Barrett Textbook Compares Bush to Hitler, Bashes Israel

10/11/2006 - CORRECTION: The quote originally attributed to Dr. Frankiel is in fact from Professor Gottlieb's essay. I have modified the text accordingly. My apologies to Gottlieb and Frankiel. - r.


With spin worthy of FOX News, Madison's WKOW has cherry picked some quotes from "9/11 and American Empire Vol. II" to make it seem like the book is some sort of anti-Israel screed. The book is far from that, and features a Jewish co-editor, Sandra Lubarsky, a writer who applies Process Thought to Jewish Theology in some of her writing. (Not unlike David Ray Griffin and John Cobb who apply Process Thought to Christianity.)

Also featured in Vol. II are Jewish writers Professor Marc H. Ellis, Dr. Tamar Frankiel, Professor Roger S. Gottlieb and rabbi Michael Lerner. All of whom make very thoughtful contributions to the book.

Barrett's contribution is neither anti-semitic or hateful. Controversial? Obviously. However, by posting pieces like this (with no byline, BTW) WKOW only draws more attention to Barrett's work, and by lopsidedly presenting specific snippets that will provoke mini-scandals here and there, WKOW hovers on the edge of flat out Yellow journalism that offers no real balance.

(more after the jump..)

For instance, WKOW could have posted snippets like this bit by Professor Ellis to balance things out some;

"At the same time an unexpected, and as yet unacknowledged, force has become part of the Jewish future. Within the Holocaust and Israel, the Palestinian people loom large, their presence as part of Jewish history assured. Seen for the most part as foreign and threatening, culturally and politically, by mainstream Jewish thought, that very definition fails to grasp the more subversive role that the Palestinians play. For Jews, Palestinians are the “other” that is within, challenging the very notions of Jewish identity found within the structures and institutions that interpret the Holocaust and Israel."

Is that Israel bashing too? How about this bit by Prof. Gottlieb;

"Any reader familiar with religious literature may at this point wonder: “There is nothing new here, and hasn’t 9-11 changed everything?” My answer, in two words, is simple: yes and no. On the one hand the existence of a world-wide terror network capable of such mad violence, and the U.S. government’s mobilization, deceptions, and threats to our civic liberties, constitute a new political terrain which require deep awareness of historically unprecedented threats, powers, and possibilities.

At the same time, however, this I don’t think we can really remember a time without moral struggle, resistance to evil, and the task of remaining faithful to a nearly impossible moral and spiritual vision. It is in that task that we find the basis of a meaningful, and even at times joyful life. And nothing that the terrorists of whatever religion or nation can do will ever take that away."

Is that US bashing? How about the contribution from co-editor Lubarsky;

"It is possible that we may learn, at some point, that there was Israeli involvement in 9/11 though it is much more likely that the principal actors were U.S. citizens motivated either by an arrogant notion of what is “best” for the U.S. or for themselves. Still, that possibility raises in me the terrible desire that it never be true, for I fear the consequences it might have on American attitudes toward Judaism and Israel. The fragile tolerance that holds between secularists and those who maintain religious commitments, the bewilderment regarding Judaism and Jews that even now characterizes relations of many non-Jews to Jews, and the complicated resentments harbored by some toward Jews and their Holocaust memories--resentments interlaced with guilt--make me fearful were Jewish or Israeli involvement in 9/11 to move from possibility to fact. As a Jew, I understand the terrible fears and desires that now inform the desire of many Muslims to distance their religion from terrorism and to wish that others were culpable."

Heresy! Professor Gotlieb again (this is way out of context, but hey, at least I'm letting you know);

"There is a strain of self-righteous violence which runs through Judaism from the earliest texts to the present day, a celebration of our physical and cultural triumph over those who threaten us or who simply stand in our way. From Moses’ instructions at the end of Deuteronomy to kill the Canaanites and destroy their holy places to the grisly depictions of Israelite triumph in Joshua to the West Bank settlers who (with tacit or overt support from “religious” authorities) burn down olive groves and terrorize Palestinians, this strain darkens the moral radiance of my tradition."

