Excerpts from 'Zeitgeist Addendum' on KPFK Monday afternoon


Traditional slavery requires the slave owner to feed and house the slaves.
Debt slavery requires the slaves to feed and house themselves. Are you a

The brand new film, Zeitgeist: Addendum offers the hypothesis that the
failure of our world to resolve the issue of war, poverty, and corruption,
rests within a gross ignorance about what guides human behavior to begin
with. This film takes a critical look at our entire monetary system,
addressing the true source of the instability in our society, while
offering long term solutions. Produced by Peter Joseph and featuring
Economic Hitman John Perkins, this work was created as an expression to
inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical
perspective and to understand that very often things are not what the
population at large thinks they are.

Tune in to KPFK 90.7FM Los Angeles (heard globally at http://www.kpfk.org)
on Monday October 6th at 4PM PT to hear excerpts from Zeitgeist: Addendum
during KPFK's Fall Fundrive. KPFK is a non commerical, community
sponsored radio station that survives by way of receiving donations. It is
truly radio powered by the people, for the people.

Show "Ok so this takes a dump on" by Dem Bruce Lee Styles

I watched this film and think it was solid and truthful.

No one is totally congruent with the beliefs of anyone else or even their own beliefs. I strongly admire David Ray Griffin and think he is right about a high percentage of his assessments of 911, yet I am not religious. I agree with many of the principles that are attributed to Jesus, but don't buy the stories or the magic. I like the fact that Ron Paul takes on the status quo and exposes the Federal Reserve even though he is Christian and a staunch libertarian, which I don't totally agree with. Every piece of advertising you hear or see could be construed as mind control. Most films you see could also be construed as mind control. They cause emotional responses and many times can change one's perspective. Discernment is necessary to filter out those things you don't agree with. Do your own research and throw out the things you don't agree with or that you can prove to be inaccurate. The old saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water" could be applied here. Most of the futurist solutions that are presented in the film are still in the embryonic stage and could have unforeseen obstacles. These solutions will likely not benefit me in this lifetime, but may come to fruition for the young and for future inhabitants of the planet. Still, I felt a sense of hope after viewing the film. I like the directives given as actions we can take now to counter the current fascist dominance. I still find myself in some situations patronizing the evil companies. I currently use ATT and Verizon, yet I despise what they stand for and think they should answer for the illegal spying they did and do on Americans. I would bet that some Truthers still shop at Walmart. This doesn't mean that they are not on the team. It just means that no one can be totally congruent. Sometimes it comes down to meeting your needs. In Maslow's hierarchy, food and shelter are the most primary. Self-actualization is the highest level and can only happen when those lower needs are at least minimally satisfied. I am a vegetarian because I don't agree with killing, caging or eating animals, yet still have a leather belt. We are all hypocrites to some extent, yet we strive for congruence. It is the journey, not the destination.

I agree, it's manipulative.....

...which makes it suspicious. I've had people tell me they fear it's disinfo, but I'm not a disinfo expert. It certainly promotes it's own version of a technology-based "New World Order" and relies on only one scientist, Jacque Fresco and his Florida-based Venus Projected, to support and defend the technology-based perspective. This is a far cry from a thorough documentary.

And for the record, I have always held out a little suspicion for the original Zeigeist, because for some reason, Peter Joseph, its creator, narrates parts one and three, but chooses not to do any narration in part two -- the 9/11 section. As a former cable TV producer, I find this odd, to say the least. Continuity is a fundamental component of documentary production, and it is certainly exhibited in parts one and three, so Mr. Joseph definitely understands its importance and executes it well. So why the inconsistency in part two? Curious minds want to know..

Jacque Fresco and his Florida-based Venus Project

I think Fresco borrows heavily from Buckminster Fuller.

3.1 What is the Design Science Revolution?

The ``Design Science Revolution'' references Fuller's program of applying the principles of science to solving the problems of humanity in an aggressive, anticipatory and comprehensive manner. The principle of ephemeralization shows we can accomplish more and more functionality with less and less energy, material and time investment, ``we are now able to do so much with so little that we can provide for the basic needs of 100% of humanity without disadvantaging anyone.'' In contradistinction his ``archenemy,'' Obnoxico Inc., which trys to make money out of thin air (or rocks) with little or no appreciable benefit to humankind. Fuller suggests that by taking the design principles of Universe (as described in Synergetics and elsewhere) and our consciously developed values, we can emerge from the present-day ``dark ages'' and prosper like never before in history.


Ignorance is not strength...

While I have deep respect for David Ray Griffin, Alex Jones and Ron Paul, it seems clear to me that both Islam and Christianity are critical to the 9/11 myth. 9/11 launched nothing less than a modern crusade, a major facet of the so-called "war on terror" is actually a war on Islam.

Religions embed faith-based, unquestioning, reality-denying, non-rational patterns of thought in societies (e.g. "the emperor has no clothes" tale) and promote the mass following of explicitly symbolic figure-heads (e.g. "the piped piper" tale). These are not features of any kind of a democracy but rather are exactly what enables the conspirators to ultimately get away with treason like 9/11.

Yeah, but there's more.....

"Religions embed faith-based, unquestioning, reality-denying, non-rational patterns of thought in societies (e.g. "the emperor has no clothes" tale) and promote the mass following of explicitly symbolic figure-heads (e.g. "the piped piper" tale). These are not features of any kind of a democracy but rather are exactly what enables the conspirators to ultimately get away with treason like 9/11."

