FOX News questions Govt's sole, one and only reason to justify its wars

Following some updated critical breaking news links at comes information from a real peace activist, Phil Restino, Chapter Co-Chair, Central Florida Veterans For Peace. So many peace activists I know should really be ashamed of themselves for not responding to such a reality. The peace movement has let us down in stopping war from the absurd US government bogus 'official' theory regarding 9/11/01. More than half of the population in the western world realize this, but the so-called anti-war leaders have let us all down, including themselves. The peace movement is the 9/11 truth movement, and those that shy away from this are part of the problem.

"A time comes when silence is betrayal."

-  Rev. Martin Luther King

03 December 2010 - Info Wars - Jesse Ventura
"Police State" episode of hit Ventura show
covering FEMA camps pulled from air
Watch online at above link, and take action!

30 November 2010 - Democracy Now! - Amy Goodman
Noam Chomsky: WikiLeaks Cables Reveal
"Profound Hatred for Democracy on the
Part of Our Political Leadership"

06 November 2010 - Word Press - Scott Creighton
Chomsky: No Evidence That Al Qaeda
or bin Laden Carried Out 9/11 Attack

You can watch this film Online at above link.
And it will be screened in Northampton, MA, December 30th
with the filmmaker, Chris Pratt; (click here to download fliers)

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Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2010 12:47:53 EST
Subject: FOX News questions Govt's sole, one and only reason to justify its wars

Note: Please feel free to forward this email to whomever you wish to and to contact me at the information provided in the signature box below should you want to discuss the matter more.
Hello All,
Why is it that FOX News publicly on national TV questions the U.S. Govt's sole, one and only reason to justify its wars ... the same 9+ year wars that Veterans For Peace and the other national antiwar organizations are supposedly in existence for the purpose of stopping ... and yet you wouldn't even know about it by listening to the spokespeople for those "progressive", "left", "peace and justice" and "antiwar" groups along with their respective "alternative media" ?
Geraldo Rivera changes mind on and
Common sense and logic would tell anyone with half a brain that if the U.S. Govt's sole, one and only reason given to justify its wars (from the former Republican War Criminal President Bush to the current Democrat War Criminal President Obama to whomever comes next, since after 2 years of his own prosecuting of the illegal wars and occupations we in the antiwar movement have yet to call for the removal from office of the current Democrat War Criminal President Obama) was questionable in any way then those representing the groups and organizations whose purpose for being is to stop the wars would be screaming for the rooftops calling for investigations into any weakness whatsoever in the Govt's sole, one and only reason given for their wars ... and that they would not come down from the rooftops until getting such investigations.
Many in leadership positions of the national antiwar organizations have been well aware of the multitude of questions and anomalies regarding the U.S. Govt's sole, one and only reason given to justify its wars (that being the U.S. Govt's ridiculous "official theory" explaining the conspiracy, as well as naming the conspirators, behind the attacks of 9/11/01 presented to we the people literally within hours of the attacks without any investigation or examination of evidence) as they were not only in attendance at 9/11 Truth conferences going back to early 2002 and continue to attend today, but at times were actually members of the panels and presented at the conferences where credible scientists, engineers, military, firefighters and other 1st responders, victims' family members, etc. presented and urged anyone who would listen to get involved and join in the call for investigations into the attacks of 9/11/01.
There are few, if any, in leadership positions within the national antiwar organizations who can honestly claim that they did not participate in such 9/11 Truth conferences over the years who can at the same time honestly claim that the 9/11 Truth information pointing out the many blatant weaknesses in the Govt's sole, one and only reason given for their wars had not been presented to them during that time by individuals such as myself.
So the obvious question is then, why for over 9+ years of wars horrific enough to be considered genocide do the spokespersons and others in leadership positions of the national antiwar organizations still not climb up to the rooftops and scream for investigations in the multitude of questions concerning the validity of the U.S. Govt's sole, one and only reason given to justify its genocidal wars ?  I've asked that question time and again, and it's often met with silence and a shrug of the shoulders quickly followed by a changing of the subject, and after further pressing of the question, finally the answer given is that they have determined that publicly questioning the Govt's ridiculous "official theory" explaining the conspiracy, as well as naming the conspirators, behind the attacks of 9/11/01 would harm their own "credibility" with the media and general public and thus hurt their organization's ability to stop the wars.
What a bunch of BS, if you ask me !  The media and general public laugh at us ... that is if they even know we exist.  I'll tell you who isn't laughing though, and that is the 1 to 2 million innocent brown people killed, as well as the many more whose lives have otherwise been destroyed over the past 9+ years, by our U.S. military while we're worrying about our "credibility" and how we might do better with our respective organizations' "fundraising efforts".
The only "credibility" we should be concerned about and bringing attention to is the enormous "lack of credibility" in the Govt's sole, one and only reason given to justify its wars which we are supposedly in existence for the purpose of stopping.  Anyone with one working eyeball and 2 live brain cells to rub together who examines the evidence presented by the so-called "9/11 Truth Movement" will see that there are holes big enough in the Govt's "official theory" to drive WTC Building 7 itself through with room to spare.  So, I encourage you all to begin screaming from the rooftops in pointing out the questions pertaining to the Govt's "official theory" explaining the conspiracy, as well as naming the conspirators, behind the attacks of 9/11/01 as it is still to this very day used as the sole, one and only reason given by the U.S. Govt to justify the wars that we are supposedly trying to stop ... and continue to demand investigations into the Govt's "official theory" explaining the attacks of 9/11/01 !
"Power concedes nothing without a demand.  It never has and it never will." - African-American Statesman Frederick Douglas
It's very simple, people ... 9/11 Truth Ends The Wars.
Peace everybody,
Phil Restino
Chapter Co-Chair, VFP Chapter 136
Central Florida Veterans For Peace
P.O. Box 9012
Daytona Beach, FL  32120-9012
ph/fax: (386) 788-2918
Want Peace? Demand Justice.
Want Justice? Demand the Truth.
Want the Truth? Ask Questions. Demand Answers.
War Crimes are War Crimes: PROSECUTE BUSH, IMPEACH OBAMA !
Remember ...
"When a man who is honestly mistaken learns the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or he will cease to be honest."
Watch this video as Florida peace activist tells how antiwar movement has prolonged wars:

Watch this video as Veterans For Peace explains to FOX-35 TV the pre-9/11 plans for war by PNAC:

Watch this video to see how "We The People" can end the wars:

Watch this video to see how 9/11 Truth can end the wars:

Watch this video to see why the Antiwar Movement avoids 9/11 Truth:

Thanks Jonathan for

Thanks Jonathan for


I think the challenge we meet, not being afraid to deal with the reality of the tremendous deceptions we are confronting, is inspiring, too. I hope that comes through FN.. There is a common thread in the truth movement that transcends all campaigns for truth, justice, and peace.. We are in this together.