Rabbi Lerner (again, somewhat out of context);

"I would not be surprised to learn that some branch of our government conspired to either actively promote or passively allow the attack on 9/11. For those who watched the reactionary political uses made of this tragedy, it's easy to conjure up a variety of possible conspiratorial motives that would have led the president, the vice president, or some branch of the armed forces or CIA or FBI or other "security" forces to have passively or actively participated in a plot to recredit militarism and war.

I must note, I'm quoting from the same proof (presumably) that WKOW is quoting from, and it may be edited or revised slightly before you see the printed copy. The point is, you can selectively quote from the book to make the case that the Jewish authors are just as critical of the United States and Israel as Barrett. In a couple cases even more so. Yet WKOW chose to single out Barrett for Piñata practice... and that is weak "journalism".


The WKOW story;

Barrett Textbook Compares Bush to Hitler, Bashes Israel

Mon 10/09/2006 -

A textbook required of students in UW-Madison instructor Kevin Barrett's introductory class on Islam features Barrett's 9/11 conspiracy theory, comparisons of President Bush to Adolf Hitler, and harsh criticism of Israel.

A proof of the book, "9/11 and American Empire: Muslims, Jews, and Christians Speak Out," was obtained by 27 News.

The 325 page textbook draws on essays from fifteen authors, including Barrett. Barrett's contribution is entitled, "Interpreting the Unspeakable: The Myth of 9/11."

Barrett's writing makes a case for the mainstream account of what happened on 9/11 to be consistent with other myths throughout history.

On the events of 9/11:

* "The major television networks, largely owned by defense contractors that would be lapping up 9/11's trillion dollar windfall, made absolutely sure we couldn't forget it, by running the same footage over...and over...and over."

* "The obviously false 'let's roll' heroic mini-myth of Flight 93."

On the Bush administration's alleged orchestration of the destruction:

* "Like Bush and the neocons, Hitler and the Nazis inaugurated their new era by destroying an architectural monument and blaming its destruction on their designated enemies."

* "It was intended to set the American empire in stone for at least a hundred years, perhaps even to found a new, imperial 1000-year Reich like the ones the Nazis dreamed of."

On response to the Bush administration's alleged complicity:

* "We have erected a wall of repression around 9/11 because deep down inside, we experienced a powerful wave of forbidden pleasure at the destructive spectacle."

On Israel:

* "The architects of the 9/11 myth were trying to preserve the very empire they so efficiently destroyed. The US empire, and especially its Iraeli outpost, were doomed in the medium-term anyway, with or without 9/11."

* "The European Union was already bigger, both in population and GNP, than the United States, and Israel was losing its demographic race with the Palestinians it had always needed to expel as a precondition for an aparheid 'Jewish state.' "

"I'm going to reserve judgement on whether it's anti-Semitic," Madison Jewish Community Council Executive Director Steve Morrison told 27 News. "I find it clearly to be anti-Israel."

Morrison said while some other academics have also similarly characterized Israel's intentions, non-Jews can vote, hold office, and have unrestricted job mobility in Israel, unlike non-white residents of the former apartheid system in South Africa.

In a gubernatorial debate Oct. 6, both Governor Jim Doyle and Republican challenger Congressman Mark Green stated UW-Madison officials should have fired Barrett for his lack of scholarship. Morrison defended Barrett's position as an instructor, but said his textbook contributions on Israel were red flags.

"When loaded phrases are used, when buzz words of those engaged in hate mongering are used, that's something I'd like to look at much more seriously."

"9/11 and American Empire" includes contributing essays from several Jewish authors.

While the book dismisses mainstream accounts of Muslim hijackers costing lives and causing damage by piloting airplanes into buildings, Barrett has said other, required class reading will represent mainstream views on 9/11's destruction.

The course syllabus indicates the book will be discussed by students next month.

Barrett's class is offered through the Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia. UW-Madison spokesperson Brian Matmiller told 27 News Department Chair Ellen Rafferty declined comment on "9/11 and American Empire" because she was unfamiliar with the book and was not an expert on 9/11 and its implications.

