Scapegoating Norad

Here's my take on the Washington Post and Vanity Fair articles on Norad.

Spread the word about the "other half of the story".

Paul Thompson to be on Randi

Paul Thompson to be on Randi at 5:30 Eastern.

Sorry, wrong

Don't Forget that David Ray

Don't Forget that David Ray Griffin, in one of his presentations, said he always regarded it as very suspicious that * 3 * different official reasons had been given as to why there was no interception of the hijacked flights. One reason was given right after the attacks, a second shortly later to overcome the shortcomings of the first, while the official report came up with yet a 3rd reason.

And now we will be having a FOURTH????

GW, Nicely done Sir.


Nicely done Sir.

Is it a coincidence that the

Is it a coincidence that the Washington Post article (scapegoating NORAD), and the ABC News/NIghtline pieces (everyone was incompetent) appear immediately after the four CSPAN showings of LA 911 conference?

I think not.

Seems like a fall back position (limited hang out) now that so many know the truth.

It's a desperate ploy to hold onto the dwindling people that believe the official story...

The perps must be getting nervous!

ABC said last night that

ABC said last night that only 4 jets were protecting the entire north east sector..

dz - did you ever consider

dz - did you ever consider changing the format of 9/11 Blogger slightly?

I notice that you post stories in choronological order so that a relatively unimportant story can bump a truly big story.

i was wondering how you would feel about allowing stories (like the Washington Post bombshell) remain at the top for awhile, while lesser stories flow through?

i would hate to see this story getting buried.

John, that is part of the


that is part of the point of the headlines at the top of the page.. i can update those after work..

post what link you are talking about.. i can only see comments (not the site) while im at work..

as for re-design of the site, i am working on it.. and eventually it will support user ratings to keep top rated stories for the week pinned on the front page..

dz: if you need any help


if you need any help with the new site I'd be glad to offer my services.

John, By the way, that's


By the way, that's why I usually post very short links to my essays, so that they don't take up too much space, and others can decide if they are or aren't important.

DHS, I will keep that in


I will keep that in mind.. right now i am working on data conversion of thousands of posts and 50,000+ comments from blogger+haloscan to drupal by way of wordpress.. its super fun :(

do you know PHP, or drupal?

Damage control via

Damage control via scapegoating by the dirty and CFR packed 9/11 C-Omission.

I sense the real crooks are trying to wash their hands (pass the buck)in anticipation of the day when the levy breaks.

GeorgeWashington hits an RBI

GeorgeWashington hits an RBI double down the right field line.

Hats off to you GW! Nicely

Hats off to you GW! Nicely done friend.

Truthout headlines both the

Truthout headlines both the WaPo and VF pieces today... a significant breakthrough does appear to be underway. I don't recall seeing any 9/11 Truth pieces linked there, and William Rivers Pitt has stayed away from the Third Rail at all times.

the question that arises: what, other than the movement's persistence and Truth in and of itself, has prompted this particular moment of MSM coverage?

is there an achilles heel we should be looking out for?

In this thread about the

In this thread about the Washington Post article closed by a moderator on one of the largest forums on internet:
the moderator explained his decison this way: >

Because I dared going further than the Washington Post, copying and pasting these paragraphs:

I believe we should target the biggest forums relentlessly.
To find the largest boards:

If truthout is headlining

If truthout is headlining those it's because they are limited hangout -- the Vanity Fair piece was written by the guy who did United 93. There WAS no shootdown . . .

The WP supported war in Iraq. Incompetence is the best vaccine against 'made it happen.'

Nothing is going to happen

Nothing is going to happen to anyone as long as the present system remains in place. However, should it fall, be reclaimed (unlikely) or transform (yeah, right)then the evidence- like these tapes for example, will be damning enough to put them away.

If any of us was accused with a crime and we later copped to providing false testimony, do you think we could use the excuse "what good would it do to prosecute a nobody like me?"

They do it as a matter of routine- and get away with it.

Today enough evidence has been presented to start handing down indictments starting with the entire 911 commission and a large part of their staffs- simply for offering known false information to be presented to Congress and the American people as fact. Start there, let the rest unravel as it may.

On hand, dressed in business

On hand, dressed in business suits (with the exception of Major General Craig McKinley, whose two stars twinkled on either epaulet), were
From PrisonPlanet's article. None were under oath. How quaint.

