Alaska - 9/11/07 Truth Action

My brother, also known as videohoax, his girlfriend Laurie and I couldn't sit back on the anniversary of 9/11. Even though we are on vacation here in Alaska, we had to take action in the streets. Along with putting up signs all over Fairbanks, we went to the University of Alaska armed with DVDs, fliers and signs to talk to students and teachers about 9/11 truth. We opened a lot of minds and exposed the population here to our movement (I think maybe it was a first). Got very few negative reactions and for the most part people seemed interested in the information. The highlight of the day was a teacher thanking us for what we were doing and asking if she could join or donate to the organization. On a side note, people up here are extremely aware politically. We have been seeing a plethora of Ron Paul bumper stickers and signs! Keep up the great work everyone!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Good Job

Keep up the good work Abby, your a real truth warrior. Spread the word far and wide.

You Patriots are awesome. I

You Patriots are awesome. I can't wait to show my family your photos later today. Is their a WeAreChange group in Fairbanks? It's a great way to get other informed citizens in your area out of the house to support the cause of American Truth & Justice.

'Bout time we hear from AK

Great to see that AK is on board. Keep it up!!!

Coming from a born and bred Alaskan. ;)


You're tougher than me. 59

You're tougher than me.

59 degrees and no jacket. I couldn't do it.

Keep up the good work.

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