.

Why did you completely ignore what I said about Sibel?


Start at


i love it Jon, keep it up.

i love it Jon, keep it up. and Norton is lying when he says he isnt republican. ive heard enough of that show to know that he buys the whole "war on terror" hook,line and should ask him why he falls for the Fox News talking points so easily.

and ask him to explain how

and ask him to explain how WTC7 fell, because the government didnt do it for us.maybe he can.

Gringos! WHAT ARE YOU? a

Gringos! WHAT ARE YOU?

a Banana Republic?

70 million sheeple suspect something,
and you cannot action anything that sticks?

Oh, wait until we have 90 million.

Maybe 150 million before some Attorney signs an arrest warrant for some DIA black-op.

Maybe 250 million before the newspapers will publish an exposé on it. (who needs newspapers then?)

911 truthlings... all your meetings are great events for spooks to meet you all. (why not get recruited and then turn-coat?)

in short:

How about a national internet-televised court-room soap -- free to all broadcasters worldwide -- that tries to convict the DIA for 911 in absentia? William Pepper did this WITHOUT INTERNET (MLK), and the mock-trial had the effect that WITNESSES came out of the woodwork.

I propose:

location: St Marks? .. hmm maybe better the UN lobby, or whatever, comfortable carpeted, climatised. -> safe for the duration -> can become a museum afterwards -> has balconies for TV cameras -> dry-sound-no-reverbation

chief judge: John Judge (you know. he has authority-deep-voice, and has a cool last name, think hollywood!)

other judges: Old guys look good. Morgan, Ray McGovern, Zinn, and a sex-bomb in skimpy clothes. (thats why socialism lost, too little tittilation!)

jury: 24 random homeless people, the uglier the better. Maybe we could trial smell-TV for the first time.

Strict order in the courtroom is paramount, hence we need some bouncers (Hells Angels in full regalia!). Judge has the final word, no argument.

A coast guard guy I've been

A coast guard guy I've been in conversations with on Myspace really enjoyed EGLS....

but what made me angry was the part of his response that goes:

"In the movie it asked 'would you really want to know?' be"

This is the quintessence of the mindset we are dealing with.

He and I are getting into it

He and I are getting into it now.

His response... yes, i have

His response...

yes, i have been supportive of the war in the past. again, every fact i've heard raised i've heard explained. name me one or two facts you consider very convincing. and you cant blow off the missle nonsense or the controlled explosion, those are they biggest ones he has

My response...

Jim... I'm NOT talking about "Loose Change". Get your mind off Loose Change.

Ok... here are a few facts for you to digest.

Sibel Edmonds, the most gagged person/whistleblower in history said, the following quotes

"The American public have not heard who is the real culprit behind 9/11"

"once this issue gets to be...investigated, you will be seeing certain [American] people that we know from this country standing trial; and they will be prosecuted criminally"

"There is direct evidence involving no more than ten American names that I recognized"

Also, go ask Porter Goss, Bob Graham, and John Kyl why they were having breakfast on the morning of 9/11 with Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad of the Pakistani ISI, a man alleged to have ordered $100,000 wire transferred to Mohammad Atta.

Also, answer me this simple question Jim...

How did the Pentagon, which sits in the MOST defended airspace in the world, and is itself, one of the MOST defended buildings in the world, manage to get hit by Flight 77 34 minutes AFTER the SECOND tower was hit? Cause you know, AFTER the SECOND tower was hit, everyone in the world knew we were "under attack", and yet, no planes were scrambled until AFTER the Pentagon was hit according to General Myers.

The second part to that question. why did the 9/11 Commission completely omit Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta's testimony from their final report? You remember his testimony don't you? The testimony that said he and Dick Cheney watched Flight 77 for at least 50 miles until it hit the Pentagon.

How can that be? The Pentagon was hit at 9:37, and the 9/11 Report says that Dick Cheney didn't arrive at the PEOC until 9:58.

Oh, that's right. Norman Mineta said he arrived at the PEOC by 9:20, and Dick Cheney was already there.