Major General Larry Arnold (retired), who had been on the other end of the secure line with NEADS's Colonel Marr throughout the attack, and Colonel Alan Scott (retired), who had been with Arnold at NORAD's continental command in Florida on 9/11 and who worked closely with Marr in preparing the military's time line. None of the military men were placed under oath.

On hand, dressed in business

On hand, dressed in business suits (with the exception of Major General Craig McKinley, whose two stars twinkled on either epaulet), were Major General Larry Arnold (retired), who had been on the other end of the secure line with NEADS's Colonel Marr throughout the attack, and Colonel Alan Scott (retired), who had been with Arnold at NORAD's continental command in Florida on 9/11 and who worked closely with Marr in preparing the military's time line. None of the military men were placed under oath.

My previous post was badly

My previous post was badly formatted by Haloscan! I try again:

In this thread about the Washington Post article closed by a moderator on one of the largest forums on internet:

the moderator explained his decison this way:
"This thread was twisted deliberately to support his tin-foil.
He could have stayed with the top half of his post. He chose to cross the line and now gets what is in door #2.
Anandtech Moderator "

Punished for going further than the Washington Post:
"==This part written by a mod==The following is not in the Washington Post article but a figmant of the OP overworked imagination. He has attempted to merge fact (the Post article) with tin foil theory.

Anandtech Moderator
==End of the part written by an Anandtech mod==

Exactly what many people have been saying all along: the Standard Operating Procedure was not followed on 9/11, NORAD lied and was forced to stand-down by Cheney (who was in control) and Rumsfeld who organized wargames that mobilized many planes that day, and put many virtual hijacked planes on the screens of the FAA to confuse them (NORAD radar screens showed as many as 22 hijacked airliners at the same time).

Dick Cheney was running a completely separate chain of Command & Control via the Secret Service, assuring the paralysis of Air Force response on 9/11. The Secret Service has the technology to see the same radar screens the FAA sees in real time. They also have the legal authority and technological capability to take supreme command in cases of national emergency. Dick Cheney was the acting Commander in Chief on 9/11.

The Air Force was running multiple war games on the morning of 9/11 simulating hijackings over the continental United States that included (at least) one "live-fly" exercise as well as simulations that placed "false blips" on FAA radar screens. These war games eerily mirrored the real events of 9/11 to the point of the Air Force running drills involving hijacked aircraft as the 9/11 plot actually unfolded. The war games & terror drills played a critical role in ensuring no Air Force fighter jocks - who had trained their entire lives for this moment - would be able to prevent the attacks from succeeding. These exercises were under Dick Cheney's management. "

I believe we should target the biggest forums relentlessly.
To find the largest boards:

'Commission Distrusted

'Commission Distrusted Pentagon' story headlined on



(Spread the word)

Did I say WAR GAMES ?



I'm currently doing research

I'm currently doing research on the actions of Kevin Nasypany (they are well featured in the Kean report), so here's my take:

Nasypany was in charge of some of the wargames on 9/11. One of the wargames was Flight 11. Most of the Boston Center controllers were NOT informed about the ongoing exercises, so they reacted as if it was a real hijacking.

Nasypany and his NEADS crew, however, immediately assumed that Flight 11 was part of a wargame (Vigilant Guardian?), the simulated Russian bomber trying to get to Washington, and his task was to prevent the plane from doing this.

But the rules of the wargame included very poor radar conditions for Nasypany. He had to deal with the handicap that he had no radar access to stop Flight 11, the Russian bomber. That's why the response was so belated.

The Otis Fighters and the Langley Fighters were involved in the wargames, too. They were waiting for orders from Nasypany, the handicapped NEADS commander.

Do you think this is wild speculation?

It was not, but as I'm working on the subject right now, I can't provide you with the whole evidence.

For start, just take this nugget:

According to the Vanity Fair article (and the Kean Report), the 8:37:52 call from Boston to NEADS was the first time the military learned of the hijacking of Flight 11. Subsequently, Nasypany ordered the Otis fighter to battle stations.

But we have a little problem here: According to the Kean Report, footnote 17 of Chapter I, the Otis fighter got the order from the Weapons director at 8:37:15.

117. For the distance between Otis Air Force Base and New York City, see William Scott testimony, May 23, 2003. For the order from NEADS to Otis to place F-15s at battle stations, see NEADS audio file,Weapons Director Technician position, channel 14, 8:37:15.

James Fox, the senior Weapons director, got his orders directly from Kevin Nasypany.This means that the Otis fighters were ordered to battle stations BEFORE the 8:37:52 call.

