We Deserve Better

If it's one thing I learned making this film, it is that we are doing the right thing.

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Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?


Thank you so much for this stirring reminder of those we've lost, and of what we are fighting for. I have recently been wondering about the people who were killed that day, wishing I could see their faces again, just to keep myself in touch with the reality of all this. And then this comes along.

I work in downtown Manhattan, and these look like the people I walk among every day I'm there. From every walk of life, race, creed and ethnicity. Indeed THE WORLD deserves better than the lies we've been given.

I suppose that, theoretically, we could add to their faces all those killed since in Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere, as the 9/11 death toll continues to mount. By some estimates, we are well past one million by now.

Thank you deeply once again. And that goes to everyone working on behalf of 9/11 truth!

Love, Peace and Justice.



397 victims of 9/11 were used in the making of this film. Just the tip of the iceberg. Something else that caused me to cry while making this film. Thank you for your kind words.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

Screaming For Justice

These peoples' souls are screaming louder than the sound of a thousand jet engines, louder than a thermonuclear blast, louder than volcanic explosions
for Truth, for Justice, for things to be set on a course of healing. Now.

Thank you Jon for reminding us why we fight for Truth.

This piece really brings it home, to my heart.

People need to be more descriptive in their posts

I don't have time to click on every single video that is posted.

At least give a minimal description so I can decide if it is worth my time. (many of them are not)