WeAreChange First Responders Money Bomb - Feb. 16, 2008

WeAreCHANGE along with the FealGoodFoundation will be doing a live video broadcast on Saturday February 16th 2008. We are doing this to promote the money bomb happening on February 16th.

Tune in to www.wearechange.org to see the live Doo-Wop Valentine Show taking place in NYC.

Doo-Wop Valentine Dinner Show 02/16/2007 Saturday

February 16, 2008
8:00pm - 11:30pm

So tell your friends and family to tune in and donate whatever you can and be apart of the money bomb, where we will raise as much money as we can to help our 911 hero's.

If you are in the NYC area please feel free to come out and buy a ticket to this event. More info can be viewed here.

Message from John Feal;

9/11 and it's aftermath has left such a horrible catastrophic trail of human turmoil on yesterday's heroes, one can not comprehend how anyone can afford to survive with mounting medical,prescription,and doctor bills. Let alone the cost of living, utility, rent, mortgage, food, etc..............these brave souls can not even afford gas to go to their doctor appointments. It is our responsibility as Americans to help and assist these heroes at any cost while our federal government sits idle and turns it back on these heroic men and woman.For example just today a 9/11 responder dying of leukemia was told his prescription is $28,000 for just 2 weeks of pills. This is simply amazing, because frankly that is more them most working people make in a single year. With the health care system broken with creed and corruption, it is that much harder for 9/11 responders, those that worked on the pile,around the pile and civilians of Manhattan to get proper medical treatment and benefits they deserved and earned. If we leave behind conflict, and travel towards solutions then so many of these wonderful people would be helped. So many presidential candidates talk about change, well my fellow Americans I am sick to my stomach hearing about their change, because real change comes from the hard working, everyday American like all of you, who make change everyday. So you see change starts at the bottom and works it way up to these full of political rhetoric, hot air clowns who say they stand for change. Lets show Washington together that it us, and has been us for the last 6.5 years that are helping and caring about 9/11 responders. As a team we can help assist in paying some medical bills,some prescription bills,and lets give these heroes so pride and dignity that was taken from them when their government let them down on every level.

God bless
John Feal
founder & president of the FGF

WeAreCHANGE interviews John Feal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C3WxqB7Ju8

WeAreChange Interviews 1st Responder Greg Quibell


An interview with Jim LaPenna, 9/11 First Responder

An Interview with 9/11 Victim's Family Member Michele Little

RIP James Zadroga
WeAreCHANGE would like to pay our respects to fallen 911 hero and 911 1st responder James Zadroga, February 16th would have been James Zadroga's birthday ironically it is also the date of our money bomb and John Feal's fundraiser Doo-Wop Valentine Show. Please help our 911 hero's and remember there sacrifice to our country. Zadroga was a hero.


Made my donation. Not much, but all I can afford.

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Excellent Idea

Time to get out the old check book. I can't think of a better way to spend my money. It breaks my heart when I think our own government caused all this misery yet won't even fess up when it comes to paying the bills and helping the victims of a tragedy they created. I live to see the day these bastards hang..