How to Reach 100,000 People for Under a Dollar
GeorgeWashington Wed, 07/19/2006 - 8:47pm
Watch this short, funny video on how to freeway blog, then get excited.
If you are short on ideas for signs, there is always
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>"Obviously, there is:
>"Obviously, there is:
"9/11 = INSIDE JOB."
>What other short statements do you think would be effective 911 truth freeway blogs?
I love what I am reading here. This Cindy Sheehan -syndrome must end. My Mom, just for instance, is part of a really solid women's 'peace' web-ring. They have sent over 3Billion useless e'mails, always playing into the status-quo. The VERY WORST organization in her sector is called 'the Threshold Foundation' which is based in SF. The problem therein, just like the infamous scandals going on at Bohemian Grove, is that the Threshold Group consists of the CHILDREN of the very richest American Families. They have not, and will not murmmur one iota of interest in investigating 9/11, BECAUSE it appears to be their life-blood. Those who are winning want to keep everything exactly the same. Mind you, I'm talking about the very people who are behind Amy Goodman, Chomsky, et. all. EVEN Helen Caldicott will not respond to 9/11 commentary, and according to Bruce Gagnon, (google weapons in space,) "IT'S ALL BEING DECIDED BY THE WASHINGTIN DEM. LEADERSHIP."
The 'solution,' I need to say to those like me who are dying to freeway-blog, is to attack this thing from the other direction. [example below] Combined, we have a true 'shock' campaign, which is necessary.
Let's go back to the "October Surprise." At some point, every Dem knew exactly WHO was, and was not pulling-strings in Centeral America. BUT, soon, the power followed the cash-flow, pretty soon every 'pretty-boy' like Bill Clinton had a coke spoon up his nose. [verifiable]. Basically, 'Noriega, et. all' should have been deported, instead, they are running border ops for our non-border patrol.
So, back on point, MY freeway signs read as follows: (since they ripped my straight ones down in 10 minutes.)
1.) "FEAR 9/11 TRUTH"
2.) Google: "THERMITE"
3.) Women Cause All Wars
4.) USA- "Pull it!"
6.) (long roll of visqueen taped to top-rail:)
"Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, -Bomb-bomb Iran..."
Here is my list of favorite
Here is my list of favorite freeway blog ideas:
9/11 TRUTH
9/11 TRUTH NOW!!!
A great video, now who's
A great video, now who's going to pledge to follow this man's courage with some courage of your own today? Do something today!!!!!
Infowars has now put up an
Infowars has now put up an article on the Ellsberg interview. I've revised the Ellsberg blog -- go back and look.
I think the story will now
I think the story will now spread -- but pass it onto everyone you know to make sure!
Freeway blogging: the guy,
Freeway blogging: the guy, the concept, and especially the video, rock.
That freeway blogger looks
That freeway blogger looks like Neil Young. Maybe that's why Neil hasn't responded to my email, he's out freeway blogging!!!!
GW, great stuff about
GW, great stuff about Ellsburg!
I post the following on the other thread, so forgive me if this is a repeat for you. It's my letter to Common Dreams regarding their current publishing of a 9/11 hit piece.
Dear Editor,
You do your readers a big disservice by featuring a viewpoint on 9/11 truth that's essentially a hit piece -- full of skewed logic and speculation, not to mention name calling ("pathetic lunatics") and absurd conclusions about 9/11 truth being a partisan issue.
Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy?
You offer NO BALANCE by publishing this piece. Are you really that naïve on this subject to realize that there are many respectable and reputable 9/11 researchers available who would gladly take issue with the viewpoint of this article? And, it's not just about viewpoints any longer, I might add. Professor Steven Jones has scientific PROOF that thermate was used to bring down the WTC towers.... if the media would even bother to look. No, instead, Common Dreams falls into the Rovian trap that you'll be labeled "conspiracy theorists" and therefore lose credibility. In fact, you are being a "good German" by falling into that trap and your readers are being left behind.