In response to criticism from Doyle, Green and several Republican lawmakers, UW-Madison Provost Patrick Farrell reviewed Barrett's syllabus and teaching plans before allowing Barrett to teach the course.

A spokesperson for the textbook's Massachusetts based publisher, Interlink, told 27 News additional editing could take place before copies become publicly available.

Straight shooter

Straight shooter

u will save the The

u will save the The Europe

911 is a frraud we love u America




The right wing bloggers are out in force in Wisconsin today!

Please feel free to invade their blogs with smart comments or flood them with emails. Kevin needs YOUR help, plus it's fun to debate morons!

Here are some Wisconsin blogs you can post on:

9/11 Truth Prof's UW textbook

"Like Bush and the neocons, Hitler and the Nazis inaugurated their new era by destroying an architectural monument...."

Quotes from Mr. Barrett's text

Blog you can't post on, but can email the host:


Finally, here is another moron politician from Wisconsin you can email:

Rep. Suder: UW Must Fire Barrett Now

You can email Suder and his staff at:

Anne Emerson
Lori Van Natta

Kevin Barrett merely opposes our foreign policy regarding Israel, he isn't anti-Semitic (nor is he anti-Arab).

Don't forget to mention Building 7 and provide them a link!


I tried getting on the message boards and was blocked. Everyday with the growing and obviously co-ordinated 911 defense strategy being implemented, it sheds light on the entire opposition. The simple existence of a opposition group determined-to-sqelch-an-investigation-into-the-mass-murders-of-911 proves that something is awry about 911. Let alone at this stage where we've witnessed media complicity like sore thumbs, listened to clear responses and quasi-investigative pieces which desperately try to stear the 911 examination down ridiculious and useless roads. The opposition is real, they are co-ordinated and they are financed, and they are anti-American. Every American can realize that there is nothing to lose in opening a truly independent investigation into the mass murder of US citizens on 911. In the least it will do more for securing our nation from threats than what Bush-neocon agenda has done. The investigation will simply get to the facts. Let the chips fall were they may. Is there any American who would still stand by Bush and his gang if they were found partially guilty of the 911 attacks. Not one would stand for it. So what is there to lose? Maybe Bush will be exonorated? Maybe we'll dicover a foriegn entity like Pakistan and its Intelligence apparatus are seriously involved? Let's find all those involved. If my father was found guilty of the attacks I'd be in the front row to help sentence him. Why would anyone stand and try to block an investigation into the largest mass-murder in our modern history. Doing so would be absurd.


Here are the emails to the TV station in Madison, WI, that did the hatchet job on Barrett.

Please contact them and let us know what happens. Some of the these people are my friends and can be persuaded, if only they see the evidence and know they are not alone.

Only right wing political operatives can't be persuaded by evidence!

Tony Galli - the reporter who did the story.

He has interviewed me on TV before and is a nice guy and can be persuaded:


C&L supporters applaud censorship.

from C&L(who just got done deleting my tame 9/11 comments):
Congrats John,
I have to echo what many others have said and that this is a great site. A special thanks for not letting the OCD 9/11 trolls dominate the threads, shouting down everyone else as sheeple.

Gregory | 10.10.06 - 5:51 pm | #
sorry, i just had to get that out.

As bad as the Daily Kos.

Traitors to a shill. Don't forget to save message board contents, names, etc. Not all will be prosecuted but we have to make sure some people are never allowed near children with their crazy Islamofascist conspiracy theories!


Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


Improbable Collapse Movie

Is it just me or did those

Is it just me or did those Barrett quotes seem totally uncontroversial? I don't see how anyone could fail to see the extremely close parallels between the Reichstag Fire and 9/11, and I don't see how anyone can be offended at the suggestion that Israel seeks a jewish state when that is their publicly acknowledged raison d'etre. Nothing shocking here...

With all due respect to Dr. Barrett....

With all due respect to Dr. Barrett, this type of attack was inevitable on any 9/11 truthster who, like Barrett, insists on bending over backward to construct some politically correct, pro-Jewish response to an event that has the Mossad's fingerprints all over it.

