Dugway Proving Grounds: Ooops we sent out live Anthrax Spores



In early June 2015, the Pentagon announced it may have failed to kill the anthrax spores prior to shipping them to laboratories.


This story has slipped away in the past few weeks, but the total is now alleged to be 5 countries and between 51-69 domestic labs and in 15 to 19 states that were "unintentionally sent live anthrax spores in 2005 by the U.S Defense Department". 

Japan now joins South Korea, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom as foreign country's who were sent the deadly biological samples. The Pentagon has stated that the anthrax shipments "pose no risk to the public, as the bacteria were in low doses and liquid form."



This news is released as The US House of Representatives


“We are conducting thorough oversight and will continue to do so,” Congressman Jim Langevin said on Wednesday before a classified briefing with Pentagon officials.


“This is something you have got to take very seriously. Something did not go right, and we have to find out what did not go right,” said House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry.


Read more: http://sputniknews.com/us/20150611/1023199342.html#ixzz3dHgSAsCo