Viewers choose 9/11 as biggest news event
Viewers choose 9/11 as biggest news event

Published: 4:15PM Sunday June 27, 2010
Source: ONE News

The destruction of New York's Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 has been voted the most memorable news event in the past 50 years by TVNZ viewers.

The 9/11 terrorist attacks were nominated by the single biggest group of viewers, significantly ahead of Princess Diana's death in 1997 and the 1969 Moon Landing.

The most memorable local events were the Wahine Disaster, the Erebus Disaster and the America's Cup win 1995, viewers said.

The votes were gathered ahead of a TVNZ two-hour special remembering the most significant news events of the past half century, which broadcast on TV ONE tonight.

One viewer who chose 9/11 as the most significant moment, Joanne, said: "It was the day the world changed forever for my generation, much the same as the World War I and II did for my parents and grandparents.

"I remember feeling physically sick as I watched people jump from the twin towers. I wondered if it were me, whether I would choose to jump or burn alive - I still don't know. And then the buildings came tumbling down.

"I wish my most memorable moment was a happier one."

Another viewer, Katie, added: "I remember my mum waking me up saying New York was under attack, and I watched the news for the entire day that day. It was hard to believe it was really happening."

Commenting on the local events selected, viewers gave a range of often emotional comments, including:

Philip, on the 1979 Erebus disaster - "Air NZ was such an icon, NZ seem remote and free from disasters experienced overseas. Our household sat up all night for updates."

Craig, on the 1968 Wahine disaster - "The first live broadcast of a disaster to affect the whole country. I was 7, living in Palmerston North, and was sent home from school early because of the storm."

Elizabeth, on the 1994 Bain case - "We had just moved to Dunedin when this horrific event happened so it will stay with me forever."

Debbie, on the 1990 Aramoana massacre - "I just remember sitting glued to the TV unbelieving of what was going on."

Claire, on David Lange's 1985 Oxford Union speech - "A life changing and iconic moment for a lot of people. His rhetoric was amazing."

The top 10
1. 9/11
2. Diana's Death
3. Moon Landing
4. Wahine Disaster
5. Erebus Disaster
6. America's Cup win 1995
7. JFK Assassination
8. Fall of the Berlin Wall
9. Springbok Tour
10. Aramoana

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it was the biggest event. It seems to me the entire world has gone to hell ever since that horrible day.