Le Monde: "11. September – en innsidejobb?"

UPDATE: Rough unofficial translation here. Thank you, "Seabhcan".


The Le Monde Diplo Norwegian edition for July 1, 2006 has a 3-page cover story, "11. September – en innsidejobb?"

Some folks at the Loose Change forum are working on an English Translation, but in the meantime you can look at the Norge PDFs:

Page One.

Page Four.

Page Five.

Someone at the forum also states that Le Monde has an English version ready to go online. If it goes to print, an instant collector's item, to be sure. Whoever spots it first, please send an email via the "submit news" link on the left sidebar, and we'll link it.

Thanks, SD.

casseia, I'm flattered.


I'm flattered. :-)

Alas, I have only tomorrow before having a few weeks' summer break, which is why I'm anxiously waiting for an English version of the article under discussion.

Any ideas of what would be a good time to post a diary tomorrow?

SD wrote: «It seems to me

SD wrote: «It seems to me that if they have an english version, the Norge version is translated from that, not the other way around. Maybe they are testing the waters before releasing the english version or other langguages in print.»

I can assure you that the authors of the 3 pages in diplo.no are true-blue Norwegians, apart from the Peace Researcher, who seems to be a semi, with some Swedish genes thrown in.. :D

"It is considered the French

"It is considered the French newspaper of record, and is generally well respected" according to Wiki.

Of course, we hate the French. Bill O'Reilly told us to.

it is time for Planehuggers

it is time for Planehuggers to wake up
and see what's going on here. While real aircrafts are still getting ignored as well....they also continue to ignore the multiple growing evidence on 9/11 TV Fakery.

indeed. i thought for a time that they were merely morons and that if only the fakery were to be pointed out they would see it but their refusal to even try to see means that it goes beyond simple moronics. - james ha.

nice to know what you think of us james. im sure the feeling is mostly mutual around here for you.........

Notice also how "damaging"

Notice also how "damaging" the evidence on 9/11 TV fakery must be, if international mainstream media continues to just ignore it instead of 'bashing' it.
The Planehuggers never had any argument, but meanwhile they also sacrifice scholars like 'planehugger' Reynolds Dixon, who accidentally found this real aircraft, who was obviously the backup plane, as reported in our circles already years ago....

CPlanet "3rd" aircraft also visible on CNN footage

9/11 Scholar apparently resigned over "8:58 AM plane" (07/02/06)

The unofficial

The unofficial translation:

LC member jackx

LC member jackx wrote:
I've talked to the editor of LeMonde/norway a few mins ago on the phone, and he's got an english translation lying around waiting to be put on the Net !

It seems to me that if they have an english version, the Norge version is translated from that, not the other way around. Maybe they are testing the waters before releasing the english version or other langguages in print.

Okay, I checked out the

Okay, I checked out the French Monde Diplo and it's not the National Enquirer. French version also does not feature 9/11 article (naturellement).

I signed up for an account at DailyKos for the express purpose of recommending any diaries you write there. (I actually planned to be all sneaky about it by reading/posting/recommending all their regular Dem stuff BUT I CAN'T BRING MYSELF TO READ IT.) Anyhoo, be sure to post here if you post there.

"One of the newspapers which

"One of the newspapers which i sent Griffins work to, VG, which is the biggest newspaper in Norway, moved the internet 9/11 discussion from the Foreign Politic section to...guess where...UFO section.
Im looking forward to the day of truth comes, I will remind them about that."


please guide the editors of that newspaper to this article now!

On a related note: after a proper English-language translation with pictures etc. is up (how long still is that going to take?), I wonder if I should write to DailyKos about it. What would be the best time to publish a diary there to maximize readership? I've noticed that so many diaries are published that one's diary doesn't stay long in the new diaries section.

Le Monde diplomatique

Le Monde diplomatique (Oslo), has a global and intellectual focus. The monthly newspaper prints articles from the original French edition in Norwegian, and a lot of other articles initiated from its editorial office in Oslo. Le Monde diplomatique has around 25 different national printed editions and some other internet editions worldwide, which amounts to several million readers. The Nordic edition has, in addition to the translated French articles, a special focus on political thinking and visual art. Usually one visual artist is used to illustrate a part of the newspaper.

Le Monde diplomatique (Oslo) is mostly distributed in Norway, but also has readers in Denmark and Sweden. It is also a monthly supplement to the daily newspaper Klassekampen [Class struggle]. In total, [b]Le Monde diplomatique has around 50 000 readers.[/b] The Nordic edition was started in April 2003, and its publisher/editor is Truls Lie (truls@lmd.no). The website is www.lmd.no.


