BUSH KNEW: An important link between stolen elections and 9-11


According to respected attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr., there are massive amounts of evidence pointing to the fact that John Kerry won the 2004 presidential election.

I'm not up on the factual details but I'll bet you dollars to donuts that Al Gore won the 2000 election as well. Want solid facts? Go to http://www.invisibleballots.com/ and http://www.blackboxvoting.org/.

The 2000 election was stolen very crudely because election-stealing techniques were not as highly developed as they were in 2004 -- but it was STOLEN all the same. Yet despite all the facts staring Americans in the face that both elections WERE stolen, the perpetrators of this outrage against everything America stands for have been able to get away with one of the biggest, most heinous, most treasonous crimes in American history. How? By telling us again and again that, despite the presence of whole warehouses full of testimony, evidence and databases to the contrary, anybody who believes that the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections were stolen is a conspiracy theorist and a crackpot as well.

It's as if you were to catch a criminal standing in your bedroom and going through your purse but you do nothing because the bad guy tells you that you are crazy to think that he is robbing you -- and you believe him!

We Americans are encouraged to not believe our own eyes.
Next, let's look at human nature. If someone commits a crime, do we thereafter suspect them of being guilty of other similar crimes? Well, yeah. For instance, if a teacher discovers that the lunch money is missing, who gets suspected? The good kid? Or the kid that has stolen before?

And if Bush did indeed plan the theft of America's presidential elections -- one of the most massive and heinous crimes in U.S. history -- then we must face the very real possibility that anyone who is corrupt, power-hungry and evil enough to steal not one but two U.S. elections is also corrupt, power-hungry and evil enough to plan 9-11.

Jane Stillwater http://jpstillwater.blogspot.com

do you think the dust will

do you think the dust will ever clear?

i have my doubts.... I worry too much too


In 2000, Bush was an

In 2000, Bush was an laughably unqualified candidate but the mainstream media puffed him and pestered Gore with nonsense crap like his clothing or that he "sighed" during the debates. The media wanted the vain nincompoop Bush in the White House and then they leapt on every bit of propaganda twaddle from 9/11 ("72 virgins," "flight 93 heroes," "Mohammed Atta was the leader," etc.). And they wanted PNAC's senseless Iraq War.

Don't let the title "Bush

Don't let the title "Bush Knew" fool you, this article plainly states the very real possibility that Bush Planned the events of 9/11. Read the whole thing before attacking.

U R Gay.

U R Gay.

As I stated sererval threads

As I stated sererval threads below in the Thom Hartmann / Robert Baer discussion:

The stolen election 2000 was another motive to carry out the 911 attack- remember the post-poned Florida recount, which results are buried deep in the NYT and WaPo after 911 to not harm the great Führer!

tragically, this is not the

tragically, this is not the "mainstream" AL-Jazeerah. The one that had all the Osama videos is http://english.aljazeera.net/ and is most probably a CIA operation.

I don't see how this

I don't see how this allegation is an important link between the stolen elections and 9-11.

The stolen elections were brilliantly summarized by RFK Jr.

It was critical that Bush and Cheney be elected so that PNAC would be in control. The atrocities of 9/11 were merely part of it's agenda.

The stolen elections of 2004 were essential so that PNAC could continue it's agenda and insure no real investigation into the obvious impeachable offenses, including 9/11.

In 2006 we have to really be concerned that the elections will be stolen AGAIN - if the recent election in California is any indication....

See here for more information...

other way around in my

other way around in my opinion. 9/11 was the motivation for the stolen election of 2000. the stakes were too high for Bush the puppet president not to win.the stolen election of 2004 wass to make sure the cover-up stayed in place fully(among other things).but i understand your point about the attacks being a great cover to push things under the rug. look at the missing trillions from the Pentagon and the Enron scandal that was and is connected to Bush. all pushed under the rug.

Chris, I can see your point


I can see your point that 9/11 was the motivation for the (s)election of 2000.

Maybe this is a chicken and egg question.
Which came first? the need to steal the election or the plans for 9/11?

plans for 9/11, which made

plans for 9/11, which made stealing the election so crucial. thats just my opinion.

also, if you think 9/11 was

also, if you think 9/11 was just Operation Northwoods bastard child like some people, then that answers your question.

Chris is exactly right.

Chris is exactly right. BushCo had to win (er...uh... steal)the election to carry out already laid plans.

Google - Ray Lemme. He was a DOT supervisor who found out just how crooked Jeb & Smirky were, and how far they were willing to go to steal an election.

He's dead now.

"Cha Ching" From

"Cha Ching" From ¢¢¢ to $$$: How the Bush Crime Syndicate Funneled Foreign Cash Into the U.S. Political System
Florida Investigator Who Got Too Close to Florida "Coin Gate" Silenced by Jeb Bush's Gangsters

Room 132 at the Knight's Inn in Valdosta, Georgia. Florida Department of Transportation Investigator Ray Lemme had the goods on the Bushes. He paid with his life.

Lemme was anxious to meet his contact, driving a bee line direct route from Tallahassee using I-10, Rt. 221, and US 85, to Exit 16 intersection of I-75 and US 85 (Knights Inn, 2110 West Hill Ave., Valdosta, Georgia). The Knights Inn is fairly remote from I-75, surrounded by empty lots and woods with few potential witnesses in the vicinity.
Wayne Madsen
FLORIDA PANHANDLE, June 10, 2005 -- Experienced federal investigators, acting independently, have discovered a covert funding channel used by the 2000 and 2004 Bush-Cheney campaigns and the administrations of Jeb Bush in Florida and Bob Taft in Ohio to illegally funnel foreign and other questionable money into Republican coffers.


In 2000, Bush was an

In 2000, Bush was an laughably unqualified candidate but the mainstream media puffed him and pestered Gore with nonsense crap like his clothing or that he "sighed" during the debates. The media wanted the vain nincompoop Bush in the White House and then they leapt on every bit of propaganda twaddle from 9/11 ("72 virgins," "flight 93 heroes," "Mohammed Atta was the leader," etc.). And they wanted PNAC's senseless Iraq War.
Hi | Homepage | 06.12.06 - 5:49 pm | #

The mainstream media is as big an enemy as the Bush regime! After the dust clears, they should be held accountable as willing accomplices. After that, no more media should be owned by billionaire neocons/corporations. No more monopoly on the news.


AMEN.. it's obvious, it's a


it's obvious, it's a given and it will ABSOLUTELY happen again - especially in California.

So it WILL BE Hillary or possibly Arnold - both of which have been green lighted by the illumanati.

Although - W is getting pretty crazy - he might actually try a martial law.

Basically, if we don't impeach W. - we will have martial law, the draft up to age 40, mandatory inoculations and random subjective quarantine.

The net will be gone and most everyone reading this site.

hmmm, I guess we've arrived.