We Think

Without the Internet, the 9/11 Peace Movement would not be changing the world the way it is today. This is a great video illustrating how powerful and valuable the web really is and, consequently, how vital its neutrality is to mass-innovation.

Few thoughts...

I like the video and the message.

Rights are derived from private property (your body). Essentially, we are our private property and what we share is an extension of that.

Republic > Democracy

"USA is a constitutional republic not democracy. We are not governed by the majority of the people but by the rule of law. The rule of law protects the minority and weak from the tyranny of the majority. We all have inalienable rights that cannot be voted away by a majority of voters. If the majority of the people want security and is willing to sacrifice liberty, the government still cannot infringe on the rights of the majority nor minority. Democracies are mob rule.

Democracy: 2 wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner.

Republic: 2 hungry wolves looking for dinner and finding a well-informed and well-armed sheep."

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Many hands make light work!
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