In Defense of the Billiard Ball Example (BBE)

On Billiard Balls and Buildings

...With respect to the simplicity of the BBE, we need to understand what it’s designed to address. The Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT), as it was originally concocted, made the claim that the WTC towers were brought down by ‘pancaking’ -- i.e., one floor falling on another in a domino effect -- in 10 seconds. (BTW -- the promoters of the OCT (OCTers) seem to have decided they don’t like the term ‘pancaking’ anymore; so they’ve started using the more mumbo-jumbo phrase, ‘progressive collapse’. But if the only force you have to work with in your explanation is gravity, this amounts to the same thing.)

What Prof. Wood does is take the OCT claim at face value. She says, in essence, "O.K. The OCTers say ‘pancaking in 10 seconds by gravity alone’. Let’s check this out. If we apply the known Law of Gravity to the situation of the towers on 9/11, can we reproduce ‘collapse by pancaking’ in 10 seconds?" ...

...there's one critical factor in her analysis that IS related to what we all saw on 9/11 -- i.e., there was no actual 'pancaking' in the ordinary way we might think that term would imply (i.e., 110 floors piling one on top of another) -- but rather PULVERIZATION of the floors as the buildings came down (that is, the floors turned to DUST and thus had no further impact on what was happening below)...


Prof. Wood was recently videotaped giving her PowerPoint presentation. You can view a streaming .wmv here, courtesy of We The People

BBE can be explained to a 12

BBE can be explained to a 12 yo in about 10 minutes. Simplicity implies ease of comprehension.

Everyone understands time, falling, and distance.

"Those of us who refuse to

"Those of us who refuse to read material that we think we might NOT agree with are no better off than those that cannot read at all." — T. K. Kennett

"Losing an illusion makes you wiser than finding a truth." — Ludwig Borne

"Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd." Voltaire

"Losing an illusion makes

"Losing an illusion makes you wiser than finding a truth."

Regarding 9/11, I'm not sure I feel wiser. In fact, it's something I wish I DID NOT know.

"Regarding 9/11, I'm not

"Regarding 9/11, I'm not sure I feel wiser. In fact, it's something I wish I DID NOT know."

Because you would rather live with blinders on? Quit being afraid. The best thing in the world is to know then we can make a difference. "If you can't face it, you can't fix it."
Catherine Austin Fitts

Those of you who are afraid

Those of you who are afraid of the government are as useless as those of you who are afraid of the terrorists.

Who is trying to debunk the

Who is trying to debunk the billiard ball illustration (within the truth movement)? What are their arguments?

There is something grating

There is something grating and pretentious about your admonishements puton. Relax.

Before the 9/11 blinders

Before the 9/11 blinders fell, I was really not even aware of all the other corruption that went on before that day. I had no idea murder and mayhem and lies and deceit (all for a greater good, they say) was just business as usual in government.

"There is something grating

"There is something grating and pretentious about your admonishements puton. Relax."

I want people to find their courage is all.



I think I have courage. I

I think I have courage. I feel like I am just surrounded by people who do not want to look at what is right in front of their noses.

"I think I have courage. I

"I think I have courage. I feel like I am just surrounded by people who do not want to look at what is right in front of their noses."

If William Odom and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are correct it won't be long now before the uninformed get a hell of a wakeup call.

'John Hamilton: Barrett's

'John Hamilton: Barrett's view of 9/11 complicity plausible'

that was an amazing letter.

that was an amazing letter.

More Kevin Barrett

More Kevin Barrett stuff:

'Los Angeles Times: Wisconsin Lawmakers Want Islam Teacher Booted',1,7...

'ABC News: Lecturer Under Fire for 9/11 Conspiracy Belief'

'US University Chided Over 9/11 Conspiracy Theory'

That was a good letter.

That was a good letter.

Actually ("simplicity of the

Actually ("simplicity of the BBE"), the valid BBE [dis]proof is just a bit on the complicated/misleading side (because using conservation of momentum requires some kind of modeling of impact between solid objects, which is not what occurred).

Conservation of energy is a simpler, more elegant [dis]proof, not requiring modeling of, which can engender/reinforce belief in, things which did not occur.

Also, THERE IS NO KNOWN "PULVERIZATION" MECHANISM WHICH CAN ACCOUNT FOR SO MUCH ULTRA-FINE DUST WHICH BLANKETED ALL OF LOWER MANHATTAN. (And unconventional evidence is better explained by unconventional causes, anyway. I find it misleading and misdirective to use such inaccurate/improbable/impossible terms like "pulverization" a la Pataki and Giuliani, too.)


IMHO, the best single measure of a 9/11 presentation's value is how
impossible the presenter makes it for people to keep clinging to the
belief that they can blame "Muslim hijackers" for 9/11. Further, if
the presentation tries to advance that unfounded belief (especially
subliminally), then it is acting as government propaganda.


Is that the John Hamilton

Is that the John Hamilton from the 9/11 commission?