The problem is that Zionists did 9/11. You aren't going to be able to speak the truth about 9/11 without confronting Jewish power. Barrett is now defenseless against any charges of "anti-semitism," no matter how baseless they are, because he has built his whole career in the truth movement by tiptoeing around the Zionist role and instead blathering nonsense about American Empire and Bush doing it...

If the 9/11 truth movement succeeds, it will be the result of leaders who, when presented with the accusation of "anti-semitism," simply laugh and say, "what of it?"

More conspiracy theories abound . . . our government WHAT'S UP?

Conspiracy Theories Abound as Oil Prices Fluctuate

By Steven Mufson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, October 6, 2006; D01

In mid-May with gasoline prices at $2.95 a gallon and rising, 15 percent of Americans listed high fuel prices as their top concern, outstripping terrorism. And much of the public seemed ready to vent its wrath on President Bush and the Republican-led Congress.

By early September, though, with the nationwide average at $2.73 a gallon and falling, only 5 percent of those polled said that the price of gas was the single most important issue, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll. Since then, the price of gasoline has fallen even further, now down about 70 cents a gallon from its peak in August -- with only a month before the elections.


A lot of Americans don't think so. "This has been huge fodder for talk radio," said Tyson Slocum, director of energy programs at Public Citizen, who says he has appeared on about 15 radio shows focusing on whether the Bush administration is manipulating oil prices before the congressional elections. "I don't think the influence is as explicit as some people out there are alleging. But all markets are susceptible to politics, and oil is no exception."

Generally, oil experts, executives and traders cite other explanations for the recent steep fall in prices, including the easing of anxieties about possible armed conflict with Iran, the flight of financial speculators, ample oil inventories and softening U.S. demand. Prices, they say, are the results of decisions made by people ranging from pension fund managers and oil executives to traders and ministers from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.

But the roller coaster in oil prices this year without any supply disruption has fueled conspiracy theories about why gasoline prices went up and why they are coming down now. After seeing a Washington Post report about oil traders closely scrutinizing supply and demand, one reader responded online: "LOL!!!! They're looking at the approach of November elections!!!!! Care to wager how soon after the elections a 'catastrophic' event will occur to re-inflate the prices at the pump?????"

CNN anchor Miles O'Brien dismissed the conspiracy talk in a Sept. 25 gabfest. "Some bloggers are putting those two things together and, you know, this is the grassy knoll group," he said. More-sober analysts are also skeptical. "Paranoia is as American as apple pie," says Chas W. Freeman, former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia. "This is all Michael Moore on steroids."

But politics have always flowed with oil. Here are some of the leading theories, and some possible explanations, for what is happening in the volatile oil markets.

A Favor to Bush?

According to this theory, the Saudi government is doing Bush a favor by trying to bring down prices before the election. The evidence? Some say the Saudi government has a long-standing relationship with the Bush family. They also cite the 2004 book by author and Washington Post assistant managing editor Bob Woodward, "Plan of Attack," which said that then-Saudi ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, promised to keep oil production high enough to moderate fuel prices and bolster the U.S. economy during the presidential election year.

Now, with crude oil prices tumbling and OPEC members calling for production cuts, Saudi officials -- at least publicly -- are saying they will wait until the next meeting of OPEC oil ministers, which happens to be scheduled for December. "OPEC will be meeting I think within a month or two to review these factors, and we will discuss these things with countries like Venezuela and Nigeria," the Saudi ambassador to the United States, Prince Turki al-Faisal, told reporters after giving a speech in Washington on Wednesday.

But oil traders are worried that Saudi Arabia won't wait. Yesterday, oil prices closed slightly higher on reports that OPEC, including Saudi Arabia, has decided to cut output. A well-placed trader in Europe said the kingdom has quietly trimmed its output to 9.15 million barrels a day, from 9.3 million barrels a day, and that it has been talking about shaving a bit more if other OPEC members also cut back to stop the rapid slide in oil prices.

Most oil experts say Saudi Arabia generally tries to avoid conflict with the U.S. government, whether it is run by a Bush, another Republican or a Democrat. And Saudi oil policy opposes sharp upward or downward price changes so that consumers don't switch to non-petroleum fuels.

