Jesse Ventura Debates 9/11 with Opie and Anthony

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Governor Jesse Ventura On Hannity & Colmes 4-8-08

Yabba Dabba Doo!



The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it


Thanks. I was looking for the rest of the links.

Looks like Former Gov. Ventura is playing for keeps.


The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Jesse kicks ass!!!

Jesse kicks ass!!!

LOL- "The jet engine


"The jet engine detached from the plane and went down the elevator shaft to melted the steel in the basement."

I literally fell of my chair when I heard that- who needs laser guided 'bunker buster' missiles- you could just drop a jet engine.

I made a blog entry with

I made a blog entry with this last night....and yet again, it doesn't show up.... gggrrrrrrr

It is difficult to debate with shills & blithering idiots like

Opie & Anthony. All they do is play endless devil's advocate.

Jesse rocks!

Consider mass emailing truth messages. More info here:

I was on O&A...

Before it was cool.

Why isn't Dick Cheney in prison?

jesse ventura/ ae911truth

I think Jesse needs to mention the hundreds of architects and engineers who are demanding a new, independent investigation and refer people to ae911truth and partiotsquestion9/11. He might also mention the recently (finally) released testimony of first responders who described explosions going off in all three buildings. Also the traces of thermate, and peer reviewed studies. He could explain there was access from the elevators to the core of the building. Jesse could site the lies we were told about the deaths of Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch as an example of myths created by our own government. Most importantly he needs to encourage the public to do their own research into false flag terrorism and 9/11 truth .....and not take what we are fed through the corporate media or what he says as fact.

EXcellent. Thanks for the

EXcellent. Thanks for the post. Opie and Anthony are oh so typical of why it's taken so long to get to this point.