Professor: Twin Towers Should have "Withstood Burnout"

A professor of fire safety engineering says that the Twin Towers should have "withstood burnout" after they were hit .

Jose Torero, professor of fire safety engineering at the University of Edinburgh, conducted the experiment on a 24-storey tower block in Dalmarnock.

He also hopes it will shed light on why the Twin Towers collapsed on 9/11.

Prof Torero said he believed the World Trade Centre in New York should have "withstood burnout" after it was hit.

The collapse of the towers in September 2001, after they were hit by hijacked aircraft, resulted in the deaths of almost 2,800 workers and 350 firefighters and emergency workers.

Prof Torero said: "It didn't even cross my mind the buildings would collapse.

"From my perspective, those buildings were designed to last structurally for between three to four hours, enough time to get everyone out who had survived."

So why did the Twin Towers collapse like a house of cards after only about an hour? And why did building 7 -- not even hit by an airplane -- suddenly give up the ghost on the afternoon of 9/11?

If you're not intelligent

If you're not intelligent enough to see that two individuals refusing to testify publicly, refusing to testify under oath, refusing to allow recordings of their testimony, and refusing to testify without each other isn't a good indication that they're trying to hide something, then there really isn't much point in continuing this conversation.

You're an idiot.

OT: Fellow Truthers, if you

OT: Fellow Truthers, if you havn't yet checked out the Lionel Show (WOR NYC), he's a "friend of ours" and his show is great!

He has the online version at the following address:

His podcasts don't update in my iTunes for some reason, so I usually listen online.

George Washington: I had an

George Washington:

I had an idea for your Remote Control blog post. You could mention the Guardian and NY Times articles where W suggests painting a drone with UN colors. If our "president" comes up with such ideas in that head of his...

Perhaps we can email Prof

Perhaps we can email Prof Torero some info on Prof Jones, and also the videos of FDNY saying bombs, flashes, and explosions

A wrong thread, but nobody

A wrong thread, but nobody seems to be reading the original one, so here's what Sue wrote about the Pentagon:

"Eyewitnesses keep saying they saw a helicopter from behind(in the inner ring) and then an explosion!"

This reminds me of this: On "9-11 Eyewitness" one can see a helicopter passing by each of the twin towers a moment before the collapses. I speculate that the detonation was triggered from the helicopters. Who knows, perhaps this was used at the Pentagon too, to coincide with a plane crash.

perhaps he shouldve

perhaps he shouldve incorporated controlled demolitions into his experiment.

quite correct on the helicopters, I've been researching this for a while.

I hypothesize that those copters were using infrared emissions at the tops of the towers, because you can clearly see, at 5:33 and 22:25 into the eyewitness video, silvery flashesemissions coming from them. if you pointed an infrared device at a video camera, you will see the exact same type of emission.


perhaps wtc7 was simply

perhaps wtc7 was simply overcome with grief at the loss of it's 2 companions.
5 years later and prof. torero says:
"From my perspective, those buildings were designed to last structurally for between three to four hours, enough time to get everyone out who had survived."

last up to 4 hours? ha ha. those towers were designed and built 40 years ago during the height of the cold war. there is not a chance in hell that an inferno, even if there had been an inferno - help it's an inferno in here! - would have brought them down.
did the 911 commission report lie about the tower's demise or did they not? prof. wood says they did in no uncertain terms:
perhaps the truth movement should begin dwelling on what is really hurting the movement: the mcmedia. and why: they are partners in complicity.

I hope he was misquoted in

I hope he was misquoted in saying should have lasted "between three and four hours."

Maybe what he meant to say, was "should have lasted that long, given an inordinate amount of damage and intense, thousand degree fires." That would be consistent with what the government CLAIMS to have been the case.

In reality, the south tower was hardly damaged on one corner and side, and was clearly structurally sound. They pulled the building because the fire was going out.

Those buildings should have stood much, much longer before suffering any major structural collapse.

"From my perspective, those

"From my perspective, those buildings were designed to last structurally for between three to four hours, enough time to get everyone out who had survived."

I too hope this is some sort of misquote. If the were designed to last structually for three to four hours, it's not such a stretch that they fell in one to two hours.

How about they shouldn't have fallen at all, like the Windsor building in Spain remained standing after an inferno?