The premise of this piece to somehow paint 911 truth as a partisan issue is so far off the mark that it's pathetically ignorant. Those of us who have looked carefully at the evidence have realized one big truth -- both parties are guilty of covering up this issue. There certainly haven't been any Democrats willing to stand up and speak the truth or merely even ask the big questions, other than the honorable Cynthia McKinney.
Perhaps you need to re-read the following article, published on Common Dreams last year, and learn from it:
Threshold Fears and Unanswered Questions About 9/11
"Overall concerns with the official version of 9/11 have been published and discussed by scholars and writers around the world including: Jim Mars, Nafeez Ahmed, Michael Ruppert, Cynthia McKinney, Barrie Zwicker, Webster Tarpley, Michel Chossudovsky and many others. The response to most has been to label these discussions as conspiracy theories unworthy of media coverage or further review. Pursuit of a critical analysis of these questions is undermined by the psychological barrier about 9/11 issues as threshold concepts - too awful to even consider."
The editors at Common Dreams should offer BALANCE. And, if you consider the "Threshold Fears" piece from a year ago as balance, then you're sorely mistaken, and your readers are not being presented with legitimate, scientific viewpoints on 9/11. That's shameful, in my opinion. Just remember that the truth will out, and Common Dreams will be left behind when that happens.
Freeway Blogger: It looks
Freeway Blogger: It looks like your licsense plate number shows on yourtruck--I'd blur that if I were you.
I think this is freakin awesome! I signed up for Indiana's group! I am psyched! What a great idea!
Everyone, THIS IS
Everyone, THIS IS HUGE!
Check this out about Val McClatchey's famous mushroom cloud photo:
PLEASE give this a post on this site!!!
Great blog! I've added a
Great blog! I've added a link to your blog on Blog of the Day under the category of Video. To view the feature of your blog, please visit
I've started a thread at
I've started a thread at Daily Kos about Ellsberg:
So far, not much activity.
I just read this in an
I just read this in an e-mail.
Cindy Sheehan wrote>>>
CC: "Marsha MCClelland" ,
it is so important to stay focused
and camp casey will not be about 9/11
it will be about the war, like it always has
i hope people understand that
because if anyone comes out with an agenda other
than stopping the war, then they will be disappointed
when they are not allowed to take it over and use
CC for their own agendas....and I am not sure
what an ISO er long as they are focused
on ending the war and not any other issues
So much for Cindy Sheehan.
I don't begrudge Cindy
I don't begrudge Cindy Sheehan, even though I might be disappointed that she won't question 9/11 publicly.
There are some good spots in
There are some good spots in Philly that can use freeway blogging... My girlfriend has dared me to take up the task...
Perhaps this weekend.
Hey maddog, I was just about
Hey maddog, I was just about to post that. It sucks. Did you see the message that came with it, from other folks in her group?
On 7/18/06, Barbara From wrote:
At the risk of offending you (plural), the majority of us are not into the 9-11 investigations and would really appreciate it if you would please stop using the CAMPCASEYALUMNI for your messages. There are plenty of sites devoted to your efforts.
The 9-11 victims are dead! Our soldiers are dying, today, and every day. This is now. We can revisit your issue after we get our troops home. Y'all are sucking all the energy out of the antiwar movement and it is VERY DETREMENTAL to what we are trying to do.
We all have things that interest us, other than ending the war. Most of us pursue those things on our own. I appreciate your (plural) passion but believe me when I say that this 9-11 obsession is not helping us get our troops home.
Please stop usurping the CAMPCASEY site for your personal agendas.
Some of us are working our asses off 24/7 on ending the war and y'all are not supporting us or helping by what you are doing on this site. There are 50 other groups where you can post. Give us back our site.
It seems to me that Crawford this August is going to be ISO, 9-11 ers and at least one person who was already thrown out once.
Nothing personal but please, keep your 9-11 stuff someplace else and let us move forward with our work.
barbar, hannah and patrick
Basically, my instinct is just to leave these people alone. However, I'm concerned that there was some co-planning of an event in DC for 9/11 and that now seems like a very bad idea.
