9/11 Initiative



For over 5 years, private citizens have researched 9/11and found overwhelming inconsistencies with the official story of what happened on the day America was attacked. For over 5 years, those citizens have demanded a truly independent investigation of the attack. For over 5 years, Americans have seen investigations which failed to investigate, and have been handed answers which failed to answer. While there are literally hundreds of questions that have been asked, which to date have not been answered, the question that absolutely must be answered is: WAS 9/11 AN INSIDE JOB? That is the only question that will never be answered in the affirmative by inside investigators, appointed by government insiders. A truly independent investigation must be of the people, by the people and for the people. It must be conducted in the full light of day, with nothing hidden, and nothing held back. Secrets are for those who have something to hide!

More after the break...


The ancient Romans asked, "Who will guard us from the guardians?". The answer is the same today as it was long ago, the people must guard themselves from the guardians. A citizens initiative to empower a truly independent investigation of 9/11 is the last line of defense.


New York City is where much of the evidence and most of the witnesses are located. New York City is the site of the greatest devastation from the attack. New York is the designated jurisdiction for 9/11 litigation. New York City's Charter provides for citizen sponsored initiatives.

New York City is where the greatest majority of citizens question the official story of what happened on 9/11 and who was responsible.


A 9/11 investigation initiative should provide for a committee of three of the leading independent 9/11 researchers to guide the direction of the research needed to answer the critical questions related to the attacks of 9/11. The committee must have broad powers to hire experts to analyze data, and to conduct in depth research. The committee must have the power to issue subpoenas, recourse to contempt for failure to comply, the ability to shield witnesses from retaliation, and the power to issue criminal indictments if such is warranted by the evidence. Finally, an independent investigation will require adequate funding to cover the costs associated with conducting such an investigation.


Volunteers and money. We need volunteers to collect signatures of New York City voters. The initiative must be drafted and necessary paperwork filed. We need funding to support their efforts. We need a committee made up of the credible researchers who have for years dedicated themselves to knowing the truth and making it available to those who would follow in their footsteps.

It's time for the 9/11 Truth Movement to take the next step by acting on the information that has been so painstakingly collected and distributed over the past 5 years. When I find myself saying, "Someone should do something.", I have to stop and say, "I'm someone what can I do?". This site is my answer to that question.

So, now I'll ask, "What can you do?". Please visit the contact page and respond by email to pledge support to the various areas needed to make this project a success.


O'Reilly, Colbert to trade appearances

O'Reilly, Colbert to trade appearances tonight
“it is possible to fool all the people all the time—when government and press cooperate.” George Seldes - "legendary investigative reporter"

Let go of the facts that rely on a technical detail....

I have found the most success in presenting evidence which directly implies moles within the U.S. gov't. We must tell facts which imply a political decision as to who did it. Telling people about warnings still supports the idea that Al Qaeda is an independant entity which is capable of carrying out attacks on the scale of 9/11. It just comes out as Bush or Condi simply failed. There is such basic direct evidence to prove that there HAD to be moles involved in the attack. More people are open to the following facts than ever before

****The "Angel is Next" threats placed to Bush on the day of 9/11. The threat came through a phone which requires top secret codes to access, and the threat was spoken in a series of secret code words that are CHANGED DAILY across a multitude of intelligence agencies. By the way "bush knew" is therefore a red herring and simply NOT TRUE. He was running around like a scarred puppy after these threats. This got confirmed in the New York Times, and by Condi, Cheney, Clarke, Bob Woodward and others. HAD TO BE A MOLE

****Drills!!! No chance of a coincidence! This one is always an eye opener.

****DAN RATHER'S report of Osama's whereabouts on Sept. 10th. Osama checked into a Pakistani Military Hospital in Rawalpindi on THE DAY BEFORE THE ATTACKS! This hospital is filled with Pakistani Intelligence officers who could have arrested Bin Laden..He was already wanted..and not to mention the U.S. Intelligence agencies regular contact with the hospital.


Don't get caught in evidence that relies on a minute detail and leaves people wondering......Americans are ready for MIHOP!!

By the way, for the team of leading researchers, we cannot be without Webster Tarpley and Michel Chossudovsky. These two can present 9/11 in it's true historical context and in a global framework. They are the two who are always ready with references and they present in a reserved manner. They also don't get caught up in the physics and the skeptical areas (which are important, but not the MOST important for direct implication of guilt).

