Tri-City Documentary Series presents 9/11: Blueprint for Truth - Tomorrow - July 18th

Tri-City Documentary Series presents 9/11: Blueprint for Truth.
Fremont Main Library
2400 Stevenson Blvd at Paseo Padre
Fremont CA 94538

Saturday, July 18th at 1:30 pm
Admission Free
Wheelchair accessible

As the attacks on 9/11 have continued to haunt the American psyche, researchers have increasingly unearthed hard evidence of foreknowledge and complicity, evidence that would stand up in a court of law. Bay Area architect Richard Gage, AIA, is the founder of AE911 Truth, which has signed up over 700 architects and engineers who believe that we need a new investigation of 9/11. Gage makes powerful use of video footage and forensic analysis to provide the myth-shattering, scientific evidence strongly suggesting controlled demolition of all three WTC high-rise buildings on September 11, 2001.

"Exposes the "official" story.... highly recommended to all who seek facts and careful analysis of what really happened that day."
—Dr. Steven E. Jones, Physicist.

Discussion following the film will be led by Kamal Obeid, certified structural engineer and active member of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. needs sustaining supporters so they can continue to go to architectual and engineering conventions. It is very satisifying to watch architects review this information for the first time. One thing that I got from yesterday's Washington, D.C. presentations is that the thermite was probably painted on.

911 Truth Ends 911 Wars


I recommend these discussions for further elaboration, considering some important caveats about the nano-thermite coatings. It's still rather speculative at this point, although prof. Harrit has mentioned that some of the chips seemed contaminated by components of primer paint before MEK cleaning. (Thus also proving it wasn't primer paint)

If you live

in the San Francisco Bay Area please stop by and say hello. Lets make this showing a huge success.

Bring a non-believer or two

It's very heartening to know that AE911 is increasing it's numbers of presentors.

Fantastic work!

This week in DC was a huge

This week in DC was a huge success.

Hoping for a packed house of unsuspecting people

If Not Me? Who? If Not Now? When?


we had a pretty good turnout although I was a little disappointed there were not many young people. But all in all I would call it a success. The engineer that spoke proved without a shadow of a doubt that all three buildings were brought down by controlled demolition. You can't argue with the laws of nature......By the way Jane and her husband did a great job putting it on.

Did anyone record the event?

I would like to hear what Kamal had to say.

I don't think so

but I will find out. By the way I just ran across a new video that I have never seen before. It is from TV News Lies. Just more proof that 9/11 was an inside job.