Is it possible that the Otis fighters were sent to the Atlantic Ocean as part of a training mission (i.e. exercise)? Here's an excerpt from the Cape Cod Times:

His team had just loaded dummy missiles onto a couple of jets that were flying a training mission over the Atlantic, and Isch was settling into his office.

A couple of his crew members peeked into his office to describe the strange news from New York they'd just watched on a TV in the health clinic.

Several minutes earlier, Isch had heard the two F-15 jets scrambled just a couple of hundred yards away. But even after turning on CNN in the weapons shop break room, he didn't make the connection.

Woody Box

Now that it's been publicly

Now that it's been publicly established that NORAD had lied to the commission, it gives the people even less reason to believe in the commission report.

>>. Specifically, the good

>>. Specifically, the good and dedicated lower-level military people were confused by the events of 9/11 because 9/11 occurred at the same time as the multiple war games

Great point GW. This should be in boldface. This is how their game plays all over the place - at Abu Graib esp.

GW, thats a great article as

GW, thats a great article as usual.

911 "Conspiracy Theorists" Vindicated: Pentagon deliberately misled Public Opinion by Michel Chossudovsky:

Here's Jack Cafferty's

Here's Jack Cafferty's present question on The Situation Room: "4 p.m.: What does it mean if the 9/11 commission suspected the Pentagon wasn't telling the truth about the day of the attacks?"

Hurry fast! Now is your chance to barrage him with 9/11 Truth statements!

More spin Edited on Wed

More spin
Edited on Wed Aug-02-06 04:54 AM by paulthompson
As the author of the 9/11 Timeline, I find this article very interesting as it probably contains new tidbits of truth, but it obviously is still mostly filled with spin to protect the guilty.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Scapegoating Norad (GW Blogspot)
When the 9/11 Commission was wrapped up, the Federal Aviatiation Agency (FAA) was blamed for failing to quickly relay information of the hijackings to the military.

OPPORTUNITY: 9/11 War Games
Cheney was managing multiple war games and terror drills on 9/11 that paralyzed U.S. Air Force response.

"War Games" by the US military on 9/11
paralysis of air defenses that ensured the success of the attacks? who coordinated these efforts?

NORAD Stand-Down
The Prevention of Interceptions of the Commandeered Planes

How They Get Away With It - by Michael Green
. . . Even disabling NORAD leaves the very pesky problem that the White House and Pentagon are equipped with their own anti-aircraft surface-to-air missile defenses that are adequate to down an approaching Boeing.

do you know PHP, or

do you know PHP, or drupal?
dz | Homepage | 08.02.06 - 1:57 pm | #

i know php, and i'm sure i can grasp drupal very quickly, just like any CMS

I have just joined Daily

I have just joined Daily Kos, but am having difficulty with the server so I can't post yet.
They are twisting themselves into amazing contortions trying to explain why this has happened.

Andrew: I know. They are

Andrew: I know. They are desperate to defend the "incompetence" line.

Remember, the head of Daily Kos said that he interviewed with the CIA and trained for several months with that organization, before he decided to quit and do other things.

I can find the interview if you'd like.

Hey, you can't find nor

Hey, you can't find nor intercept airliners that have been swapped for drones as per Operation Northwoods!

Yes, please GW.

Yes, please GW.

This is like watching

This is like watching election results come in.
You get the good news then the bad, then the so-so, but the overall swing is definitely Truth-wards.

The neo-cons must be beginning to get edgy.

Excellent as usual GW! I

Excellent as usual GW!

I encourage everyone to write straight forward / succinct letters (that cover the same points in GW's essay).to the editors of their local papers, tomorrow, when they either reprint the WP story or write their own summary.

OT: I'm still stunned by the Buzz Flash editorial. Thats what we need more intentially left the gates wide open!!!!!!

Whoops...Buzz flash

This article PROVES there

This article PROVES there were purposefully misleading false blips, decoys and phantom planes, and I DARE SAY do NOT be surprised if some of these commanders come out and say so! This RIGHT HERE, if proven is TREASON!

They are scapegoating NORAD, when it was the fuckers in on 9/11 that confused NORAD, and now they are blaming them?

And whats the deal with Flight 11 not hitting the towers?

this is a half baked attempt

this is a half baked attempt to try to cover their asses---they dont seem to notice that by budging from their 'official storyl' they are forfeiting all of their yoga balance in this

this is weakness on their part

this is probably part of a desperate pr campaign done by unenlightened dumbasses that are fake msm drones themselves

9/11 discussions