Their website has changed to http://www.diplo.no/

casseia wrote: 'More

casseia wrote:

'More contextualization would be helpful, too -- this isn't, like, the Scandinavian equivalent of the National Enquirer, right?'

I'm not familiar with this news paper, but taking a quick look at the website the content is largely of a political and intellectual nature. It's a monthly paper, don't know how many read the norwegian version.. however, it says the paper is published in 25 languages with total of 1 million copies printed, so it would be great if this article is picked up in other countries where Le Monde is published. The french version has 220 000 readers, for instance..

HAHA, that was totally an

HAHA, that was totally an offhand comment. thanks!

Chris, your wish is my

your wish is my command..


Eirik has pretty much the

Eirik has pretty much the gist of it as far as my understanding of Norwegian goes.

i would like to see the

i would like to see the cover of the newspaper next to Le Monde.

Since anti is waiting for

Since anti is waiting for the full version in English, I just made it simple with the -- and short sentences.
The reason is, as I said in the translated comment; I think you all have heard about this before. But still, the article is good and we need more like this!
I think the author of the article knows English AT LEAST as good as I do ;) But of course, I will read it and post a comment if theres something missing. I doubt it, but will check :)

Just found a great quote

Just found a great quote from Ron. Reagan, actually about spaceflight, but a hard-hitting piece for the Neocons:

"We don't hide our space program. We don't keep secrets and cover things up. We do it all up front and in public. That's the way freedom is, and we wouldn't change it for a minute."
Greg | Homepage | 07.04.06 - 12:39 pm | #
no offense if your a Reagan fan, but he ran a pretty goddamn secretive government.he was a horrible president and a horrible man.fuck Reagan.

Eirik, Thank you for taking


Thank you for taking the time to post your English summary. When an English translation is posted, I hope you will take the time to look it over and see whether you think the translation is accurate. That would be really helpful.

More contextualization would be helpful, too -- this isn't, like, the Scandinavian equivalent of the National Enquirer, right?

Good news. LeMonde Diplo is

Good news. LeMonde Diplo is one of the best alter-globalization press network. In the last french edition there is an allusiv article on a imaginary nazi plot against America. I hope they are up to something bigger.
Some of their friend in a more alternativ press network have issued la full number on the PNAC and serial war propagandists, and they even mention loose change.

Happy 'get rid of the corrupted plague' day.
Vive la démocratie ! Vive la liberté !

Thanks so much to our

Thanks so much to our overseas friends who offer us well-wishes on our Independence Day!! Your greetings bring tears of humility and deep appreciation. With your help, Truth and Justice will prevail.

I urge all to refresh your spirits with this dazzling 15-minute Declaration of Independence recital;

Thanks for the summary,

Thanks for the summary, Eirik! I can't wait to read the entire article.

That "truth inside" logo is

That "truth inside" logo is great! :-)

Well, its a good article but

Well, its a good article but nothing you havent heard of before. The good thing is that it has actually been published, thats the big difference here.

In short terms, this is the story in the article:

- A growing number of Americans is convinced about the participation of US Government in 9/11.
- Classified testimonys shows there could have been a controlled demolition.
- US Government had been waiting for something like this to happen (you all know the reason).
- Patriot Act.
- The Northwood project in -62, so why couldnt something like that happen today, he says.
- Money transactions to Atta.
- They (USA(CIA) had bin Laden under control while he was at a hospital in Pakistan in sept 2001.
- Suspicious free fall of the WTC 1,2,7 and how it happened according to official explanation.
- Various testimonys about explosions inside WTC before the collaps.
- Why none of the planes where cut off before reaching their targets, and the stand-down orders.
- About warnings; NSA listened to a conversation between Atta and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in summer of 2001, where Atta gave Mohammed a green light for the operation (my own remarks; maybe Shaikh gave Atta green light and not the other way? Just a thought.)
- FBI agent Colleen Rowley says that FBI deliberately stopped her investigation of Moussaoui when he was at a flightschool in Minneapolis, even they had warnings about him from France. Rowley says that further investigations could have stopped the hijackers.
- Money transfer to Atta from ISI shows that there could have been cooperation between ISI, CIA and Al-Qaida.
- Why has the hunt for bin Laden stopped since he was the main suspect of 9/11?
- Why they didnt take bin Laden when they had him in Tora-Bora mountains in 2001, and he also had a operation for kidneyfailure in a US hospital in Dubai July 2001.
- In Sept 2001 he (bin Laden) was also at a hospital in Pakistan.
- He mention David Ray Griffins book, The New Pearl Harbor, and also various 9/11 truth sites on the internet, like 9/11 Truth and the conference in Chicago in June.
- Who was behind 9/11? It could have been NSA, CIA and FBI, The White House, or as some says; Cheney, Wolfowitz etc etc.
- The 4 possible explanations: Official story, Incompetence (official story is true but FBI, CIA, The White House, NSA and others has to be blamed), LIHOP (US Government and others knew about it and "Let It Happen On Purpose") or MIHOP (Made It Happen On Purpose)
- Steven E. Jones (you all know his work so I wont go further into that part)
- JulySeventhTruth, regarding what really happened in London.
- "9/11Truth" questions why no fighter jets were able to intersept and if The White House is not telling the truth about pre-warnings.
- If FBI, CIA and NSA deliberately avvoided investigations which could have prevented 9/11.
- Les Jamieson talks about Nazi Germany parallell to 9/11, the Northwoods and false evidence to go into Vietnam.
And that there can be "a state inside the state" who planned and executed 9/11. Also the false evidence about weapons in Iraq.
- Scholars for 9/11 Truth and some info about the members. Students, professors, etc.
- David Ray Griffins 115 remarks about the Commission Report.

