Porn kings from Hustler and Girls Gone Wild ask for $5 billion federal bailout

Times must be tough indeed, Americans have given up on sex. Or have they decided its cheaper to get their kicks at home, with their own wives? Maybe the recession will turn out to be good for American marriages, as millions of husbands forsake the double D, 19 year old actresses of the porn films for the real flesh and blood women who love them. (This blonde is from the Girls Gone Wild website.)

I had to look twice to make sure this news item wasn't from the Onion. Who needs comedy writers when our headlines bring us this?

Just an FYI, but this is

Just an FYI, but this is satire on Flynt and Francis' part. I thought it was legit too until my friend told me to read their quotes, which, when you do, you will see it's "fake".

For example:

"People are too depressed to be sexually active," Flynt said in the statement. "This is very unhealthy as a nation. Americans can do without cars and such but they cannot do without sex."

great satire

Flynt is a master at getting publicity.