Truth Action Ottawa and Mayfair Theatre screening Loose Change Second Edition

Truth Action Ottawa and the Mayfair Theatre are pleased to announce that we will be screening Loose Change Second Edition at the Mayfair on September 11, 2009 at 9:11pm. This shocking documentary, which was the first Internet blockbuster, has shown millions of people around the world that the official story of 9/11 is a giant lie; a lie which has severely eroded our civil liberties and committed us to wars of aggression overseas.

Although Loose Change Second Edition isn’t the newest documentary on the subject, it is nevertheless a classic that deserves screen time as we anticipate the release of the all-new Loose Change: An American Coup. Please join us as we present the first ever theatrical screening of a serious 9/11 documentary in Ottawa’s history.

at the Mayfair Theatre, 1074 Bank Street, Ottawa
September 11, 2009 at 9:11pm

One of the best things about movie screenings...

is that you get to meet and visit with other like minded people and motivate each oher.

I hope you fill the theater. Thanks for doing this.

And if they're not like-minded heading in..

...then they often are heading out! A few months ago we screened Unrepentant (google video it if you haven't seen it already) and Endgame there. At first people were laughing at Alex Jones' antics outside the Brookstreet hotel (yelling at people and bullhorning is not something Canadians are used to, though they should try it).. but when they started showing Kissinger's quotes and Prince Philips quotes, and when they played Aldous Huxley's speech at Berkely, you could hear people gasping and saying OMG! We certainly woke some people up that night!

9/11/2009 is on a Friday, which is something we've really got going for us.. plus, LC2E is something a lot of people have heard of. So if we plaster the city with fliers (a PDF is in the works) we should get a decent turnout. It seats 300-350 (I forget), so I hope we can get that many people interested in a city of 1 million.

For those outside Ottawa reading this: if you have an independant cinema in your town, try cultivating a relationship with the owners. You might be surprised where it leads!