This is very short and you might find more of interest when the full article is translated.

There is also a short piece about Norwegian media who is silent about 9/11. That they are afraid to print anything and so on. Just like in the US.

I received a piece from David Ray Griffin a while ago which I translated and sent to Norwegian newspapers and asked if they could print it in their discussion and debate section. Still no comments from them...

One other thing I would like to mention. One of the newspapers which i sent Griffins work to, VG, which is the biggest newspaper in Norway, moved the internet 9/11 discussion from the Foreign Politic section to...guess where...UFO section.
Im looking forward to the day of truth comes, I will remind them about that.

I did this in a hurry because of World Cup Soccer starting soon on TV ;), so apologize for any mistakes in translating :)

"Vesa, it's a broadsheet

"Vesa, it's a broadsheet monthly newspaper published in Norway, Denmark and Sweden."


I understand that some people are working on an English translation with the pictures, etc. Please let us know when that is ready.

Vesa, it's a broadsheet

Vesa, it's a broadsheet monthly newspaper published in Norway, Denmark and Sweden.

See some snapshots of it in the newsstands in downtown Oslo here:

i think this could be a big

i think this could be a big thing in mainstream media soon. i HOPE the rest will follow and do similar exposés.

Someone please post a

Someone please post a presentable web version of the Norwegian article soon!

What is its distribution in paper format?

"After the blast in cellar

"After the blast in cellar heard he another from above."

Words for the camp fire.

We needs the entire world's

We needs the entire world's help in bringing these Hitler-like NeoCons to justice!!!

Yeah, excellent stuff. Looks

Yeah, excellent stuff.

Looks like Nine-eleven will break from abroad.

I'm norwegian.. this article

I'm norwegian.. this article is packed with information about the evidence for controlled demolition, WTC7, witnesses hearing explosions, Zogby polls, David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones etc etc. This is one of the best articles I've seen so far. Very impartial and straight forward.. none of the tin foil hat bullshit..

This is one fine day, to be

This is one fine day, to be an American!
Independence Day, The Fourth of July, 2006



That gang of mother-fucking traitors, may seriously consider begging for sharifs protection! In fact, quite probably the only true law that can save them from being ripped to bloody shreds on Constitution Avenue.

Thank you Erik for the

Thank you Erik for the translation, and SD (South Dakota?) for sending this in.

Eirik, a summary would be

Eirik, a summary would be very helpful.

I have a passable understanding of Norwegian.

Anti, please distribute the English version as soon as possible for example via the podcasts.

Thanks again very much guys. :)

Mainstream Media "tests" of

Mainstream Media "tests" of revealing a 9/11 'truth' version?
Norwegian Le Monde: September 11- an Inside Job?

Rough Web Translation
(no breaks, no lines)


(no wrap long lines, d/l and wrap the lines in text editor)

..Professor i fysikk ved
Brigham Young University i Utah, Steven
E. Jones tilbakeviser NISTs påstander om
Tvillingtårnene (se også Griegs artikkel).
Han henviser for eksempel til at øyenvitner
har observert stål ved alle de tre skyskraperne
som var smeltet (stålet ble i noen
tilfeller funnet glødende flere uker etter
angrepet) og bøyet på en måte som bare kan
ha blitt forårsaket av hva han betegner som
forhåndsplasserte «cutter charges»...