An interesting

An interesting hypothesis:

It was perhaps unintentional for them to pull the buildings so early. Originally, the conspirators may have thought the jet fuel would ignite more combustible office material, keeping the fires raging for several hours. Perhaps they gambled with the firefighters confusion, in hoping the fires would burn much longer before possibly being brought under control. It's even possible to think that there could have been "experts" paraded on television in the meantime, talking about the "weakness" of the buildings, so that a collapse would be more plausible. Likewise, building 7 could have been set for demolition more in synchronization with the twin towers.

Bush Is Considering Sending

Here is a suggestion for a

Here is a suggestion for a freeway sign: 9/11, HOMEMADE HOAX TO WAR FOR OIL

Take a look at this gem from

Take a look at this gem from the BBC archives.

Until last week it said that building 7 'burned to the ground.' When I pointed out that not even NIST goes that far, they politely changed it - to this.

So the official medium of public record in Britain states that wtc7 'collapsed in flames'.

Obviously someone there is a fan of THE TOWERING INFERNO.

I hope though that this

I hope though that this article is being emailed around. It's a tiny crack in the facade but an important one.

How did I

Wow, I like that -- an

Wow, I like that -- an experment with fire in a skyscraper! Clever -- I would like to write the good Professor... any email for Jose Torero?

another update to Professor

another update to Professor Jones' paper:


Vesa! Long time no post! I

Vesa! Long time no post!

I finally got around to viewing "Mind the Gap" narrated by David Shayler, TWO THUMBS UP!

Home page;

Streaming viddy;

On the latest Sibel Edmonds

On the latest Sibel Edmonds hype:

911 Truth Movement Mistake: the Sibel Edmonds story - DROP IT LIKE A HOT POTATO

The LIHOP/MIHOP Distraction Continued (w/ an update on Sibel Edmonds)

Professor Jones: I found

Professor Jones:

I found this information with an email address:

Why indeed...

Why indeed...

"Why indeed..." ?

"Why indeed..."


" And why did building 7 --

" And why did building 7 -- not even hit by an airplane -- suddenly give up the ghost on the afternoon of 9/11?"

"Why indeed..."


Why indeed..." ? he probably

Why indeed..."


he probably meant...

Why indeed...
did the Twin Towers collapse like a house of cards after only about an hour?

Sidenote, I disagree. She

Sidenote, I disagree. She knows how the attacks were funded, which can help blow up the whole story and expose the fact that the "hijackers" were patsies. So, it's not lame LIHOP stuff.

I wonder if Nass/Green even

I wonder if Nass/Green even saw the WTC 7 video..

They only let the buiding in

They only let the buiding in Glasgow burn for 25 minutes!

Jose Torero says..."it

Jose Torero says..."it didn't even cross my mind the buildings would collapse".

i got the cspan video in an

i got the cspan video in an RM file if anyone cares. It's about 200MB

Updates from old and new

Updates from old and new supporters:

Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Morgan Reynolds renews to challenge Prof. Jones on 9/11 TV Fakery (07/26)

FOX 5 CGI nose visibly exists South Tower, then censored (07/26)

CovertOperations: " Not Simply an Optical Illusion"

Joseph Keith: text marker for thin air vs. steel (07/25)

Why is Morgan challenging

Why is Morgan challenging other members of the 9/11 Truth Movement to a debate? Are we fighting against ourselves? What is our goal here?

Jon Gold | Homepage |

Jon Gold | Homepage | 07.26.06 - 7:06 pm

:+: :+: :+:

im staying away from Morgan.

im staying away from Morgan. he is goign to far now

If Reynolds is fighting

If Reynolds is fighting Jones, 9/11 Truth is going to fall apart.

Why is Morgan challenging

Why is Morgan challenging other members of the 9/11 Truth Movement to a debate? Are we fighting against ourselves? What is our goal here?
Jon Gold | Homepage | 07.26.06 - 8:20 pm | #
is he though? or is Nico just making that shit up too? i checked his link, there is nothing on there that says anything about Reynolds challenging Jones to a debate. leave it to Nico to put words in somebodys mouth.

Why are people trying to

Why are people trying to prove something that doesn't need to be proven? CGI Fakery, even if true, is not essential to 9/11 anomalies at all and our job is not to prove anything but to ask questions.

And when it comes to the MSM, this will be a debate they put on TV for the purpose of discrediting the movement. A very bad idea all around.

OT anybody got Bush's

OT anybody got Bush's "mission accomplished"carrier landing footage?

"is he though? or is Nico

"is he though? or is Nico just making that shit up too? i checked his link, there is nothing on there that says anything about Reynolds challenging Jones to a debate. leave it to Nico to put words in somebodys mouth."

