Court: Passengers can challenge no-fly list

Court: Passengers can challenge no-fly list

Bob Egelko, Chronicle Staff Writer
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Critics of the government's secret no-fly list scored a potentially important victory Monday when a federal appeals court ruled that would-be passengers can ask a judge and jury to decide whether their inclusion on the list violates their rights.

The ruling is apparently the first to allow a challenge to the no-fly list to proceed in a federal trial court, said the plaintiff's lawyer, Marwa Elzankaly.

The decision would allow individuals to demand information from the government, present evidence on why they should not have been on the list, and take the case to a jury, Elzankaly said.

The ruling means that "someone who finds it's likely that their name has been placed on a government watch list will get their day in court," Elzankaly said.

The Transportation Security Administration, which maintains the no-fly list, had no comment on the case, said Nico Melendez, an agency spokesman in Los Angeles...


It's painful.......

......and a pathetic reminder of how our liberties have been stripped away. The judges should also send the bill for court costs to either Crawford or Kennebunk. While I am grateful that many have taken on the mantle of helping restore our rights, both the Legislative and Judicial branches should be ashamed that they allowed this to happen in the first place. If I had my way, GWB would need a judge's approval to ride his bicycle --- on his own property -- and have to prove that he's not a menace to society. Who's he going to call as a character witness, Cheney?