DC Air National Guard on 9/11, The Many Deaths of Osama bin Laden – Updates to the 9/11 Timeline as of February 3, 2010

After a hiatus of a couple of weeks, dozens of new entries have been published in the 9/11 Timeline over the last few days. The largest chunk of them covers events at the DC Air National Guard, based at Andrews Air Force Base, on the day of the attacks. Initially, officers assumed that the first crash into the WTC was an accident. However, after the second crash, Andrews learned the Secret Service wanted fighters launched. Although the Secret Service then said it didn't on the phone, pilots started overwriting recent exercise data on their flight disks.

The base's intelligence officer was unable to get any information on the crisis, but fighters on a training mission learned of the attacks during refuelling around 9:30 a.m., when the Secret Service called and said that it would like some fighters after all. Missiles at the base began to be unpacked, but the commanding officer, Brigadier General David Wherley, wanted orders from a senior official before he would launch and called the Secret Service again.

The first of the fighters returning from training landed at 10:14 a.m., but did not take off again. Wherley discussed the rules of engagement and apparently then wanted to launch planes in response to an aircraft supposedly approaching Washington. One of the returning fighters was dispatched to look for the plane, but, finding nothing, landed again ten minutes later.

Other entries about the day of 9/11 take in an offline radar, the arrival of the air force's liaison at FAA headquarters before 9:00 a.m., and the arrival of fighters from Richmond and Atlantic City over Washington after 11:00 a.m.

There are also several new entries about Osama bin Laden, for whom al-Qaeda offered to arrange a TV interview in October 2001. After the interview had been done, western intelligence naturally managed to come into possession of it before it was broadcast by Al Jazeera. We also have some more about bin Laden's health. He died of lung problems in December 2001, was buried in an earthquake in 2005, and expired in Iran in 2006, all of which makes his near-death condition in 2007 remarkable.

Despite his repeated deaths and the near certainty that, if he has survived them, he is in Pakistan, late last year Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani claimed that bin Laden was not in that country at all, at which point the ISI helpfully unrolled a psyop with the BBC's kind assistance to back him up.

There are also two more entries about al-Qaeda media releases, of which there were over 90 in 2007 and which included a second English language video from al-Qaeda second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahiri last July.

Returning to the topic of psyops, there are three new entries about CIA disinfo peddler John Kiriakou, who went dangerously off-message when he implicated the White House and Justice Department in waterboarding, leading to a referral of his leaking to be Justice Department for a coat of whitewash. When it came to light Abu Zubaida had been waterboarded 82 more times than Kiriakou claimed, at least a couple of journalists proved they had good memories.

Finally, there are also new entries about Sibel Edmonds' offer to break her gag order and the positive DNA identification of one 9/11 hijacker.

Originally posted here.

Thanks for the updates Kevin

"A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves" – Edward R. Murrow