...Nicholas Levis sorterer i sitt
notat «Hva er ditt ’HOP’-nivå?»16 perspektivene
på angrepene i fire hovedtyper:
a) Den offisielle historien: At Osama bin
Laden var ansvarlig, at flyene ble kapret av
19 muslimske fundamentalister og at det
Det hvite hus ikke mottok noen advarsler.
b) Inkompetanseteorien: Aksepterer den
offisielle historien, men klandrer Det hvite
hus, FBI, CIA, NSA og andre for ikke å ha
fulgt opp de mange advarslene.

Excellent find ! Thank you

Excellent find !

Thank you very much ! :) :) :)

'Scholars for 9/11 Truth

'Scholars for 9/11 Truth Under Attack'

Duluth, MN (PRWEB) July 4, 2006 --- The author of an article about the attack on the World Trade Center has found himself under attack for having published it in a new on-line publication, Journal of 9/11 Studies. Entitled "The Third Elephant", the article discusses evidence that a third airplane was captured on video at the time of the WTC attack. He has now received a thinly-veiled threat against his children, who are cited by name, suggesting it would be a good idea if his article were to simply "go away".


Just found a great quote

Just found a great quote from Ron. Reagan, actually about spaceflight, but a hard-hitting piece for the Neocons:

"We don't hide our space program. We don't keep secrets and cover things up. We do it all up front and in public. That's the way freedom is, and we wouldn't change it for a minute."

from the Loose Change

from the Loose Change Board:

"I've got even better news !

I've talked to the editor of LeMonde/norway a few mins ago on the phone, and he's got an english translation lying around waiting to be put on the Net !

I've given him my email adress where he will send the english version.

Please advice how you'd want the english version distributed !"

just keep and eye out, i'll post the links here.

I forgot to congratulate all

I forgot to congratulate all of you with your independence day!
Hurray!! :-)

Hi folks! I havent seen this

Hi folks!

I havent seen this article before I found it here, but if some of you still need this one to be translated, I could start right away. The article is pretty big so give me some time, or at least allow a summary, if thats ok :)


Several MSM articles right

Several MSM articles right now are discussing the new book of Robert Baer. The book-title sounds very promising: "BLOW THE HOUSE DOWN"



Great to see the "inside

Great to see the "inside job" demonstrators did not do it in vain.

Thierry Meyssan who wrote 'Pentagate' is still a hero in my view despite the 9/11 truth in-fighting. He might have been wrong about many things, but this was back in 2002 already, and he said it so well "in the 9/11 aftermath, the Bush administration imposes it's own will...".

i just read some paragraphs

i just read some paragraphs here and there -- looks like they are supporting our side of the story -- INCREDIBLE! this could be groundbreaking.

Wow! Looks like an excellent

Wow! Looks like an excellent article from the pics! I wish I could understand Norwegian.

P.S. Aren't any of you people doing web searches to locate prominent people such as professors, journalists & anti-war groups & then sending them 9/11 truth e-mail & engaging them in truth discussions?

It is free you know.

As a Norwegian truther I was

As a Norwegian truther I was very happy to read this article. I always thought 911 truth would break in Europe, since we still have a free media over here. The article even raises questions about why no other norwegian newspapers have mentioned 911truth before.

A great read, I'm gonna start passing it around.

brian, are you sure that

brian, are you sure that wasn't a *fake TV* you saw that fake jet on?

Come on, stop bitching around this forum, go play somewhere else.

CNN Fake

CNN Fake Plane


CNN Fake Plane plus 2


But my favourite fake plane of all has to be from who else but Faux....


Do you know what the problem here is? Nobody is willing to accept they were duped by TV trickery.

I'm sorry but *I* spotted the FAKE PLANE on Sept 11 2001. It was shown over and over and over again. "Thats a fake plane" I said. Thats why I'm here, now. Thats what got me started.

I emailed my national TV station about the FAKE PLANE. They stopped using clips of the FAKE PLANE, now only using the last moments of WTC2's collapse to push their 911 related story - Moussousai or whatever his name was, for instance. Dickhead.

Here is the *PLANE* that hit WTC1


We don't have enough

We don't have enough difficulty in un-brainwashing everyone that 19 Muslims did not pull off 9/11.

So let's start insisting that the planes at the WTC were cartoons. Yeah, that will give us more credibility. Sure.

