5 new French translations - 2 authors in Italy on 9/17

Editions Demi Lune is offering 5 new French translations by authors skeptical of the 9/11 official story. Among the authors, Griffin and Tarpley will both be in Italy on September 17th for this conference;

9/11 Global Deceit

Nature and Meaning of September 11th

First Italian International Conference on the events of September 11th, 2001

Bologna, Teatro Arena del Sole

Sunday 17th September 2006

from 14.00 to 23.00

Five years after September 11th 2001, the real criminal nature of the WTC and Pentagon attacks has finally been made clear, as has the culpability of the Bush Administration in orchestrating those dramatic events.

Thanks to dedicated research activities by an increasing number of scholars—Americans and others—the truth concerning the tragedy of New York has definitively surfaced. Staged by the financiers and giant firms behind the American Government, September 11th emerges as a consciously fabricated event concocted on political grounds and aimed at the implementation of a strategic, geopolitical agenda for the realization of a new empire.

This New Pearl Harbor on American soil was devised and clinically executed precisely with this goal in mind. However, the accountability and responsibility of individual officials and political forces can now be demonstrated. The first Italian Conference on September 11th – in Bologna, September 17th 2006, at the Teatro Arena del Sole – promises new revelations and a detailed account as to how and why such crimes were perpetrated by the American political élite and individuals in high office, people who are still dominating our planet.



Introduction by Emanuele Montagna (writer and essayist, member of Faremondo group)



Stage play on September 11th. Stage manager: Gabriele Ciampichetti (member of Faremondo group)


Opening speech by Franco Soldani (essayist, member of Faremondo group) and Roberto Di Marco (essayist and novelist, member of Faremondo group)


The Official 9/11 Conspiracy Theory: Revealing its Lies

Speech by Prof. David Ray Griffin, author of the books The new Pearl Harbor. Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 and The 9/11 Commission Report. Omissions and Distortions


Giulietto Chiesa (Euro-MP, journalist, chairman of Megachip) and Webster Griffin Tarpley (researcher and journalist, author of the book 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in Usa) comment upon D. R. Griffin's speech


Giulietto Chiesa and Webster Griffin Tarpley talk about the nature and meaning of 9/11




Massimo Mazzucco (editor of www.luogocomune.net, producer of the video: 11 settembre 2001. Inganno globale) and Maurizio Blondet (manager of www.effedieffe.com, author of the books 11 Settembre: colpo di stato in USA and Israele, Usa, il terrorismo islamico) introduce the video-conferences.


Video-conference: Prof. Steven E. Jones, physicist at Brigham Young University in Provo (Utah), co-founder of the Scholars for 9/11 Truth Society and author of the essay Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?


The September 11th Attack: a staged event to create anger towards Arabs

Video-conference: Eric Hufschmid, researcher, author of the book Painful Questions. An Analysis of the September 11th Attack, and editor of the video Painful Deceptions.




D. R. Griffin, G. Chiesa, W. G. Tarpley, S. E. Jones, E. Hufschmid, M. Mazzucco, M. Blondet and R. Di Marco debate with the audience.

F. Soldani and E. Montagna moderate the discussion.


There is a live poll on mSNbc abot 911!! Vote and post your comments!!! Let your voice be heard!!

link please.

link please.


did you read the piece?

did you read the piece? Morgan Reynolds did his job. he got the no-plane bullshit into a prominent article on 9/11 truth. way to go no-planers, you probably just turned off hundreds of people to 9/11 truth. i guess your pretty happy now.



yep, so sad

BYU places '9/11 truth' professor on paid leave (Jones)

"Strange times are these in which we live when old and young are taught
in falsehoods school. And the one man that dares to tell the truth is
called at once a lunatic and fool"
-- Plato.

Fred Burks debates Joel Shalit on 9/11 Truth

The producers of The RU Sirius Show bring you 9/11: Considering All the Claims. During this rare, FREE public presentation, you will be able to examine all the issues at one event on Sunday, September 10th, 2006.

The backers of the “shadow government” camp have many issues that they believe were not addressed by the authorities in investigating the attacks; the backers of the “Bin Laden-did-it” camp have questions of their own. Both sides have accused the other of perpetrating wild conspiracy theories and hoaxes upon the public, so we thought we’d provide an open examination and critique of the major points, especially given recent polls that show 42% of Americans suspect the government had a hand in causing the destruction of the Twin Towers.

Joel Schalit, a Managing Editor for Tikkun Magazine, will be representing those who are skeptical about the “conspriracy theories.” Fred Burks, who served as a foreign language interpreter for top officials in many countries, including Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush, will be representing the “pro-conspiracy” view.

The RU Sirius Show is a weekly podcast and internet radio program that explores weird memes and alternative cultures. Show guests have included Dave Eggers, Burning Man leader Larry Harvey, filmmaker Richard Linklater, and Blag Dhalia of the Dwarves.

RU Sirius Show host RU Sirius was the co-publisher and editor-in-chief of the legendary cyberpunk magazine Mondo 2000 in the early 1990s. Since then he has written eight books including “Counterculture Through The Ages” and “Design For Dying” with Timothy Leary.

Sirius will host the panel along with RU Sirius Show co-host Jeff Diehl. Other show cast members include Diana Brown and Steve Robles.

WHAT: 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Debate
WHO: The RU Sirius Show
WHERE: Off-Market Theater, 965 Mission Street (at 5th), San Francisco
WHEN: Sunday, September 10, 2PM
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: steverobles |at| gmail.com

To hear an older interview w/ Fred Burks on 9/11, see: http://radio.indymedia.org/news/2006/02/8445.php

Fred Burks was on the cover of the Wall Street Journal talking about 9/11 MIHOP

Great to see some french

Great to see some french translation.

I want to buy one of those books for my girlfriend (she knows nothing about the 911 truht).
Could you guys suggest me the best one to buy among those books?

for an official story

for an official story believer? i would start off with The New Pearl Harbor and move onto Ommissions and Distortions and Tarpley from there.

that "your government killed

that "your government killed you" ad for DC911truth.org on the left is badass.

Great to see those books

Great to see those books translated, that WingTv "911 on trial" one though can such a d!ck lol!

anybody read this? got a review?

9/11 101 : 101 Key Points that Everyone Should Know and Consider that Prove 9/11 was an Inside Job

9/11: Terrorist Attack. . . or Insider Job? Through 101 key points, author Eric D. Williams exposes fully documented reports and facts that show the absurdity of the official story of 9/11 and reveals that not only did the US Government have prior knowledge of the attacks, they designed and orchestrated it.
