Group calls for renewed Sept. 11 probe NEW YORK, Aug. 10 (UPI)

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Group calls for renewed Sept. 11 probe

Published: Aug. 10, 2009 at 1:20 PM

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NEW YORK, Aug. 10 (UPI) -- A group of people who lost loved ones in the 2001 attack on the World Trade Center says they want the City of New York to investigate the disaster.

"We know we never have learned the truth, it's as simple as that," said Lorie Van Auken of East Brunswick, N.J., whose husband was killed in the attack.

Van Auken was among the widows who lobbied for the creation of the federal Sept. 11 commission in 2002. That commission didn't go far enough in its findings, Van Auken told The (Newark, N.J.) Star-Ledger in a story published Monday.

Van Auken now is affiliated with the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now, a group that is collecting signatures to require the New York City Council to place the creation of an investigating commission on the November ballot.

Robert McIlvaine of Oreland, Pa., whose son died in attacks, also wants a local investigation.

"It's very simple -- I'm a father who lost his son," McIlvaine said. "Why wouldn't any father want to know how and why his son died?''

On the Intimate Relation between Al Qaeda and U.S. Agencies

I have just listened to the interview of Sibel Edmonds posted above.

Once again, I find what she has to say uncompelling, until verifiable evidence is adduced. At one point, she even downplays the value of what she may know by stating that the information sought by the interviewer is in fact already available out there, in books that she fails to identify.

People like...

Nafeez Ahmed, and others HAVE written about how "Al-Qaeda" was used by the U.S. With regards to "verifiable evidence," she has repeatedly said to release the documents, release the wiretaps, etc... apparently there is "hard evidence" in existence, but it's classified.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

Information About the U.S. Instrumentalization of Al Qaeda

Yes, I am aware of Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed's work, but I was speaking about Sibel Edmonds.

As for the classified hard evidence, I consider it is as good as no evidence at all, until it is available for public scrutiny, as one cannot construct a case on classified, and thereby inaccessible, evidence.

It's not very difficult to put the two and two together in this.

She said... she didn't downplay anything in my opinion. People have written about certain aspects of it. According to her, the hard evidence exists. We have every reason to believe her. Soon, we will hear part of what she has to say once the video of her testimony is released.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

Waiting for Godot

If it is indeed as simple as putting two and two together, and if the information is out there anyway, who needs Sibel Edmonds? Waiting for Sibel Edmonds to reveal anything of substance is like waiting for Godot.

She has revealed...

Treason, drug trafficking, nuclear espionage, she has posted pictures of individuals, she has named some names, she revealed the U.S. received warnings about a 9/11 like attack in April 2001, she revealed that OBL had "intimate relations" with elements within the U.S. up until 9/11... she has revealed SEVERAL things of "substance."

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?