You cartoon-huggers are disinfo agents! Get lost, & take your bullshit cartoons & 3rd planes with you!

shut up pockybot - you said

shut up pockybot - you said something foolish on the other thread and here is my reply. chris, that is the reason i said what i said.

Nico, James Ha, Amandarecon,

Nico, James Ha, Amandarecon, and the other no planers dont realize there actually wasnt even any towers! Everything was a hologram! Damn towerhuggers! :)

Anyways, the Le Monde article is yet another big step...I can just imagine if the English article or a similiar one went even bigger across Europe.

Rough Translation provided

Rough Translation provided by “Seabhcan

Go Norwegians! Write to that

Go Norwegians! Write to that paper! I'm sick and tired of hearing 'planehugger' and other bullshit infighting. Why do some people seem intent on sowing discord? True or not fighting over it is only going to make us weaker. There is absolutely no reason for all the manufactured fighting in the movement and it stinks to high hell.

We don't need this tv-fakery stuff to prove ourselves, it's just confusing. Sure another smoking gun would be nice, but there's so many already. Evidence isn't the problem so much as cognitive dissonance we know this. I'm highly suspicious of people in the movement who hammer on this issue and seemingly have no concern for the real goal.

The purpose of the 9/11 Truth Movement is not to study or discuss 9-11 but to expose it for what it was.

Im from Norway! Awesome!

Im from Norway! Awesome! This just made my day..

Sleep tight people, we will get those bastards..

Aside from the fact that

Aside from the fact that they stated Paul Thompson is a member of the Scholars, this is a very good article... great answers from Les.

"The most important thing is

"The most important thing is to get the entire Government, all of Congress, most of the mass media, a good chunk of corporate America and scores upon scores of other traitors to the gallows and into jail respectively. Never lose sight of this main objective."......... If that ever happens I will die a happy man.


What bothers me is there may

What bothers me is there may not be a square big enough in Washington for all who would like to attend. Also, the tickets (if tickets are sold) would most certainly be sold out long before I could scrape together the adequate buck.. :(

The most important thing is

The most important thing is to get the entire Government, all of Congress, most of the mass media, a good chunk of corporate America and scores upon scores of other traitors to the gallows and into jail respectively. Never lose sight of this main objective.

You are correct^. After we

You are correct^. After we break open 9/11 truth here in the U.S.A., we must hold all American media accountable for their cover-up!!!

Most parts of the story (the

Most parts of the story (the Kim Bredesen parts) is now made available and put out in public, with translation made into english, provided by the Editor of that monthly gazette.

Go to Letsroll911.org for the english version of it:


The story is breaking loose now in Norway, and it is rumored it will be on state channel TV news shortly.
Hopefully the english version will see the Paris based LeMonde International edition shortly.

To all great people of

To all great people of Norway & Europe: Please, please spread this LeMonde information far & wide!!! Tell everyone!!!

The United States & the rest of the world need your help now!!!

Norway has a higher standard

Norway has a higher standard of living than the U.S.


Maybe our "wealthier" brethren can help educate us "poor" Americans about 9/11 :)

Bad attempt at humor.

Bad attempt at humor.

Statistics = Lies, but I

Statistics = Lies, but I guess the average person is better off here, but mainly due to the lack of fear/violence.

And the abundance of trust. If we could all hold on to that basic trust vis-a-vis a person we don't know, the world would be a better place, IMHO.

Didn't Bush pledge to bring

Didn't Bush pledge to bring Osama to justice "dead or alive" following 9/11?

Now we learn that the unit searching for Osama was eliminated last year???

WTF is that is that?

I think the technical terms

I think the technical terms are 'projection' and 'self-criticism'... :D

I can assure you GW that we

I can assure you GW that we have hard discussions about 9/11 here in Norway as well :)
Some of them ask me to explain where Flight77 went if not in the Pentagon, so it seems I have to find the answer to that before they believe me ;)
I got work to do...

What a great day to be 87.5%

What a great day to be 87.5% Norwegian, 12.5% German, and All-American! Thanks for the translation Eirik. I'm surprised to find so many people posting that know Norwegian, i.e. there must be a TON of people reading this website regularly. Man, 9/11 truth has come a loooong way... I love it.

Hey, we are really just a

Hey, we are really just a tad schizo.. :D

email from le monde

email from le monde diplomatique (France)

Dear sir,

Le Monde diplomatique will publish an article about the eleven
september in the next september issue.


