Informing the Good People at the 8th Annual Unity Day

On September 11th, 2012, two members of “North Texans for 9/11 Truth”, Hank Black and Joe Stokes attended a Dallas area 9/11 “Unity Day” event. They prepared for the event by putting together a small mountain of professionally designed info packets which included DVDs, information cards, the AE911Truth Investigator newspaper, etc. (See the packets on the tables in photos.)

The Dallas 8th Annual Unity Day (9/11 Memorial) USA is “a purposeful event to bring people of different faiths, races, ethnicities and other uniqueness together to feel the oneness of our nation and to feel indivisible”.

Following the ceremonies, Joe and Hank passed out at least 100 packets to people exiting the event and gathering for refreshments. Muslims, Rabbis, Christians, Marines, police, Mayors, businessmen, and reporters were among the crowd, and all were very receptive to the materials. A fair number of people already knew about the 9/11 Cover-up. As an example: Three Muslim girls who were students rushed over to thank Joe and Hank for what they were doing.

Mike Ghouse, who helped to organize the Unity Day event, once had helped “North Texans for 9/11 Truth” in promoting an event about Building 7 by sending out notices to thousands in his newsletters.

As a result of the actions of Hank and Joe, certainly we will find that many more people will wake up to the truth about 9/11. Perhaps someday, the event will be called Unity Truth Day.

North Texans for 9/11 Truth website -

Somebody HAD to do it!

Thanks for posting Tom.

We need to connect with po truth Muslims and Jews

The so called "left gatekeepers" have the support of all major Muslim American activists groups. Such " left gatekeepers" should be privately urged by protruth Muslims and religious Jews( a high percentage of pro truth people of Jewish heritage are secular) to have civil discussion of the evidence with the truth movement. Help me coordinate with such allies.