'Suicide bomber' swoop in Glasgow

      The Scotsman, 9 March 2011




'Suicide bomber' swoop in Glasgow


[propaganda alert]

compiled by Cem Ertür

9 March 2011






excerpt from: 'Suicide bomber' swoop in Glasgow

International terror hunt leads to Scotland as 'student nurse' is held in connection with Stockholm attack

by Alastair Dalton and Gareth Rose, The Scotsman, 9 March 2011


POLICE are searching three properties and planning to interview more witnesses as a major anti-terrorism investigation continues following the arrest of a man in Glasgow in connection with the Stockholm suicide bombing [in December 2010].

The 30-year-old foreign national, said by neighbours to be a nursing student from Kuwait, was seized in a dawn raid yesterday after a month-long investigation, police said.




related links:


Background: Bomber was radicalised in Britain and named baby son after Osama bin Laden

by Stephen McGinty, The Scotsman, 9 February 2011



Targeting Scotland

The Scotsman, 9 February 2011





from the archives:


MI5: Our regret over failing to prevent 7/7 bombings

911Blogger, 21 February 2011



Wikileaks and Daily Telegraph escalate their war propaganda

911Blogger, 4 February 2011



2005 London bombings: "Terrifying pictures of 7/7 bomb factory revealed"

911Blogger, 2 February 2011

http://911blogger.com/news/2011-02-02/2005-london-bombings-terrifying-pictures-77-bomb-factory-reve aled-reports-daily-mirror


"Enemies of Britain"

911Blogger, 4 November 2010



‘Mumbai-style terror plot’ against UK uncovered

Dandelion Salad, 29 September 2010