[B]And by the way...[/B]
Morgan Reynolds, Wed, 26 Jul 2006

That's the real title I'm assuming. Looks like a "challenge" to me. Oh well. Sorry Morgan, but the movement has better things to do with our time than fight amongst ourselves.

Anon: rippin it now off


rippin it now off just for you.

OT anybody got Bush's

OT anybody got Bush's "mission accomplished"carrier landing footage?

On the right hand side under "Video".

I went to Circuit City today

I went to Circuit City today during an extended lunch break. I put a copy of Loose Change in the DVD attached to one of the big screen TV's, turned up the sound, and turned off the sound of the TV next to it. Now, it was not crowded at all, so I figured I would not get much response. But I actually did quite well. I find that the very best part to turn to in that is the part where they begin talking about the Twin Towers. Some people got interested. Even some of the salespeople got interested. I was afraid they would try to kick me out, but they didn't. I gave away three or four discs. I always ask for a donation, but I tell them if they can't afford anything, I'll give it away free to them. I ask for their choice of a dollar or two, or just a quarter to reimburse me for the materials, or for free if they wish. One lady gave me a $10 bill and told me to keep the change. I couldn't and gave her $5 back, but next time I think I'll keep it and tell her I'll donate it to the cause. I've already donated some money to this site. I'm telling you, go to the electronics store in your town and play it and hang out and you will find a lot of people to distribute CD's and DVD's to. I just got hold of Loose Change DVD and I think it's an interesting one for a store. I also carry my computer CD full of stuff. Check my daily or periodic threads with full instructions as to how to download my CD. The links are below:


Folder A

Folder B

Folder C

I'm telling you, go to the electronics store with plenty of DVDs and/or CD's to distribute. As we grow, maybe we can start "dominating" the programming at the electronics stores. It seems a lot of people are interested in this. No wonder, since they have been starved of this info from the lamestream media.

for those who

for those who care:

xi-soft's net transport is great to rip embedded media from places like CNN, CSPAN,,etc...

google it

I downloaded net transport

I downloaded net transport but couldn't figure out how to use it.

No workie for Mac.

No workie for Mac.

I've got a PC and I still

I've got a PC and I still can't figure out how to use it.

jj111... good job.

jj111... good job.

To the late Scott

To the late Scott Durr:
Scott Durr Posts


In May, 1995, Phil Schneider did a lecture on what he had discovered.
Seven months later he was tortured and killed by those for whom he had
previously worked. This man's final acts should not go unnoticed.

One of many points:
"Presently, there are 129 deep underground military bases in the United States."

I feel safer already.

Also, Jon Gold :+:

Good article on the AIPAC

Good article on the AIPAC scandal and Iran.
Iran: The Next War

This isn't about

This isn't about fighting.

Morgan Reynolds is too busy writing his new book. He just presented his opinion today in another CC debate.

As a matter of fact, both Gerard Holmgren and me are seperately asked Prof. Jones to challenge us in public to confront our findings on 9/11 TV Fakery plus the general and forensic evidence on 'no planes' (holmgren).

I just had my first public presentation at HOPE6 on the fakery findings and will soon get a confirmation, if and when to show up also at St. Mark's Church (ny911truth)

Since we believe, that the 'Jones crew' isn't honest to us and might turn the controlled demolition into a limited hangout, furthermore he continues to deny that he plagiarized his findings from the "9/11 science and justice alliance" (2002-2006), and also didn't answer yet on his DoD related research from the past, this is just a fair deal.

Concerns vs. concerns.

The 9/11 truth movement is US mainstream anyway and Barrett runs the show, not us.

I'm not interested in a staged debate on TV. I challenge Jones here in NYC for everyone to see, unedited.

History will prove, where this movement was deceived and by whom.

The truth about 9/11 is also about the truth and history of this 'movement' and their manipulative leaders.

"both Gerard Holmgren and me

"both Gerard Holmgren and me are seperately asked Prof. Jones to challenge us in public to confront our findings on 9/11 TV Fakery plus the general and forensic evidence on 'no planes' (holmgren)."

As I said, "the movement has better things to do with our time than fight amongst ourselves."

Cheers DHS!! Its integral to

Cheers DHS!! Its integral to my movie and I cant get it off the cnn website.

I don't find Angie's

I don't find Angie's diatribe about Sibel Edmonds to be articulate or convincing.

"I don't find Angie's

"I don't find Angie's diatribe about Sibel Edmonds to be articulate or convincing."

No one, except those that post it do.

