THE NATION: The 9/11 Conspiracy Nuts

I was unable to read the entire article posted here so I have no idea if this is an example of sarcasm or what? The article starts off going after David Ray Griffin pretty hard. They actually attack him (and the entire Truth Movement) for (get this) actually having faith in the "efficiency" of the U.S. Military.

They also accuse the "conspiracy theorists" of (hold on to your seat) RACISM because we doubt the capabilities of 19 Arabs to defeat the multi-billion dollar U.S. military defense system, using little more than box cutters.

Are they serious or is this some sort of a joke? I'm sad to say, I honestly cannot tell anymore. You be the judge.

Maybe it's the syphillis talking...

With a name like Cockburn, after all...

He runs the fake-left Counterpunch website (only slightly less fake-left than Z-Net)

They print Paul Craig Roberts' pieces, except those on 9/11. Just put him on the shit list with Chomsky and the others, and stamp IRRELEVANT on his forehead.



"Among the 'spider-man' skeptics are those who claim that no human can shoot web and stick to walls... They conveniently ignore the fact that he was bitten by a radioactive spider."

Daily Bugle editorial debunking the claims of spider-man deniers

fuck The Nation.

fuck The Nation.

I can't be certain but it

I can't be certain but it sure doesn't seem like a joke. Fucking left-gatekeepers. I'm glad I only gave them one year's worth of subscription money (which lapsed many months ago).

I wonder if they think Janeane Garofalo is "nuts" too. She appeared in several of the issues I received in their full page "Look at the quality people who read our magazine!" adverts. I wonder if they are aware of the 9/11 Truth Statement she signed almost two years ago, calling for a new investigation. I also wonder if Ms. Garofalo still reads The Nation.

i know man, im still getting

i know man, im still getting The Nation magazine, but i have yet to pay for it. its gonna be painful paying those bastards off.

If I believed in god I would

If I believed in god I would pray for you.

hahaha, pray for me? why?

hahaha, pray for me? why?

Because you're still getting

Because you're still getting The Nation and, apparently, owe them money. But it was a joke, so the "why" doesn't really matter. :)

yeah, its bullshit because i

yeah, its bullshit because i got a free issue in the mail and didnt read the fine print that said you have to tell them "cancel" after the first issue so as not to get a subscription. underhanded shit.....

That's how they get you. I

That's how they get you. I usually read the fine print but then neglect to follow through on the cancellation.

Anyway, if/when you do try to get out of it, you might throw this text in their face:

The Nation will not be the organ of any party, sect, or body. It will, on the contrary, make an earnest effort to bring to the discussion of political and social questions a really critical spirit, and to wage war upon the vices of violence, exaggeration, and misrepresentation by which so much of the political writing of the day is marred.

It's here, an excerpt from their "founding prospectus."

Don't pay them!

Tell them you expected to get the truth and since their product has not lived up to that basic standard you are under no obligation to pay them a cent. If they want to sue you they'll have to prove that Cockburn is right--good luck!


"Among the 'spider-man' skeptics are those who claim that no human can shoot web and stick to walls... They conveniently ignore the fact that he was bitten by a radioactive spider."

Daily Bugle editorial debunking the claims of spider-man deniers

i probably will try to pull

i probably will try to pull something like that,hahaha.

This is very dissapointing

This is very dissapointing and probably a direct result of the campaign we waged against "gatekeepers" a ways back. they're feeling the pressure. Cockburn, instead of doing the right thing and admitting error, has gone in the opposite direction launched an attack. This is a shame because Counterpunch has excellent articles on a on a wide variety of important issues, updated daily. After this, however, I think a boycott is necessary. People should be encouraged to cancel their subscriptions.

Disappointing indeed. I

Disappointing indeed. I started my subscription to The Nation around the same time I discovered Democracy Now buried in the 4-digit channels on my satellite dish -- before I had ever heard the term "gatekeeper" -- and was getting my first few nudges toward 9/11 truth.

On the other hand, perhaps

On the other hand, perhaps this will open up some much needed dialogue between 911 truth and the left. DRG should respond immediately; he will savage Cockburn with the facts and make him a laughing stock unless he responds.

I'd REALLY like to see the full article; can anyone post it?

Do they really think their readers are that stupid?

Truly, this is a desperate stab at stopping the bleeding, and yeah, that pun was intended. These depraved shills are really so high on their own BS that they don't see what's happening in the real world. It's JUST like the Wizard of Oz when the little old man keeps talking as the Wizard because he can't see that everyone can see him, then says "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"

It is exactly that sad and pathetic to watch these lowlifes in scatter mode--they have no new tricks left--everything they do and say is patently obvious, and we are still gaining momentum. But they are convinced that they are geniuses and that we are all idiots, so they keep at it.

Let's face it--they're fighting for their lives and/or their freedom like true cowards--hysterically and deluded into thinking they can still pull this one out. It's going to be SO frikkin sweet to watch them from here on out!

"Among the 'spider-man' skeptics are those who claim that no human can shoot web and stick to walls... They conveniently ignore the fact that he was bitten by a radioactive spider."

Daily Bugle editorial debunking the claims of spider-man deniers

It's going to be a HARD,

It's going to be a HARD, UGLY, EMBARRASSING, DANGEROUS, FALL for a lot of people.

News editor at The Watchman Report,, delivering 9/11 truth to the Christian community