"It is not our purpose to

"It is not our purpose to assign blame (for the attacks)."

from 911 Commission Report, Introduction -page 2

There has never been an investigation of 9/11 which did not conclude, before it even began, the Official Story convicting Osama bin Laden and absolving the Administration and the military of complicity of anything worse than "intelligence failures." Furthermore, despite a near-complete corporate media blackout on the wealth of evidence indicating that the 9/11 attacks were caused or knowingly permitted to happen, 84% of the U.S. public (CBS/NY Times poll 10/06) remains unconvinced by the "Official Story," and agrees that the President and others caused or allowed the attacks to happen. It is time to come forth because the present United States Government has failed to make a single indictment. It's time to investigate, arrest and prosecute the people responsible for the murders on 9/11/01,

2 breeds of 911 truthers!

cool post kdub,and but wait...

there are many of the other kind of truthers who look to the unchanging and immutable laws of nature to see the light, lets work together!

Dont forget about the scientists! Many non-truthers are thoughtful and intelligent enough to grasp the fact that the towers fell too fast, with too much dust. Too much Molten metal, too much heat 7 weeks later....mother nature dont lie!


Sometimes people just need reminding or brushing up a little on high school physics. Thats how I "enlightened" my dad.

But sadly yes, there are many who just dont grasp the laws of motion and gravity and thermodynamics...(do I sound smart?)... and must be "approached" with other very important facts.

9/11 truth has two very sharp edges!

Good post, but remember, there shouldn't have been ANY molten

metal under the WTC as airplane/building fires could never be hot enough to produce this.

Also, everyone needs to take a look at the pre-collapse photos of the Pentagon. There is only a 16-foot initial impact hole there. A Boeing 757 is huge; it can NOT fit through a 16' hole!!! It has a 125' foot wingspan for Christ's sake!!! This is definite proof that Flight 77 did NOT hit the Pentagon!!! Wake up!

yes I did type "too much molten metal"

yup I made a boo boo,

I would edit my post to read just< molten metal>period.

but the edit button is absent on my screen today for some reason.

Once someone replys to your

Once someone replys to your post, you can't edit it. At least that SHOULD be the reason you don't see the edit feature...

Impeachment. Accountability. A better world.

respect yohnzeye

You are right that we have to work together. We must apply different facts to different situations. I think the ideas I have discussed are good for say..new's footage. We don't want the physics argument to force Dylan Avery to debate Popular Mechanics. Cause Avery can unfortunately be brushed off with the logical fallacy of appealing to an unqualified authority. Even though Pop Mechanics has proven themselves VERY unqualified. I guess i just want to distinguish between 9/11 truth shop talk, and what we have to do with press time. As far as communicating with individuals, go with what you know well. Peace to all the good people posting on this site.

on Fox News right now:

9/11 Victims:Is America Going Soft?(in regards to dems repealing much of the anti-constitution-"anti-terror" laws like domestic spying)

Fox has a couple of 9/11 victims calling for more fascism right now.

Show "We already had a 9/11 investigation" by Philip Zelikow (not verified)


i'm presuming this is satire and laughing appropriately.
[if it's not, you could've fooled me.]
Fascism Lite - Now with 75% less mass murder and 25% more public appeal!

It's Philip "Big Red Shoes" Zelikow

Don't worry about him... he's just a clown.

But I happen to agree... no need to waist any more tax payer money... millions of people have already volunteered hundreds of thousands of hours, sacrificed paying wages to investigate on their own... lost homes, broken families and loves, gone with much less food, started smoking... rearranged huge parts of their lives and future... to do the work we've been expecting from government all along (since they've already taken all that money)...

So I'm not holding my breath... that this government will soon turn on its heels and earn its keep again... before We the People rip their ivory tower down with our bare hands, and rebuild our culture for ourselves and try yet once again.

(so long as Dick-n-the-Bush can be kept away from the fancy buttons.)

Time to spend the money wisely, and make up for what got wasted

The only money that was wasted was on the bi-partisan tissue of lies that is the "9/11 commission report." Kean has admitted to perjury. No discussions of drills or moles! We owe it to the American people, who's money already got wasted on people like Phillip Zelikow to have a REAL INVESTIGATION which explores every event of the day, and truly explains who is responsible. Since the FBI admits to not having any evidence to connect Osama to the 9/11, NONE OF US DO. The commission only begs the question and give no evidence to support itself. The public record refutes the commission on almost every front.