This is about solid findings

This is about solid findings which have to be scientifically analysed and addressed to the public.

Since we can clearly prove, that TV Fakery took place, this has nothing to do with "fights".

If the leadership would be honest at the top, they would just do that.
So it's up to them to address this and also allow a paper from us at st911
(Possibly up to 10 9/11 scholars would sign it by now)

We cannot risk to run this movement on the evidence on controllion only, especially SINCE Jones turned it into some unscientific issue with thermite/thermate which also could be still linked to 'Al-Quaeda' or 'prior knowledge/insurance scam'

We know about setups against this movement and it is our experience how to deal with this issue.

We did the same fighting for the evidence on controlled demolition with our group "9/11 science and justice alliance".

Particular names are attached to the issue on TV Fakery and "no planes".
When i was at the hacker conference i clearly pointed out that our findings DO NOT represent the common conclusion of this movement or their most popular groups.

Our names will be attached to the issue and we will take the responsibilities.

out of here for today

you still there DHS ?How did

you still there DHS ?How did that rip go?

"Possibly up to 10 9/11

"Possibly up to 10 9/11 scholars would sign it by now"

So that makes 13 of you total?

Please don't feed the

Please don't feed the trolls. Those who are on the payroll get paid by the response.

Not so long ago we have a

Not so long ago we have a link here about how the towers fell, from 12/09/01 or so. Does anybody got the link?

"Not so long ago we have a

"Not so long ago we have a link here about how the towers fell, from 12/09/01 or so. Does anybody got the link?"


DHS whats final cut pro like

DHS whats final cut pro like ? What can you do with it?

That BBC article is pretty

That BBC article is pretty interesting.

"Thursday, 13 September, 2001"

Two days, and they know what the 9/11 Commission Report will say in July of 2004.

Jon Gold said, "Why is

Jon Gold said,

"Why is Morgan challenging other members of the 9/11 Truth Movement to a debate? Are we fighting against ourselves? What is our goal here?"

The real Truth, that which you claim to reject, Mr. Gold, has defeated both of them - and you. You're witnessing the disintegration of the Big Lie, the so-called 9/11 "Truth Movement."

Meanwhile, those who wish to think nail the Big Liars:

Another day, another debunking of Steven Jones



The BBC report is strongly

The BBC report is strongly reminiscent of that scene early in V for Vendetta, when the news crew confidently announces that the government had planned to take down the Old Bailey.

Final Cut is a great movie

Final Cut is a great movie making program. I will show you my first creation after it is done uploading It's a fullscreen 200MB file that is only 1 minute long! (MOV format)

however, here's the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED SPEECH, in RM format.

CGI challenging Jones!

CGI challenging Jones! RFLMAO!

That is a desperate attempt to splinter the movement.


It must be distressing to the trolls that no one even pays attention to them anymore.

"The BBC report is strongly

"The BBC report is strongly reminiscent of that scene early in V for Vendetta, when the news crew confidently announces that the government had planned to take down the Old Bailey."

I haven't seen it.



You get First Prize for most delusional. In fact the Truth shows you lost before you began:

The end of the so-called "9/11 Truth Movement."

"Not so long ago we have a

"Not so long ago we have a link here about how the towers fell, from 12/09/01 or so. Does anybody got the link?"

The definitve work is here:

Just the

Just the Facts

The sounds of crickets chirping...

"The end of the so-called

"The end of the so-called "9/11 Truth Movement."

( P )  Pronunciation Key  (d-lzhn) n.

The act or process of deluding.

The state of being deluded.

A false belief or opinion: labored under the delusion that success was at hand.

Psychiatry. A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness: delusions of persecution.

"A false belief strongly

"A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness: delusions of persecution."

That's the start of self-awareness for you, Mr. Gold. Let's hope you will make progress.

why do these

why do these morons always have suitably ironic names such as: mr. truth, just the facts (ha ha good one!) truther, conspiracy smasher (hi terrence, you can't hide over here either!), truth hero!, etc.? is it just me or has anyone else noticed this phenomena?
here's a hint for the 911myths gang: if you all didn't have such ridiculous handles then your comments would sneak under the wire so to speak and you might actually have a slim chance of being taken seriously even if only for a moment.
oh, here's a good one: truthy truth! ha ha.

One of the interesting

One of the interesting things about "self-delusion" is the inability to distinguish fantasy from reality. It usually turns in to "desperate clinging" to false ideas of a minute nature. Note the post here of someone who thinks the towers could not have been brought down by the combination of damage and fire done to the buildings despite the extensive, irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

We think, naturally, how silly this is, but some think no, this must be true because that's what they want to believe.