If I were to respond to them, it would be to clarify the motivations behind 9/11 truth -- that is, it's not just about the people who died that day, it's about the idea that 9/11 provided the pretext for the Iraq war AND the domestic war on our civil liberties. I mean, duh.
Well, if there are areas and
Well, if there are areas and events that are specifically Camp Casey, I can respect that. But, if they think they get the spotlight on 9/11 or anything, fuk 'em.
Sheehan should realize the
Sheehan should realize the only reason we are in this war is because of 9/11 lies.
I never knew this: July 19,
I never knew this:
July 19, 2006 -- MAGGIE Gyllenhaal rubbed reporters the wrong way at the junket for Oliver Stone's "World Trade Center" at the Regency the other day. Still smarting from the reaction to her 2001 comments - "I think America has done reprehensible things and is responsible in some way [for 9/11]" - she steered clear of politics. But one journo called her "a nightmare" because she also refused to discuss her pregnancy. Meanwhile, co-star Nicolas Cage was finished when "an idiot from Sweden asked him about the 'controversy' of his being married to a much younger lady [Alice Kim]."
It sure sounds like Maggie Gyllenhaal is a truther.
"I don't begrudge Cindy
"I don't begrudge Cindy Sheehan, even though I might be disappointed that she won't question 9/11 publicly."........I sure do.
Sheenhan is afraid of being
Sheenhan is afraid of being labeled one of "those people". a "conspiracy theorists". shes a coward in my book.speaking out on the Iraq war is good and all, but lets address the lies that brought us that war.
Everyone, THIS IS
Everyone, THIS IS HUGE!
Check this out about Val McClatchey's famous mushroom cloud photo: guns.html
PLEASE give this a post on this site!!!
Killtown | Homepage | 07.19.06 - 3:22 pm | #
i agree, this deserves its own thread.
Fox News analyst compares
Fox News analyst compares Israelis to Nazis
Bevelacqua tells O'Reilly Jewish state ruthless in Lebanon
WorldNetDaily | July 18, 2006
Fox News military analyst Maj. Bob Bevelacqua, a former Green Beret, appearing tonight on "The O'Reilly Factor," compared Israeli actions in Lebanon and Gaza with Nazi actions in Russia during World War II.
Bevelacqua, a long-time Fox News contributor, said the Israelis were unwilling to compromise in their conflict with Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. He denied that the Israelis willingly evacuated from Gaza and Lebanon.
"Saying the Israelis pulled out of Lebanon is like saying the Nazis pulled out of Moscow," he said. "They invaded Lebanon. They invaded Gaza. They take homes and then they give them back. And they expect some type of great recognition."
a Fox News analyst making
a Fox News analyst making sense? this guy is so gonna get fired.......
Samuel D. Danner Danner is
Samuel D. Danner
Danner is an electrician, railroad engineer, and pilot who was at the Pentagon on 9/11 and reportedly witnessed a Global Hawk plane hit the building.
somebody PLEASE listen to this show today...............
i've asked this before and
i've asked this before and never received a satisfactory response... Last time i think i asked "Did Dr. Jones take the slow boat to China" to get WTC metal samples to look for thermate? Where did the sample come from and where are his results posted?
While i'm asking stuff...does anyone know of good links to respond to the following:
"all I'm looking for is a few experts to corroborate the Avery
version of events--a structural engineer to confirm that there is no way
that pillars would collapse, a demolitions expert to verify that explosions
could not have been caused by something other than an incendiary device, an
crash investigator to explain that the hole could not have come from an
anyone know of official 'experts' to back up these claims who have the right credentials, ala Kevin Ryan or (at one point) Val RAmero?
Dr. Jones received some of
Dr. Jones received some of the metal samples from erected 9-11 memorials.
>Check this out about Val
>Check this out about Val >McClatchey's >famous mushroom cloud >photo:
If it's really a fake, it would be one more example of big mysteries having simple explanations.
- strange smoke cloud - made with Photoshop
- WTC7 collapse 'like' c.d. - is was a c.d.
- hijackers getting U.S. military training - inside job
"strange smoke cloud - made
"strange smoke cloud - made with Photoshop"
I think a lot of the pentagon photos were photoshopped.
