
Cindy Sheehan at Impeach on the Beach calls for new 9/11 investigation on No Lies Radio - formally enters race against Pelosi!
Coming Up Tuesday, April 29th at: 7pm Pacific - 10pm Eastern - 02:00 GMT
Listen to our Impeach on the Beach Show - San Francisco Style
Cindy Sheehan Interviewed by No Lies Radio...Formally enters race for Speaker Pelosi's Congressional Seat...She calls for Impeachment of both Bush and Cheney and for a new 9/11 Investigation...

Hundreds of activists spell out "Impeach" with their bodies on the beach as a helicopter flies over to photograph it. Great enthusiastic crowd including many 911 truthers. Hear Cindy's interview, Gitmo man on the beach interview, and the sounds and flavor of this traditional San Francisco Beach Impeach Event.