Pretext (fixed)

No video with supported format..................

Error message when I tried to access....


This should fix it:

Tampering @ 24:00

The WTC2 collapse (filmed by by Paul Berriff) has had audio tampering. Those pops are not in the original.

Otherwise an excellent compilation.


I'll fix that. I made this in 2008, there are a few other things I would like to change/add. If there is anything you know about other audio manipulation (I remember a comment about NIST FOIA videos), I would like to know.

See your email

See your email @v6y
or provide a better one.

Got it

And replied.

Fixed and replaced

Thanks again kawika. I replaced the audio from 00:24:12.618 to 00:24:38.277 with the correct audio from

While researching this, I found a interview of Paul Berriff where he describes the sound as a "terrific roar" and shows the damaged camera he used

The corrected file at the link is sha3-256 44403039f398fedfef5d63d0ceb7735af77955aaa31134bedd4568baf178a134 and the old incorrect file is sha3-256 6a8f5df3267d6927b96fc42d1ec5a9f4d5a15afe5042d71bd7e04713ff7cf5de.