"Saudi production levels are keyed to moderating price increases, that's true," said Freeman, who was in Saudi Arabia during President George H.W. Bush's administration. At that time, Saudi Arabia opened its spigots to dampen prices as the United States prepared to free Kuwait. "But they don't really control them anymore," Freeman added. "[Saudi oil minister] Ali Naimi can't fine-tune prices for the purposes of influencing elections even if he wanted to." Freeman said that based on his conversations with Saudi leaders in 2004, "they would have been perfectly prepared to work with someone else if George Bush had been defeated."

The Goldman Touch

According to this theory, Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. has asked his former partners at Goldman Sachs to dump gasoline futures to drive down pump prices and boost GOP prospects in November.

Goldman runs the most important commodity index, which serves as the basis for about $60 billion in investment funds. And the firm has been selling gasoline holdings. "Goldman has been liquidating its gasoline position, and that's put a lot of pressure on prices," said Citigroup Inc. oil analyst Doug Leggate. "It's a very large part of why gasoline has fallen."

Whether the sales are part of a conspiracy is another question. Paulson has said he severed all ties to Goldman when he became Treasury secretary -- and there are Democrats at Goldman, too.

Goldman has issued three press releases about its sales. In June, it said that because of U.S. government regulations it would replace unleaded gasoline futures, which will be terminated, to futures in reformulated gasoline used in blending with ethanol. But then on Aug. 9, Goldman said it would reduce the gasoline portion of its index, sparking a steep one-day plunge in prices on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Goldman sources said yesterday that the proportion of gasoline in the index has been reduced by two-thirds.

Tapping the Reserve

Some Americans think the Bush administration is secretly selling stocks from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, the 687.7 million barrel emergency stockpile stored in Louisiana salt caverns.

Normally, the federal government is slowly building the reserve. But in April, Bush said he would take the unusual step of suspending additions to the reserve in the face of soaring gasoline prices. From May to September, according to an Energy Department Web site, there was no net addition to -- or subtraction from -- the reserve.

The Big-Oil Theory

Are the big oil companies lowering prices to help the Republicans? "Politicians will fulminate about things, but it's the market that sets the price," said John Felmy, chief economist of the American Petroleum Institute.

But Public Citizen's Slocum argues that an indictment of BP PLC traders for allegedly trying to corner the propane market shows that oil giants can sway prices. Furthermore, he noted, big oil companies have political preferences. He said that 81 percent of the $63 million in political contributions made by major U.S. oil companies since 2001 have gone to Republicans.

But Slocum thinks the recent price drop isn't the result of a plot by big oil companies. Instead, he points to the flight of money invested by financial "speculators" in oil markets. "Do I think Karl Rove or George Bush is whispering in the ears of the oil companies? No. That's silly," Slocum said. "But some folks in the government sent strong signals to the speculators. Was that related to the elections? I don't know."

truth will not die unless we let it...Bush Regime=hatesAmericans

I tried getting on the message boards and was blocked. Everyday with the growing and obviously co-ordinated 911 defense strategy being implemented, it sheds light on the entire opposition. The simple existence of a opposition group determined-to-sqelch-an-investigation-into-the-mass-murders-of-911 proves that something is awry about 911. Let alone at this stage where we've witnessed media complicity like sore thumbs, listened to clear responses and quasi-investigative pieces which desperately try to stear the 911 examination down ridiculious and useless roads. The opposition is real, they are co-ordinated and they are financed, and they are anti-American. Every American can realize that there is nothing to lose in opening a truly independent investigation into the mass murder of US citizens on 911. In the least it will do more for securing our nation from threats than what Bush-neocon agenda has done. The investigation will simply get to the facts. Let the chips fall were they may. Is there any American who would still stand by Bush and his gang if they were found partially guilty of the 911 attacks. Not one would stand for it. So what is there to lose? Maybe Bush will be exonorated? Maybe we'll dicover a foriegn entity like Pakistan and its Intelligence apparatus are seriously involved? Let's find all those involved. If my father was found guilty of the attacks I'd be in the front row to help sentence him. Why would anyone stand and try to block an investigation into the largest mass-murder in our modern history. Doing so would be absurd.