This article is NOT an attack against anyone, it is an honest effort to start a conversation about gatekeepers within progressive circles setting parameters of acceptable discourse and attempting to control dialogue. I believe that this article as well as the sources I have linked make a strong case that Max Blumenthal is not a friend of 9/11 accountability efforts and therefore should not be trusted when trying to latch himself onto longtime Truth advocates. I believe it is worth asking why Max defended Abby Martin for saying the same things that he has slandered people such as Cynthia McKinney for. Once again, I only hope to start a conversation on what I believe is a very important matter.

Max Blumenthal, one of the most influential progressive journalists in the world, has officially exonerated Abby Martin on charges of "Trutherism." Max’s judgment came down after Robert Mackey, currently with The Intercept, who while working for the New York Times publicized a 2008 video of Abby declaring 9/11 an“inside job,” once again criticized her formerly held assertion. Max quickly rushed to Abby’s defense, saying that she has never expressed that view on her TV shows, and even posted a 9/11 centered episode of her RT program Breaking the Set, defying Mackey to find any “trutherism.” When Mackey responded by posting the aforementioned 2008 San Diego rally, Max declared it to be McCarthyism. Abby proceeded to like Max’s tweets, and she also failed to even try and defend the millions of good and decent people worldwide who have questioned and challenged the official government and media narrative of what really happened on 9/11. In doing this, Abby has allowed Max Blumenthal, who has himself expressed anti 9/11 truth sentiments, to slander those brave enough to challenge the official 9/11 narrative, and she has also given him the ability to set parameters on what is and is not acceptable discourse within “progressive” circles. This is not the first time Max has played the role of thought police in trying to determine what people can and can’t talk about in order to maintain respectability as a journalist or activist.

Robert Mackey, the media hack who used Abby’s 9/11 past to attack her at a time when she was facing intense media scrutiny, is a disgusting human being. That said, he is not the issue here. The issue here is the possible consequences and ramifications of the actions of Abby Martin. Not only has Abby effectively abandoned the principled stance she once held on 9/11, but she has also allowed Max Blumenthal with his long history of character assassination against good and honest people of principle to define what passes as acceptable 9/11 discourse. Max has no problem with discussion about the involvement of Saudi Arabia and the recently released 28 Pages, which puts him in the same camp as CNN, the New York Times, and 60 Minutes, all of which have given the matter extensive coverage, yet anyone who goes deeper than that has been and will be subjected to slander and ridicule from the same media sources that promote the Saudi connections in a positive light. This is similar to Max’s behavior in dealing with critics of the conflicts in Libya and Syria, which is no surprise considering that Max’s father Sidney Blumenthal aided Hillary Clinton in removing Gaddafi and achieving regime change in Libya. And Max hasn't tried to distance himself or even express disagreement with his father's actions. Whatever her motivations are, Abby Martin’s courtship of Max Blumenthal coinciding with her abandonment of the cause of 9/11 truth and justice is something that needs to be discussed, as giving someone like Blumenthal the ability to set parameters of acceptable 9/11 discussion could have huge negative ramifications for the 9/11 justice movement and truth telling efforts in general.

-Robert Mackey's article about Abby Martin:
-Abby Martin 2008 9/11 video:
-Robert Mackey tweets criticizing Abby Martin:,,
-Abby Martin's 2014 9/11 statement:
-Max Blumenthal defending Abby Martin:,,,
-Max Blumenthal criticizing 9/11 truth:,,
-Max Blumenthal criticizing "Assad apologists:",,,
-Max Blumenthal attacking Alison Weir:
-James Kirchick attacking Abby Martin on MSNBC:
-2010 Media Roots Radio podcast about 9/11 (audio is no longer available):
-Abby Martin asking Congresswoman Susan Davis about 9/11:
-Max Blumenthal promoting 28 pages/Saudis did 9/11 theory:,
-Positive Mainstream media 28 Pages coverage:,,,
-Mainstream Media Attacking AE911Truth:,
-Sidney Blumenthal's (Max's father's) relationship with Clintons and role in Libya's regime change:,,
-Max Blumenthal at Sidney Blumenthal's recent book release party:
Check out the Wikileaks archive for more info about Sidney Blumenthal.

journalistic integrity (and a thought from Voltaire)

Here are two statements which gatekeepers cannot honestly deny meet journalistic integrity:

1) There is classified information about Israelis pertaining to 911.

2) There are 80,000+ pages of classified material about Saudis pertaining to 911.

Blumenthal, Abby (whom I have enjoyed and do not wish to denounce), Maddow, Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, and whichever other gatekeeper and/or journalist in question, should be reminded of the two statements above.

Guess which of the two statements they will have a more difficult time saying publicly?

What does that tell you about who is in power?

I agree, and my intention is

I agree, and my intention is not to attack or denounce anyone. Even taking Israel out of the equation, all of the people you mentioned won't even acknowledge the scientific evidence pointing to demolition of the towers. The mainstream acceptance of the Saudi narrative to me speaks volumes. And yet those of us who go further than Saudi patsies and media publicized 28 Pages have been labeled by some as being divisive.

Robert any relation of Ryan Mackey?

"The short reign of Ryan Mackey "

A critique of Ryan Mackey's essay: "On Debunking 9/11 Debunking:
Examining Dr. David Ray Griffin's Latest Criticism"
by Jim Hoffman


Mock a guy who tries to ask about Sidney Blumenthal and his Clinton connections.

If I Am Wrong About Anything

Or if I have misrepresented anyone in writing this, please correct me. I have laid out my case in as fair and as respectful of a manner as I possibly can.