The 9/11 Commission: Underfunded, Stonewalled, and Conflicted

Guys, I've been working on a column on 9/11 for a few months now, and it's turning out to be much longer than I originally intended it to be. It's actually nearly book-length now, with over 200 pages completed. My goal is to make it as readable and accessible as possible -- almost a "9/11 Inside Job for Dummies."

Thought I'd share a sample chapter/section with you on the 9/11 Commission. Still needs to be edited down, properly footnoted, and corrected for syntax, but I thought I'd pass it along. Let me know if there's anything I got blatantly wrong, or anything you'd suggesting adding:

Simple stuff...

investigation wasn't [in] the best interest

But I like it so far...

"The truth shall make you free." Why not make the truth free? We live on a priceless blue pearl, awash in a universe of fire and ice. Cut the crap.

Who the heck am I to critique your writing?

I wish I could layout such thoughts so well.

Conflicts of interest

The Conflicts of interest section is particularly sickening. No, change that... down-right disturbing to the bone.


Sibel Edmonds was not hired until after. Her discovery was through translating OLD material.

THANK YOU. I added it to the


I added it to the edit list.

I appreciate it :)

OK someone beat me to that one!

Sibel's case has to be treated carefully since she has to be cryptic because of the gag order, one must be careful not to assert what she may know with too much certainty!

really good stuff up to this point, BTW...

"Among the 'spider-man' skeptics are those who claim that no human can shoot web and stick to walls... They conveniently ignore the fact that he was bitten by a radioactive spider."

Daily Bugle editorial debunking the claims of spider-man deniers

Wrong on Sibel

The section below contains incorrect information. Sibel Edmonds went to work for the FBI as a translator after 9/11, not before. Obviously then she did not claim to have seen anything that said the attacks were going to happen. Her superiors ignored her revelation that some of her fellow translators were mistranslating or otherwise covering up evidence some of which related to 9/11.


Sibel Edmonds, a translator for the FBI, gave nearly four
hours of testimony to the 9/11 Commission. Edmonds
claimed that she, and several other translators, became
aware before 9/11 that the attacks were going to happen,
but was repeatedly told by the FBI to "keep quiet" and not
pursue the lead. Edmonds' testimony never found its way
into the 9/11 Commission Report, and Attorney General
John Ashcroft, citing State's Secret privilege, eventually
served her with a gag order. Furthermore, Ashcroft took the
unprecedented step of re-classifying all documents relating
to Edmonds and her testimony, though they had alrea

"Among the 'spider-man' skeptics are those who claim that no human can shoot web and stick to walls... They conveniently ignore the fact that he was bitten by a radioactive spider."

Daily Bugle editorial debunking the claims of spider-man deniers


Sibel begain working, if I recall correctly, on the 20th.
("Quixotic" was the word of the day at

Nice work, as far as I can say.

"The Commission sought information that could confirm
their pre-conceived conclusions, spun information which
might support their conclusions, and ignored information
that directly refuted their conclusion."

Five years later, We the People have been treated no different.
I'll leave the last paragraph for people to imbibe on their own.

Forgive my hogging the comments so much.... would love to see what others think too.

Absolutely bang-on, Ken!

In fact, what's wrong with the commission and its report is also what's wrong with the NIST report--starts with a conclusion (towers collapsed because planes hit them), asks how it could've happened, provides one seemingly plausible scenario, does not rigorously test it for accuracy, omits every fact that contradicts it, and pawns it off to the public as "definitive, exhaustive, painstakingly detailed" etc...

The media's job is then to stand back and say "oooooo, ahhhhhh!" and not air any criticism of the bogus reports to further strengthen the perception of a consensus that the reports are solid. For people who wonder "are all these people really co-conspirators?" I would say not necessarily in any strict sense, but they see very clearly what is expected of them and either agree with the premise of framing terrorists in order to better fight them, or are too afraid either for their safety or their careers to be the one to go public with their skepticism, since there is no guarantee that once they did, the media would not also bury their story (they knowing full well since they are insiders to begin with.)

I don't blame people for not wanting to know the truth--it is ugly and frightening and leads one to question more than one would like to have to. It helps to have clear articles like this Ken, great work!

"Among the 'spider-man' skeptics are those who claim that no human can shoot web and stick to walls... They conveniently ignore the fact that he was bitten by a radioactive spider."

Daily Bugle editorial debunking the claims of spider-man deniers