Leo Wanta

Italia 9/11 * CIA * Habeas * Yucca * $-down

Italia 9/11 * CIA * Habeas * Yucca * $-down
Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark - www.FlybyNews.com
December 7, 2007 - Italia 9/11 * CIA * Habeas * Yucca * $-down

”.. all the democratic groups of both America and Europe,
including those of the Italian center-left, know very well
already that the disastrous [September 11, 2001] attack was
planned and realized by the CIA and the Mossad, with the help
of the Zionists, in order to put under trial the Arab countries and to
lure the Western powers to intervene in both Iraq and Afghanistan.”

-- Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga
Quote in Italy's popular newspaper, 30 November 2007

1) Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job
- - Former Air Traffic Controller Robin Hordon speaks out on 9/11
- - Seven Senior Republican Appointees Challenge Official Account of 9/11
2) C.I.A. Admits It Destroyed Tapes of Harsh Interrogations
- - US intelligence report shows war drive against Iran based on lies
- - Two-Thirds of Israelis Oppose Attack on Iran: Poll
- - Habeas Corpus War for Guantanamo Prisoners
- - Legal Action by Inmates Could Close Guantanamo

Impotent Antiwar * Iran * FedReserve

"9/11 Truth is a very important issue with the power
to bring lasting change to our country."

-- William Sloane Coffin

Flyby News
Editor - Jonathan Mark
19 September 2007

1) 9/11 explains the impotence of the antiwar movement
- - Sibel Edmonds case: The real culprits of 911
- - 9/11 First Responder Heard WTC 7 Demolition Countdown
- - A New Standard For Deception: The NIST WTC Report
- - "9/11 Blueprint for Truth" - Architectural Integrity vs Official Lies
- - 9/11 Gold Heist Story Heist
- - Spitzer Helped Silverstein Win $4.5 Billion WTC Insurance Windfall
- - Fidel Castro says U.S. fooled world over 9/11
- - 9/11 - the big cover-up?
2) Bush Setting America Up for War on Iran
- - War Against Iran and the Logic of Dominance
- - Drift into War with Iran Out of Control, Says UN
- - B-52 Nukes Headed to Iran?
- - Greenspan Admits Iraq was About Oil, As Deaths Put at 1.2 Million
- - The Nightmare Is Here
3) World Reports and another thrilling Wanta episode as the world turns
- - Masters of the Universe, The Secret Birth of the Federal Reserve

Valley 9/11 Truth presents:
“9/11: Blueprint for Truth:
The Architecture of Destruction”