If you saw evidence of over 1000% increase in Put Options on the Airline Stocks just before 9/11,
reports of an Isreal Company "Odigo" who's employees recieved a warning via instant messege
before the planes hit the towers, along with a Janitor who has been touring the world
telling of bombs in the structure that were going off (he was there), along with countless
main stream news reports reporting "secondary devices in the structures", would'nt you say
that's plenty of common sense evidence to re-open the investigation?

Seems like people are willfully ignorant....

Not Necessarily Ignorant

The reports of secondary explosions and William Rodriguez are important but still leave people wondering, especially if people are not familiar with controlled demolitions. And as far as the put options and the Odigo warnings, these still imply that the attacks were done by Al Qaeda, from a cave...there was just forknowledge...no gov't folks implied......

Follow the Money

The evidence is so plain, the truth is deliberately being buried, the crash sites alone are enough
to re-open the investigation, following the money as well will lead to the truth.

When 9/11 does blow wide open, many people will be astonished they under estimated there
understanding of our military protection / power and believed such a fairy tale of a story.

"It is not our purpose to

"It is not our purpose to assign blame (for the attacks)."
from 911 Commission Report, Introduction

There has never been an investigation of 9/11 which did not conclude, before it even began, the Official Story convicting Osama bin Laden and absolving the Administration and the military of complicity of anything worse than "intelligence failures." Furthermore, despite a near-complete corporate media blackout on the wealth of evidence indicating that the 9/11 attacks were caused or knowingly permitted to happen, 84% of the U.S. public (CBS/NY Times poll 10/06) remains unconvinced by the "Official Story," and agrees that the President and others caused or allowed the attacks to happen. It is time to come forth because the present United States Government has failed to make a single indictment. It's time to investigate, arrest and prosecute the people responsible for the murders on 9/11/01,

Constellation Energy

This freaked me out. Charles Schattuck, a protege of Buzzy Krongard, left Duetsch Bank, one of the institutions responsible for shorting the airline stocks, on September 12, 2001 to become CEO of Constellation Energy in Baltimore. Formerly, BG&E, Constellation is one the nations largest operators of nuclear power plants and had a seat at the secret Cheney energy task force where they lobbied and received fast track for renewing permits for their aging power plants. Relicensing allowed them to ammortorize the facilities beyond their projected lifecycles and allow them to report larger profits and then the stock goes up and all the little CIA weazles make money.

Nevermind that they don't give a crap about the safety of these plants. Like BP letting the Alaskan pipeline rot although with much more dire consequences.

9/11 Truth is so important!

the crime of the century

The whole thing was a big CRIME, among the largest in history. Then why weren't all the best of the best CRIME experts that money can buy hired to investigate it? Private Investigators, senior FBI investigators, crime scene experts, forensic experts?
- all that was not done because of the all-new "classification" of this crime as "terrorism". And when it's "terrorism" for the Bush administration and not "crime", then it has to be secret trials behind closed doors (making any verdict unverifiable), indefinite detention without evidence (Gitmo), convictions based on hot air alone (Moussaoui), then you have to ask the White House and CIA for instructions. And it would even work to find the criminals, unless the White House and CIA are the criminals...

Dear mr. Phillup Zelikow

Yes sir we really need another investigation. There are millions of americans who would appreciate a little bit of our(illegally collected) income tax back, to conduct a study of the collapse, after the towers began to fall.(since NIST did not finish their work).

I myself would like a grant of several thousand dollars(pocket change) to conduct an experiment with fire rated office furnishings,kerosene and some massive steel girders.(I wanna see how hot I can get em with a 15min raging fire)

P.S. give us what we want or everyone in the United states will stop paying the income tax. (some have already started I see)!!!

Show "Your desperation will not save you. Quit the bullshit." by Anonymous (not verified)

Your desperation will not save you. Quit the bullshit.

Quit the bullshit. You all have been claiming the 9/11 attacks were carried out by OBL and 19 of his henchman for five years knowing full well you have no evidence to back you up. Lying to Americans, defaming the victims' families who question you, and weaseling out of any responsibility to back up your claims.

Americans are sick and tired of you dimwits and your nonsense.

sorry casseia!

I voted down your post by accident!

didnt read it carefully... at first!

good post!

You still can voting it up...

just hit the up arrow.

How do you explain the dan rather report in my post above??

How do you explain the dan rather report in my post above?? Or my other facts??? And swearing and ad hominem only discredit you.

My Ronnie--*sigh* Either

My Ronnie--*sigh*

Either he's a bad actor or they clone them somewhere...


If you can pull this off this may be our best hope