A new article by Cheney biographer Stephen Hayes distorts the meaning of the Mineta Testimony

A new article by Cheney biographer Stephen Hayes distorts the meaning of the Mineta Testimony

The Cheney Imperative


A little more than an hour later, Mr. Cheney was seated below the presidential seal at a long conference table in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center, better known as the bunker. When an aide told Mr. Cheney that another passenger airplane was rapidly approaching the White House, the vice president gave the order to shoot it down. The young man was so surprised at Mr. Cheney's immediate response that he asked again. Mr. Cheney reiterated the order. Thinking that Mr. Cheney must have misunderstood the question, the military aide asked him a third time.

The vice president responded evenly. "I said yes."

These early moments and all that followed from them will define Mr. Cheney's vice presidency. He was aggressive in those first moments of the war on terror and has been ever since.

Hayes “take” on this event is rather interesting and could be interpreted in multiple and unflattering ways—one of which is high treason “defining” Mr. Cheney’s presidency.

What is not clear however, is whether or not Mr. Hayes got this story directly from Dick Cheney—which is possible, since he is a biographer of the infamous Vice President, or from Norman Mineta. It is worth contacting Hayes (without mentioning Mineta) to find out where he got this story from. This could be a big find if the vice president himself confirms the Mineta Testimony.

Here is how Mineta described this event:

During the time that the airplane was coming in to the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President, "The plane is 50 miles out." "The plane is 30 miles out." And when it got down to "the plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to the Vice President, "Do the orders still stand?" And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?"

David Ray Griffin explains the significance of the Mineta Testimony:

This testimony by Mineta was a big threat not only because it indicated that there was knowledge of the approaching aircraft at least 12 minutes before the Pentagon was struck, but also because it implied that Cheney had issued stand-down orders. Mineta himself did not suggest that, to be sure. He assumed, he said, that “the orders” mentioned by the young man were orders to have the plane shot down. Mineta's interpretation, however, does not fit with what actually happened: The aircraft was not shot down. That interpretation, moreover, would make the story unintelligible: If the orders had been to shoot down the aircraft if it got close to the Pentagon, the young man would have had no reason to ask if the orders still stood. His question makes sense only if the orders were to do something unexpected---not to shoot down the aircraft. The implication of Mineta's story is, therefore, that the attack on the Pentagon was desired.

Stephen F. Hayes on Wikipedia:


Stephen F. Hayes is a columnist for The Weekly Standard, a prominent American Neoconservative magazine. Hayes has been selected as the official biographer for Vice President Richard Cheney.

Hayes authored a book on this subject entitled: The Connection: How al Qaeda's Collaboration with Saddam Hussein has Endangered America

The title of this book fully demolishes the credibility of Mr. Hayes. Al Qaeda's involvement with Iraq was debunked by even George Bush of all people.

Hayes is a propaganda-agent ..

The second tower was hit at 9:03 A.M
This "article" claims as fact that Cheney did not arrive to the bunker until "A little more than an hour later" .
Norman Minetas testimony ( and other accounts ) places Cheney in the bunker at 9:25 AM in contradiction to
Cheney's own changing accounts of his whereabouts.

Pentagon was hit at 9:37 AM
so in Cheney's new account they are not even talking about the same plane. Or maybe they mean that white 747 ?
They really know how to make peoples heads spin, don't they ?

"Listen carefully now : DO NOT DESTROY OIL-WELLS" Dubya

that was the whole point, to

that was the whole point, to distort reality and cover his ass. Cheney signed off on every last thing that was in the Hayes book. why do you think theres that little section detailing how Cheney and one of his chief advisors both said it looked like the towers were "blown up"? cover your ass.........

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

this was the purpose of the Hayes book:

the heat is rising and the criminals are starting to come up with creative ways of covering their asses:

Bush Administration Official Thought WTC Towers Were "Charged"
Cheney was "surprised" that buildings collapsed, his counsel David Addington thought they were imploded, according to official biography

A senior Bush administration official's first reaction to seeing the twin towers collapse on 9/11 was that the buildings had been deliberately imploded with explosive charges according to an account in Dick Cheney's new official biography, which also reveals that Cheney thought Flight 93 had been shot down after hearing of its demise in Pennsylvania.

Cheney: The Untold Story of America's Most Powerful and Controversial Vice President , by Stephen F. Hayes, is the VP's new official biography and segments from the book featured on the Neo-Con Weekly Standard website today.

Some are already claiming that the long passage about Cheney's activities on 9/11, which was also reprinted at Yahoo's website today, is nothing more than a cover story to absolve Cheney of the suspicion that he played a key role in facilitating the attack itself.


"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

According to Hayes...

Then, a second plane appeared on the right-hand side of the screen, banked slightly to the left, and plunged into the South Tower. "Did you see that?" Mr. Cheney asked his aide.

A little more than an hour later, Mr. Cheney was seated below the presidential seal at a long conference table in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center, better known as the bunker. When an aide told Mr. Cheney that another passenger airplane was rapidly approaching the White House, the vice president gave the order to shoot it down. The young man was so surprised at Mr. Cheney's immediate response that he asked again. Mr. Cheney reiterated the order. Thinking that Mr. Cheney must have misunderstood the question, the military aide asked him a third time.

The second tower was hit at 9:03.

So according to Hayes, Cheney gave a shoot down order sometime after 10am. He has re-written history to coincide more with the 9:58 time of Cheney's arrival that the 9/11 Report gave than Mineta's testimony of 9:20.

And... according to Vanity Fair's piece:

Cheney echoed, "The significance of saying to a pilot that you are authorized to shoot down a plane full of Americans is, a, you know, it's an order that had never been given before." And it wasn't on 9/11, either.


10:10:31 NASYPANY (to floor): Negative. Negative clearance to shoot.…Goddammit!…FOX: I'm not really worried about code words at this point. NASYPANY: Fuck the code words. That's perishable information. Negative clearance to fire. ID. Type. Tail.

So, a little past the crash of Flight 93, there still wasn't a shoot down order, and if Mineta's testimony is accurate (which seems to be the case), then Cheney was giving orders at around 9:20, but what kind of orders were they if not shoot down orders?

Edit: Why would someone vote this down? Did I get something wrong?

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Somebody had to re-write history

Because what really happened was so bad.

And what better person to do it than your 'official' biographer.

What a joke. (I hope people start calling the author on that during his book tour)

He was on The Daily Show, and Jon Stewart beat up on him some, but not near enough. (Jon needs to grow a pair)

Cheney made one grand error: The victor gets to write history, and he mistakenly still thinks that he has won.

Senior 9/11 Bureau Chief, Analyst, Correspondent, Principle Investigator, Forensic 9/11ologist


Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny. — Robert Heinlein