>Dr. Jones received some of
>Dr. Jones received some of the metal >samples from erected 9-11 memorials.
>MediaPuppet | 07.19.06 - 4:23 pm | #
There's the stories about what was buried at the Fresh Kills landfill:
I wonder what could be still there to be examined. William Rodriguez said something about the WTC plane parts having gone there.
Wow,Ihad just decided
Wow,Ihad just decided yesterday that if I wasn't able to get my local cable access channel to show Loose Change 2E and 911 Revisited,that I was going to start freeway blogging.And then I decided I'm going to start freeway blogging
anyway,and today...this little video.
"I wonder what could be
"I wonder what could be still there to be examined"?
I aslo read somewhere that some of the debris may have been dumped in the sea off the East coast for man-made reefs.
On the topic of freeway
On the topic of freeway blogging, I would like to know what people think the best 911 truth sayings would be to do this with.
Obviously, there is:
"9/11 = INSIDE JOB."
What other short statements do you think would be effective 911 truth freeway blogs?
GW- Good to see someone is
Good to see someone is still fighting the good fight over at Daily Kos. It'd be great if more people who post regularly on this site could post every once in a while over there.
You know what just struck me
You know what just struck me about the new Lebanon-Israel-Palestine war? If these Al-Qaeda dupes like Osama and Zawahiri would really care about their 'crusade' for Islam etc. then they have to release a new tape now. If not, that proves again they're just puppets to promote the Iraq war.
What other short statements
What other short statements do you think would be effective 911 truth freeway blogs?
SJ | 07.19.06 - 4:57 pm |
I got one.
"Sometimes common knowledge is wrong. Search for 9/11 truth."
Maybe a little long for a freeway blog.
I think much better Freeway
I think much better Freeway blog signs would be
"9/11 TRUTH"
"9/11: THEY KNEW"
"EXPOSE 9/11"
Now you can say Im LIHOPing there, but were talking about a lot of people seeing this, so coming out with "9/11=Inside Job!" might scare off a lot of people. Remember the frog in the pot analogy.
And sorry, fuck some of the anti war people...they wont even acknowlege 9/11 was the basis for the wars...even right wingers know this! They clearly say "9/11 9/11 9/11" Ive gotten into a lot of heated arguments with so called Bush hating anti war liberals. I guess I could be called liberal, but's like arguing wiht Bill OReilly when it comes to talking about 9/11. Sorry, I agree: fuck Sheehan.
Didnt she say the insurgents in Iraq blowing civilians up were heroes?
I have no love lost for some of the anti war camp, as they call US looney tunes. Were ON their side, and dont realize only 9/11 can set us free.
Honestly, at this point I'll be happy with people accepting LIHOP, anything than "incompetence". That excuse is so flimsy, so weak...ugh.
Now me, I do accept elements of "al Qaeda" were involved, but unlike a lot of idiots who stop there, I have to point out that in crme cases you DONT stop with the find out who funded, facilitated, helped, knew in advance, approved, etc. As Foud Yosri, the man who inrerviewed KSM who was shown intimate details of 9/11 from the so called planners said, "many many unanswered questions remain", and that the idea they could have pulled this off alone seems imposisble, and that people are wondering if maybe they were merely the unsuspecting hired guns for those in "Brezinskui intellectual circles"(referencing neocon think tanks)
How bout this? "Zogby
How bout this?
"Zogby poll:
45%-reinvestigate 9/11
47%-do not reinvestigate 9/11
Where do you stand?"
Just for the record, just
Just for the record, just because I acknowlege thats Osama in the famous tape(with intelligence operatives in there), and that al Qaeda was involved, I am calling 9/11 an inside job because of where the ISI got their funding for 9/11, approval, the fact many orders were given in the US to make sure it could not be stopped, Able Danger possibly manipulating the hijackers, some hijackers training here, and the distinct possibility remote control systems/explosives were used in some capacity that day.
I'm thinking my ideas might
I'm thinking my ideas might be better for freeway offramp blogging.
"Sometimes common knowledge
"Sometimes common knowledge is wrong. Search for 9/11 truth."
