Democracy Now - Mark Crispin Miller on the Death of Mike Connell


"...We’re told that his plane was running out of gas, which is a little bit odd for a highly experienced pilot like Connell, but apparently, when the plane went down, there was an explosion, a fireball that actually charred and pocked some of the house fronts in the neighborhood...."

".... I mean, this is kind of a grisly thought, but, I mean, I think we should be asking where the body is? We’re told that a trooper on the scene immediately identified Connell. But then we read elsewhere that there was nothing left but debris and that the fireball was enormous. So maybe he wasn’t on the plane. I mean, who knows, when you’re dealing with people as deep as these?...."

Very odd that she focuses on the lack of GOP mourners...

Wasn't Larisa the one that initially said that she knew that he was due to fly to DC that night, rather than arrive from DC? I don't dig her reporting...something seems amiss. A little too eager to pat herself on the back...just like the Don Siegelman matter.

out of gas

What caused the huge fireball? .... is this a stupid question?
Together in Truth!

Connell declared emergency

Connell declared emergency before fatal crash
Larisa Alexandrovna and Muriel Kane
Published: Tuesday December 30, 2008

Pilot killed in crash had strayed off course
By Edd Pritchard, staff writer
Posted Dec 30, 2008 @ 08:40 PM

Connell was flying to Akron-Canton Airport from College Park Airport in College Park, Md., a suburb of Washington, D.C. According the NTSB report Connell left Maryland at about 3:30 p.m. and was approaching Akron-Canton just before 6 p.m.

Preliminary radar data shows Connell’s airplane maintained assigned headings and altitudes during the trip.

The report states that following an inspection of wreckage, “no anomalies were noted with the flight control system that would have precluded normal operation.”

The report also reviews communications between Akron-Canton air traffic controllers and Connell’s plane.

Connell received radar information for the instrument landing system for runway 23 at Akron-Canton, the report states. Weather conditions were cloudy and visibility was estimated at 9 miles just before the crash.

Traffic controllers told Connell he was “left of course” on approach and asked if he wanted to be resequenced. Connell responded that he was correcting.

Traffic controllers advised Connell a second time, telling him the plane was “well left of the localizer” and once again asked if he wanted resequenced. Connell transmitted that he would “like to correct.”

About 2 1/2 miles from the airport, Connell asked if he could “execute a 360-degree turn.” Controllers told Connell to climb and maintain 3,000 feet, then asked his current heading. Connell responded he was “due north and climbing.” Then the plane crashed.

All indications are the plane’s engine was functioning as it approached. Investigators said “S-shaped bending” damage to the propeller indicates the engine had power.

Witnesses reported hearing the engine as it passed over the houses. In the report, a witness told investigators it sounded as if the pilot was trying to accelerate “rapidly.”