Veterans Go Freeway Blogging

The Veterans for 9/11 Truth dedicates this sign to all service men and women who died in a war created by a false flag operation. The graves in the background are in a VA cemetery in Milwaukee, WI.

Click the image for full size:

I contacted the Veterans a couple of days ago to get an update on the progress they had made in the few short months they have been in existence. Here is their response (paraphrased):

The primary purpose of the Veterans for 9/11 Truth is exposing the Truth of the 911 attacks. Our secondary focus is to see the treasonous criminals who masterminded 911 behind bars and justice served.

For those who don't know, Veterans for 9/11 Truth resulted from a simple discussion between activists on a Scholars for 9/11 Truth forum who felt a Veterans 9/11 Truth group would be extremely effective at dismantling the official lie of 9/11. In just over 3 months, the Veterans for 9/11 Truth has grown to nearly 200 members.

The upside down flag, symbolizing a nation in dire distress, has become synonymous with the Veterans for 9/11 Truth as they fight to preserve the legal meaning of the U.S. constitution and the Bill of Rights. In addition to the veteran members of the group, auxiliary members (civilians) contribute just as much to the site with their excellent research and writing skills.

One thing you can always say about this group is that they will resist, fight and never quit.

If you are a veteran, consider signing up to this group. If you know of any veterans, this is a perfect first step in informing them of the Truth. The Veterans for 9/11 Truth is a great weapon in our fight, lets use it!

Also, check out A Veteran's Stand, a poem by Matthew.

Awesome ... Go Freeway

Awesome ... Go Freeway Bloggers!

George DZ Jon ,can any of

George DZ Jon ,can any of you guys help me to post a videoclip in my comments? I've got a 911 'door-to door' type thing I'm working on too. Just another 911 footsoldier.

Hey Colin, contact me via

Hey Colin, contact me via the links at the left of the page, I'll set you up with some FTP info...

sbg,Did that work?

sbg,Did that work?

Nice work. I am in the

Nice work. I am in the middle of painting 4 signs currently for the Boston, MA area:


My "9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB" sign is 7 feet by 4 feet.

Can't wait to get them up this week!

What if there was a running

What if there was a running section of door todoor street clips/informal polling this would work if even 10% of the people who visit this site are activists.

Overhead projectors are

Overhead projectors are invaluable for these largescale freeway signs.

Colin, I have sent you a

Colin, I have sent you a reply.

SJ, get some pictures!!!

Overhead projectors are

Overhead projectors are invaluable for these largescale freeway signs.

Yes, I got a used Overhead projector on ebay. Totally agree that it makes all the difference.

SJ, get some pictures!!!

Absolutely! I will have some pictures of the signs this week hopefully. :)

From the start, I've thought

From the start, I've thought Jon's door-to-door interview idea was brilliant, but I couldn't say why.

Now I can. It is a bridge from abstract things like reading a 9/11 book, being on the web, watching a 9/11 video, etc. and shows someone really going out and talking to people.

It makes getting out there seem one step closer, one step easier.

Same with freeway blog photos and videos.

I want to put a huge

I want to put a huge "QUESTION 9/11" or "EXPOSE 9/11" freeway overpass banner on I-80 near San Francisco.

To me this is more effective than "Bush did 9/11!" that'd just get heckled.

I don't understand why there

I don't understand why there are no web URL's being presented. Can anybody explain this to me?

I honestly believe that they

I honestly believe that they still have Bush in the dark about 9 11.
He's just too stupid. And ditto on the "Go Freeway Bloggers!!"

Oh,"Question 9/11,and"Expose

Oh,"Question 9/11,and"Expose 9/11" are both good.FREEWAY BLOGGERS ROCK!