Maybe a little long for a freeway blog.
Yeah, I think a little too long, but I like the message a lot.
How about these?
  9/11 = INSIDE JOB.
More please?
9/11= False Flag
9/11= False Flag Terrorism
9/11= Wag the Dog
The War on Terror is a War on your mind.
9/11= Hollywood
9/11= Hollywood
Scatch the Hollywood one.
Scatch the Hollywood one. Thats just plain dumb. I wasn't thinking.
I like 9/11 = FALSE FLAG
How about 9/11 = PNAC
9/11 TRUTH NOW!!!
9/11 TRUTH NOW!!!
Or maybe the otherway
Or maybe the otherway around.
WTC met Thermite!
WTC met Thermite!
9/11=PNAC's Mission
9/11=PNAC's Mission Accomplished
DZ, if y ou're reading,
DZ, if y ou're reading, people NEED to see
Assasination of Russia:
Disbelief covers the 9/9 truth movement and how it's starting to win public support
Samuel D. Danner Danner is
Samuel D. Danner
Danner is an electrician, railroad engineer, and pilot who was at the Pentagon on 9/11 and reportedly witnessed a Global Hawk plane hit the building.
somebody PLEASE listen to this show today...............
Chris | Homepage | 07.19.06 - 4:17 pm | #
anybody got a re-cap of this?
I think it cost more than 1
I think it cost more than 1 dollar just for the gasoline he used to drive his SUV...
i did one before this blog
i did one before this blog started which said 'BUSH KNEW', and another that said 'CIA+ISI+ATTA=9/11'.
that was almost 2 years ago.
If anyone cares to use this
If anyone cares to use this ever:
"The truth about 9/11 is that we don't know the truth, and we should." - Dr. Robert Bowman on H&C
There are many unanswered questions regarding 9/11.
It is not our job to KNOW the answers, it is our job to DEMAND answers.
Here are a few:
1) Why was Pakistani ISI head Mahmoud Ahmed having breakfast with Sen Bob Graham and Rep Porter Goss on 9/11, just weeks after he ordered a wire transfer of $100,000 to Mohammad Atta? Since the ISI has close ties to the US CIA, why wasn't either investigated?
2) Why was Norman Mineta's testimony, which contradicts the official timeline of events, omitted from the Commission Report? And since Cheney was being asked "the plane is 50, 30, 10 miles out, do the orders still stand?", why was no one evacuated from the area of the Pentagon where the plane was headed?
3) Why did FBI translator Sibel Edmonds get fired and gag-ordered under "State Secrets Privilege" after learning of a coverup regarding 911, and has publicly stated the "America has not learned who the real culprits behind 911 are"?
4) Why were 28 pages omitted from the report, and why wasn't Pakistan and Saudi Arabia not mentioned, especially if 15 of the hijackers came from S.A.?
5) Why did the Secret Service break protocol and allow President Bush to sit in a publicly disclosed location for over 15 minutes after being told "America is under attack", an apparent surprise attack on the US is going on and the President is allowed to sit, after a Secret Service agent says "we're out of here" but his decision was overruled. Why?
6) The official report states that a pancake collapse occured in WTC 1 and 2 because of hollow centers, but WTC 1 and 2 had 47 steel columns in the center.
7) Why was WTC 7, which was not hit by a plane and collapsed in 6 seconds at 5:20pm, not included in the report?
8) Why was no one fired for their "inept bungling"?
9) John Ashcroft stopped flying in July. Why was he never asked what the specific threat was that caused him to stop flying commercial airlines?
10) Why has the CIA closed the unit in charge of hunting Bin Laden?
11) Why did FBI official Rex Tomb state "the FBI has no Hard Evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11" on 6/5/2006, which is why FBI's website doesn't list Bin Laden wanted for 9/11?
12) Many of the Hijackers trained on Military Bases and were even enrolled in Military Programs. Why wasn't this investigated?
a structural engineer to
a structural engineer to confirm that there is no way
that pillars would collapse,
prof. wood is a structural engineer AND a mechanical engineer:
I think a lot of the pentagon photos were photoshopped.
one would think that should be significant.