We should ALL worry about such people who've lost touch with reality.

the truth movement is

the truth movement is growing stronger every day. Rove's attempt to splinter us with this ridiculous no-plane theory is just weeding the morons out, and/or exposing the agents within.

btw, any no-planers out there, I invite you to call 100 nyfd firemen, and nypd policemen, asking for those that witnessed the impacts, and ask them if they saw a plane or not.

lmao. can ya say.... cointelpro

just the facts, sorry but

just the facts,
sorry but NIST/911 commission' version of the twin towers' demise is, and i quote: not physically possible. ask your "advisor" david b. benson to elaborate for you.

"here's a hint for the

"here's a hint for the 911myths gang: if you all didn't have such ridiculous handles then your comments would sneak under the wire so to speak and you might actually have a slim chance of being taken seriously even if only for a moment."

It's a societal concern and problem that people can so easily believe in fantasies. That you don't think the truth should be taken seriously is a real and serious problem. There is help from concerned people.

Here's a great resource for you, Mr. ha:

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

"sorry but NIST/911

"sorry but NIST/911 commission' version of the twin towers' demise is, and i quote: not physically possible. ask your "advisor" david b. benson to elaborate for you."

That's just the type of fantasy I'm talking about, Mr. ha.

despite the extensive,

despite the extensive, irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

and here we have the sole tactic that is available to the gang - to spout those words without providing a single shred of science or investigation at all as if the mere spouting of them is enough.

Just The Facts... I'll ask

Just The Facts... I'll ask you the same question I asked Terrence & Co. recently.

The President and the Vice President of the United States REFUSED to testify under oath, in public, and not without each other, and there were to be NO recordings of their testimony.

What are they hiding?

i'm done with you genius. go

i'm done with you genius. go call your "advisor"

not you JG, just the

not you JG, just the moron.

Being lectured about reality

Being lectured about reality and truth by someone who buys the official fairy tale takes Orwell to new heights.

We should ALL worry about

We should ALL worry about such people who've lost touch with reality.
Just the Facts | 07.26.06 - 10:10 pm

If you are wrong we all have a lot to worry about.

If we are wrong we are just a bunch of people talking on the Internet.


Touché! Anon. They're

Touché! Anon. They're scared to death. :o(

I would encourage most

I would encourage most people to look at I've been a truther (i hate the sound of that, makes me feel like i'm in a cult) for 3 or 4 months and I would like Professor Jones or another scientist to address some of the articles on the site.

If anything, you guys should look at it to look for weaknesses in your argument.

I'll ask again... The

I'll ask again...

The President and the Vice President of the United States REFUSED to testify under oath, in public, and not without each other, and there were to be NO recordings of their testimony.

What are they hiding?

He must be checking his

He must be checking his talking points for that one, JG

Click Here

...maybe the 9/11 perps will

...maybe the 9/11 perps will take Jones out as well, especially since we debunked him on his "Los Alamos Past" and Torero is already their 'replacement' to delay or spin the truth on CD.

9/11 truthlings can ignore what i'm saying, but maybe there is someone here in the room to understand where i'm hinting at.

9/11 truthlings latest hope Torero is another insider from NIST and NASA!!

Background of Torero at

...Professor Torero has served as a consultant to numerous organisations around the world and has been an invited researcher at NIST, at the University of Texas at Austin, the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Bremen (ZARM), Germany, the Catholic University of Santiago, Chile, the Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial (INTA), Spain and the Universities of Poitiers, Bourges, Ecole de Mines de Saint Etienne and Aix-Marseille in France. He has lectured and provided training for fire protection engineers and fire investigators worldwide...

...The work José L. Torero conducted for NASA on smoldering polyurethane led to an experiment that flew on board of the Space Shuttle Columbia (USML - 1 mission). His ongoing research project on wall fires, with the European Space Agency, flew on board of a sounding rocket (Mini-Texus-6).

"...blah blah blah blah blah

"...blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

...blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah .

...blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah ."

You don't say Nico... that's really interesting.

NIte all.

NIte all.

Nico, the domain name

Nico, the domain name is still open. I think that would work well for you.

I know that Nico is 'hated'

I know that Nico is 'hated' around here and I don't really buy the no plane theory.

But he has a point regarding this guy. We have to be critical in our thinking and make sure we realize peoples intentions.