Marie Laure marlet
Le 6 juil. 06, à 16:46, hbuecker a écrit :

> Dear Sir,
> we just would like to know when you start to report about the 9/11
> Coverup?
> Thank you
> Regards

To clear something up: Le

To clear something up:

Le Monde (The World) and Le Monde Diplomatique (The Diplomatic World) are two DIFFERENT newspapers. One (Le Monde) is a centrist French broadsheet daily and the other (LM Diplo) is a centre-left France-based, but internationally published, political weekly.

The Le Monde group own 51% of the shares in LMDiplo, and 49% is owned by readers (apparently).

But it is not correct to say that LMDiplo is Le Monde. They have different editorial boards, different journalists, different politics.

A similarity could be drawn between, eg the London Independent and the Irish Independent. Both are owned by the same company, but one (London) is a left-liberal daily while the other (Irish) is a centre-right daily. But they are not the same paper.

Partridge, you got that


you got that right. But, as far as I can see, thats not the main issue. Regardless who the owners are, the story is coming out and might spread, hopefully.

heiner, I'm a french reader


I'm a french reader of Le Monde diplomatique. Could you tel us more about the email adresse you sent and received :

"Dear sir,

Le Monde diplomatique will publish an article about the eleven
september in the next september issue.

Marie Laure marlet"

I don't know Marie Laure marlet and haven't read anything from her in Le Monde Diplomatique...

Until today, the french Monde diplomatique wasn't supporting 911 thruth. To the contrary, they wrote an article against it at the beginning of the public uncover by the french auther Thierry Meyssan. Serge Halimi, the US specialist of the paper wrote :


Cent quatre-vingts pages suffisent à boucler l’acte d’accusation. Et encore : nombre d’entre elles ne font que reproduire des discours de M. George W. Bush ou développer des sujets périphériques à la démonstration : suivisme des médias américains, rôle des religieux, assaut contre les libertés publiques.

La thèse de Thierry Meyssan, si simple et aveuglante qu’un petit livre suffirait à la démontrer ? « L’existence d’un complot au sein des forces armées pour perpétrer les attentats du 11 septembre (1). » Car, si la couverture du livre annonce qu’« aucun avion ne s’est écrasé sur le Pentagone », c’est bien la lecture de la totalité des attentats du 11 septembre qui est ici remise en cause. La coïncidence entre une explosion au Pentagone et la destruction du World Trade Center suggère en effet que, dans la mesure où les destructions du premier sont le produit d’un coup d’Etat occulté, les événements de New York doivent l’être aussi. Une note page 168 indique, à toutes fins utiles, qu’il est possible de remplacer en plein vol des avions de ligne remplis de passagers par des drones. Seraient-ce alors des drones qui auraient frappé les tours ?

Aux yeux de l’auteur, peu importe : les militaires sont disposés à sacrifier des milliers de civils américains pour justifier ainsi le réarmement du pays. Ils sont aussi prêts à enlever le président des Etats-Unis (M. George Bush aurait d’ailleurs « négocié et cédé à un chantage »), voire le tuer. Meyssan reprend alors sans barguigner la thèse, plus cinématographique qu’historique, du réalisateur Oliver Stone sur l’assassinat de John Kennedy à Dallas. Le jeune président aurait payé de sa vie le désir d’un apaisement avec Cuba et d’une paix au Vietnam ? La réalité est bien différente (2).

La réalité met à mal une autre hypothèse avancée comme élément de preuve. Ainsi on apprend (page 69) qu’« Henry Kissinger est la figure tutélaire, l’inspirateur des faucons » à l’origine du coup d’Etat. C’est mal connaître l’histoire américaine. Loin d’être le Pygmalion de la droite républicaine, M. Kissinger en est haï depuis qu’il a activé la dynamique de « détente » avec le bloc communiste.

A quoi bon continuer ? La vieille intuition du « à qui profite le crime ? » a fait naître un soupçon devant des attentats à ce point providentiels pour le « complexe militaro-industriel » américain. Les dissimulations officielles ont fait le reste, créant un espace dans lequel Meyssan s’est engouffré. Il ne restait ensuite aux grands médias qu’à accorder un écho inattendu à une critique qui leur permettait de discréditer ceux qui critiquent les médias (3). Pour le reste, l’auteur est fondé à ricaner quand, en France, parlant de « rumeur Internet » pour évoquer son livre fait de colle, de papier, d’encre et de conjectures, des quotidiens qui ont tour à tour gobé les charniers de Timisoara, les bébés de Koweït-Ville jetés hors des couveuses et le plan « fer à cheval » au Kosovo prétendent lui infliger une leçon de journalisme.