We Want the Media to Investigate 9/11

A online demonstration to the sleeping media, add your name to the list.


Thanks to Henk for the submission.

Manganese is mostly used in

Manganese is mostly used in steel making, any steel.
It is often found in steel samples as contamination, from the manufacturing process as are the rest of the compound that Jones's has found.

None of the slides he has shown have any mixture of the compounds as you would expect in a thermate reaction, they all look like trace contaminates.

I could also have come from paint on steel.

Jones is only finding what one would expect to be in steel.

Jones is only finding what

Jones is only finding what one would expect to be in steel.

Which is the problem. Well okay the problem is that he's so ignorant about the subject and obviously incompetent in his research that he doesn't realise that he's only finding what one would expect to find in steel.

If this level of research and knowledge is being displayed by the guy that is being held up as the outstanding and shining example of the 9/11 Truth Movement, what are the rest like?

Someone once asked if Debunkers set out to make the CT's look foolish. I stated it then and I'm restating it now. They don't need our help!


Of course we would have much

Of course we would have much more than steel samples if your bosses weren't so intent on SHIPPING IT ALL OFF TO CHINA TO GET MELTED DOWN ASAP. Nevermind that it was a crime scene and illegal for them to do so.

The cointelpro guys are working overtime it seems. They must be getting pretty damn scared of the Truth movement right about now.

Oh and you should change

Oh and you should change your name to misinfo

Yet another visitor from

Yet another visitor from Reston. Give it up, you're losing this fight...

Hello "info", trying to tell

Hello "info", trying to tell me this, that, and the other thing.......

Hey, Mr. Info: Do YOU know this fancy government would kill you so much as shit on your shoes?

Don't come here to tell us about crime scene investigation, chain of evidence and lab testing.... we're well aware of how much you'd like us to forget such things.

please stop the small talk

please stop the small talk at the moment and call the media while the cspan link exist..


Comments or story idea?


PO Box 693, New York, NY 10013

Call us: (212) 431-9090
Fax us: (212) 431-8858

"Well okay the problem is

"Well okay the problem is that he's [Jones] so ignorant about the subject and obviously incompetent in his research...".
ok, and who said so? Credential please.
Are you aware of Professor Jones bio, you little moron disinfo.

Hey Tono, I just sent in a

Hey Tono, I just sent in a request to Democracy Now, also sent one in to Howard Stern. I managed to get Robin to mention Charlie Sheen a while back.

Also, sent in a bunch to my media contacts last night. Everyone else, please do the same...



Can anybody vouch for the authenticity of the claims made in this video?

Maganese is also found in

Maganese is also found in the powerful oxidizing agent potassium permanganate (KMNO4), which is used to ignite thermite.

It is true manganese is an additive to steel, but steel also contain chromium. Steve Jones said the metal samples had no significant chromium and therefore did not come from the structural steel.

It is true that paints contain manganese. To eliminate the case of contamination from paint I would ask, was the maganese found throughout the iron samples, or only near the surface.

Yet not ONE single

Yet not ONE single structural engineer in the entire United States buys into your goofy conspiracy theories.

Are you aware of Professor

Are you aware of Professor Jones bio,...

Steven Jones is a physics professor. He has no qualifications in the subject at hand as his CV reveals.

Terrence get your facts

Terrence get your facts straight:

Not ONE single structural engineer in the entire U.S???

I guess you haven't been to the Scholars for 9/11 Truth website. Here are some structural engineers in the U.S.:

Ted Muga (AM):

Naval aviator; Commercial pilot; Structural engineering

Michael Lovingier (AM):

Information technology manager , Structural/Environmental Engineering

"Here are some structural

"Here are some structural engineers in the U.S."

Some? Let's see you present their papers on the collapses of the towers, peer-reviewed by any of the many thousands of structural engineers in the world.

What?!!!?? You can't????

Thought not.

In fact, if you check,

In fact, if you check, neither of these guys are actual structural engineers. That's why you clowns are still on the fringes...