
Larry Silverstein's investments are "Pulled" in Madoff Ponzi Collapse

Actor, baseball legend, big developer, some Canadians on Madoff client list

13 hours ago

NEW YORK — Hall of Fame pitcher Sandy Koufax. Actor Kevin Bacon. World Trade Center developer Larry Silverstein.

All three are among thousands of names on a list of clients of disgraced financial wizard Bernard Madoff.

The list - 162 pages of 84 lines each, but with many omissions of personal names and duplications reflecting multiple accounts - has been made public in a filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan.

A testament to the sweeping nature of Madoff's alleged fraud, it includes his relatives, prominent business people, celebrities and charitable institutions.

The list does not specify how much money the customers may have lost, nor does it spell out their connection to Madoff. Some names appear merely to have been on his mailing list.

A few Canadians are on the list, including Judy Pencer, sister-in-law of the late Gerald Pencer, former CEO of soft-drink maker Cott Corp. She declined to comment.