Paradoxically, many of the writers of the Constitution and founders the Republic could fit into this "religious" category, having created the very definition of treason to which you refer, all of which most truthers are quite protective. Also, 9/11 and the "War on Terror" is really not a religious war at all -- it's a Myth, in it's creation and in it's execution. It's made to look like a war on Islam, but it's really not. So it is important to dwell on is how and why the myth was created and executed, but not dwell at all on the different opinions of Islam, Judaism, or Christianity, because 9/11, or the current "wars," or even "the West Bank" and "Gaza" are not really about Islam, Judaism, or Christianity, or their effect on society throughout history. That is not to say religions don't have an ugly history of war, hatred and idolatry, but IMO very little of that history is directly related to why 9/11 happened or why it is being covered up. I think that's why some truthers see this film and "phenomenon" as a distraction in getting to the truth about 9/11, because the film and filmmaker seem more intent on attacking the different "myths" that are at the core of religions, than they are on attacking the MYTH the perps created to cover-up 9/11, including myths about modern-day religions. I for one feel the focus of the 9/11 truth movement should be on the people raping us and our our government and especially those who are trying to fix that, and not the varying impacts of Jesus, Moses, Mohamed and their admirers throughout history. The original Zietgeist was more balanced in that regard, at least from the vantage point of giving context to 9/11.

A few comments...

(1) I don't see how the fact that many of writers of the Constitution had religious beliefs has anything to do with my assertion that religions in general "dumb down" and herd populations. My point is that the type of critical and objective thinking required to accept the truth of 9/11 is deliberately suppressed by religion. David Ray Griffin calls this thought barrier "nationalistic faith", however it should be obvious that there is a strong relationship between "nationalistic faith" and religious faith per se. People of faith find questions about religions to be offensive, just as American nationalists find 9/11 Truth offensive. To me, as Zeitgeist suggests, these problems are practically one and the same.

(2) I would argue that the "war on terror" qualifies to some extent as a religious war because masses of people on both sides see it in that context. Certainly Muslims, the majority of which I would consider to be religious fanatics, are going to think about this in a religious context. On the other side, I have found that Christian Americans see it as war to suppress and punish Islamic extremists. While I would strongly suspect that the war designers see Islam as a bone fide threat or at least barrier to Anglo-American global hegemony, that is irrelevant to the point I am making about religions here.

(3) Appeals to religious morality by people like David Ray Griffin, Alex Jones and Ray McGovern are effective on only a narrow segement of the population. Zeitgeist resonates with a different, intellectual, segment that is perhaps broader and stronger. When promoting 9/11 Truth, I believe that in general we want to encourage people to abandon faith altogether, question their reality at a fundamental level and think for themselves. This is exactly what Zeitgeist does.

(4) Finally, I see Zeitgeist's lack of focus on 9/11 as a huge benefit to 9/11 Truth. There already exists a large collection of 9/11 Truth documentaries and a steady stream of new ones are being produced. First of all, because Zeitgeists attacks Christianity and the monetary system it is controversial. This means that large numbers of people will watch it who have never heard of or seriously considered 9/11 Truth before. In short, Zeitgeist casts a wide net. Secondly, the non-9/11 topics of Zeitgeist will resonate with some people (like atheists) and these people will in turn have a more favorable impression of 9/11 Truth by association.

That being said, I have now only watched through the first half of Zeitgeist Addendum. So far, I think Addendum is great.

Is this a revision of the orig. Zeitgeist?

It is very different, but Loose Change - Final Cut is also very different from the first version.

Not a revision, but a sequel.

I have not actually watched Zeitgeist Addendum yet, but its parts are numbered 4, 5 & 6 while the original Zeitgeist movie is composed of parts 1, 2 & 3. So, it is not a revision but a sequel. I have also read that Addendum is supposed to present ideas for the solution of the problems outlined in the original Zeitgeist movie.

If Loose Change Final Cut is a revision of Loose Change 2nd Edition, it is a total revision. Personally, I consider them to be distinct movies, different perspectives on 9/11 Truth, that are geared toward different audiences.

Show "Zeitgeist: Addendum (A REVIEW) by Mark Dice" by Dem Bruce Lee Styles

The 'Film'

I liked a lot of it - but it could use LOTS of editing.
The first part is fine - spot on.
Then it gets rather cheesy - if not weird.
Who's going to build your mag-lev train to China ?
Who's going to be spending all their time digging under the Pacific if everyone has housing, food, and don't need money ? What's the carbon footprint on that digging ?
There'd be no need of laws ?
There was a guy sitting on a bus in Canada this summer who had his head cut off suddenly by a complete stranger. (Then what happens?)
The total disregard for 'Church' or religion is quite questionable as well.
I was brought up in what would be considered a left wing commie Liberal Church in the US.
But it's mainstream Christian in Canada (United) - One thing I can say I got out of years of Sunday school is 'Love one another'.
The myths, stories, fables,religious texts all seemed to lead back to that. The whole thing and how it's passed down is rather fascinating.
Religion is not all 'Sarah Palin' and Falwell and 'Southern Baptist' America believing literally 'Adam's rib'.
That's your education problem America.
So - Get out more Zeitgeist.

Rollin' the Dice

Dice has some good points to make, too bad he can't do it without slamming people. It would be nice if we could keep our constitutionally protected right to believe in whatever religion we want, out of 9/11 politics, whether it's Mark Dice or Peter Joseph or George W. Bush, except only to show people that the war on terror is not a religious war... and please Mark, stop slamming pot smokers and I won't slam guys who use too much gel in their hair.

After watching the film I agree there are some

parts I'm not so sure about (although I'd like to point out I'm not impressed with the unprofessional pot smoking review by Mr. Dice). Alex Jones reviewed the film on his radio show today and I believe he will do a follow up tomorrow. In addition, Alex said he hopes to interview Peter Joseph. This I would like to see happen so I can better make up my mind.