Declassifying 9/11: A Between the Lines and Behind the Scenes Look at the September 11 Attacks

Declassifying 9/11: A Between the Lines and Behind the Scenes Look at the September 11 Attacks

By reading between the lines, connecting dots hidden in plain view and seeking corroboration of the alleged version of September 11 events from regional and federal governments by way of Freedom of Information laws, September 11 researchers provide evidence of not only a seeming cover-up surrounding the events of September 11 but scientifically based and thoroughly researched explanations for the reported events that unfolded over the skies of America that day.

Available at Amazon

Just Got a Kindle Copy

I just got a copy for my Kindle at Amazon. I just got it so I can't say much. It came in at $3.99 for the Kindle. Formatting looks great (not all Kindle books are well formatted.) So, we shall see; I am sure I will be pleased.

FDR Files

All available FDR files have been decoded, and the source code is public.


Congratulation Aidan on your book. I ordered the paperback today and can't wait to read it.

Thanks for the link too Jkeogh.. very helpful. Can someone refresh my memory too about the status of the Cockpit Voice recorder for Flight 77? It was recovered but damaged? Is there in any time limit for the CVR for flight 93? Is there any chance of that becoming public? Thanks again.

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"History is not history unless it is the truth." — Abraham Lincoln
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Thanks Peter and Dan

The preview at Google Books is better than Amazon. I tried to keep the book as factual and not overly-speculative as possible in order to insulate the good information from critics.

As for the AA 77 CVR, the FBI said that it reportedly contained nothing "useful" (whatever that means). Interestingly, the attorney (acquired as the result of generous 9/11 Blogger reader donations) representing my lawsuit with the FBI provided oral arguments before the 9th Circuit court of appelas on Friday. Among other records, the lawsuit seeks release of the UA 93 CVR recordings.

As soon as I can obtain an update or transcript they will be posted here.

Because the book focuses on the government's lack of cooperation and transparency, one reviewer suggested that more mention should have been provided regarding Warren Stutt's reported decoding of the AA 77 and UA 93 FDR files. Being less than expert and knowledgable on that matter, the book does not cite the reported Stutt decode. Has Stutt's work been reviewed by other comparably skilled parties? I had been under the impression that it hadn't and not wanting to invest in findings that could be later challenged and be difficult to remove from a printed work, out of caution I opted not to cite it.

Thank you

Well done! Can't wait to read this. I'm not aware of the decoding aspect you mention, but I would like to commend you on the self-restraint employed here.

As you've observed, the table is tilted against truth being unearthed and critics will emerge for many reasons other than just in the defense of academic rigor.

I know I state the obvious and I apologise if this sounds patronising. I only mention this because it's saddening when great 9/11 documentaries or books go just one or two pieces of information or interviews too far and those aspects receive the most attention of all.

Thanks for your determined efforts to inform us all.