NO WONDER the 9/11 Report omitted his testimony.

I bet you've never even heard of this before.


haha, i love it.

haha, i love it.

I want to see how he

I want to see how he responds.

I just sent him this... Read

I just sent him this...

Read this Jim, and tell me why this is acceptable.


yeah my experience,

yeah my experience, the debates usually end when the Mineta video gets tossed into it.

Jim Norton And I Are Having

Norton is typical. if CNN

Norton is typical. if CNN doesnt cover it endlessly, it just didnt happen to him.remember the Downing Street Memo? most americans didnt hear of that until the leftwing blogosphere shoved it down their throats and forced the MSM to cover it.the DSM case proves a lot about what DOESNT get reported on. 9/11 is obviously the main untouchable.

A guy my friend works with

A guy my friend works with and he were debating 911 and when my friend brought up Mineta's testimony the guy goes "you can't believe everything you read, how do you know it's accurate?"

My friend replies "Because he said it live on CSPAN in front of the 9/11 Commission"

That pretty much stopped the opponent in his tracks.

and poor Jimmy Norton needs

and poor Jimmy Norton needs someone like Jon to hold his hand and teach him how to do basic research. people like Norton expect the media to tell them everything. fucking tool most likely has 100% trust in the media.

it doesnt take some huge

it doesnt take some huge conspiracy to pull off something like 9/11. it only takes a complicit media, and fucking gullible morons like Norton who blindly trust them.

give em hell Jon, i hate

give em hell Jon, i hate that son of a bitch with a passion. O&A are just Howard wannabes and jealous tools, but Norton is just retarded scum.hes so absolutist too, thats what makes it really bad.

Agreed somebigguy. Could be

Agreed somebigguy. Could be the "Shanksville Shootdown" was headed for WTC7? Just a wild guess....
maddog | Homepage | 05.30.06 - 4:04 pm | #

Another wild guess is the airliner that was grounded 9/11 morning, in which some "Arab-looking" male passangers threw a fit before storming off the plane. (Perhaps this was the WTC-7 flight?)

I will be amazed if anyone

I will be amazed if anyone can get those Opie & Anthony guys to see any 9/11 truth. O & A are just too belligerent and have very short attention spans to debunk something with this level of complexity. Same thing goes for most of their fans.

No arabs on

Norton is not an idiot.

Norton is not an idiot.

He just has to be shown the

He just has to be shown the right things.

Hey Jon those e-mail

Hey Jon those e-mail addresses for opie and anthony didnt work.

Their mailboxes are full.

Their mailboxes are full.

lol Jon I cant believe you'd

lol Jon I cant believe you'd go on the radio and talk to those idiots. People like that only know one thing: meaningless insults. The best thing to do with them is simply to attack attack attack. Call them names. Do whatever it is that they do only 10x over till they pull you off the air. Nothing else can be more effective for their idiot audience. So insult them. That's all they know and it's all that will get a rise out of them. Hell it might even convert some of them. People like that tend to follow and respect the biggest pit bull in the room.

Their idiot audience will

Their idiot audience will accept that sort of thing from the talk show host they listen to. But if someone else they dont know comes on the show with the same tactic aimed at the host it will backfire.

Griffin mp3 anyone ??????

Griffin mp3 anyone ??????

No shit? WTF? :)

No shit? WTF? :)

Norton is not an idiot. Jon

Norton is not an idiot.
Jon Gold | Homepage | 05.30.06 - 8:41 pm | #
i disagree. whenever he talks about the war, politics, or anything to do with government i cringe. hes hopelessly ignorant. the guy HATES muslims. that should tell you something about his depth. or lack of.hes a "true believer" in the "war on terror".fox news talking points spewing moron.

and doenst it say a lot

and doenst it say a lot about Norton that you have to "show him the right things?". shouldnt he be able to do that himself if hes more than an idiot?

and doenst it say a lot

and doenst it say a lot about Norton that you have to "show him the right things?". shouldnt he be able to do that himself if hes more than an idiot?
Chris | Homepage | 05.31.06 - 9:20 am

I second.