That's a winner!!!!
Has the "official" story
Has the "official" story about WTC 7 changed over time? Is the Administration still saying that WTC 7 was not deliberately brought down but came down because of fires?
Someone told me today that they had heard on the news that WTC 7 was deliberately brought down BECAUSE of the existing damage from the fires. Is this true?
I just read this in an
Ok Cindy, but the 9/11 inside job is what made the war possible.
RANDKILLER999, to play
RANDKILLER999, to play Devil's Advocate, some people would say your sentiment is because you have a bias against the Bush/Cheney Administration. Also, it might be argued by some (not me), that, yes, the government did bring down the building by controlled demolition because too much damage had already occurred to the building. It wasn't worth saving, they would say, considering all that was going on.
poor naive Cindy thinks shes
poor naive Cindy thinks shes gonna save the world by protesting war. im all for protesting war, 95% of them are illegal and unjustified anyway, but when have war protesters made any real change? dont say Vietnam, that was going to go bad either way,protestors or not.its time to play hardball and get specific about what makes these wars possible. all roads lead to 9/11 truth..........
anyone wanna help?
The ultimate blog would be
The ultimate blog would be to replace the "H O L L Y W O O D" sign in LaLa land with "9 1 1 T R U T H!" Anybody with major cajones up to this challenge? I would, but can't afford the plane ticket to get out there.
Now that I think about it. Posting this blog in Hollywood is basically preaching to the choir.
Finally, I saw the highway blogger video. Question for any lawyers out there. Is this really legal to post political statements in public places?
Peace out.
Question for any lawyers out
Question for any lawyers out there. Is this really legal to post political statements in public places?
Peace out.
Kurt | 07.19.06 - 7:03 pm | #
im no lawyer, but as long as its not someones personal property, i think its perfectly legal.
Can someone please tell me
Can someone please tell me if this link IS TRULY a website of the U.S. Department of State? WTC 7 is addressed here and the explanation is ridiculous.
Is this REALLY the government's explanation?
cindy sheehan=made for foxtv
cindy sheehan=made for foxtv shill
she does stupid things like interrupt soldiers funerals
designed to make protestors look "bad"
evil 2 dimensional shill human syphillis
RANDKILLER999, to play
WTC-7 was a massive, steel-framed building that imploded at free-fall speed for no reaons other than it was a controlled demolition.
Furthermore, buildings require weeks or months in planning to bring them down that way. This shows that whoever "pulled-it" had foreknowledge about 9/11.
Silverstein put his foot in his mouth when he claimed that he & the NYFD "pulled-it." NYFD does not implode buildings, NeoCons on 9/11 do.
Whoa, Randkiller, W A Y over
Whoa, Randkiller, W A Y over the top on Cindy Sheehan.
What's the punchline to that
What's the punchline to that joke about the wife who catches his husband in bed with another woman? I believe the husband says "Baby, don't believe your lying eyes!"
That sums up the WTC 7 collapse pretty nicely for me. After watching video upon video of the collapse it becomes more patently obvious that WTC7 was... as Silverstein calls it, "pulled". Anybody who has seen the video and still denies this patently obvious demolition, are still believing their lying eyes. They don't want to believe their government cheated on them.
Killtown, here is an short
here is an short analyse i made on your blog, what do you think guys? :
don't forget that the wind is blowing from N-W to S-E ! It could be possible that the smoke cloud simply moved.
But even if the wind bring the smoke cloud there, it still prove the conspiracy, here is why:
The smoke is perfectly straight up in the air, this mean(if there is wind) that the entire smoke colum was created at the same time (so from a bomb) or else the top part of the smoke would have started to move to the left a bit before the bottom of the
colum if the fire was really created by a jet fuel (the fuel burn longer and thust create smoke for a longer time). We can really see the different angle os the smoke colum in this photo you provided : plume-comparison3.0.jpg
I think you should add this in your investigation (and write it in a clearer way then me ;, what do you think?
