A New 9/11 Investigation - Coming to a Theater Near You? Hollywood Stars Seek to Make Feature Film Focused on WTC Demolitions


A New 9/11 Investigation - Coming to a Theater Near You? Hollywood Stars Seek to Make Feature Film Focused on WTC Demolitions
Written by Howard Cohen
Friday, 20 January 2012 15:11

“A Violation of Trust” (formerly titled “Confession of a 9/11 Conspirator”) is a feature film project that is willing to do what the world’s governments and legal bodies are unwilling to do – open a real investigation of 9/11 for the entire world to see. It dramatizes the first day of “The President’s New Investigation of 9/11”, with actors performing from a tightly-written, factually-accurate script that pits the 9/11 Commission Report and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Reports against the work of 9/11 researcher Dr. David Ray Griffin and the scientific research highlighted by leading 9/11 truth organizations, including Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

The filming of “A Violation of Trust” will be performed on a single set, depicting the investigation’s public hearing room. The single-set approach provides the most intense platform for the actors and the script to involve the audience. The film’s compelling drama, forceful images and real-time video clips will be woven into its often contentious question-and-answer dialogue to create opportunities for conflicting views that will be argued both passionately and in a scientific and logical manner.

The list of actors that have signed on to this film includes:

A dozen additional actors will be added to the ensemble cast.

The production schedule for “A Violation of Trust” is as follows:

Pre-Production: NOW

Principal Photography: 10 days beginning March 22, 2012

Post-Production: 6 weeks

Cannes “Marche du Film” Premiere: May 16, 2012

Release Date: September 11, 2012

For those calling for a new 9/11 investigation, the release of “A Violation of Trust” will be a focusing event. It is a front-row seat in what would be the most critical hearing room of our time. For those unfamiliar with the details of the official government reports published by the 9/11 Commission and NIST, or those who sweepingly dismiss all the anomalies and inconsistencies in the official story as mere naturally occurring coincidence, the movie can act as a catalyst for further personal investigation. It will provide an invaluable resource to more fully understand the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent government cover-up:

• The state of affairs and events the movie alludes to have a basis in historical reality.

• The scientific evidence and testimonies make vital factual claims based upon sound research that are crucial to the persuasive power of the film – and emphasize its role as a mirror to reality.

• The filmmakers hope to stimulate discussion and generate demand for a real investigation by bringing a neglected subject out of the shadows – What really happened on 9/11?

“A Violation of Trust” (formerly titled “Confession of a 9/11 Conspirator”), is being produced under the auspices of Actors & Artists for 9/11 Truth. Please visit the project website and consider donating to support the production and marketing of the film. Donate $25 or more and receive a FREE DVD.

The following is an excerpt from the script of “A Violation of Trust” in which the character of Richard Gage, AIA, testifies at the hearing.

Fictional characters in this excerpt:

JUDGE ALAN EISNER is a former Federal judge and confidante of the President who is serving as Chairman of the investigation.

PROFESSOR RUTH FOWLER is Chief of Research at the White House.

DR. ELLA SLOAN is the President’s Science Advisor.

MRS. KATHY SAWYER is a representative of family members of the 9/11 victims.

DR. SINGER is an assistant to Dr. Shyam Sunder, lead investigator for NIST in the 9/11 reports.

Continued here:

Very solid script

I spoke to the Executive Producer last night and must say I'm very impressed with him and this movie. All of the WTC material has been vetted and edited by AE911Truth.... and it will not go into the Pentagon at all. It does address the conflicting NORAD accounts and the fact that Zelikow had a detailed outline ready prior to the 'investigation' - but there is no speculation.

The movie will show clips of evidence such as WTC 7 side-by-side acknowledged CDs, and beside the NIST animations, so the audience will get to see evidence in addition to what is sure to be a riveting courtroom drama with an all-star cast. (Judd Nelson as Richard Gage.)


Employ the likes of David Chandler -- who did a terrific job on WTC 7 -- to develop acceleration profiles of known controlled demolitions for a more concrete side-by-side comparison to compliment the visual impact.

This project is a game changer.

better yet ...

show the clip of Gross Sham butchering their defense against Chandler's correction of their obvious speed vs acceleration mistake and his subsequent proof of freefall, etc.

My prime wish

My primary wish is for an air-tight script driven by accuracy, objectivity, solid evidence and science as opposed to 'getting something out there' in a hurry.

Hot dogs!

This is great!


. Give it heaps.

Support this project !

Please help make "our" movie the success we all want it to be by donating what you can spare toward the costs.
You’ll even get your name listed at the end of the film!!!
For a $25 donation you will receive the DVD as soon as it’s available.

Thank you for your support

Howard Cohen - Executive Director
Frank Strasser - Administrator
Actors & Artists for 9/11 Truth

donate here:


$50.00 for the cause.


9/11 Truth LA http://www.911TruthLA.com has contributed $200 as a group, with more to come, and I have also made my own donation.

About Time.

Thank God. It's about time. Finally some people who are able to face the truth and make a movie out of it. Time is running out for us. If we don't make our move now it may be too late.

AconfederacyofDunces, you just donated $50.00 for the cause so that Howard Cohen and I don't know who else can make money from the profits of this film. You just donated $50.00 for the cause so that the cast with a combined net worth that must be in the millions can get paid for their work. You just donated $50.00 for the cause so that those involved can get good peole to work for no money as they take the profits. You just donated $50.00 for the cause so that Griffin can influence this situation from behind the scenes to get a movie made about himself.

This is the strongest example I've ever seen in the Truth Movement of people seizing upon this situation to use others to make money. These people constantly refer to themselves as the 9/11 Truth Movement. They are not. They are the people attempting to control it to make money off it. I challenge Griffin, Gage, and all to go on the air with me and go at it.

I'm sorry, all. Hope remains but it resides elsewhere. This type of thing must end.


Thank you...

Thank you for saying that, I feel a lot better about myself.

I gave $50 'cause I support the project and I can afford it. I don't care that there are rich people who may make money on this. They can also make BIGGER contributions, but that is up to them. It does not bother me in the least that ae911truth, Richard Gage or David Ray Griffin benefit financially in getting the important information out to the general public. Do YOU work for free? If so, grab your overalls and a shovel, you've been hired.

Do you honestly think that the people/celebrities are signing on as a beneficial career move? Please. Most all are compelled by the power of the evidence; I was, and for no other reason. Will this movie be made? Will it meet my expectations? I don't know. But as I said, I gave $50... I didn't bet the farm. In addition, there are a whole lot of other 'crimes' humanity commits, not least of which is a completely immoral food system. In fact, I'll go as far as to say that the crime of 'modern' life begins with the horror that is the factory food system. Chew on that awhile (pun intended). I only throw this out because when one starts to contemplate 'what's wrong' in the world, 911 is not the only thing that comes to mind, but it is a vast crime and it DOES and can crack the door.

Good day to you, Paul, on your journey.

A must listen...

Thanks for the update!