What are you talking about regarding Steven Jones

nico has just uncovered some

nico has just uncovered some background on this torero character and you respond with
blah blah blah blah blah blah You don't say Nico... that's really interesting.
way to go. is that the movement that you are all so worried that nico's no-plane research will damage?
and you:
btw, any no-planers out there, I invite you to call 100 nyfd firemen, and nypd policemen, asking for those that witnessed the impacts, and ask them if they saw a plane or not.

lmao. can ya say.... cointelpro

you want to discuss planes/no-planes? you don't know the first thing about any of it even though it's been shoved in your moron faces repeatedly.

who the devil are you to be saying cointelpro? your stupid handle is beyond ridiculous and the mere fact that this movement tolerates this kind of anonymous bullshit is beyond foolish.
attn. movement:
your own movement is what's hurting your movement.
whatever. maybe you can sell movement souvenirs: keychains and coffee-cups.

"and here we have the sole

"and here we have the sole tactic that is available to the gang - to spout those words without providing a single shred of science or investigation at all as if the mere spouting of them is enough."

Mr. ha, you are a delusional. NO ONE has ever refuted the facts, much less you.

You can start here:

Time to put your money where your mouth is.

"What are they hiding?" Mr.

"What are they hiding?"

Mr. Gold, please elaborate on how and why you arrived at the conclusion that they are hiding anything.

Yeah this Torero guy... 3-4

Yeah this Torero guy... 3-4 hours? What a shill! He contradicts himself because he also said he didn't think they would collapse at all. Also check out the links on that BBC page, especially the one with their amazingly inaccurate diagram of the towers' construction... they actually say there was a reinforced concrete column (i.e. a stick of concrete with four steel tubes embedded in it) comprising the entire core of the building:

I can only assume this guy is going to come out with some bogus explanation based on his "research" that will yet again be offered up to the masses. Because he seems to be of Latin origin some people on the movement will say he's a Roman Catholic working for the vatican.

Sorry, but I'm thinking a plausible scenario is this: The plan as far as some knew it was simply to use the war game exercises as cover to "crash a few planes" into the towers, and fake some shit in Pennsylvania and the Pentagon. Maybe or maybe not unbeknowst to the planners of those minimal events, it was decided to go whole hog on the WTC and prepare it to collapse after the plane strikes.

Silverstein, it being his property sort of, must have been in on that part, and very possibly used his connections to the right wing in Israel to obtain the personnel to carry it out. Note the censored fox news report by Carl CAmeron refers to the deported Israelis as including explosive ordinance experts. Hmmm. Hmmmmmm.

SO wait--the Neocons in the Bush administration working with ISRAEL? Yeah, it's a shocker I know. But that's more than likely how it happened, and explains the reluctance of many truthers to even bring up the Israeli connection. Don't be shy folks, this is the real deal and we will fail if we only go halfway.

Keep it real, and keep the faith--we are kicking ass on the streets among the real people. Real Truther out!

"If we are wrong we are just

"If we are wrong we are just a bunch of people talking on the Internet."

That is the wimpiest dodge I've seen yet. Do you always avoid taking resonsibility?

Remember that the next time you claim "9/11 was an inside job." You should state it this way: "I have no evidence but it is fact that 9/11 was an inside job. If I am wrong, I didn't really mean it."

"If anything, you guys

"If anything, you guys should look at it to look for weaknesses in your argument."

I'm afraid they would refuse to read anything on those sites.

"I'll ask again..." Mr.

"I'll ask again..."

Mr. Gold, why did you make the statement in public, "And researchers, true patriots of America have spent the last 4 years, 5 years researching 9/11, and we've pretty much come to the conclusion that 9/11, was in fact, orchestrated by elements of this Government" when you refuse to support that claim?

What are you afraid of, Mr. Gold, that someone might ask you for evidence?

"Mr. Gold, please elaborate

"Mr. Gold, please elaborate on how and why you arrived at the conclusion that they are hiding anything."

I'm dealing with an idiot. No wonder it took you 8 hours to "respond", and by that time, it wasn't even answer.

Mr. Gold, most people have

Mr. Gold, most people have no problem supporting their contentions. I've noticed perusing your other recent posts that you have difficulty in supporting much of anything. You raised the issue, now you're slinking away, probably scared at being confronted.

I will give you another opportunity to support your contention. Please elaborate on how and why you arrived at the conclusion that they are hiding anything. If you can't, then you can gracefully withdraw your question.

All this time has passed and

All this time has passed and Mr. Gold is incapable of responding. It must be hard for him.