American Intelligence turns brilliant young MIT graduate into mental vegetable.

(EDIT: the original NPR title for this piece is "Pakistani Woman's Arrest Prompts Questions". And it certainly does. - rep.)

American Intelligence turns brilliant young MIT graduate into mental vegetable.

Until last month, Aafia Siddiqui had been the most wanted woman in the world.

The FBI accused her of being an al-Qaida operative, a fixer for the terrorist organization in the U.S. Now she sits in a prison in New York at the center of a mystery about what she has been doing — and where she has been — for the past five years.


Whitfield Sharp says her client is tremendously confused. She has lost track of time. She doesn't know how long she has been gone. She is very passive. She is "like a person who has been excessively institutionalized," she said.

I truly hope this woman has not been physically or mentally

tortured to act as some sort of Manchurian Candidate or patsy! That had apparently been done to others, like Zacarias Moussaoui & Jose Padilla, who were then given "show trials" where they behaved like al Qaeda lunatics!

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