More lies from that same US
More lies from that same US gov't junk-science site linked above:
Oh really? An airliner flying 530 mph exploded & smashed it's way through the Pentagon's outer walls, basically nothing left of it whatsoever, but organic matter of 63 of 64 passengers was obtained to produce DNA results??? I don't think so!!!
BTW RANDKILLER999, I never heard of Sheehan disrupting soldiers' funerals. You may be thinking of that family of fundamentalist-christian nutjobs out in the Midwest who I've seen doing that.
Chill out!
This is also from that same
This is also from that same site:
The structure below the level of collapse initiation offered minimal resistance to the falling building mass .... The potential energy released by the downward movement of the large building mass far exceeded the capacity of the intact structure below to absorb that ....
Since the stories below the level of collapse initiation provided little resistance to the tremendous energy released by the falling building mass, the building section above came down essentially in free fall .... As the stories below sequentially failed, the falling mass increased, further increasing the demand on the floors below, which were unable to arrest the moving mass.
"The stories below the level of collapse initiation provided little resistance..."
This is one of those "do I laugh or do I cry?" things.
Yeah, buildings are designed
Yeah, buildings are designed to collapse like a chain of dominos! One part fails & some chain reaction brings all the rest down faster than a run-away train. LOL
TruthSearching, yes I think
TruthSearching, yes I think its really the State Dept. website:
Total bullshit junk-science
Total bullshit junk-science on that gov't site!
Hey Maddog, that's
Hey Maddog, that's interesting regarding Cindy Sheehan. This is what I feared, the 3 or 4 thousand or so Truthers that show up in DC on Sept. 11th will not be heard.
Everyone, go to Ground Zero no DC in September.
I am curious why Sheehan is
I am curious why Sheehan is more-or-less saying that 9/11 is "off limits." I mean, why can't I be anti-war and a 9/11 activist also?
Sheehan knows Bush is a
Sheehan knows Bush is a boldfaced liar on Iraq, yet she assumes he is being honest about 9/11? I don't get it.
Is this REALLY the
Is this REALLY the government's explanation?
truthsearching2006 | 07.19.06 - 7:07 pm | #
yeah it's basically a mirror of Popular Mechanics article
Google WTC7 is a good idea.
Google WTC7 is a good idea. There was an old guy at the Chicago conference that had a T-Shirt that said Google Loose Change.
Good stuff...
see yall later
Rick and Dylan need to talk
Rick and Dylan need to talk about their 911 plans to make sure they're not diluting the message or worse, appearing to split the movement..
I worry that in DC the anti-war brigade will outnumber the Truthers and dominate the MSM coverage
The Ground Zero event could be seen as 'not honoring the dead', so maybe it should be silent.
(Looks like my Shout for Truth idea ran into a problem...)
Looks like we could be
Looks like we could be upstaged by Sheehan of all people. Very odd.
@Anonymous: TOO MANY left or
@Anonymous: TOO MANY left or right anti war activists feel 9/11 is off limits or even crazy/tinfoil to consider. This is why coming from the left perspective, the leftgarekeeper mentality really upsets me. So guess what? Were just going to keep putting 9/11 truth in their face.
also, I am more than down for some Northern California guerrilla street action or flyering for 9/11 Truth.
OT, I'm watching 911
OT, I'm watching 911 revisited for the first time.
I cannot fathom how anyone can doubt for one second that those towers were demolished.
I know the WMD theory is not popular, but nearly every eyewitness on the film talks about the explosions as BIG or HUGE. There's more than Thermite/Thermate in the mix.
Okay one more idea, 911
Okay one more idea,
I mean, why pull punches?It isn't as if there is any credible evidence anywhere that de-bunks the controlled demolition theory.
Oops that was supposed to
Oops that was supposed to be:
Notes to unseasoned
Notes to unseasoned painters: The cheapest, fastest way to make letters is to use Kills in the spray can. We could have 3x the coverage by not if we didn't have to wait for that primer to day, or bother with box-size signs. You need to be saying it at 5x scale, like the fellow who did those wonderful banners throughout LA, protesting (9.7 per hour)killings on TV!